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Reiki For Hair Growth

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher/Intuitive Healer for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA 

REMEMBER – Reiki works safely alongside any other healing modality or medical intervention. But, it is NOT a substitute for medical help. Please, if you have serious hair loss, please consult your doctor and get blood work or other testing done to get answers. AND add Reiki to that!!


When my dad was young his Aunt and Uncle raised him.  He said he learned everything good from his Uncle Karl.  He had so much respect for Uncle Karl and his word was my dad’s law in life.  

One thing Uncle Karl taught him was to massage his scalp every morning.  He told him, IF he massages his scalp rather vigorously every day, he would not go bald.  He really did not want to go bald.  But, what kid actually does as a young teen, way before the chance of going bald?  My dad as a kid, that’s who.

Well, whether it was the massaging of the scalp or the true belief in Uncle Karl’s words, it worked.  My dad did not go bald, but his younger brothers did; and at a somewhat early age.  My dad was always very proud of his hair because he had dedicated and worked at it.  When he died at 84 he had a full head of blond hair, a little less full then when he was young, but a full head of hair none the less.

Reiki always knows what you are doing so you don’t have to, anyone can do Reiki. But, holding positive intentions does make the healing stronger.


My dad usually did this ritual early in the morning before his showers.  I only know this because when we would go camping in the summer. Every single morning my dad would shake the camper for about 5 – 10 minutes while he leaned way over so he was upside down in front of him and very vigorously massaged his scalp.  This action would shake our trailer- A LOT.  He’d shake the trailer so much it would wake us all up so I couldn’t go back to sleep again, even on vacation. (That was probably also his secret secondary plan.) But, this was so important to him, that he keep his morning absolution every single day, he didn’t mind the wrath of two teen girls screaming at him for waking them up too early on their summer break. I wonder what our fellow campers thought was going on in our camper as they walked by us to their morning shower?  Hmmmmmm, I bet they had absolutely no idea my father had discovered the free miracle cure to baldness.

My dad dedicated himself to this goal and did it every single day and it worked, for all we know.  I believe intention and action almost always work.  Add Reiki and Yes, it always helps.


When I started losing my hair from age and hormone issues I thought about this as I was shampooing my hair. I decided to apply Reiki and (not quite so vigorously) massage my scalp while I shampoo and just let Reiki do, what Reiki does; heal!!


(We just don’t always know how it helps.)

Your crown chakra will be so HAPPY!!

Scientifically I can’t tell you my hair is growing back because of the Reiki although I apply this most days; there’s no money to create that study.  But, my hair seems thicker and healthier to me and that’s all that matters. It helps me to know I’m doing something positive about it.

Sometimes, we just need to Reiki something every day for many years and it will help.  Intention meets attention + Reiki!  A powerful combination.


*** There is no wrong way to do Reiki. Just do it!!  

*** Reiki is Divinely Guided and is always for your best and highest good.  IF you are meant to have a full head of hair and DO this process, it will work, most of the time.  Life happens. 


Edgar Cayce would from time to time get letters from his clients (His readings were all done through snail mail at the time) who had received a healing/reading from him and it didn’t work.  In most of these cases Edgar Cayce would write back and tell them to NOT GIVE UP or DO IT LONGER, MUCH LONGER!!  YEARS LONGER!  Most people give up before results.  


Reiki is Divinely Sourced and Guided, therefore, it hears your thoughts and you can direct Reiki with your thoughts.  

Ask Reiki to:

* Shoot Reiki out through your fingertips to thicken your hair growth

* Remind you -to do this every time you shampoo.

* Run Reiki every time you shampoo even if you forget to ask

There are other therapies that help heal many parts our bodies from the scape; Indian Scalp Massage, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Energy Psychology and holding Neurovascular points which I learned from Donna Eden. Always beneficial to run Reiki on your head.

* Ask Reiki to heal your scalp, hair follicles, acupressure points on your scalp 

* Ask Reiki to open your crown chakra or others near the area

* And any other healing intention that comes to you

So, think about yourself and your healing practices.  What would benefit from you doing it more and longer and WITH REIKI?!!!

