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Reiki Round Table – February 3,2014

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

Last night, ten woman and two babies gathered to talk about Reiki and other spiritual issues surrounding Reiki practice and our spiritual journeys.  For me, as many Reiki events are, the evening was nothing short of MAGICAL  It is so difficult for me to describe these feelings to others who were not there, but I will do my best as a means to inspire others to start their own spiritual round table group or come to ours. (Been to Sequim lately?)  Finding a spiritual group you vibrate well with is more important than ever as we are, many of us all at the same time, waking up to a whole new spiritual way of living.  Have guidance and fellowship to help you through this is key to progress and having more fun with it.  Please read on, especially if you were not at this event.


I’m sure each and every person there had a different experience and the same experience all at the same time.  I felt a connection, a synchronicity with each person both on an earthly level and a soul level.  As they would talk, I would connect with them on the levels of having been through what they had been through, understanding the feelings they were having but also FEELING them myself as well, feeling their soul speak the truth, speak from a higher level of being without even realizing they were.

The ladies and babies of our February 2014 Reiki Round Table for Rain Shadow Reiki.Photo by the amazing Chelsea.
The ladies and babies of our February 2014 Reiki Round Table for Rain Shadow Reiki. Photo by the amazing Chelsea.  Please do not reuse this photo without permission.


We talked about so many different topics starting with a basic introduction as to what Reiki is to the new guests, then moving onto talking about our souls and our higher self and what it is, downloads of information, vortexes, spirit guides, the difficulty of the healing journey and finding bliss in our lives in the process, plus many other topics I’m sure I’ve absorbed into my psyche but don’t consciously remember at the moment.  It was beyond fabulous!  We got really deep last night and it was beautiful, confusing and fascinating all at the same time.  It was poetic.


I can’t share details because everything we say in round table is kept private, but I can share how I felt.  I felt a spiritual community coming together.  I felt a group of ten women and two babies who mostly didn’t know each other, sharing and baring their souls and feeling healed by it.  HEALED BY IT!!  I felt elated by the time the evening was over, full of gratitude and literally exploding with Love and Light of our Divine Creator and of these individual souls.  I couldn’t go to sleep because I was so filled with gratitude and joy, so I stayed up and wrote love notes to my two boys and snuck them in their bedrooms for them to find when they got up in the morning.  Then I settled down and did Reiki on myself.  I felt the Reiki working very powerfully, with flashes of light every ten seconds or so like an MRI machine moving over me.  My eyes were closed, the light was within.  I hadn’t had that experience in about seven years, since a Reiki Master in C.A. worked on me without touching me but created a light show that has not since been surpassed.


I’m incredibly grateful to my student, L.T. for inspiring this event.  I’m grateful to all the spiritual people who come to participate.  I’m grateful to Divine Creator for all that is.  I’m grateful to all our Reiki guides who come and surround us with power, protection and support throughout.  And, I’m grateful to my family for supporting me in these Reiki endeavors even though it takes my time away from them in the evenings and weekends.  (Maybe they are happy for the break.  LOL)

So there it is.  Worth taking two hours of my evening on a school night to be with a group of people just talking?  SO WORTH IT!!  I can’t wait for the next one!  What will Divine bring to us then?  I’m already looking forward to it.  The next Reiki Round Table is scheduled for Monday, May 19th at 6pm.  I pray you can make it, if not in person, then in spirit.

Love and Light to you all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Book Excerpt – “Learning Their Language, Intuitive Communication with Animals And Nature”

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

I’m reading another fabulous book “Learning their Language” by Marta Williams, this one about communicating with animals.  But it’s not just about communicating with animals it also stresses the importance of communicating with nature as a whole to keep a balance in our world.  In my opinion this is what has been missing in the modern age.  The native indigenous cultures have long since not only believed in communicating with nature but also LIVED it.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book so far.  I’m not even half way through with it and I’m already wanting to write about it.Book Learning Their Language

“To them, animals, plants, and the features of the land are relatives; every form of life has feelings, intelligence, spirit, and the ability to communicate, regardless of form and species.”  Marta Williams

Imagine what we could do to protect our planet if we learned to communicate with Mother Earth the way this tribe does?!  A great story, read on….

“A contemporary example of this relationship can be seen in the U’wa, a tribe who have lived in the cloud forests of the Colombian Andes for thousands of years.  The U’wa are now threatened by development;  Occidental Petroleum has been exploring for oil on U’wa tribal lands.  Oil extraction would result in destruction of the region and the U’wa way of life.  At one point, the U’wa vowed to commit collective suicide if the project went forward, because they view death as preferable to watching the destruction of their homeland.  They believe that oil is the blood running through the veins of the earth.  In their words:

‘Oil is the blood of Mother Earth…to take the oil is , for us, worse than killing your own mother.  If you kill the Earth, then no one will live.’

If humans hope to survive and thrive on this earth, we will have to relearn how to live in partnership with all other life forms.  Our beliefs about animals and the natural world must shift to something more like those of our ancestors and contemporary indigenous people.  Learning intuitive communication helps make this possible.

