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Reiki Through the Back Door

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master for Rain Shadow Reiki

Reiki Ideas for Reiki Healing Students 

I’ve had a series of clients lately who consciously come to me and want help but subconsciously have blocks up to protect themselves.  You can often tell these people when they are on your table.  Often they leave their eyes open the entire time where other clients close their eyes soon after getting on the table.  Or they will close their eyes but you can tell that these clients do not go to a deep level of relaxation at all and maybe try to keep you in conversation with them much of the time.   Or you can just tell they are not relaxed and having a hard time even closing their eyes and staying on the table.  I can FEEL the tension in them.  Often it feels like they want to jump off of the table and run out the door.  Sometimes it feels like they are trying so hard to hold on to what they truly want to release and this causes tension in them.  Change is stressful for most of us, asking for change can be even more stressful.

If you feel lost at anytime, as your Reiki guides for help.
If you feel lost at anytime, ask your Reiki guides for help.

This usually indicates a high level of a need to control their environment for fear or trust reasons.  It is ok.  Reiki can help with that.  It will just take a little more time and sometimes different techniques than you learn in Reiki I or II.  This is the kind of technique you usually learn from your guides with lots of practical experience.  That is who I have learned it from and I’m going to give you some tips here as to what they have told me to do.

Chances are, if you read this, you’ll get a chance to practice it on a client very soon.


Reiki will help any condition, I believe, if given proper time.  The healing journey is a journey, it takes time for most people.  Some people take many years, many lifetimes building up these fears and trust issues, it will take some time to break them down in a safe and trusting manner as well.  If this client has come to you for help, at least they know they need and want help.  That is the first step.  The second step is making sure they feel safe enough to come back.  If we do anything to invade their protective space during the healing session then they may not come back and that is not what we want.  Sometimes we need to back off with this type of client and give them space to heal themselves with the Reiki leading the way.  This quite often has worked well with my clients.  But, at the same time, if they do not feel better, feel some kind of results, they may not come back.  It is critical to not be afraid of any of these outcomes and just TRUST in the Reiki and that it will do exactly what it is supposed to do to help this person TODAY.  Trust in the Reiki and trust in your guides to help you and show you or tell you what needs to be done to help them.

Heart Chakra Case

I recently had a client whose heart chakra was dangerously shut down to a point where I could not feel any movement at all.  I could FEEL the tight constriction in his chest so tight that it was making ME feel ill and I couldn’t handle the discomfort.  I raised my hands off of his chest and up above but that still wasn’t enough.  I knew that if his chakra stayed this way too long he would be in danger of physical illness, such as; heart attack, cutting off his ability to love or be loved.  Our heart chakra is of utmost importance because it is the go-between of all the major chakras.  It is the interface between our upper and lower chakras and if it is clogged up it’s difficult to get any of the others healthy and balanced.  So, I knew I needed something to help him and fast.  In this session I just felt I needed to get his chakra open a bit and moving.  I asked my guides for their help and they gave me a visual to follow.  Here is what they had me do.  Plus, here are other ideas that my guides have given me when I’ve been in a tough spot.  Ask your guides for help and check with what feels right for your client.BackDoorSpiralStaircase

Reiki Back Doors

Go in the back door.  There are multiple ways to do this.  Try them in this order but it is always best to follow your intuition.  If the first one does not work then try the next one and so on.  Please ask your Reiki guides to help you with this process for each individual client:

  1. Back off psychically. Turn off the psychic information and just let the Reiki do its work.  You may even need to turn off your conscious mind, go deep in trance and just let the Reiki flow without your ego or left brain involved.  Practice this.
  2. Talk to your client very gently, explaining what is going on and letting them know that their help would be great at this point. Have them set the intention in their minds that their chakra open and they allow the Reiki energy in to heal them.  The client came to you for a reason, get them involved in their healing.  Quite often this is enough.
  3. Ask Divine Source to send help – in the Highest and most Sacred Order of Reiki guides, healing guides and angels to help this person so you don’t have to work so hard.  Remember, it is not about you, it is about them and doing the highest good for them.  Get your ego out of the way and refocus on the Reiki healing that is taking place, it is all in Divine order.
  4. Run Reiki on their subconscious mind with the intention that the greatest healing the client needs will take place here.  Run it for a while until you FEEL that the client trusts you and you can move back to their heart chakra.  (Or whatever chakra it is that is blocked.)  If you are a Reiki II use the Long Distance symbol and the Mental/Emotional healing symbol to aid this subconscious work.  Then move back to the chakra you were working on.
  5. If you are a Reiki Master/Teacher work with your Master symbol (R) to separate the client from the situation and/or the NGZ symbol to break up blockages.  One or both of these symbols may help the client’s subconscious mind to take a back seat and allow the Reiki in.
  6. Give them space, move back away from them physically and either do long distance Reiki on them or just run gentle Reiki on their aura.  Quite often this will allow them to feel it is on their terms, their choice and then they will open up to the healing being offered.
  7. Go in the back door.  This is what my guides showed me to do for this heart chakra client.  Literally lay under the massage table and run the Reiki into the back side of their heart chakra to get their heat chakra moving again.  This worked for my particular client really well.  Sometimes going in the back allows the Reiki to flow in easier and without the subconscious blockages that the client has on their front side.  Remember every client is different.  Ask your guides what will work best for yours.  In very important situations like this one, this can work well.  Not a first line though.  Check with your guides so that you are not invading or disrespecting your client’s personal space.

    Confused?  Stuck?  ASK YOUR REIKI GUIDES FOR HELP!!

Deep Issues

Many of these issues are deep because the client has pushed them down in denial for a very long time and past life issues that have stuck around because they never dealt with them.  The client will not remember them or even be aware of them.  The Reiki will help to bring them to the surface when the client is ready, heal them and move them out.  This process again takes time and it may take this client multiple sessions before they really start relaxing on the table.  It is critical that YOU as the Reiki Practitioner has total Trust and Faith that the Reiki will do it’s job, and it will.  

Your trust and faith in the Reiki’s abilities will translate energetically to the client’s energy and they will be much more likely to stick with the sessions and believe they can help them.  If we truly believe, they will too.  It’s all energy, it all translates in understanding.