That is a question for you to answer yourself, but please do share with us IF you feel so called to do so; especially if this helps you in any way.  We love to hear from you.

Love and Light,

Josslyn and 360-460-7829

Acupressure areas on the head.
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Reiki II Practitioner Graduates!

Congratulations Reiki II Graduates!  You are all EMPOWERING yourselves on this fabulous life journey with Reiki!

In Reiki II we learn the three Reiki Symbols which help people create a tangible connection with Reiki.  Sometimes learning Reiki is hard for people in Reiki I because Reiki is totally new and an INTANGIBLE.  Some people are good with intangible and some people are better with tangible things; things they can see, touch and smell.  Well Reiki is tangible after practice when you really GET it, but if people don’t practice and don’t ever FEEL that connection, they might quit or find it very hard to continue and use it very little.  I highly recommend taking my Reiki I class where we spend quite a bit of time learning HOW to use Reiki in our every day lives and in the cracks, as well as a hands on technique.  But, I also recommend going on to level two, even if you don’t feel you quite GET IT yet because the Reiki Symbols often tie it all together for people and then they are able to understand it much more and then have more of a confidence and motivation to use it more in their lives.

It doesn’t matter WHY you take a Reiki class in the beginning, but if you don’t feel confident enough to use it in your life, you won’t get any of the benefits.  Reiki is a healing miracle in so many of my student’s lives and mine, if it has not been a miracle in your life, please come to some of my workshops and start learning what Reiki really truly IS and HOW it can benefit YOU.  Reiki is ultimately for YOU.  If you feel better, calmer, and more confident in handling life, then you are better able to help others, be kind to others and be the person you want to be in the world.  

Especially in these times, that is what we all need.  We all need Reiki right now.  

My longer Reiki classes are all about helping you to feel confident in using Reiki in any aspect in your life that you want to feel better and healthier about: relationships, job, family, home, romance, manifesting, healing, etc.  ALL aspects.  Reiki is not just a hands on healing technique, it’s a Divine Energy for healing your entire person and life.  

Parden me for getting on my little “Reiki is Incredible” soap box, but it truly has been such a miracle in my life, I just want to help other people connect and understand it as much as my students and I do.  Because when you understand it, you use it, when you use it, it heals you.  It’s really that simple, and then also, not.  We are here to help you use Reiki in your life to heal whatever you choose and whatever your soul chooses.

I can’t make you take a Reiki class, but when you are ready, I’m here to guide you through it and continue walking next to you on your path.  This is my soul path.  Josslyn 

Honoring my Reiki Students, 


to my Reiki II Practitioners!!!

Emily, Darcie, Nikki and Michelle

Practicing a Reiki session in each class is key to ‘cementing’ in what we have learned. This session they are practicing using the new symbols in a Reiki session on others through surrogate or on the actual person. This is the beginning, then going to their friends and family and practicing more helps to build confidence.
This is Nikki practicing a long distance Reiki session on a friend viewing her friend as a holographic image. It’s incredible and it works. Every single student got amazing and tangible feedback from their long distance volunteer. And, every class I teach, that is how it is.
Michelle did Reiki on her husband (we can’t always get a live person to work on during quarantine, but we work around that) even through he was very skeptical. His chronic pain went away and stayed away even the next day. He’s still holding out judgement, but that’s ok, he’s opening up enough to allow the Reiki a chance. That’s all we need. Reiki helps heal us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
During quarantine everyone practices Reiki how ever they are able. Some work on surrogate animals or stuffed animals, some on people they live with. We can find a way no matter what. Reiki is ultimately very flexible if we are. Here they are all practicing their long distance sessions on people far away. Long Distance healing is incredible and will give you ‘proof’ that Reiki is working IF you give it a chance and DO IT!!
Nikki drawing one of her new Reiki Symbols and putting it into the energy of her client using the bear as a surrogate.
We meditate in every Reiki Class and I consistently get feedback that this is one of people’s favorite part of class. I thought the way the light was coming in and shining on Emily was really beautiful.
Michelle during her practice long distance session. During any Reiki session, in person, surrogate or long distance, you can FEEL the energy in your body, in your hands and emotions. You can, with practice, start understanding what these different feelings mean. Sometimes you feel tingling, buzzing, heat or cold, sometimes you feel throbbing or sometimes you will even have physiological body signs such as yawing, burping, laughing, tearing up. There are many tangible signs the Reiki is working. It keeps it interesting and again, tangible and understandable.

