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Reiki Through the Back Door

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master for Rain Shadow Reiki

Reiki Ideas for Reiki Healing Students 

I’ve had a series of clients lately who consciously come to me and want help but subconsciously have blocks up to protect themselves.  You can often tell these people when they are on your table.  Often they leave their eyes open the entire time where other clients close their eyes soon after getting on the table.  Or they will close their eyes but you can tell that these clients do not go to a deep level of relaxation at all and maybe try to keep you in conversation with them much of the time.   Or you can just tell they are not relaxed and having a hard time even closing their eyes and staying on the table.  I can FEEL the tension in them.  Often it feels like they want to jump off of the table and run out the door.  Sometimes it feels like they are trying so hard to hold on to what they truly want to release and this causes tension in them.  Change is stressful for most of us, asking for change can be even more stressful.

If you feel lost at anytime, as your Reiki guides for help.
If you feel lost at anytime, ask your Reiki guides for help.

This usually indicates a high level of a need to control their environment for fear or trust reasons.  It is ok.  Reiki can help with that.  It will just take a little more time and sometimes different techniques than you learn in Reiki I or II.  This is the kind of technique you usually learn from your guides with lots of practical experience.  That is who I have learned it from and I’m going to give you some tips here as to what they have told me to do.

Chances are, if you read this, you’ll get a chance to practice it on a client very soon.


Reiki will help any condition, I believe, if given proper time.  The healing journey is a journey, it takes time for most people.  Some people take many years, many lifetimes building up these fears and trust issues, it will take some time to break them down in a safe and trusting manner as well.  If this client has come to you for help, at least they know they need and want help.  That is the first step.  The second step is making sure they feel safe enough to come back.  If we do anything to invade their protective space during the healing session then they may not come back and that is not what we want.  Sometimes we need to back off with this type of client and give them space to heal themselves with the Reiki leading the way.  This quite often has worked well with my clients.  But, at the same time, if they do not feel better, feel some kind of results, they may not come back.  It is critical to not be afraid of any of these outcomes and just TRUST in the Reiki and that it will do exactly what it is supposed to do to help this person TODAY.  Trust in the Reiki and trust in your guides to help you and show you or tell you what needs to be done to help them.

Heart Chakra Case

I recently had a client whose heart chakra was dangerously shut down to a point where I could not feel any movement at all.  I could FEEL the tight constriction in his chest so tight that it was making ME feel ill and I couldn’t handle the discomfort.  I raised my hands off of his chest and up above but that still wasn’t enough.  I knew that if his chakra stayed this way too long he would be in danger of physical illness, such as; heart attack, cutting off his ability to love or be loved.  Our heart chakra is of utmost importance because it is the go-between of all the major chakras.  It is the interface between our upper and lower chakras and if it is clogged up it’s difficult to get any of the others healthy and balanced.  So, I knew I needed something to help him and fast.  In this session I just felt I needed to get his chakra open a bit and moving.  I asked my guides for their help and they gave me a visual to follow.  Here is what they had me do.  Plus, here are other ideas that my guides have given me when I’ve been in a tough spot.  Ask your guides for help and check with what feels right for your client.BackDoorSpiralStaircase

Reiki Back Doors

Go in the back door.  There are multiple ways to do this.  Try them in this order but it is always best to follow your intuition.  If the first one does not work then try the next one and so on.  Please ask your Reiki guides to help you with this process for each individual client:

  1. Back off psychically. Turn off the psychic information and just let the Reiki do its work.  You may even need to turn off your conscious mind, go deep in trance and just let the Reiki flow without your ego or left brain involved.  Practice this.
  2. Talk to your client very gently, explaining what is going on and letting them know that their help would be great at this point. Have them set the intention in their minds that their chakra open and they allow the Reiki energy in to heal them.  The client came to you for a reason, get them involved in their healing.  Quite often this is enough.
  3. Ask Divine Source to send help – in the Highest and most Sacred Order of Reiki guides, healing guides and angels to help this person so you don’t have to work so hard.  Remember, it is not about you, it is about them and doing the highest good for them.  Get your ego out of the way and refocus on the Reiki healing that is taking place, it is all in Divine order.
  4. Run Reiki on their subconscious mind with the intention that the greatest healing the client needs will take place here.  Run it for a while until you FEEL that the client trusts you and you can move back to their heart chakra.  (Or whatever chakra it is that is blocked.)  If you are a Reiki II use the Long Distance symbol and the Mental/Emotional healing symbol to aid this subconscious work.  Then move back to the chakra you were working on.
  5. If you are a Reiki Master/Teacher work with your Master symbol (R) to separate the client from the situation and/or the NGZ symbol to break up blockages.  One or both of these symbols may help the client’s subconscious mind to take a back seat and allow the Reiki in.
  6. Give them space, move back away from them physically and either do long distance Reiki on them or just run gentle Reiki on their aura.  Quite often this will allow them to feel it is on their terms, their choice and then they will open up to the healing being offered.
  7. Go in the back door.  This is what my guides showed me to do for this heart chakra client.  Literally lay under the massage table and run the Reiki into the back side of their heart chakra to get their heat chakra moving again.  This worked for my particular client really well.  Sometimes going in the back allows the Reiki to flow in easier and without the subconscious blockages that the client has on their front side.  Remember every client is different.  Ask your guides what will work best for yours.  In very important situations like this one, this can work well.  Not a first line though.  Check with your guides so that you are not invading or disrespecting your client’s personal space.

    Confused?  Stuck?  ASK YOUR REIKI GUIDES FOR HELP!!

Deep Issues

Many of these issues are deep because the client has pushed them down in denial for a very long time and past life issues that have stuck around because they never dealt with them.  The client will not remember them or even be aware of them.  The Reiki will help to bring them to the surface when the client is ready, heal them and move them out.  This process again takes time and it may take this client multiple sessions before they really start relaxing on the table.  It is critical that YOU as the Reiki Practitioner has total Trust and Faith that the Reiki will do it’s job, and it will.  

Your trust and faith in the Reiki’s abilities will translate energetically to the client’s energy and they will be much more likely to stick with the sessions and believe they can help them.  If we truly believe, they will too.  It’s all energy, it all translates in understanding.

In Love and Light of our Divine Source,

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher or 360-460-7829

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Humility as Nothing to Defend by Jeff Foster

Humility as Nothing to Defend

By Jeff Foster

I find truth in anything anyone ever says about me, so nobody can be my enemy.
Call me a fraud, I can find it. Call me a liar, I can find it. Call me a failure, I can find it.
Call me unreasonable, irresponsible, ignorant, deluded, full of ego, totally unenlightened,
the worst being in the world, I can find all of it.
As consciousness, I can find anything.
Like you, I have nothing to hide, nothing to lose, and no image to protect.
Every possible facet of human experience is available here.
This is truly the end of war.
It is the end of protecting and defending a mirage called ‘me’.
So, next time you get triggered by something someone says to you or about you,
ask yourself this: “What am I defending?”
This inquiry is the key to unimaginable peace.
Deep gratitude to anyone who has ever given me any kind of feedback.

More about Jeff Foster 

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Reiki Quick Tip – Judge and Jury

By Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki

Faceless Judge

I’ve heard a lot of people lately saying “I don’t like them” about another person or even group of people.  I’m more acutely aware of this because I’ve been working on this myself lately -JUDGEMENT.  Yes, it’s a big one for me.  How about you?  Would you admit to judging others?

Most people do but rarely want to admit it, even to themselves, especially to themselves.  But, if we stay with judgement there is no room for learning or love.  See, we are both judge AND jury, but really only for ourselves.  It is not our place to judge others.  Each person does that for themselves.  But, when we judge others, we are actually judging ourselves.  Every single person even animals are mirrors for each of us to learn from.  But, if we stay asleep, stay in a place of judgement, pointing fingers, we never learn what we need to in order to progress spiritually.

Pointing fingers is a form of judgement, but usually of yourself

So, HOW do we work on this area of ourselves?  Easy, with Reiki of course!

Here is a process I use and it works great.  Always feel free to add or delete parts of my processes that don’t feel right to you and add in parts that do feel right.  Make it your own.  Feel free to lovingly comment here if you add something that works great for you.