There is tremendous power in being able to communicate intuitively with animals and nature – a power to help stop destruction and bring protection and positive change.  The U’wa reconsidered their original plan for dealing with the oil companies and devised a new strategy.  They decided to talk to the oil and tell it to ‘move’ and hide from the oil company drills.  I recently read that Occidental Petroleum, the multinational oil company doing the exploratory drilling, announced that it was relinquishing control of the U’wa ancestral lands after company oil exploration last summer came up dry.  That kind of collaboration to protect nature becomes possible once you have the ability to communicate intuitively with other life forms.”

Did you know the trees talk?  Well they do.  They talk to each other, and they’ll talk to you if you listen.  Trouble is, white people don’t listen.  They never learned to listen to the Indians so I don’t suppose they’ll listen to other voices in nature.  But I have learned a lot from trees: sometimes about the weather, sometimes about animals, sometimes about the Great Spirit.” Walking Buffalo (Tatanga Mani), a Stoney Indian of Alberta, was educated in white man’s schools but never gave up his relationship with nature.  At the age of eighty-seven, in a speech he gave in London in the late 1960’s he described his ability to talk to trees.

I pray you enjoyed these quotes from this great book and maybe have come to want to read it or even think about things you haven’t considered prior.  This book is available for check out in the Sequim, WA lending library at Rain Shadow Reiki.

Here is a link to a You Tube video about animal communication with wild animals that brought me to tears.  The work this woman is doing, the spiritual work we are all doing is precious and incredibly valuable to our whole planet.  This video is 52 minutes long and worth it.  Enjoy.

Blessings to you all for reading and moving forward on your own spiritual journey,  I love reading your fine comments, please keep them coming.

Josslyn Streett or 360-460-7829

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First Reiki Circle of 2014

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

Our first Reiki circle of the new year was filled with a great deal of Divine Love that we all seemed to feel very tangibly.  After each session that seemed to be the theme that we would talk about, FEELING the LOVE, FEELING the CONNECTION.  It was AWESOME to say the least.

Reiki Circle January 11, 2014, photo by Josslyn Streett, please link if used.
Reiki Circle January 11, 2014, photo by Josslyn Streett, please link if used.

There are so many parts of Reiki circle that I love: being part of a Reiki community, practice, sharing and receiving Reiki from others, which I don’t very often have a chance to do.  But, I feel now, the number one reason I continue doing the Reiki circles is the total connection I feel with the other people during a Reiki healing.  Feeling connected by our heart chakra cords, coming together for a common purpose with such loving intent, consistently gives me hope for our world.  But, it also gives me that reminder that we are not alone, on earth or in heaven.  Divine Source is with us, our guides are with us at all times and other Reiki people and healers all over the world are all together working for a better future for our planet.  We are not alone in this earthly experience and Reiki circle reminds me of that in the most beautiful and profound way.  To FEEL God working within you, that is purpose.

Thank you to the precious souls who participated in last nights circle with us and thank you to everyone who participates in a Reiki circle or share in your community.  If you do not, I highly recommend finding one and making it a regular practice, for you, for everyone.  There is so much love to be shared, lets share it.  JUST DO IT!!

In Love and Light,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Quotes I like- Love is Triumphant

"Proof Of Heaven" by Eben Alexander, M.D.
“Proof Of Heaven” by Eben Alexander, M.D.

From the book “Proof of Heaven” by Dr. Eben Alexander, a Neurosurgeon’s journey into the Afterlife, his near death experience.
“Through the Orb, Om told me that there is not one universe but many  – in fact, more than I could conceive – but that love lay at the center of them all. Evil was present in all the other universes as well, but only in the tiniest trace amounts. Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, and without free will there could be no growth – no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longed for us to be. Horrible and all-powerful as evil sometimes seemed to be in a world like ours, in the larger picture love was overwhelmingly dominant, and it would ultimately be triumphant.”

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If Mama Ain’t Happy Ain’t Nobody Happy

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

MamaAin'tHappy1I’d love to say my Great Grandmother used to say this to me and it stuck.  No…. no great grandma or even any cute old lady said this to me.  I have no memory of where I learned it, probably T.V.  But, it did stick.  And, in a world where mothers are taught to take care of everybody else first, this has become a mantra that got me through some tough times.  My kids know it by heart.

In the days when I still didn’t believe that I came first, I had to go to this quote to remind myself that I do in fact come first.  I am the most important person in my universe and that is true for EVERYONE!  And, it is true, if I’m not happy, my whole family is not happy.  It’s a power I never asked for and never quite knew as a mom I’d have.  But, it’s true.  Somehow, we moms became the barometer for how our family is feeling.  It’s a huge responsibility, but then so is being a parent.  Unfortunately for my kids, their mother happens to be a recovering depressant, a current invisible immune system illness sufferer and a practicing empath who feels the emotions of not only their household but the whole world pretty much in any given moment.