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Special on Soul Readings for Today’s Climate

By Amber McCarter, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center in Sequim, WA

We are in an unprecedented climate. The current state of the world is stirring up a lot of different things for a lot of people: fears of getting sick, financial insecurities, social isolation and abandonment issues, grief over missed opportunities and relationships… and these are just the things we can “see.” Our souls have planted us in this timeline for a reason, and for many of us those reasons probably include bringing up past karma for healing, or even preparing our souls for future incarnations where the energetic evolutions our soul will be acquiring through our roles in this adventure will be needed in some way. Or, perhaps, this is an opportunity to slow down and really look at what we as individuals or as a community really need to grow spiritually.

Right now we are likely to be feeling uncertain as to what our role or purpose in these current conditions could be. We may not recognize the healings that we are being asked to make space for, or perhaps are even already undergoing. Or maybe we have an idea of what our soul wants to be doing, but are unsure if we are on the right path or feeling stumped as to how to get there.

These are all questions we can help you to address, through Divine and your Higher Self. We will ask your soul what it needs to heal right now, and how your current circumstances fit into your life’s path. We will help you to heal what you are ready to heal, and discover what you need to continue moving forward.

The Psychic Healers at Rain Shadow Reiki – Josslyn, Amber, and Ellen – would like to support our clients, students, and community as best we can, doing what we do best.  Our Divine Guidance says that people want help figuring out what this all means to them, so we are offering psychic readings at a reduced rate during the virus outbreak and even beyond.  As long as our guides want us to do this for you, and as long as we are all healthy and able, we are wanting to support you.  

These very special psychic readings are on special: 1 hour for $70.

Contact Us
Book Your Session!

You Can Purchase Here

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Product Review- Portable Infrared Sauna’s to Help You Be Healthier

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center in Sequim, WA

Links to articles below-

Please, and I’m serious about this, talk to your doctor and make sure you are healthy enough to use an infrared sauna before using it.  This is for healthy people to stay healthy.

I’m not an expert, please do your own research, this is just a product review for a product that I have personally been using and LOVE LOVE LOVE!!  AND for everything I’m reading, THESE KILL BACTERIA AND VIRUS IN THE BODY!!! TIMELY RIGHT!?!!

I have a history of chronic illness and have been a seeker for most of my life to find ways to be healthier in my body, naturally.  A friend of mine who also has Lyme Disease got one of these infrared saunas and loved it and recommended it to me.  I was hesitant at first but then thought, it’s not much money so what do I have to lose.

I’m so glad I took the plunge because I’ve been using it for four months and LOVE IT!! Singing that I love it so much!

I got the Harmony Infrared Sauna on Amazon, about $250 or a little more with tax and what not and it’s AMAZING! Singing again.

Not only does it feel so good to be hot in the winter time, but everything I read, and don’t take my word for it I’m not a doctor at all, but common sense and everything I read says that HEAT like in your body or in sauna’s, kill virus and bacteria.   Your body gets a fever so it kills the overgrowth of bad stuff in your body, right!?! In the sauna, I’ve built up slowly to thirty minutes at 151 degrees.  151 Degrees!!!! That must be killing a lot of stuff I don’t want in my body for sure. The Coronavirus is a very vulnerable virus, it’s easily killed at 133 degrees F or above.  Just breath the hot air from the sauna for five minutes straight and then again in a hour.  Do this each day until well.  (Please note: My son has been sick for almost four months straight with flu and virus’, I have a compromised immune system, I’m around kids, adults, elderly all the time AND I have not gotten anything, at all.)