We judge so we can learn about ourselves. See it differently and it will BE different.
  1. Catch yourself in a judgement –  For example, “I don’t like them.”  Stop, catch yourself in the mode of judging.  Acknowledge that you are judging but without judging yourself.
  2. Ask the right questions –  Why do I not like them?” or “What is it about them that bothers me so much?”
  3. Answer honestly – Don’t be afraid of the answer because it may not even apply anymore.  It may be from your past or even a past life.  Most of the time it no longer applies but because we haven’t worked through the real issue, it’s still there.  “Wow, I don’t like them because they seem like kind of a push over, they don’t seem to stand up for themselves.
  4. Look in the mirror – How does this apply to you?  “When I was young I got bullied and I didn’t stand up for myself.  I was scared and did nothing.  I hate that I didn’t stand up for myself and others.  But, I’ve worked though that and don’t do that anymore.  I stand up for myself and my friends and family and feel much more confident.”
  5. Heal the situation – Now having more insight into the situation you can now heal it for you and the other person as well.  Even if you have not worked on the issue at all, sending healing is the best way to deal with it and move forward.

The Reiki Process

Artwork by Durga Lael Bernhard ,
  1. Get your Reiki started and if you are a Reiki II or above, chant the symbols that you feel will be needed here.  (I would use all three Reiki II symbols because they cover different aspects that are usually involved including the long distance symbol in case this is a past and very old issue.)
  2. Visualize your self at the original time frame of the situation in the palm of your hands getting bathed by the Reiki running out your palm chakras.  Include the person you thought you were judging as well.  (Send them love and Reiki healing, they were a mirror for you.)
  3. Hold the intention that ALL situations regarding this judgement are being healed as well, even if you don’t consciously remember them.
  4. Having new knowledge of the situation, send Reiki Love to the situation and the judgement you had with the intention of healing it, for as long as you need to.  If this is a big issue for you, you may want to do this multiple times a day for a week or at least once a day for a week.  5 minutes each session should be enough.  Do it at the same time each day when you won’t be disturbed, like right before bed time.
  5. Many times acknowledging the situation and bringing it to the forefront of your mind (out of the subconscious mind and into the conscious mind) does much of the healing for you mentally.  But, running Reiki energy, getting healing and help from Divine Source helps to heal you spiritually and emotionally.

  1. FEEL the Love and Light bathing the judgement, bathing you and everyone involved.  This process opens up your heart chakra allowing the healing to get to all the chakras that have been involved in the situation.  Opening the heart chakra AND holding the intention that you wish to heal this situation will allow healing to take place on all levels.  FEELING the emotion and LOVE is important.
  2. Practice the process as often as possible.  Pretty soon it will become a very positive habit and you will be loving everyone, especially yourself.

Give it a try.  Please let me know how it goes for you.  The HOW is only part of the process.  The DOING is up to you.

In Love and Light,

Josslyn Streett

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Congratulations New Reiki Kids!!

By Josslyn Streett

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to our six new Reiki kids!

Saturday we had another Kids Reiki class.  Six children and their Reiki adults celebrated Divine Source Energy by learning about Reiki, the history of hands on healing and Reiki, Reiki spirit guides and animal guides, feeling energy, meditation, chakras, auras and much more.  Thank you to Tim, Jerica, Josiah, Lilly, Kayella and Makena for being so brave and loving as they learned something totally new.

Reiki kids excited about Reiki history!

Divine Source, God, Great Spirit and much more

We started the day talking about all the different names there are around the world for God and how they need to trust their own intuition to know what name feels right to them and their families.  The kids did their very first meditation to find their safe place and then each one shared what their safe place looked like to them.  Many of them saw power animals and spirit guides at their safe place.  I was encouraged with how well they did for their first time and how much they seemed to enjoy it.

The Reiki kids wrapped colored bandanas all around Amy to learn the location and color of each of the seven major chakras.

Chakra Rainbows

During our chakra and aura lesson we learned about the healing effects of color and how their energy is a rainbow of colors.  As an example we wrapped colored bandanas around my special Reiki helper, Amy Meyers, to show them the colors of each chakra and the placement.  It was a blast.