Weather Report for the Streett Household.  LOL
Weather Report for the Streett Household. LOL

This does not always bode well for our daily weather report within the home.  Most often, like the weather where we live, in the Pacific North West of America, it changes constantly.  If the weather is sunny, you can always count on it to change.  Change is the only thing we can count on both in weather here AND in my moods.  So, being responsible for the moods of three other people and four pets can be an overwhelming responsibility.

Thank God I have Reiki and I’m Not Kidding

I don’t know if I truly agreed to this contract of being a mom, an empath and challenged with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual illness ALL IN THE SAME LIFE, but apparently I did.  I’m here.  Doing it.  We sign up for much more than we can chew while we are in that blissful place called Heaven and all things are perfect.  But, once we get here, reality sets in about the same time as our true memories disappear.  For many of us that is about age 9.  Bummer.  We all have something that makes our life a challenge or we wouldn’t be here.  Or, we’d be on ‘spiritual vacation’, which some people are.  But, unfortunately, most of us are not on vacation.  Most of us are here to learn and we work hard at it.


I struggled for many years without any guidance as to how to do this thing called LIFE ON EARTH.  I struggled, until I found Reiki and my Reiki guides.  I’m not kidding or making this up to make Reiki more important than it is.  It is important.  It is MY true connection to my spiritual Divine Source, my God.  It keeps me sane on a daily basis when I need it most; like when the kids come home from school upset about a bad day and won’t talk about it just stomp around, or when I home school my temperamental empathic 9-year-old mini me for four hours and desperately need a break.  Reiki is here for me ALWAYS when I need it.  There’s just one trick, I just have to DO IT.

JUST DO IT (Thank you Nike for the BEST Ad Phrase Ever!)

And, here is the difference in my life, before, and my life now… I do, DO IT.  I do it just about every single day and sometimes more.  I do it when mini me is at karate.  I do it when I’m sitting in the car waiting for my volunteer time at school.  I do it after a stressful day of dealing with hormones and homework and I do it to fall asleep at night when my mind is racing more than I can handle.  I do the Reiki whenever I feel I need a break, an escape.  I use Reiki like others use coffee, sugar, T.V., alcohol, even drugs.  Reiki is my drug.  Yes, I watch T.V., and do some of those other things too, but my body is too sensitive for most, like it’s too sensitive to drink coffee, take even prescription drugs or to ingest anything stronger than red wine.  I know, another bummer.

This may not be how it always is, but this is how it feels!  We moms deserve this feeling every single day!!
This may not be how it always is, but this is how it feels! We moms deserve this feeling every single day!!

Reiki is Calorie Free!!

But, Reiki is calorie free and always good for me, and it always gives me a buzz that is better than any drug, so it’s a win-win.  And, with all that moms have going on in their lives, we all need something like Reiki to pick us up and help us feel better, stronger, like a Super Mom to get us through the day.  I know I do.  Being a mom is tough.  Too many moms are turning to unhealthy ways to get through the day and take away stress.  Wouldn’t it be great to have something that gave you energy, a positive spirit, a calmer demeanor, AND helped you connect with your Higher Power too!  ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!

Another good one to remember.  Because we are the queen of our castle.  Don't forget it!
Another good one to remember. Because we are the queen of our castle. Don’t forget it!

No, it’s not a magic pill.  But, it does help you feel better quickly and the more you do it, the more you feel good.  And, if Mama is happy then the whole family is happy.  Well, most of the time anyway.  This quick thought of mine, of course, turned into this long blog.  But, I truly am incredibly grateful that I have Reiki in my life.  Because I am a mom, I am a wife, I am a homeschooling parent, and I am a healer too.  I need a lot more support than “The Big Bang Theory” can offer me one night a week. So, yes, Thank God I have Reiki!!

Blessings to you all,  I pray you find your Reiki too,

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki or 360-460-7829

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Heat in Your Hands

By Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki

Years ago, before we had kids, my husband and I for fun, yes for fun, would drive over an hour to the valley in Southern California to go see a British medium named Brian Hurst.  (I have his books in my lending library, one of them is “Heaven Can Help.” Come check it out, it’s great.)  He worked out of his home.   One Saturday night a month he opened up his home to about 40 people for a group reading evening.  (I believe he still does this, check out his website for HOW to get in on it.)

Please, please, please don't ever attempt a seance without a well experienced and qualified medium or psychic to help you.  As well as, never do anything of a spiritual nature without calling on your Divine Source of Love and Light first.  This is very important.
Please, please, please don’t ever attempt a seance without a well experienced and qualified medium or psychic to help you. As well as, do not do anything of a spiritual nature without calling on your Divine Source of Love and Light first. This is very important.


Some people call them seances but I’ve never felt comfortable with that term.  Having a reading has never been for me like they show in the movies with all the costume and drama.  I don’t much care for that image of mystics from the movies personally other than at Halloween and on board walks while on vacation at some hoaky touristy place.  At Brain’s we all sat in fold up chairs in rows with him at the front, in his living room/dining room combo, just talking to whoever came though for the loved ones in the room.  The more vocal spirits usually came though first.  It was quite normal to us.