But, for killing viruses it’s more complicated.  But there is also evidence that with the detoxification process of sweating it also boosts the immune system.  Plus the sauna helps with endorphins and allows the body to send out more white blood cells which combat the stuff in the body we do not want.  Lots of good going on with these infrared saunas.  

BONUS- your head sticks out and there are holes for your hands, so you can read, watch TV, play games on the phone or just meditate without your head being too hot or getting claustrophobic.  It’s amazing.  Did I say that already?!!

Do your own research.   But, know, I love mine and use it every two to three days and sometimes more.  And, in this climate with the virus outbreak, it’s very good to have products like this at home where we can use them regularly for our health.  Many people are off school and work anyways, lots of sauna time!

Here is a LINK to the one I bought


*Bring in your Reiki to support you in ANYTHING you do for healing.  Reiki brings 1. deeper spiritual healing on all levels 2.  spiritual power   3.  safe and sacred space energetically   4.  spiritual intuition and guidance.

*Drink lots of water before and after your sauna to hydrate

*Digest food for about one hour before doing the sauna (heat slows down digestion and could cause some issues)

*But, as well, don’t do the sauna on a totally hungry tummy either

*Start slow with low temp and low time and build up at a healthy pace for you.  If you feel dizzy, extra tired or any other symptoms that you feel are not normal, then reduce time or heat temp and go slower.

*Wear a towel and I put a towel on the chair and also folded up on the back of the chair to support my lumbar as well

*Clean with vinegar or natural products after because you will sweat A LOT!!


We will be here, helping in anyway we can energetically, as long as we are able.  Holding space for us to rise above and heal from ALL the issues that are being shown to us to heal at this time.  This is ONE BIG HEALING OPPORTUNITY!! WOW

Blessings to you all,

Josslyn Streett



Infrared Sauna for the Common Cold



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Reiki Didn’t Work For Me

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

*****If you believe Reiki didn’t work for you, may I suggest you read on…..

**2nd in a series on being successful with your Reiki practice when it doesn’t come easy to you.  Here is a link to the first blog, Signs that your Reiki Really is ON.

In my classes, like my teacher before me,  I tell people to look back after one year of being attuned to Reiki and they will see how their lives have changed a great deal.  IF AND ONLY IF they are actually working with their Reiki regularly.  DAILY IS BEST.
I encourage you to work with your Reiki each and every day in your life, make it a part of your daily living and you will see major changes for good happening right away.
 However, what if Reiki doesn’t come easy to you?  What do you do then?
Easy………. like any other new thing in your life, stick to it, make it a priority, and then DO IT!! DO IT ANYWAY!!
With Reiki, I’m a very go with the flow teacher.  I believe the more we attempt to control our spiritual practice, the more Divine gives us lessons for control.
But, for this one thing, starting a new and very important habit that can literally change your life for the better — This One Time, Don’t Go With The Flow.  