Magic Eye Art Project

Jerica with her magic eye art, beautiful!

While I did the individual attunements my Reiki assistants, Amy Meyers and Lauren Holloway both led a Magic Eye art project.  The kids made an almost, full sized mirror image of themselves using their magic eyes.  They closed their eyes to ‘see’ what they look like energetically and then created it on a large piece of paper with glitter, stickers, cut out pieces of paper, tissue paper, crayons and more.  As you can see from the photos they were extremely creative as well as intuitive.

Reiki I Attunements

While the kids worked on the art projects I was in the Reiki room doing attunements and Reiki guide readings.  Each child choose to be attuned to Reiki and each one had a different experience during the attunement.  Some felt tingles, some felt heat, some felt flowing or rocking movement while they were being attuned and some said they just felt love.  I appreciate how everyone feels and reacts to the energy differently.

Makena loves elephants and saw them as her power animal

Every attunement is different for me as well.  With some the energy comes in fast and ready like the child, some comes in slow and hesitant, others calm and peaceful, others come in happy and joyful, but each one feels full of love and creates a very humble feeling of gratitude in me.  I often tear up or even cry because I feel so incredibly grateful that Divine Source has entrusted this mission to me.  I feel so small in comparison and yet so spiritually powerful at the same time.  It is the most amazing feeling to give a Reiki attunement and especially to children.

With children I can often see or feel the immenseness of the ‘mission’ they have ahead of them in this life and feel how spiritually powerful THEY are.  These kids are amazing.  They have a big purpose in this life and a lot to do to prepare themselves.  I feel genuinely honored to be a small part of teaching these children about energy, our Divine and spiritual guides so they hopefully never lose that sense of wonder and that belief that miracles really are possible.  They will so need that as they grow up in this world and doing their best to create positive change.  It’s a huge calling and each time I do an attunement on a child, I am reassured that we are in good hands, that they are truly ready for this task ahead. A truly brilliant feeling.  Working with these amazing kids helps my faith grow each and every time.  What a blessing.

Kayella with her magic eye art, she saw birds as her power animal.

Feeling the Energy

After the attunement we practice FEELING the energy and healing with the Reiki.  Each child and adult makes an energy ball in their hands until they can feel the pressure of something there, something between their hands that is invisible but tangible at the same time.  Some say it feels hot, some tingly, some like a worm crawling in their fingers, but they all feel it.  Then we combine our energy balls and the children took turns standing in the middle of them inside one huge ball of Reiki.  That is always a highlight.  Sometimes we sing beautiful songs to help the energy feel stronger.  The more joy you feel the more the energy runs and the more likely you are to feel it on your body.  This is one of the kids favorite exercises and we do it as often as we can at Kids Reiki circle.

Perfect End to a Perfect Day

Each child receives a Reiki I certificate just like my adult students do but the kids’ certificates have gold stars on them. They are cool!

We handed out the certificates and the kids went home.  I always remind the Reiki adults that it is up to them to continue the Reiki training at home and support their Reiki kid by practicing with them as well as bringing them back once a month to Kids Reiki Circle.  Reinforcement and practice is key to each Reiki kid being confident in their practice and learning of energy.  I’m so excited to see where each of these kids go with their Reiki path.  The options are endless.

Love and Light to all of you wonderful Reiki kids, their parents and my Reiki helpers.  Thank you to each of you for entrusting me to this very important task!

If you are interested in your child taking a Kids’ Reiki class in the Sequim, WA area please call or email me and we’ll plan a class together.  If you are not in the Olympic Peninsula area but want to find a Kids’ Reiki class try Barbara McKells‘ website or talk to a Reiki Master in your area about starting a kids class.  Spread the word that Reiki and Kids go together better than peanut butter and jelly! or 360-460-7829

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher and mom to two boys and a whole world of children

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Reiki Quick Tip – Find “Lost” Items

When you lose something you love it’s frustrating and can often be quite expensive if you feel you need to replace it.  It can also be frustrating and time-consuming if it’s something like your car keys and you are late for an appointment.  Sometimes we no longer needed the item and it was time to say goodbye anyway.  However, that can be a challenge of its own, letting go.  Maybe WE don’t feel it was time to say goodbye to that item.  Maybe WE still wanted that item.