In Love and Light of our Divine Source,

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher or 360-460-7829

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Past Life Healing Notes- A Samurai Wife, Honored

by Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA


If you do not personally believe in reincarnation you can think of past life healing information as a kind of dream, a subconscious story, or a play that is similar to what you are going through now in your life but with different characters acting it out for you. It could be a story from our mind, from our guides, or even from our ancestral D.N.A. that we need to consciously know about now, in order to heal.  A past life healing allows for us to experience and relive the story but not so we are experiencing it in the now where it would be too close, too emotional.  It aids the client in being able to rise above their personal situation and see it from a more universal perspective, and then heal it with the Reiki Divine Energy.

Picture of a Samurai Warrior, 1890, hand colored.
Picture of a Samurai Warrior, 1890, hand colored.


My client, Sandy, came in for a spirit guide reading.  However, I’m a healer at heart and so are my guides, sometimes when you come in for one thing, you get a lot more than you asked for.  She got a spirit guide reading, a past life reading, a soul retrieval and a Reiki healing all in one.

I was just as surprised as her when first, one, then two and then three huge samurai warriors came in to greet her and honor her work in a past life.  She told me she wasn’t aware of any Japanese influence in this life.  But, she connected to the story, the people and the emotions as the past life story unfolded bit by bit.

These samurai men are acting as spirit guides in this life but they were also here to give her a message and to help her heal the energy and emotions from this past life.  Sandy had been a samurai wife, daughter and daughter in law.  She grew up in a community and family of the samurai way of life.  Samurai were from wealthy or aristocratic families and were much like the Knights of European countries, came from privilege and were trained to protect the King and country.

They were a close-knit community not allowing outsiders in or near.  Sandy was much-loved and admired by the whole community for taking care of the elderly and children in the entire community. She worked hard and diligently for the needs of others.  She was doting and compassionate to her own two boys as well.  But the men in the community were often gone for long periods of time and often did not come home at all.  When they were home, the love and care that Sandy gave them was much taken for granted and simply expected.  This was their way of life and they believed in it and lived it with honor but that does not mean it was easy.

Three samurai warriors, 1600 - 1700
Three samurai warriors, circa 1880

This family is coming though as your protection in this life and honoring you for your past life as their wife and daughter.” I told her as the message came through.  “As powerful men and warriors they did not realize the sacrifices the women back home-made.  They did not understand or want to understand at the time, how hard it was on you to say good-bye to your loved ones each time they left.  They are honoring you now.

Your samurai husband says he loves you and he placed his hand on his heart to show this, but you made awful soup!”   (LOL  Spirit often comes through with a wonderful sense of humor.)  She was not a good cook but a loving and a wonderful mom and wife in so many ways. They went on more and more about the soup having us rolling in laughter by the thought of it and the connection Sandy felt to it in this life.  She does not like to cook much but says she’s a good cook.  The samurai guides talked about how she would take this soup to the elderly in town but they would not want to eat it.  But, they often would out of necessity and to honor her gift.  I love how spirit often goes into details that we may not think are important but they are to the people hearing them. It brought a light-hearted realism to the whole event.

A group of Samurai men.
A group of samurai men, photo hand colored.

They want you to know that you are a warrior too! You gave your whole life caring for others, living in difficult conditions and emotional ups and downs and you never showed that it was challenging for you in any way.

Sandy in the other life often dreamed of being a samurai herself as she watched her boys training in their martial arts and sword studies.  She had some private fantasies of being a warrior (The character Mulan came to mind here) and going off to fight the glorious battles herself, traveling to far off places, she romanticized it much in order to deal with the reality.  So hearing now, that she was being honored as a warrior of the heart, was a big deal and caused tears in all of us.

The samurai warriors also told us how difficult it was for her to watch her boys grow up knowing that one day, they too would leave to fight and possibly not come back.  The tug at her heart-strings was often too much for her, but she held it inside, where no one else would know or be bothered by it.  Her oldest son in this Japanese life is now her sister, Cammie.  They are very close and working through their own heart issues together in this life as sisters.  In fact they are so close they came to this reading together to share in the experience.


Samurai standing, circa 1860, hand painted
Samurai standing, circa 1860, hand painted

The three samurai protect her today in this life as Sandy, they stand to her sides and one behind her at all time.  But, they also brought her a very special gift.  Part of their duties to protect her was to bring back her heart soul part. She left almost half of it with them, each time they’d leave for a ‘mission’ she’d send part of her heart with them. When they didn’t come back to her, her heart didn’t come back either. They cared for her heart until she was humanly ready to bring it back, to deal with the difficult emotions again and to heal this area for good.  They brought her heart soul parts in an old carved wooden box.  They had gathered each one that she left with them.  They put them back together like a puzzle, finally once again as one piece.   Each soul part comes back in its own way, I have found, so they guided me on how to best bring this soul part back and put it back in her energetically.


When life on Earth gets to be too emotional, too difficult, or too traumatic, we sometimes split our energy off and send it somewhere else.  This is sometimes consciously done but usually subconsciously done to protect ourselves.  When we are ready, feel strong enough, we seek out a healer or Shamanic Practitioner to help us get them back.

Antique Japanese wooden box from late 18th century, looks similar to the box they brought her heart back in.  A bit smaller than this and with a bit more decoration.
Antique Japanese wooden box from late 18th century, looks similar to the box they brought her heart back in. A bit smaller than this and with a bit more decoration.

We may not know that is what we need, but our Divine guidance gets us to the right person to handle the healing process.  Often when soul parts come back it is a very emotional experience, especially when it is ones heart.  This is a big and momentous occasion worth celebration and honor of the soul part coming back.  Her guides instructed her on a proper ceremony to welcome her soul parts back and to help integrate them back into her energy field over time.


This was a very recent healing so we still are not fully aware of the healing implications of meeting the samurai and them bringing her heart back.  Often times, after bringing back such a large part of a heart soul part, things get worse before they get better.  It takes time to integrate and release the old to bring in the new.  Once the integration takes place and old energies and people are gone from your life, things get better.   I do know that Sandy has been able to stand up to some very challenging people in her life that she no longer wanted to be a part of her world.  She put up healthy boundaries and told them to leave.  This took a great deal of courage on her part and it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if the samurai helped her with this process.

Blessings to you all for reading about this healing.  If you are interested in learning about your past lives, call or email me for a healing of your own.  You won’t be bored, of that I can assure you.