In the beginning doing Reiki will be new and therefore different. Anything different to us can often be construed as STRESS!! ………..Oh no, not that!
If your mind translates the Reiki as stress then you will probably protect yourself from the stress by NOT doing it. Sabotage will occur, you stop doing it and then you end up seeing no benefits and it’s easy to say “Reiki didn’t work for me.”  When this is really not the truth at all.
We must work at the habit of the Reiki.
The daily work, the consistency to learn it, feel it and want it, is the hard part, the Reiki itself is the easy part.
Joss’ Story
“Doing Reiki for others came very easy to me, I’m a giver and always have been.  Receiving was totally new to me.  Therefore, doing Reiki on myself daily did not happen for quite a long time after taking my Reiki classes.  I knew I had these mental belief blocks to doing Reiki on myself, and I knew I needed to heal them, so I decided to do a lot of Reiki on others and INTEND to heal these blockages in my belief system during these healings on others.  Since our client and ourselves both receive Reiki, this was my indirect way of healing myself, the scenic route to healing an issue.  Longer, but also effective. This takes a little longer, but for me it worked – until it didn’t.  I reached a point where my intuition was giving me signs that this was no longer what I needed, I needed to do hands on Reiki daily.  I needed a new plan.  
So, I decided the old fashioned way was best for me.  It was close to the end of the year, so I decided that on New Years Day, I would make ONE New Years Resolution.  For that entire year, I would do Reiki on myself every single day, no matter what.  This was the only new major commitment I made that year and I stuck to it, because I knew I needed to and because I made the commitment to myself.  There were only two days where I had the stomach flu and did not accomplish my daily Reiki, every other day I did.  And what is more important, now doing Reiki on myself became MY NEW NORMAL.  Now, if I don’t do daily Reiki, I don’t feel normal and my body, mind and spirit remind me of this at the end of the day.  It’s a win/win.”
 Other Help – ME!
IF after a month of doing daily Reiki, you still have blockages that you can’t seem to budge, call me for a private session.  That is when we need other healers to help us.  Divine wants us to work together as a community.  He wants us to work as a team, to trust others.  If you have truly done all you feel you can do, that is when you ask for other help.   And if you are truly ready, mind, body and spirit, Reiki and myself will help remove the blockages that are holding you back.  Helping people move forward on their spiritual path is one of my specialties and one of my most favorite paths to help with.  I feel there is no other path that is more worthwhile than working on our connection to our Higher Selves.  I’m happy to help with this process.
 I pray this motivates some of you to take some action in your lives and practice your Reiki.  It’s all good.  It’s all part of YOUR personal journey.  Ask yourself, do I want my journey to start NOW?
 In Love and Light of our Divine Source,
 Josslyn or 360-460-7828
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Reiki Quick Tip – Feeling the Reiki Energy in the Beginning

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center in Sequim, WA

I know it’s sometimes hard to feel the Reiki energy when working on ourselves, especially in the beginning when we are new to Reiki and our hands and bodies are not as sensitive to the energy yet.

This will change with more practice, it will.  Your hands will get more sensitive to the subtle energy and your mind will learn to be still and be able to tap into the feelings that the subtle energy creates.  Don’t be so hard on yourself, machines and science cannot detect this energy, but humans can FEEL it.

However, feeling the energy is what makes it so magical, so mystical and helps us feel so connected to our Higher Power.  Feeling the sensations of the energy is what most of my students tell me they want, but don’t feel, when working on themselves- at first.

I always feel the Byoseen (subtle energy feelings) much stronger when working on others, so in the beginning, I just worked on other people a whole lot, every chance I got.

**But knowing that daily Reiki on ourselves is the most important thing we can do for our own healing, how do we motivate ourselves to work ON ourselves when we can’t FEEL the Reiki running?

Quick Tip to Feeling the Reiki in the Beginning

**When doing a Reiki treatment on yourself, hold your hands an inch or two above your body.  We can often feel the play of energy off the body better if we are not touching it directly.  This works great for self treatment or treatment on others.  Give it a try and see if you feel a difference or not.  Once we can feel the energy more, we are more motivated to actually DO our daily self treatment.  Some people feel the energy more on the body, try both ways and see what works for you.  Pretty soon, you’ll be feeling it no matter how you DO IT.

Hope this helps.  Have fun with your Reiki.  Try new things and listen to your Divine Reiki Guides, they will give you ideas like this too.

Reiki Blessings,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

private email, phone or Skype sessions available

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The beautiful Rio Grande, one of the most beautiful rivers on earth.

April 22nd is Earth Day, a day to celebrate and show LOVE to our beloved planet. This year the theme is ‘PROTECT OUR SPECIES.’ Many of our Reiki people have shown a great interest in participating in Reiki Healing on the Earth and it is important to us as well.

In this experiential workshop we will be talking about and DOING healings on the Earth and it’s species and how we can best serve our planet. It is really US, the humans, who need the healing, but by focusing all our attention as a group on healing specific parts of the earth or specific species, we in turn heal ourselves and others who choose it as well. The snowball effect for these community healings is HUGE and has a great effect on all of us. It helps us to be more in tune with our planet and the animals as well as get intuitions of how we can help more in our daily lives.

The whales need healing now more than ever.