To get a seat to this event you had to call far in advance and only on the first day of each month at a certain hour for only one hour.  I believe he still does it this way so people are not calling him all month-long.  You must follow this procedure for a reservation because he fills up quickly and he sticks to it.  For a small amount of money (I don’t remember how much it was, but I’m thinking around $20 a person) you could go to a medium reading session and maybe get a personal reading or maybe not.  But, personal sessions are expensive and if you didn’t have the money or want to spend that, this was a great deal.  And better yet, a great experience.  I can say, it was always interesting and healing for me.

Comic by John Crowther, it's important to have a sense of humor about these things.
Comic by John Crowther, it’s important to have a sense of humor about these things.

An Uplifting Event

We often took friends or other family members, some were believers some were not sure.  Most were won over by the time we left.  Since Robert and I had already had private readings prior, we mostly went to hear the other readings.  I went to hear the stories of love and life.  You might think that going to talk to people who have died would be depressing.  To me it was always the exact opposite.  To me I left feeling better about the world, less weighed down, with less fear of dying myself and usually feeling quite uplifted and lighter.  Most of the readings were about love.  These loved ones who had passed on to what I call Heaven were coming to this man to send their message of love and survival beyond the earthly plane.  To me, how could that be anything but uplifting?

The Reading that Changed My Life

But, one night, I heard a reading that changed my life in ways I had no idea until today when Divine told me it was time to write about it.  The reading that left an imprint on my human self and gave me direction without even knowing it.

One Saturday night we were there listening to the readings.  Brian came to read a man, I’ll call him Ted.   He was to Brian’s left in the front row of the dining room area and we were to Brian’s right in the back in the living room area.  We could see Ted from the front where usually we saw many people’s backs as they spoke.  Ted was an attractive black man in his early thirties, and when he stood up I noticed he was very tall with very large hands.  He could have seemed intimidating to some, being that he was so tall but he had a very humble and gentle appearance to me right off the bat.  He was shy at first, as many are when they believe they will have a loved one  come though to them.

The deceased loved one who came though turned out to be not a relative or a significant other, but a client of this man.  He was an elderly man who had died from cancer and  Ted had been his massage therapist.  But, he was more than a massage therapist as Brian went on with the reading.  The deceased client was thanking Ted for his compassion, his healing and his friendship.  They had worked together for the whole time frame that this man had been fighting the cancer and went to Ted for stress relief and relaxation.  The two men had become friends and obviously good friends to the end if this man came to Brian to talk to him.  His gratitude for this man and his friendship was overwhelming.  Many in the audience were tearing up including me.  It was a reading to remember for sure even without what happened next.  For me, it was the reading that changed my life.

Healing Heat in Your Hands

It doesn't feel this hot most of the time, but you get the idea.
It doesn’t feel this hot most of the time, but you get the idea.

Brian relayed the elderly man’s message with tenderness as he always did.  He said to Ted that when he would do massage on his client his hands would heat up and healing energy from God would come though his hands.  The client in Heaven was telling Ted this.  I was astounded.  I was amazed that this man had healing in his hands and didn’t even know what it was.  Ted said he had felt it now and then too but didn’t know what it meant.  The elderly man who had passed, went on and on about how the healing in this mans hands had helped him though many difficult nights when he couldn’t sleep due to pain from the cancer and that after his massage sessions with Ted he could sleep again and the pain would be gone.  I remember thinking “Wow, how amazing that would be to have heat in your hands and be able to heal.”  I felt like the man had magic in his hands, and he did.  He now knew too and I often wonder what he has done with that knowledge.

Life Goes On

Not long after those sessions at Brian’s, my husband and I had children.  I was in a whole other chapter in my life and being a healer was not on my mind at all.  I forgot about Ted and his story but I did pray often to Divine Source to give me a gift to help others and heal myself.  But I had no idea in what form that gift would come, or if it ever would.  I prayed for this for years while I raised my kids and worked on healing my depression that was still hanging around.

The Divine Reminder

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that Divine reminded me of this story and how I had felt at the time.  I had felt like Ted had magic in his hands, Divine Magic.  I had thought that would be the best gift in the world and now, here I was, with that exact gift.

Heat in My Hands

Yes, my hands heat up, they also get cold when they need to, they also tingle, vibrate and feel energy as others feel a cat’s fur, naturally and often without thinking about it.  But, no matter how long I have this ability, this gift from God, I never forget how lucky I am to have had my prayers answered.  I never forget that I have heat in my hands and can help other people and that I have Divine Source to thank for that, along with the determination that he/she granted me with.  And, I don’t forget to thank God for this gift each and every day, each and every time I use it and more times in between.  It’s more than just thanking or being grateful that I feel.  I feel the gratitude deep down to my soul so severely sometimes that I weep because I can’t believe God has given me this gift. It is the best feeling in the world and it helps me feel close to our Creator in ways I never have been before I had this gift of Reiki.  To me this is my passion and without knowing what I was praying for, I got the very best gift I could have ever asked for.