In Love and Light,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Book Review- Sylvia Browne’s “Past Lives of The Rich And Famous”

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher of Rain Shadow Reiki

I have enjoyed watching Sylvia Browne on television for years and read many of her books.  I have at least 8 of them available in the Rain Shadow Reiki lending library, and have read them all myself.  I like her no-nonsense, no apologies attitude and the fact that she is highly talented as a psychic doesn’t hurt either.

Book Exploring the Levels of Creation Sylvia BrowneI just finished re-reading “Exploring the Levels of Creation” and got so much good information the second time reading it,  I decided to join her Facebook page.  (I rarely read books twice.) While checking out her page I saw she had a newer book out, “Past Lives of the Rich and Famous”. Not having TV, I’m a little behind on up and coming things.  I have no idea when it came out, but it’s new to me.  Boy that sounded like a fun book so I got it.  I do love anything having to do with past lives and I wanted to know, like everyone else, who these rich and famous people were in past lives.  Don’t you?

All the people in this book that she reads the past lives for are dead, to respect their privacy I’m assuming or not to get sued, probably both. ( I list many of them at the bottom of this blog.)  So, some of the people are from a generation before me but I know and am familiar with them.  When I finished this book I realized it is not the fluff book that many may think it is.  It is a very interesting study into past lives and the effects they have on our every day lives.  It has also been a wonderful lesson in judgement and it made me think a lot about how to use this knowledge in the past life healing that I do with my clients.  It was well worth my time in reading it and I highly recommend it if you have any interest in past lives at all, not just the celebrity aspect but the learning and healing aspect too.

THE One I Can’t Get Off Of My Mind

The reading that has affected me the most and I can’t get my mind off of, has been the past life story of the King of Pop himself, M.J.  I don’t want a whole bunch of wild fans coming to my page for the wrong reasons so I won’t put his full name here, but I do believe most of you can figure out who I’m talking about.  Maybe some photos will help.

Book Past Lives of the Rich and Famous Sylvia BrowneM.J. was a HUGE influence in my musical life growing up.  But, the mysteries behind his life and personality I believe are what makes this reading so amazing.  So much of his past lives explains why he was the way he was in this life; child-like, constantly working towards perfection on his face to his own personal definition  and how he was so passionate about helping children and children’s charities.  I personally never believed that M.J. would hurt children but he was attacked by a lot of people who simply didn’t understand him.  I don’t pretend to understand him but it never felt right to me that he had done the things people had accused him of doing.  I feel that sharing his story is an excellent lesson in UNDERSTANDING others rather than JUDGING them.  This is something most of us on earth need to work on and reminders like this one, help.  It was a very good reminder to me as well.  I found myself judging him on the plastic surgery issue.  I’d find myself wondering why he had to have so much, why he wanted his face to look so different.  His past life reading, in my opinion, answers these questions too.  It’s helped me to see that we don’t always have to know people’s motivations to do things that we see as different because they may not even know.  If our preferences to look a certain way are based in a past life, and many of them are, then none of us can fully understand WHY until we’ve investigated the lives creating them.  It’s all about understanding or just not judging in the first place.  It’s a tough one but the more we are aware of ourselves doing it, the more we can work on it.

Michael Jackson HappyI tried to go on with the rest of the book and enjoy the other readings but I kept thinking about the M.J. reading.  For weeks people would bring him up in conversation when rarely did he ever come up before in my many spiritual conversations.  My 12-year-old son who barely knows who he is would read an article about M.J. from a magazine that we don’t even get.  Signs kept pointing to me writing this blog and I know I better not ignore my guides AND the signs, so here I am, writing a blog about Sylvia’s book because I’ve been told to and I want to.  In respect to Sylvia’s wonderful  and fun book and double respect to M.J. for his life’s work,  here is an excerpt from Sylvia’s book, which I highly recommend buying and reading yourself, “Past Lives of the Rich and Famous” a past life reading by Sylvia’s guide, Francine about the King of Pop, M.J.

Book excerpt “Past Lives of the Rich and Famous” by Sylvia Browne

The Past Lives of Pop Star M.J.

Michael Jackson Boy“M.J. was a young soul, with only nine incarnations on this earth, and the lifetime that ended in 2009 will be his last.  One of the most remarkable aspects of his past lives – and I’ve never seen this in all my years of doing regressions and consulting with my spirit Guide, Francine, about specific people’s histories – is that Michael’s ninth and final incarnation was the only one in which he lived past the age of fourteen.  For everyone who’s ever wondered why he seemed so much more comfortable with children than adults, now you know.  And let me stress something with absolute certainty; he was no a pedophile.  Not once, not ever, and it’s tragic that he was misunderstood enough to even be accused of such a thing.  As for his passionate, lifelong involvement with children’s charities, I should add that seven of his lives were spent in poverty – three in Africa, one in El Salvador, two in the Middle East, and one in the Appalachian mountains of the United States.  He ached for starving, impoverished children because he was one, over and over again.

But there’s no doubt that the point-of-entry incarnation that most dramatically shaped the extraordinary lifetime of the superstar we knew as M.J. took place in Burma, about a century before Christ was born.  His name, as best I can make it out from Francine’s high-pitched chirping, was Tha.  He was born prematurely and weighed just over three pounds at birth.  His beautiful young mother was very ill and depressed after delivering her first and only baby and traveled home to her parents in India to recuperate, leaving Tha in the care of his father and a live-in nurse.

Michael Jackson SeriousTha’s father was a member of the king’s court, and a loyal and trusted aide.  Rarely has a father adored his son more or been more sensitive to the emotional and physical fragility into which Tha was born.  Tha was a sweet, happy, introverted child, curious and funny and intensely respectful.  In fact, the first time Tha, at the age of three, was presented to the king, after a lot of coaching from his father, he genuflected so deeply and for so long that the king began to wonder if the boy had fallen asleep.

Tha was four when his father and a group of friends took him on a hunting trip.  On the first day, Tha’s father was excited to have killed a tiger, until his son let out an agonized scream, raced to the dead animal, and threw himself on top of its carcass, sobbing and asking his father over and over again, ‘How could you?  He did nothing to you.  How could you kill him?’  His father surprised and deeply saddened by his son’s despair, held him and promised he would never hunt again.  He kept that promise for the rest of his life.