“No, I Wanted That!”

I had this happen years ago with a ring that my husband had given to me BEFORE I had Reiki in my life.  Luckily it was not an expensive ring but it was dear to me and I wanted to keep it.  For about a year I’d been having difficulty wearing it.  My skin had suddenly started  peeling and flaking under the gold band.  I would take it off at night and do all sorts of lotions and oils to help but it just continued.  My body had created an allergy to the fillers in the gold is what I was told.      But I didn’t want to stop wearing the ring my husband had given me.  So I kept wearing it.  One day, I took the ring off to put lotion on.  When I came back to the room, it was gone and has been gone ever since.   I searched and searched and searched.  I never found the ring.  We checked the plumbing, no where.  Now, looking back, I see the signs.  The ring was no longer vibrating with who I was but I didn’t listen.

“Really, Another Life Lesson? When Will They STOP!?”

In most situations in life, even losing our keys, there is a lesson we need to learn.   Maybe we need to learn to detach from material things.  Maybe we need to learn to listen to our bodies as to what is no longer good for us.  Maybe we need to allow ourselves to let go of a person, relationship or situation!?  Maybe we need to slow down, take more care in our daily activities and not try to do too much at once (Uh huh, lost your keys lately? LOL) .  Maybe we are out of balance with our environment and we need to listen to it.  Listening is the first step to finding a lost item that has importance to you.

Steps to Finding a Lost Item

Quite often, if we calm down, listen and learn from a lost item, it is our best chance to be brought back to it. Here are the steps I take with Reiki help, if I want to find a lost item that has meaning to me.

Sometimes this is a quick process and other times it will take more effort.  It’s up to you to decide which is needed depending upon what you are trying to find.

  1. First, calm down.  Do some deep breathing if need be.  Your mind must be calm in order to receive Highest Guidance.
  2. Listen to the situation.  Any Reiki level can do this.  Do your gassho, sit in meditation or for a quickie,  hold intention while you are showering that you will receive information about the situation with your lost item to help you understand what is going on.  I do some of my best intuitive work in the shower with the water flowing over my crown chakra.  (Always ask Divine Source to be with you when you do any spiritual work.)
  3. Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror, so to speak, and face the issue you are dealing with.  (For instance, for me and my ring, I was not listening to what was best for my body AND I was not willing to detach from a material object emotionally or physically.)
  4. Take action.  When you get an insight as to what the issue is with the lost item, take action to change the situation before the universe does it for you.  The universe will always find a way to balance itself, even if you won’t.
  5. Then you can start looking for the item you have lost.
  6. Sit in Gassho, prayer position, to connect to the Reiki and set intentions.  Bring in your Reiki guides of the Highest Order.
  7. Use the long distance Reiki II symbol (HSZSN) OR if you are Reiki I, the intention of finding the lost object.  If you feel there is an emotional component to the item add the Mental/Emotional Symbol (SHK) as well.    Hold the intention that the Reiki is finding the lost object AND healing your issue at the same time.
  8. Trust in Divine Source to find it for you when you least expect it or to give you a mental message or image as to where to look for it.
  9. Give it time to be found or for you to get a message.  Repeat in a few days to repeat your intention to Divine if you do not find it when you want to.
  10. If you do not find it, it was no longer yours.  Harsh, but true.

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Spiritual Children’s Book Review – “Cassandra’s Angel”

Today I have read one of my favorite spiritual children’s books, “Cassandra’s Angel” written by Gina Otto, illustrated by Trudy Joost and published by Illumination Arts Publishing.  Please check out Illumination Arts Publishing for they publish many wonderful spiritual books for children which can be hard to find when you want them.

Book cover

Children’s self-images are strongly influenced by the attitudes and beliefs of their parents, teachers and peers.  Unfortunately, these beliefs often become negative stories that can impact children for life.  This powerful tale helps children to perceive these stories in a different light.