Super Flying Healing Mom

Super Mom can fly, heal and teach!
Super Mom can fly, heal and teach!  Cook?  Who said anything about cooking?!

When my kids ask me what kind of super powers I would want if I were a super hero, after flying being my first choice (come on, who doesn’t want to be able to fly like a bird) I say “Of course, I’d want to be able to heal people.”  My kids say “Mom, you already do that.  Pick something else that you can’t do yet.”  Because truly, in all the world, I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do than help people heal themselves though Divine’s love.  Can you?

Anyone can learn Reiki.  Anyone can be a healer.  Anyone can learn Reiki and have heat in their hands.  Through our Divine Source and with Reiki, I can teach you.  After all, being able to TEACH people to heal is my next choice of super powers and I can do that too.  At this point in my life I feel I couldn’t be more blessed than I already am.  Thank you God for your many, many blessings!

Josslyn Streett, Rain Shadow Reiki Master/Teacher/Reader/Super Hero or 360-460-7829

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2012 in review – The Stories About the People that Made the Year Great

By Josslyn Streett, Rain Shadow Reiki Master/Teacher

Time to celebrate and be grateful
Time to celebrate and be grateful

Whoo Hooo!!  What an amazing year this has been.  One year ago I listened to Divine Source and started a blog/website for my Reiki practice.  It has been a year of learning a lot about building my own site and keeping it up, internet blogging and meeting other bloggers.  I’ve also learned about marketing and socializing on the web, as I joined Facebook and started a Page for Reiki there as well.  And it’s been a year of facing my many fears to write about what I love to the web public at large but is still not so popular with the world at large.  What a year it’s been!!

Following My Intuition

In case you do not know, I write what comes to me intuitively.  I write about what I feel Divine has put into my head.  I always have a thousand different blog ideas rolling through my head and if I don’t put them down on ‘paper’ they don’t go away.  So, I type them into drafts on my blog and save them.  Then I add to them until I feel they are complete.  Then I  send them out to cyberspace and pray the people who need to read them, will find them.  And, they do.

People’s Stories

The WordPress people have been kind enough to supply me/us with statistics below about how many blogs I wrote my first year (57), how many views I had in the first year (7,400), how many countries I’ve reached (99) and how many views I have on my busiest day (86).  But, what I remember the most when I think about what has happened to me and my Reiki life since starting this blog in January 2012 is the people.  And, I’m not just saying this.  The people are always what matter to me and my life.  Here are a few of the stories that stand out to me.  Please feel free to comment at the bottom if I have forgotten your story or you simply haven’t told me that my blog and writings in some way connected to your life.  I’d love to hear that.

People Who Found Me- The Stories

  • I wrote a little blog about the tree frogs in my back yard because their song was so beautiful one evening.  A woman in Sequim who had just moved here from Colorado was sitting reading in her window seat of her new home one day.
    Western Green Tree Frog
    Western Green Tree Frog

    A little tree frog came to visit her there each day.  She decided to look up what the tree frog meant for her spiritual life and found my site.  We met for tea, have much in common including children the same age and have become fast friends in a very short amount of time.  We had dinner with their family last night.  I’m eternally grateful for this new connection that came though this blog.

  • I wrote a blog about one of my favorite healing stones, Kyanite.

    A woman in up state New York State had just purchased some kyanite from her local store.  She went home to look it up and found my blog.  She called me for a reading and wanted to know about mentorship. She is very psychic herself but does not have anyone near by that she knows of to receive help from and has not had positive vibes from the spiritual people she has found in her area.  I’m so glad she found me.  I truly enjoy mentoring other Light-Workers.

  • A woman in the UK found my site and read about my struggle with depression.  She too has dealt with this and could relate.  She emailed me and we chatted on the phone a couple of times.  I did a long distance healing on her and now she and her mom have now decided to take a Reiki class from me, from the U.K.  They will be my first International students, taught over Skype.  AWESOME!!
  • Another woman was told she’s a Light-Worker.  She didn’t know exactly what that meant so she went on the internet to do research.  She found my blog and called me right away since we both live in Sequim.  We made an appointment for a Reiki session.  She signed up right away for a class and came to a circle.  She certainly is a Light-Worker and a motivated one at that.  I so look forward to where this relationship will go as well as her healing abilities.
  • A third and different woman also in Sequim who I have known for a while but had not told her what I did, was also told she is a Light-Worker by another psychic.  Her son and my son are very good friends at school but rarely played after school together.  So she and I had not gotten to know each other very well beyond school events.  She went on the internet to do some research about Light-Workers and found my site.  She immediately called me and was so excited that there was someone in our small town teaching Reiki and spiritual classes to kids and adults that she could barely contain herself.  And, someone she already knew!  I was equally excited.  We had both felt a friend connection prior but had not acted on it. We  have gotten together for tea, Reiki circle and she will soon be taking my Reiki I class.  Our boys are happy too because now they get to see each other at Kid’s Reiki circle as well as at school.
  • I’ve had many other people call me who found my website.  The call me asking about what I do and how I can help them in their spiritual lives; men and women alike, although, probably mostly women.  Some are from the Olympic Peninsula where I’m from and many are from far away.  I am meeting some really amazing people, all because I listened to the messages that Divine sent me and even though I had fears about doing so, I followed them.