Michael Jackson SunglassesThey had barely returned from the hunting trip when Tha developed a fever and his skin broke out in a painful rash and blisters.  At first his father had thought it might have been a reaction to the trauma his son had suffered on the death of the tiger, but finally the king’s finest physicians were summoned to examine the boy.  Their conclusion was that Tha, with an already compromised immune system from his premature birth, was severely allergic to the sun.  From that day forward Tha never set foot outside the house, and his environment was kept as dark and sterile as possible to prevent any further inadvertent threats to his health.

The great delight in Tha’s life was one of his father’s skills, which had also proved to be invaluable in the king’s court:  Tha’s father was a brilliant puppeteer.  He’d created an amazing collection of hand-carved marionettes, to which he was constantly adding, and Tha proved to be gifted as well at the intricate carving and painting required to give each of them a distinct personality.

The marionettes served a far greater purpose than that of  simple entertainment.  They were also used as a kind of liaison between the king and his subjects.  When the king had news or an edict to announce to the pubic that he thought might be unpopular, he dispatched Tha’s father and the marionettes to perform the announcements, which helped to soften the blow and separate the king from his subject’s disfavor.  And when there was news or a message from the people that might displease the king, the marionettes were the perfect buffers against any initial rage he was likely to inflict on a living messenger.

Michael Jackson DancingThe marionettes mesmerized Tha.  He loved carving and painting their intricate faces.  He loved designing costumes for them for his father to sew.  He loved watching his father rehearse with them for upcoming appearances.  But most of all, he loved duplicating their every move, from their lively dances to their oddly stiff but graceful ways of greeting and interacting with each other.  He was brilliant at it and would practice for hours, watching his reflection in the windows of the house to make sure that even the slightest gestures and steps were perfect.  His father was in awe of his talent, and he treasured the private recitals Tha performed just for him every night after they’d finished their dinner.  Sadly, no one but Tha’s father ever saw those performances; he would have proudly  had his son dance for the king, but Tha was too shy to even consider such a thing.  His father, always respectful of his beloved son’s sensitivities, never forced the issue and remained the only person to be blessed with a ‘preview’ of the extraordinary entertainer we knew as M. J.

Tha’s lifetime in ancient Burma ended when his immune deficiencies finally caught up with him.  He died of complications from pneumonia at the age of thirteen.  His father never recovered from the death of his son.  But Tha, when he arrived at Home, was overjoyed to be greeted by his mother, the woman who had ultimately died giving birth to him.

By the way, no one from that lifetime accompanied M.J. into his final incarnation.”

Michael Jackson puppet likeAfter reading this life of the famous M.J., I couldn’t help but be amazed at how much his past lives had shaped his most recent incarnation.  I know this of course through all the many readings and past life regressions I have done with clients but it still amazes me each and every time, this one in-particular.  I couldn’t help but think that he was carving his own face in the perfection of his long ago beloved marionettes and that his skin sensitivity to the sun effected his skin in this life as well.  So many parallels, it explains a lot, to me anyway.  I’d be very interested to hear your opinion on this famous reading.

Some of the other famous people Sylvia reads past lives for are Elizabeth T., Mother T., The Duke, J. Belushi, K. Cobain, M.L.K. Jr, H. Bogart, A. Earhart, L. Ball, M. Monroe, K. Hepburn, J. Hendrix, and many more.  Well worth the read, very interesting and entertaining in more ways than just puff.  I found each and every life and how they paralleled the person’s most recent incarnation the most interesting part of all.  But then again, I am very interested in this topic, obviously!

In Love and Light of our Divine Source,

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki or 360-460-7829

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Reboot My Life – A Hummingbird With a Message

Tenth in a series of blogs written by Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki for her series on nutritional healing and juicing.

To catch up start with blog 1, A Sensitive System or search categories under Nutritional Healing.

Heavenly Grass

“My feet took a walk in heavenly grass.
All day while the sky shone clear as glass.
My feet took a walk in heavenly grass,
All night while the lonesome stars rolled past.
Then my feet come down to walk on earth,
And my mother cried when she give me birth.
Now my feet walk far and my feet walk fast,
But they still got an itch for heavenly grass.
But they still got an itch for heavenly grass.”

Tennessee Williams

One Journey Ends, Another Continues

Two days after I finished my ten-day fruit and vegetable cleanse for better health and cleansing my system, I was standing on the grass, drinking my lemon water in my back yard.  This has been my morning ritual since I started the cleanse.  As I felt the earth beneath my feet, grounding myself to the energy Mother Earth generously offered, I was contemplating the journey of the cleansing process and how I was feeling.  I started the cleanse to try something new to heal myself.  I have suffered from multiple chronic illnesses much of my life and am consistently searching for the puzzle pieces to healing my physical body, while at the same time living my life, working being a wife and mom.  To read the goals of my cleanse go to my second blog.

Back to the Grass

I was contemplating the journey of the cleansing process and how I was feeling afterwards.  I was a bit down because I still felt tired, I still felt unmotivated and I had some high hopes that I’d be feeling better after the cleanse.  Many people have told me that after day three, you feel great.  Not the case for me.  This has been a long healing trek for me so I knew it would take more than just a ten-day cleanse to help me heal completely, but I had hoped that I’d feel a little better when it was done. I was also aware that I was feeling the low of just finishing a big project and wondering where to go next, what was the next step? (details of the cleanse results at the bottom of the blog)

The best way out of a problem is through it.” Author Unknown


Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is a documentary about two men’s healing journey from severe immune system illness to extreme health in 60 days of juicing. This movie has motivated many people, including me. They have an amazing website with 5 day, 10 day and 15 day full cleanse diets by a nutritionist. I used their ten-day diet.

In the movie, “Fat,Sick and Nearly Dead” one of the women who did the ten-day cleanse, because she was having migraines regularly, said after her cleanse “I have the energy of a 21-year-old!”  I have to admit, THAT statement stuck with me.  WOW, I want the energy of a 21-year-old I thought.  I knew my health issues were more complicated than hers but this statement motivated me and still does, to keep going.  But, unlike her, I didn’t feel like a 21-year-old.  I felt tired, still.  A common problem with chronic fatigue and depression.  I knew the only choice was to keep going.  I knew I was on the right track, I just needed to keep moving forward with the juicing and eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible.  But, after years of doing this, it gets a bit daunting.  I was having a hard time staying motivated.  Cue my animal message.

By perseverance the snail reached the Ark.  C.H. Spurgeon

Cue the Hummingbird, Stage Left

The hummingbird had no marks of color.