Cassandra’s Angel is about a little girl who is very precocious and creative, so much so that she doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere.  People all around her in her life tell her she is not good enough in different ways.  They think they are doing the best for her but truly they are hurting her mentally and emotionally.  Even the best parents do this at times.  Plus, our kids are bombarded by these attitudes at school by other kids, teachers, aids and principals.  We cannot always control the actions of others towards our children but we can help our children to think for themselves and not take in everything that others say as truth.

Cassandra meets her angel

As one reads the book, Cassandra’s Angel, it is an excellent reminder for us parents and caregivers about how we speak to our children and how much our words and attitudes truly do affect them. But, by reading this book with them, allowing a lot of conversation and interaction, it gives us a chance to talk openly about these issues and maybe even apologize for those times when we have done this.  We can talk about what kinds of situations, stressful ones mainly, that would cause someone to say hurtful things to others.  It give us a chance to help them feel good about themselves and talk openly about the “scripts” that others try to put on them.

Cassandra is told by the other kids that she is too different for them to play with her.

The more you read this book with your child, I believe, the more help it will do, them and you.  As I loan this book out to my clients or students with kids I continually hear what a positive influence it has been for them and their children.  The book has a very happy ending with Cassandra’s guardian angel coming to talk to her.  I love the poem the angel has to help Cassandra with her self-confidence.  Also, the illustrations are beautiful, engaging and keep the children’s and adults interest.  The faces were intriguing to me and I found myself looking back at some of them again and again to investigate their expressions.  Very beautiful book in the visuals, the poetry and the moral of the story all put together.

Children's Author, Gina Otto

If you are close by you may want to borrow the book from me to see if your child vibrates well with it.  But, overall, this is one book I recommend having in your library to read continuously.  Our children are around this kind of talk by others so often that the book and the message will need to be repeated often, both for them and for YOU as the parent.

I give this book 5 of 5 STARS!

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Frog Totem

One of the many aspects of living in the Pacific North West that I am so enamored with is hearing the frogs in the spring time.  (I’m sure this happens other places but not where I lived before) We have a creek and a pond in our backyard and every year in the spring we are honored by the pleasing symphony of the frogs song.  I heard them last night for the first time this spring, the night before the new moon, and I remembered once again, how much they help me to connect to the earth and her cycles of seasons, change and growth.

When I was a little girl in Southern California I used to fill up my dad’s wheel barrow with dirt, plants, water and sticks to make a habitat for the frogs and toads I’d find.  I thought I was helping them, of course, by making them this nice safe place to live.  I’d get my Noah’s ark that I’d collected piece by piece from Arco service stations and add that to the scene for fun.  I spent hours, days playing this way.  I’d let them go at the end of the day because as most moms do, mine told me I had to.  In my memories I spent a great deal of time playing with my arc and the frogs.  I’d forgotten until I moved up here how much I was fascinated by frogs when I was a kid.  I guess that’s true for a lot of people, as we get older, go to school, then college or a job, we lose touch with some of the nature we treasured as a child.  Moving to the Olympic Peninsula has helped me to get some of that admiration back.  I don’t have to fly or travel to nature, it’s right here in my yard again, all around me wherever I go here.

Western Green Tree Frog

It always amazes me how the frogs  all start-up their earthly singing at the same time with one little guy or gal leading the way, then end all at the same time.  Robert and I sit up in bed listening, enjoying the natural melodic hum of their reverberations.  In spiritual circles it is said that frogs are the pulse of the earth.  That they feel the energy from the earth and through their night sounds are relaying to us what is going on with the weather, with the earth and even with us.  When doing research on frogs I read stories such as in China, where a huge frog migration was seen as a bad omen by many of the local people.  The government told them it was a normal propagation migration.  Seven days later they had a large earthquake and thousands of people were killed.  When civilians were angered by the scientists not being able to predict the earthquake,as the frogs did, Chinese scientists stated that animals have a much better sense of detecting natural disasters.

Original art by Sue Coccia at Earth Art International in Edmonds, Washington

In Feng Shui it is said that a family of frogs living in your garden will bring good luck to your home and it’s occupants.  In Chinese culture frogs and toads are symbols of immortality, healing, money, the moon and frivolity.  In the North West Coast People’s beliefs frogs are considered good luck as well and it is not considered wise to demean or injure them.  And they have native stories about little children who have done this with negative repercussions.  In the Bible many of the stories of frogs speak of them being unclean, dangerous spirits and not to be trusted.  I liked this Hebrew translation of the stories of frogs from the Bible that I read on this website best.  You can read about that at this website if you like.  She does a much better job and is more an expert than I am.  It is extremely interesting.