Divine’s Help

I am constantly amazed at how the people who I am supposed to meet and work with, through Divine’s help, find me.  It is an excellent reminder at the power of Divine’s spirit and my ability to work with it to manifest the healing practice I desire for my life.  I am not in this for numbers.  I do not care if I reach millions of people.  I care that I reach the people who Divine wants for me to meet, the people who need to work specifically with me.  That is my goal, to meet the people I can help the most.  I’m so grateful I followed Father God’s message and completed the site and all the blogs I was told to write.  What if I had not written the Frog Totem blog?  I would have missed out on an amazing friendship. No, Divine has a way of hooking us up anyway.  But, it’s a very nice story of how we met and I much prefer it.  I’ll keep listening and keep writing.  I hope you read.

The statistics are below if you still want to read those.  Find out what my five most popular blogs were this year.

In Love and Light of the Divine,

Thank you for following this blog,

Josslyn Streett, Rain Shadow Reiki Master Teacher/Healer

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Click here to see the complete report.

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Artemis Protecting Us As We Prepare to Birth a New Vibration of Energy

By Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki

This message has been coming through from my guides lately and my clients’ guides. It is linked to a message for women that I received and blogged about before at Healing the Solar Plexus and Self Love.   It’s a short blog and I suggest you read it again after this new blog.  The self empowerment messages in the blog particularly are important.  The messages from each of these blogs connect to each other.  I asked my guides today, “What message do you want me to post on this big day, 12-12-12?”  This was the answer.

Holding Space

Goddess Mabon
Goddess Mabon, I used this photo in my Solar Plexus blog but my guides wanted me to use it again.

Many of us have been in waiting, holding space, preparing.  But, for what?  We have been waiting patiently for direction, waiting in faith that the answer will come and we will know what to do.   If what I write here feels right to you then do it.  This is the message I have gotten and I will do it.  Many will without even reading this, automatically, intuitively they will sit in meditation and do this.

Women Around the World Unite

Women all over this planet have signed up to participate in this birthing process much before we came to Earth.  We came from all over to help with this process.  Divine works with our grounded earth energies by us being on the planet and having a very different vibration because of being here.  Divine uses this to help bring in this new energy.  In that way we are needed and participate by sitting in space for this energy to come in, to be birthed.


Rebirthing the energy for earth
Re-birthing the energy for earth

We are all currently in a process of rebirth.   We are preparing to rebirth the earth energy right now.  We are preparing with many thousands of other women light-workers all over the earth who are holding space and preparing to do this with us.  Many of us are needed to do this, to usher in the energy that is coming.  These women play a vital role in this process and many of them have come to earth at this time just to do this.  When I sit in meditation and FEEL the energy of this group of women it feels like a sorority, which means “sisterhood.” We all chose this before we came, we chose to do this together and all are needed in order to follow though with the process and our path.  Some will chose to go home after this process and some will stay to continue helping the earth with other tasks.  Mother Nature is at the head of this sisterhood of women and she is aiding and guiding us in any way she can to help us to know what to do.  (more on that later)

Women and the Birthing Process

Mother Nature pregnant with the earth
Mother Nature pregnant with the earth

Women have been chosen for this process because it is our God-given natural ability to birth, not just babies, but energy and love as well.  Any soul can come to earth and chose to be a woman at this time to do this and many have. There are many reasons we choose to be male or female and giving birth, the experience of creation and nurturing, is one of those reasons.  It is an amazing gift because we are in Divine’s mirrored power of creation when we participate in this beautiful and amazing gift to the planet.  The ability to create, bring forth something totally and completely new and different is a huge undertaking and an even bigger blessing to each and every one of us.  Many of the women in this sorority have been mothers in this life and/or many other lives.  It is a part of our soul to birth and go through the birthing process as a part of preparing for this day as well as learning from the experiences.  We have prepared and we are ready.  Now what?

What do we DO Now?

"Mother Nature Speaks Her Truth" by Roger Kirk Nelson
“Mother Nature Speaks Her Truth” by Roger Kirk Nelson

Mother Nature wants us to all gather together and meditate before December 21 to the 25th, 2012.  Meditate visualizing the other ladies in the sisterhood in a circle together with us.  Visualize all of our hearts connecting with all the other women and Mother Nature in the middle helping and guiding us along the way.  She wants us to SEE ourselves connecting to each other, working together for this process.  We need to do this while holding the intention of bringing forth this new vibration of energy to the earth.  The more we do this meditation and visualize the other women, Mother Nature and the earth as well the more we will get messages about what else we need to do.  for some just being may be enough.  Being in a place of Love and Light and allowing may be enough.  Each person will get individual messages to listen to and follow though with.