As I stood there in the middle of my yard contemplating this, a hummingbird flew right up to my face and hovered there for what seems like a very long minute or longer.  It just didn’t leave, or move from its hover spot in front of my face.  I noticed it was an unremarkable hummingbird, all gray, no spectacular color from what I could see.  It just stayed there.  So, I stayed still, I watched it, looked at it, trying to figure out what it wanted of me.  Birds rarely come that close to me.  I have to admit, I like birds,  but do not consider myself a bird person.

Childhood Flashback

Beautiful hummingbird tattoo with a native flair.

My sister had birds growing up and I would take care of them for her when she was gone.  I never quite believed they were happy being in that cage and thought they must be very bored.  Birds needed to fly and be free, I felt.  I was also afraid of them close up, because they would peck me and make sudden movements and I never knew quite what to expect from them.  I never fully understood them or appreciated them close up.  I’m just not a bird person I guess.  (Maybe my babysitter allowing me to watch Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” at a young age didn’t help either.  Hmmm, have to meditate on that for a bit later.)  Lets put it this way, if I were to get a tattoo, it would NOT be of a bird.  But, if I were to get a tattoo and it had to be a bird, it would probably be a pretty colored one, like a hummingbird.  Anyway….

Back to the Hummingbird

So when this hummingbird came so close to my face, and stayed there for what seemed like a very long time, not only was I a bit surprised and still a bit afraid that it would peck my face, but I knew that this bird must be trying to tell me something or it wouldn’t be doing this with me.  I finally just enjoyed the moment and listened.  As I listened I heard “Patience, the journey continues!” Well I have to say that just pissed me off!!  Patience!!  I’ve been on this healing journey for twenty years almost, how patient do I have to be!?  (Apparently, more patient than I am at the moment.)

Visions Help Solidify the Message

Then suddenly, standing there on the grass, I had visions of all the lifetimes I’ve done this, many lifetimes of physical and emotional pain that I am working to rid myself of all in this one life.  It is time, THIS is the life to taste, digest, and dispose of all the pain from all those other lives.  This healing journey that I think I’ve been on for twenty years, I’ve actually been on for much, much longer.  In that scope of understanding, a few more years or even a few more lifetimes didn’t seem like so much.  Patience on that scale, actually seemed more doable than just this one lifetime of being patient.  The big picture to me made my struggles in this life seem small and easier to overcome, more like a speed-bump than a mountain.  I can’t completely explain it, but I felt more at peace, I felt like I could go on.  I felt like I could continue the healing journey with more patience.  Thank you beautiful hummingbird, it was just the message and vision I needed at that exact moment.

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”  An Old Astronomer to His Pupil

Suddenly the gray hummingbird turned away from me and flew away.  He knew I’d gotten his message and he was done.  I ran in the house and wrote down the message and my experience so I could write it in this blog later.  I then picked up my “Animal Spirit Guides” book by Steven Farmer and looked up messages from hummingbirds to see what it had to say that may compliment the message I had gotten.  Here is what the book said for hummingbird that related to my situation, like it was written just for me, just for that day.

If a hummingbird shows up, it means:

  • You need to be very flexible with the twists and turns your life will take in the next days.
  • Put more emotional sweetness in your life, you need it.
  • You’re going through some very heart-opening kinds of experiences, and you’ll quite naturally draw more and more love into your life.
  • Openly express the love you have and feel for those important people in your life.
  • Give yourself the gift of as many flowers as you can, spread them around your home, and enjoy their sight and fragrance throughout the days to come.

This message also stood out and spoke to me from the book:

Call on Hummingbird when:

  • You’re feeling down and sullen and want to lighten up, have more fun, and experience more joy.
  • You find yourself around any negativity or harshness and want to protect yourself and lift your spirits.
  • You’re feeling fragmented and distracted, ruminating about the past or future, and want to be more present in the moment.

Judy at Angels and Ancestors wrote a lovely blog about the spiritual messages of hummingbirds.  Here is a passage that spoke to me:

Hummingbird is about understanding the sweetness of life, about being able to go long distances on little food, and using great courage.  Hummingbird also represents the pioneer spirit of finding new lands and moving between worlds.  When working with Hummingbird, we may ask it to bring in our Ancestors or the Old Ones who may come from their spirit place and share knowledge with us.

Hummingbirds bring the message that stamina and perseverance is important in one’s life.  One must build themselves up to be strong so that their life force is not depleted by those drawing on them for energy.  Another message that hummingbird brings to those that it appears to, is that the human must watch his or her digestive system, and that they must not take in too much sugar.

Hummingbird Totem for the full blog by Tonjha about the spiritual messages of hummingbirds.  Here is a quote that related to the cleanse experience for me.

The hummingbird can awaken us to the medicinal properties of plants. Hummingbirds teach us how to draw the life essence from flowers. “They can teach us how to use flowers to heal and win hearts in love.  Andrews says the twittering, vibrating sounds of the hummingbirds bring us an internal massage that restores health and balance. 

North West Tribal Art Symbols – Hummingbird, another great blog about Power Animals.  This one, the hummingbird.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  Author Unknown

 Doing Something Different
Vegetable juice is delicious and nutritious.
And so, the healing journey continues as life does too.  I got refocused.  I met with my doctor and had her muscle test me for the nutritional elements I need to stay focused on most to help my body heal.  My body said I need to continue to juice, lots of greens and to stay off the dairy 100%.  We also tested time frames and the testing said it will take six months to fully detox from the dairy I have eaten and drank for my whole life.  For my body, dairy is NOT GOOD!  I think for many bodies, dairy is not good.  If you suspect it is not good for you get muscle tested or give it up for a few weeks and see how you feel when you add it back in.  You’ll intuitively know.  You probably already do.  I’ve been feeling this for quite a while but just wasn’t ready to give it up until now.  I ignored what my body needed for my emotional needs at the time.  Now is the time.  Now I am ready.  This all feels right to me so I’m continuing.  Six months does not seem so daunting to me at all.  I’m enjoying the juicing and so is my husband.  He already feels the effects with more energy at work and not needing coffee to keep going throughout the day.  He’s even started to make his own juice when I don’t have time.  I’m starting a trend, I hope so.
Results of the Cleanse will be in the next blog.  Read on.  And, if you like the information you are reading, don’t forget to enter your email address to receive automatic blog updates from Rain Shadow Reiki.
Love and LIght to you,
Josslyn or 360-460-7829

To catch up start with blog 1, A Sensitive System or search categories under Nutritional Healing.