“The frog does not drink up the Pond in which he lives.”  Sioux

If you enjoy the sounds of the frogs as much as I do and feel frogs may be one of your totem animals then read on.  I have enclosed a transcript from my favorite animal totem book by Dr. Steven D. Farmer, “Animal Spirit Guides.”  Enjoy.

If Frog shows up, it means:  (choose only those that apply to you)  (shows up means, in life, dreams, meditations, a story you hear, etc.)

  • If you hear a frog during the daytime, it will rain very soon.
  • Do a physical cleanse to detoxify your body.
  • Do an emotional cleanse by letting yourself really feel your emotions, and cry as much as you need to in order to clear and release any emotional toxicity.
  • Singing or chanting out loud will help you feel more balanced, at peace, and connected to the divine.
  • You’re entering into a time of plenty and abundance.
  • This is the start of a slow and steady transformational process for you, a movement from an old life to a new.        
Call on FROG when:
  • It’s time to cleanse your life of people, places, or things that no longer fit in with your present lifestyle and who you are.
  • You’re in the midst of any life change, whether small or large, and you need the emotional sustenance and strength to go through it in a fluid and graceful way.
  • You’re planning to do a clearing and blessing ceremony for your home, office, or a specific space.
  • You feel intimidated or hesitant about honestly stating your thoughts, feelings, or opinions to someone.
  • You simply feel overwhelmed with negativity and want to clear it up.
If FROG is your POWER ANIMAL:  (Most will apply if FROG is your power animal)
  • You’re a very sensitive and compassionate person, and readily express deep feelings in words and actions.
  • Your voice, and especially your singing, can at times arouse deep emotions, yet at the same time soothe anyone within its range.
  • To others you initially seem rather remote and self-absorbed, yet once they get past their first impressions of you, they discover the depth and nobility of your character.
  • In your work, you seem to plod along very slowly and have trouble getting started, but you stay with it and get the job done.  You enjoy the study of ancient mysteries and particularly the art of magic.
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How do I stop this roller coaster I’m on?!


The roller coaster of 2012

then read on…..because TODAY, March 18th thru the 24th we are on the really high ramp of the roller coaster getting ready to plunge to the earth as Mercury conjunct with Uranus, watch out………………….

I don’t do astrology, have no idea how, but I do enjoy reading a good astrology report now and again.  My friend Ellen turned me onto Tom Lescher’s Facebook page and he does videos on You Tube that are great too.  So far he’s cool and pretty right on for how I’ve been feeling lately.  I always go with my intuition and don’t always know what’s going on with the planets to back up my feelings until I read a report like this one on Tom’s Facebook page by Palona Somrak.

I’ve been talking to a lot of my clients lately about the feeling of being on a roller coaster.  The energy this year, 2012, is fast and furious.  We are being tested over and over again.  We are feeling the energy push down upon us, putting pressure on us, making life more difficult and/or more busy than usual.  Why is it doing this you ask?  So we can LEARN! It’s all good!

LOVE this movie! Steve Martin is a father who does not like being on the roller coaster, but his Nana LOVES it! It's so much fun.

The roller coaster I get from one of my favorite movies with Steve Martin, “Parenthood”.  Grandma in the movie says about a roller coaster ride to Steve Martin’s character, “You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn’t like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.”

Back then, I personally didn’t like being on roller coasters that much.  I was more like the Steve Martin character.  But, lately, with my trust and faith in the Divine, and some life experience, I like it and am grateful for it.  I can now see it for what it is, as I’m moving up and down those waves of terror.  While on the roller coaster we may get sick to our stomachs, we may throw up our hands and scream with joy for the wild ride or we may be apathetic and ignore it all.  It’s up to us.  It really is.  We are in a time of major change.  We can either fight the change, try to ignore it and pretend it isn’t going on and make things harder on ourselves and those around us or we can throw our hands up, surrender to the change and scream with joy, or fright.  Either way, the surrender is what’s important.