Artemis Protecting Us

Artemis, Greek Goddess of the New Moon
Artemis, Greek Goddess of the New Moon, she looks a little wilder to me, like the photo above with the hair flying all around. But, I thought this one was beautiful.

I was meditating today and a new guide came to me to work at my crown chakra area.  I’ve been doing a lot of healing on my top three chakras lately with the help of fall head colds.  This new guide came to me and introduced herself as Artemis and also said Artemisia, which is a plant.   I think she knew I would ‘know’ where to do my research if I had both words together as I always do research when I receive a new guide.  This guide was tall with long flowing greek like white robes.  When I do research I do it to receive left brain information to add to my right brain intuition.  Here is what I got on the internet that spoke to me.

Left Brain Info on Artemis

Taken from Susan Weed’s Herbal website

“Artemis is Apollo’s sister, and Queen of the witches. She is the goddess of the moon, the herbalist, the midwife, the birthing woman, and the hunter. Artemis is an untamed wild woman who runs free with the deer and the hounds. She is the woman who runs with the wolves. She is “Mother of all Creatures.” “Leader of the Sacred Bitches.” “Great She-Bear.” She is owned by no man, and thus she is “Forever Virgin.” And the plants named after her share her qualities.

If you see an Artemisia growing beside the door — or painted on it — you’ve arrived at the home of a herbalist or a midwife, a home guarded by Artemis.”

Right Brain info on Artemis

Intuitively what I got from this passage is that Artemis is the guardian goddess for all the women in the sorority and will be with us though this change protecting us along the way.  Include her in your meditations and prayers and thank her for coming to help us at this time.  Communicate with her and get any more information about what we can do to help bring forth this energy at this time.  When I visualize the circle of women with Mother Nature in the center I see Artemis all around the outside of the group circling us, protecting us as we join our hearts as one.  She feels beautiful, gentle yet powerful.  She is an amazing Goddess of feminine power and can be called on for many other uses; animals and wildlife, camping and hiking, children, environmentalism, fertility, conception and adoption, and increasing and honoring intuition.  Feel free to call on her.  Remember to say thank you.

And, a BIG Thank You to YOU for reading and following.  Look to the right of my blog to join my Facebook community.  We’d love to have you.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about visualizations and messages.

In Love and Light of the Divine Source of All That Is,



“Archangels & Ascended Masters” by Doreen Virtue

Susan Weed, Herbalist

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Reiki Quick Tip – Judge and Jury

By Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki

Faceless Judge

I’ve heard a lot of people lately saying “I don’t like them” about another person or even group of people.  I’m more acutely aware of this because I’ve been working on this myself lately -JUDGEMENT.  Yes, it’s a big one for me.  How about you?  Would you admit to judging others?

Most people do but rarely want to admit it, even to themselves, especially to themselves.  But, if we stay with judgement there is no room for learning or love.  See, we are both judge AND jury, but really only for ourselves.  It is not our place to judge others.  Each person does that for themselves.  But, when we judge others, we are actually judging ourselves.  Every single person even animals are mirrors for each of us to learn from.  But, if we stay asleep, stay in a place of judgement, pointing fingers, we never learn what we need to in order to progress spiritually.

Pointing fingers is a form of judgement, but usually of yourself

So, HOW do we work on this area of ourselves?  Easy, with Reiki of course!

Here is a process I use and it works great.  Always feel free to add or delete parts of my processes that don’t feel right to you and add in parts that do feel right.  Make it your own.  Feel free to lovingly comment here if you add something that works great for you.


We judge so we can learn about ourselves. See it differently and it will BE different.
  1. Catch yourself in a judgement –  For example, “I don’t like them.”  Stop, catch yourself in the mode of judging.  Acknowledge that you are judging but without judging yourself.
  2. Ask the right questions –  Why do I not like them?” or “What is it about them that bothers me so much?”
  3. Answer honestly – Don’t be afraid of the answer because it may not even apply anymore.  It may be from your past or even a past life.  Most of the time it no longer applies but because we haven’t worked through the real issue, it’s still there.  “Wow, I don’t like them because they seem like kind of a push over, they don’t seem to stand up for themselves.
  4. Look in the mirror – How does this apply to you?  “When I was young I got bullied and I didn’t stand up for myself.  I was scared and did nothing.  I hate that I didn’t stand up for myself and others.  But, I’ve worked though that and don’t do that anymore.  I stand up for myself and my friends and family and feel much more confident.”
  5. Heal the situation – Now having more insight into the situation you can now heal it for you and the other person as well.  Even if you have not worked on the issue at all, sending healing is the best way to deal with it and move forward.