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The Pre-Cleanse

Third in a series of blogs written by Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki for her series on nutritional healing and juicing.

To read the first and second blog in the series to get caught up click on the link. (Blog 1 or blog 2)


I have been doing a pre-cleanse to get ready for the full 10 day fruit and veggie cleanse.  I got a lot of my pre–cleanse recipes from My Juice Cleanse.  It is a great site with free recipes and helpful articles.  They helped me with a lot of my early research too.  It is recommended to do a pre-cleanse to get the most results from your cleanse that the week before you start the cleanse to do certain things to prepare.  Here is what they recommend from the Reboot Your Life website:

  • Say goodbye to: processed junk foods, white flours, sugar/desserts, fried food, fast food, processed meats, alcohol and begin to wean yourself off caffeine.
  • Say hello to: salads, soups, smoothies with a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, natural nut butters, beans and legumes.
The food pyramid I’m working off of but with actually less breads and cereals as my body does not really want them. My body wants it’s carbs from vegetables. Every body is different. Learn to listen to YOUR BODY,
  • Transitioning off animal proteins: choose wild-caught fish, organic eggs and gradually decrease poultry during the week and choose only organic varieties when you eat them. By last day of the week, your protein should come solely from plant sources such as beans, nuts, and legumes (for example, black beans, hummis, chick-peas, lentils).
  • Transitioning off dairy: choose only low or non-fat organic dairy with little to no added sugars. If you choose soy, rice or almond milk, have unflavored/plain to limit the sugar content. Choose organic cheese, and transition from cow’s milk cheese to goat cheese by the middle of the week. By the end of the week (day 5) all dairy should be out of your diet to prepare for the Reboot.

This cleanse is fruits and veggies with no dairy, meats, breads or cereals.  This Pre-Cleanse gets you ready for the full cleanse and makes the cleanse easier on you emotionally and physically.  I feel it working.

My Results of the Pre-Cleanse

I started the full cleanse today.  While talking to a friend on the phone about how I’m feeling today, starting the full cleanse, I realized how much progress I’ve made already.  Just by doing the pre-cleanse I have altered thought processes that are critical to my success.  I’ve started being much more discerning about what I eat FOR MY BODY, not my emotions.  When I’m wanting to grab something fast and easy like a cheese stick, I automatically stop, and I start thinking “hmm, if I eat this, I’ll then have to spend time and energy making sure it gets released completely from my body system.  (The colonic helped with this too.  More on that later.)  Do I want this badly enough to do that extra work and to make my body work that hard.”  WOW, this is a huge difference from “I’m hungry, I need to eat something quick and easy now.”  Or from my typical emotional response, “I need some cheese, or I need some chips and salsa. Nothing else will satisfy me.”  Just by doing the pre-cleanse WITH INTENTIONS and GOALS I have started shifting my energy system enough to create major change in my mental thought processes and belief systems.  This is huge for me.  I’m more concerned about the health of my body than I am making my inner child happy with food.

Energy to Do What I Need to Do

I also noticed yesterday, for the first time in years, I had a full and busy day with a lot of driving to get to my doctor for my colonic and then the kids to their doctors in a whole other city, literally 3 to 4 hours of driving.  Usually driving wears me out for the whole day and I’m resting up from it rather than being productive.  Yesterday I did all the driving, a colonic for the first time, doctors appointments for my kids, shopping for my cleanse and dinner for my family and I still was going at the end of the day.  WOW, for me, chronic fatigue for seventeen years, this was a massive change.  THIS gave me a great deal of hope and confidence that this cleanse is truly going to change my life.

The Pre-Work

Meditation, I have found, is THE best way to raise your vibration, work on your emotional patterns, change your subconscious belief systems and connect with your higher self. Plus it’s relative easy to learn, the trick is to DO IT! As with anything, practice makes better!

The pre-work is different from the pre-cleanse.  I’ve been doing the pre-work for months now, probably years.  I’ve been meditating, doing Reiki, working with Naturopaths and healers to help me get to this point.  I’ve worked with hypnotherapists and most recently an MFCC who does Energy Psychology (a mix of Donna Eden’s energy work and Emotional Freedom Technique) to rewrite the beliefs in my subconscious mind.  ALL of this has helped me to get ready for TODAY.  All of this has helped me to be ready, really ready to give up the belief systems, the dairy and the old eating patterns to the point where I KNOW deep down that I will be successful, for a lifetime.

Real Life Example

For example.  With the energy psychology this week we worked on belief patterns that I didn’t believe I could be successful with the cleanse AND be healthy too.  This went along with another belief that I had, I believed I needed lots of food and lots of dairy or animal protein in particular in order to stay alive.  These were not rational thoughts because my rational mind (10%) does not agree with these thoughts.  However, my subconscious mind (90%) does believe them and therefore that is what I follow, knowing it or not.  Now I know it, and have worked on it and released it.  I did this by tapping on my meridian systems with the EFT process.

I was ill from malnourishment in many lives.

It turns out as I was tapping on these beliefs I was able to watch and see the past lives that these beliefs came from.  I had five past lives where I was starving to death but only actually died in one of them.  The other lives I just got very ill and was not able to care for my family.  My soul held on to the belief that I got sick from not having enough to eat, enough protein.  That is how our minds work sometimes.  I had to hold on to those beliefs until I could understand them, learn from them and then release them.  Now that I have done that, I can truly change.  I am changing my eating habits permanently.  And that is what it takes to truly reboot your life.  It feels good and it feels good to share this with my friends, clients, students and internet readers.  I pray this helps to motivate some of you to reboot your life too.

Working on your mind, your subconscious belief pattern are in my opinion, one of the first places to start before you start any diet or healthy new way of eating. Work on those first and the rest will stick.

Got to Be Ready

Don’t rush into it, however.  Do the pre-work.  Do the research.  Do the mind work.  DO  until you are truly ready to do this for life.  These are big changes and I believe people need to be truly ready.  I also believe in order to be successful you need to do one major dietary change at a time.  If you do more you’ll most likely get overwhelmed and not stick with it for the long haul.  These are lifelong changes in eating, not temporary.  You have to be ready.  But, have no fear.  The energy is so strong for change this year that for those waking up, change is happening automatically and faster than usual.  THIS is a great time to make major changes like this with Divine Source along with you to help and guide.