Surrender to the coaster, throw your arms up and scream with joy, or fear, but at least you're living!

How do we do this you may ask?

Good question.  All I can tell you is how I do this and hopefully it will help you.  When a challenge comes up that makes you angry, frustrated, stressed or even furious, STOP YOURSELF.

  1. Stop – Recognizing the behavior is the first step to stopping it.  If you can stop and recognize it then you can….
  2. Look at it – instead of pushing it down inside you where you’ve always put it because it is socially unacceptable, look at it.  Everyone in our lives is a mirror for us, good or bad.  I say there is no bad because looking at ourselves in a way that will create change is hard but still VERY GOOD!  THAT is the roller coaster.
  3. Feel it…..what does it feel like, why is it so scary and horrible?  Is it really that bad?  Did it serve you when you were young but don’t need it anymore?  Once past this point you can then…..
  4. Accept it and realize that it really isn’t so bad.  Usually we have these defense mechanisms set up to protect us from something when we are younger.  Many times they served us well then, but are not needed in that capacity now.
  5. Thank it, thank the socially unacceptable behavior for helping you all these years, let it know you no longer need it and are choosing to move on in a new and healthier fashion.  Surround it in Love and Light and Reiki energy.  Allow it to move to the Light and be transformed into Love once again.  Gratitude is an important part of all spiritual processes!  Practice it regularly!
  6. Stop denying it.  Denial will get you NO WHERE and fast, like being on the merry go round.  Denial will get you doing this again, in another body, for a whole other life until you do get it.  Do you really want to do this same lesson, this same life all over again?  wouldn’t you rather move on to another adventure!?
  7. Healthy Activities – Let go of the activities that do not serve your higher purpose (I won’t list those, YOU know what they are!) and add in activities that do, such as; meditation, gratitude, prayer, Reiki circle and Reiki sessions, exercise, tummy breathing, journaling, reading uplifting books, etc.  Do these activities with an intention to LET GO of the behaviors that no longer serve you.  With intention added, you’ll be surprised how much this helps.
  8. Go for Reiki – Call me, someone on my links page or someone you trust who does Reiki, IEH or energy healing.  A qualified practitioner can help you release the really deep and tough stuff.  If you do not feel better after an energy healing session then look for a new practitioner.  You want to feel better each and every time you leave.  I go to others regularly for help with MY tough stuff.  They help so much with the really difficult denials.
  9. Take a Reiki class– Empower yourself, learn how to heal yourself, your family, your pets and your friends!  I teach all these techniques in my sessions, classes and circles.
You may change the order of these steps to suit you but this is basically how I do it each and every time I come up against a behavior of mine that I no longer wish to work with,  (anger, denial, jealousy, guilt, hurting others in any way, lack of self-confidence, frustration, impatience, etc.).  the behaviors that no longer serve me.  Yes, I’m human, ALL HEALERS ARE HUMAN.  We still have Unbuddha-like moments.  How else would we be able to help others if we did not go through the process ourselves?
"Unbuddha-like moment" by The Great Cosmic Happy-Ass Card Co.! LOVE THEM TOO!
Try it, see if it doesn’t make the roller coaster a bit (or a lot) more fun.  Make the journey an adventure!  Please comment and let me know how it’s working for you.  And, call me or email me if you need some support in the process.  THAT IS WHAT I DO!  I support you along your personal healing journey.
Link below if you want to read Tom’s page or Palona’s forecast for March, 2012.
Astrology Forecast for March, 2012
by Palona Somrak
“The month of March will be a lot easier for you if you just pretend that you have boarded the high-speed bullet train that gets you to your destination at hundreds of miles per hour (whether you are late or not!). This is a month where our nervous systems are undergoing a great cosmic cleanse. It is an opportunity to rid ourselves of all the shaky, old, outworn mental patterns that are no longer serving us. Beyond that, we will have an opportunity to purge immature emotional patterns lingering from lifetimes gone by that are preventing us from fully realizing our potential.
read more...Powerful days of change this month will be 2, 3, 7-8, 12-13, 15, 18-24, and 29-30.”