The Reiki Process

Artwork by Durga Lael Bernhard ,
  1. Get your Reiki started and if you are a Reiki II or above, chant the symbols that you feel will be needed here.  (I would use all three Reiki II symbols because they cover different aspects that are usually involved including the long distance symbol in case this is a past and very old issue.)
  2. Visualize your self at the original time frame of the situation in the palm of your hands getting bathed by the Reiki running out your palm chakras.  Include the person you thought you were judging as well.  (Send them love and Reiki healing, they were a mirror for you.)
  3. Hold the intention that ALL situations regarding this judgement are being healed as well, even if you don’t consciously remember them.
  4. Having new knowledge of the situation, send Reiki Love to the situation and the judgement you had with the intention of healing it, for as long as you need to.  If this is a big issue for you, you may want to do this multiple times a day for a week or at least once a day for a week.  5 minutes each session should be enough.  Do it at the same time each day when you won’t be disturbed, like right before bed time.
  5. Many times acknowledging the situation and bringing it to the forefront of your mind (out of the subconscious mind and into the conscious mind) does much of the healing for you mentally.  But, running Reiki energy, getting healing and help from Divine Source helps to heal you spiritually and emotionally.

  1. FEEL the Love and Light bathing the judgement, bathing you and everyone involved.  This process opens up your heart chakra allowing the healing to get to all the chakras that have been involved in the situation.  Opening the heart chakra AND holding the intention that you wish to heal this situation will allow healing to take place on all levels.  FEELING the emotion and LOVE is important.
  2. Practice the process as often as possible.  Pretty soon it will become a very positive habit and you will be loving everyone, especially yourself.

Give it a try.  Please let me know how it goes for you.  The HOW is only part of the process.  The DOING is up to you.

In Love and Light,

Josslyn Streett

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Throat Chakra/Thyroid Healing

By Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki

“I have hope, I feel elated and full of light.”

In general I believe in cleansing and healing daily ALL chakras to keep them clear and balanced.  But, quite often through our healing journey we find that we are working a bit harder on a particular chakra at that time in our lives.  Do not ignore the other major chakras, but it’s good to give a little extra attention to those chakras that you are feeling very strongly need your help.

Throat Chakra Indications

It usually happens quite naturally, as you will notice that all of a sudden BLUE is now your favorite color for clothes, jewelry, game playing pieces and such, when usually you’re a green person.  This is a good sign that you are clearing issues with your throat chakra.  You will also find that you all of a sudden are being challenged with communication issues, verbally, mentally, emotionally and even electronically.  The Universe will offer you great learning opportunities for working through your throat chakra issues, like relationships that need talking through, clearer communication at work or sore throats for a whole season or even for years of seasons.  Another is, when you all of  a sudden find out that you have a physical illness in a particular area of a chakra, such as the thyroid.  A thyroid disorder is a clear indication of throat chakra issues that have been going on for a long time without resolve.  Maybe you are healing lifetimes of issues.  Time to heal those for good.  If you have become aware of them, then THIS is the time for you to heal them.  You are now awake to these issues, you cannot ignore them anymore.

How to Heal Your Throat Chakra Issues

Tip: Run Reiki with and before any healing modality to surround yourself with the power, protection and support of the Reiki healing energy.  Healing comes in many varieties and Reiki can aid you in all of them.

Lapis heart to love and heal the throat chakra. Lovely.
  • Run Reiki on your throat chakra daily, or twice daily if you have the time.  (Giving this area special attention and INTENTION will help to focus the healing and thus make it stronger and faster.)
  • Journal, blog, write poetry or song.  (Writing is a form of creative communication and can be extremely healing for your throat chakra.)
  • Sit in meditation and visualize stunning clear blue light cleaning, healing and balancing your throat chakra.
  • Wear blue stones to help heal the area.  Choose one YOU are drawn to.  (Throat Chakra stones fairly easy to find: Lapis Lazuli, aquamarine, turquoise, sodalite, blue lace agate, blue kyanite, blue calcite, chrysocolla, amazonite, blue argonite, tanzanite, larimar, hemimorphite, blue halite, celestial aura quartz, blue tourmaline.)
  • Repeat an affirmation that makes sense to YOU and feels right to YOU. Here is the one I use “I have hope, I feel elated and full of light.”
  • Use special essential oils prepared for your throat chakra. (Such as: frankincense, rose, jasmine, rosewood, elemi, sandalwood, neroli and ylang ylang)
Listen to your body and your guides. Face your communication fears and before you know it you’ll have a very happy Blue Throat Chakra!
  • Pray and heal with Divine Source and your spirit guides.  (Ask Divine Source to send you the Highest Spiritual Order of throat chakra healing Masters to help you and give you guidance as to how to heal you.  Then listen. Listening is the hard part.)
  • Play with your nature spirits. (Place a plant next to your bed at night and ask Divine Source to send healing fairies to help heal your throat chakra.  When you ask, they will come. )
  • Listen to your body.  Most of all, listen to your body and when those learning situations come up in life, don’t back down, use them as an opportunity to expand and heal yourself.  Face your fears.  Soon enough you will move onto another color and another chakra, one at a time.  That’s how it’s done.

In Love and Light,

Josslyn Streett or 360-460-7829