I also recommend working with someone like me, or another spiritual support person to guide you and help you along the way with mental thought patterns, emotional addictions, issues of letting go, energy work, etc.  I’m not doing this alone, I don’t expect anyone to do it alone.  Gather your support team and do the FIRST dietary change YOU feel is more important for you.  That is how I have done it and that is how I’ve been able to be successful with each step, including this one.  I’m thinking ahead on that one.

Love and Light to you all,

Good Luck on YOUR personal challenges this month.  I’m here with you.

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher/Healer/Reader or 360-460-7829

More free juicing recipes at My Juice Cleanse,  All About Juicing and 7 Day Juice

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Past Life Healing – Our Own Personal Play

Our Own Personal Play –

If you do not personally believe in reincarnation you can think of past life healing as a kind of dream, a story, or a play that is similar to what you are going through now in your life but with different characters acting it out for you.  That way the play you are experiencing is not so “close” to you and therefore, not so emotional either.  It aids the client in being able to rise above their personal situation and see it from a more universal perspective.  (Read examples of some of Joss’ remarkable healings on her “Past Life Healings Notes” page.) WARNING:  Much of the time, the past life Josslyn is experiencing and retelling to the client is so real and makes so much sense to the client, they literally have an A-Ha moment.  Clients often times end up considering the idea of reincarnation themselves.  An experience that makes you really THINK about something totally new, that’s a worthwhile experience!

Open to the possibilities of reincarnation

Here is another “story” from Joss’ Past Life Healing Notes:

Irish Sailor’s wife and Russian Babushka

Before I could even get into a trance to get started with the healing on Noel,  I started getting a heaviness and tightness in my heart area and almost blacked out.  I felt very dizzy.  I had to kneel down before I passed out.  I told her exactly what I was experiencing and feeling.  It felt like a squeezing of my heart to the point of pain, extreme tightness.  She surprisingly exclaimed that it was exactly what it felt like for her.  She totally resonated with the feeling I was having.  I was glad because otherwise I was going to have to cancel the healing and go to the hospital.  But, when she said she understood this I knew it was her I was tapping in to.  I kneeled to do my prayer of intention and grounded myself and asked Divine for help moving the feelings out and I felt chills start at my legs and go up my body until it was suddenly gone.  I knew Divine had helped me and I felt better.  It was the strongest empathic experience I have ever had.  But it helped me to really understand to the extent in which the pain in her heart was causing her.

I stood up and started working on her.  At once a life came regarding this.  At that point she told me how she is in a long distance relationship and it’s really hard on her.  Her boyfriend is working and living in CA.

“Emigrants leave Ireland” by Henry Doyle from Mary Frances Cusak’s “Illustrated History of Ireland” 1868

Life 1 – She was a young mother with five kids, one infant.  Most were girls, one or two boys.  She was only 25 or 26 years old.  Her husband was a sailor.  He was gone a lot.  He started out in another country, Turkey, as a military sailor.  He was a bit of a rebel and jumped ship and got on an Irish ship.  He was smart and well liked and worked his way up honestly to a position of respect below the captain within a few years time, rather quickly.  He loved the sea and the freedom of being at sea.  She respected him enough to not want to take that away from him but it hurt her a lot.  She held most of it in, in her heart.  Her heart looked like very tight like wound up muscles.  She only let it out to God now and then when she was alone and it got to be too much for her.  Other wise she held all the pain in.  I saw him coming home to his family and the coming home was  harder on her than the leaving.  Noel agreed with all of this and was stunned by how accurate a portrayal of her boyfriend  this life portrayed.  Herself as well.  She was taught growing up not to show her feelings, not to cry or express but to hold it in.  When he was out to sea (back in Ireland) she had a good strong support system of friends and family to keep her company and happy.  She was a strong women to do this time after time.  She and her family went to the woods and the fields and gathered wild flowers and tied them into bouquets and sold them in the market place, not for much but a little extra helped.  I felt her husband was good, loyal and respectful, not a sailor who had a woman in every port at all.  I felt a strong connection between them but they need to learn a way to come together in this life without compromising her or his passion.  She cannot manipulate this man at all, he’d run from that fast.  She must give him his space and he will come to her.  She totally agreed with this assessment.

A Babushka is a Russian Grandmother

Life 2– She was a biological grandmother but acted as mother to him, her boyfriend again.  The scene I saw most was them cuddling together by the fire in a rocker.  He died of fever at age 10 in her arms.  She also held her grief and sadness in her heart and didn’t let others see.  She could not read or write but she could sing her folk songs and even wrote new ones herself and expressed herself that way.  She was called a babushka and wore a red scarf on her head.  She was not old, maybe in her 40’s to 50’s for a grandma but she was short and squat and heavy and older looking than that.  She had such a great love for this boy and he for her.  (Much release from her heart chakra along the way while I’m viewing these lives for her.)  She put love, heart and soul into her cooking and her singing.  Again she had the pattern of not showing her feelings, not FEELING her feelings and hiding them in her heart chakra.  After much releasing her heart chakra felt much lighter.  She even said it felt lighter which is the one word I get the most after big releases like this one.

Noel said the healing and the experience was one of the biggest of her whole life.

Since the healing she has been able to work with feeling her feelings, crying, and releasing her emotions rather than bottling them up in her heart.  When we do this year after year, life after life, we cause dis-ease in our hearts.  Reiki can help you to learn to let it go, release it for good!

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Past Life Healing – The Elephant Man

Do you have to believe in past lives for past life healing to work?

No, not all of my clients believe in reincarnation.  However, if you can open your mind a bit more to believe that the past life stories that Josslyn receives could be a metaphor, symbolic or your mind during a free association of both, to help you deal with what is going on in a life right NOW that may be too painful to deal in any other way, then it makes the experience of past life healing more fun.  But, what truly matters is that healing takes place, and it does!  Whether you believe or not, healing takes place.

Here is the newest addition to my Past Life Healing Notes section of my website.  For more healings to read about go to that section.  There are many great ‘stories’ there.

The Elephant Man

Hope came in for a session experiencing acute back pain.  She said she hadn’t had back pain most of her life until about a year and a half ago when her and her boyfriend Craig started dating.  I did a healing on Hope for an hour and a half.  Here is what I got.

I placed my hands all over her her back.  She saw visions as I saw them, some the same and some different.  Hope has experience in meditation and practicing visualizations so I wasn’t surprised that she was getting visions too.  Here is what we both got.

I saw many lives where she was deformed, I saw hump back lives, scoliosis lives, limping lives, but the one that stuck out the most was the elephant man life.  “The Elephant Man” is a movie that came out in 1980.  I remember it had a very strong effect on me because the man was treated so inhumanely.  Being as sensitive as I am, that deeply affected me as many were by the movies’ content.  Little did I know it would come up so many years later to help me relate to this client’s past life.

Heart renching movie, but totally worth it, with Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt and Anne Bancroft.

The move “The Elephant Man” kept showing up in my head so I told her I believe she had had that disease.  At first I saw her as a man with this disease where the head is oversized.  He was living in a basement type place.  It felt damp and dark and cold and not healthy at all.

As I looked deeper in the life I saw a mother and father having a baby with all the hopes and dreams of a young family having a baby for the first time.  The baby came out deformed.  The mother rejected him completely.  She did not have the strength that was needed to love and accept him.  She was vain and cold and wanted a perfect baby.  The father rejected the baby as well but had some guilt about doing it.

The mother and father allowed the housekeeper to raise the baby, named Charles, in the kitchen.  The housekeeper, Nellie,  mothered the boy best she could and with love.  She gave him chores to do as he got older so he could feel useful and helpful to her.  He somehow knew the other couple in the house were his parents but accepted the love that was available to him.  He was kept out of sight as much as possible but the doctor who came to see him was not a kind man and he gossiped about the deformed boy.  People in the town knew and it got back to Charles and made him ashamed of his body and himself.  He was actually a very kind and gentle boy with a great deal of inner strength to go on with life the way he did.  He was able to revel in the little love he did have.  But at the same time he knew he was different and felt being that his body was deformed, was something to be debased, unloved and rejected by others and by himself.

At age 11 the mother and father sent him away to live at a “school.”  Nellie the housekeeper was very upset by this and didn’t understand why the boy had to go.   She didn’t live long after that, a few years.  Died before mid 50’s truly from sadness from not being able to protect Charles.

While at the “school” he was treated even worse.  The people who ran the school only wanted him if he could work.  He was basically a slave to them and they got paid by his parents to keep him there too.  For his parents it kept him out of sight, out of mind.  Yet, if people in town asked about Charles, his parents could say proudly, “He’s at a special school.” He never went home to visit.  He cleaned the stalls, swept, worked on the tractor, anything and everything he was able to do for them.

The movie "Mask" was another amazing true life story of a boy with the "elephant man" disease. His mom, played by Cher, was a loving light in his life like Nellie and the little girl were to Hope in her past life. Movie also with Eric Stoltz and Sam Elliot.

The one shining light in his life was the owners little girl.  She was a bright light from God and loved him as a brother despite his deformity.  She snuck out to see him in the barn whenever she could just to talk.  They were friends.  Their little visits together kept him going,  gave him hope that things would get better.

Things didn’t get any better in that life.  Charles died at age 18 at that “school”.  I saw that Nellie was there in Heaven to receive him.

We learn from the same soul mates over and over again –

Charles’ father in that life is Hope’s bofriend in this life, Craig.  Her mother in that life is her sister in this life.  The little girl of love and light was Craig’s son and Nellie was Hope’s aunt.  All the personalities and issues Hope has with the people in the past life story match up to their personalities now, she confirmed.

The skeleton of Joseph Merrick, the true life "elephant man" curtesy of the Royal London Hospital Archives.

When she got up off of my table, she said her back was straight again.  She said before we started it felt twisted and curved.  The pain was gone.  She was able to walk and sit just like normal with no pain.

And, she said she connected with all the information that we had gotten.  She had seen the hunchback and deformed lives too.  She felt from things Craig has said to her lately that he’d been rejecting her and pushing her aside, just like he did when he was father to Charles.  They are playing it all out again in this life, in a smaller way, until they learn what they need to learn from it.  She felt she had learned a lot and was ready to move to the next level of talking to her boyfriend about it and learning to love her body as Divine Source made her.

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This weekends Reiki Circle

WOW!  What a great Reiki circle we had on Saturday.  I felt a need to write a post about it.  You know, if you are one of my students, I talk about the Reiki circle a lot.  That’s because I so totally believe in it.

This month we talked about healing ourselves and others using a technique of reliving past lives.  We talked for about an hour, answered questions and I shared some of my favorite books about past life healing (which are all available in my lending library)

I led everyone into a meditation for them to experience their past lives themselves.  I was pleasantly surprised EVERYONE was able to retrieve a past life themselves, even if they have had very little meditation experience.  I don’t know why I was surprised other than it was my first time doing this particular meditation with anyone else.  But, when I do past life hypnosis every one has been able to do it as well.  This meditation is very similar to that.  But, with leading a whole group of people this time, I had to wait until the meditation was over to hear how it was working.  I loved hearing the lives that each person experienced themselves and HOW it is able to help them heal something in their lives NOW.  It was very exciting.  (For more Past Life Healing stories).  I’d love to do this topic again in a future circle.  It is of course, one of my favorites!

The more people in a spiritual group, the more powerful the energy, connection to the energy and connection to Divine Source!

Another quick pitch for the Reiki circle.  I believe in it so much and for so many reasons.  Here are some of them off the top of my head:

  • No matter how busy your life is, you can fit Reiki in once a month. YES, you can!  It’s a matter of priorities.  Make YOU a priority!
  • Practice, practice and more practice!  Here is a chance to practice on other Reiki people CONSISTENTLY once every month. (Twice a month if you have children)
  • Getting together in groups is a stress reliever in itself, but a Reiki group must be 10 x the stress relief!  We always feel GREAT afterwards.
  • Getting together with like-minded people is also important for your spiritual growth, affirmation of who you are and the journey you are on.
  • The more you run Reiki the more you raise your vibration, are able to run more energy and receive information better as well.
  • When you run energy as a group, your abilities expand even faster and you are able to learn more and TRUST your abilities better.
  • You become much more confident in your abilities when you come and practice them with others at Reiki circle and are able to ask questions and share ideas.
  • Plus, It’s just so much FUN!

There are many more reasons but to me those are my KEY reasons to make Reiki circle a priority, once a month.  Can YOU think of any?  Please comment.