We will bring in our Reiki Healing Energy, meditate so we are all on the same level of resonance, and do two healings on the Earth and its species. We can choose what we want to heal and usually Mother Earth provides something timely for us to focus our attention on. Then we will also do a healing specifically on a species that is dear to our hearts and speaks to us for the second healing. The group energy will make this event extremely powerful for us and Mother Earth.

Get ready, it’s going to be EXCELLENT!! All Reiki levels are welcome. 3 hours, $50 April 22nd, 5:30pm to 8:30pm Follow this link to sign up for this awesome workshop!

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Reiki As Witness – Grieving 3

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center in Sequim, WA

Many years ago I watched a movie with Susan Sarandon. I love movies, they are often my muse. I didn’t love this movie so much, “Shall We Dance”, it was o.k. for me, but this line by Susan’s character stayed with me many years.

  • Beverly Clark : “We need a witness to our lives. There’s a billion people on the planet… I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things… all of it, all of the time, every day. You’re saying ‘Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness’.”

Two of my most beloved witnesses to my life died in the crash July 20, 2017. My husband and my son were my soul mates, my heart, my witnesses to my life; good and hard. My husband especially maybe because he had chosen this position as witness when he married me. He had proven over and over again to be my most loyal ally in this sense of life/marriage. He didn’t always know how to be there for me, but he worked at it, he learned, he proved to me over and over again that he cared even through he didn’t always understand. He made the effort daily, year after year to learn, to understand more, to be there for me whatever the case, that’s love. I was blessed to have 22 years of his love. Many people wish for and search for the kind of love my husband and I had. Not perfect, but perfect for us.

Which maybe makes my loss more unbearable, maybe it makes it more bearable. It depends upon the moment and the feeling in that moment. It changes moment by moment which it is.

I’ve secretly struggled with this since the death of my chosen witnesses. I secretly struggle with a lot, but this was a BIG ONE.

Who? Who, in my deepest darkest hours, with all of my piled up, extreme baggage now, would want to witness me. Who would I trust enough to witness my baggage, my HUGE stacks and stacks of baggage? I was terribly mad at God, my Reiki was not running through my body, although I worked with it in other ways, I didn’t see it as my witness. Just wasn’t there yet. Yet.

My Caregiver/Assistant/Co-Healer/Very Close Dear friend, Ellen, was teaching a series of Talking to Trees Classes during the summer, one year after the crash. I could barely get out of the house regularly and my physical therapy wasn’t coming along as fast as I had liked to be hiking out into the forest to talk to trees. But, I was determined to go. I knew I needed it more than staying home and being safe for my body.

The first one at beautiful Lake Crescent was amazing and I got some very important messages from the trees. But, the second class, just down the street from my home in the forest near by, was the one that shook me to my core and opened me up to a old and new possibilities. I had only made it down to the forest near my home once and that was too much and created too much pain for my body, so I hadn’t walked there since. In fact, for the tree class, I drove there and walked into the forest, just being careful and respecting my bodies healing pace.

The class was going beautifully, Ellen is a wonderful facilitator and teacher, very naturally gifted with plants and Reiki both. We were getting to the first session in which we break up, walk around the forest and pick a tree to talk to, or they pick us is how it usually goes for me. I had to go to the bathroom and was struggling with how far of a walk it was and should I go now, or do the talking session then go. Stupid stuff that clouds your mind at important moments, body stuff that constantly reminds us we are human.

I choose to do a quick session talking to the trees and then make the hike to the bathrooms since I knew the trees I needed to talk to were on the way and I’d already be part way there. I just know which trees want to talk, and I head in that direction. I turn to the tree I feel is the one and I look at it. When I’m looking at it, it’s looking back at me. It has many eyes, all looking at me. I was taken aback for a moment, then went on with the process Ellen has taught us to connect with the trees. Still in my mind, I need to do this quick because I still have to go to the bathroom. Luckily, this tree got right to the point and didn’t mince words. As I connected to it, it said, “I see you. I am witness for you. We all are.”

Aspen Eyes by

Well, I hadn’t told ANYONE about my ‘witness conundrum’. No one. I started blubbering right away. There is no other word for it. This tree, in one sentence, knew the deepest darkest fears of my heart and got right to the point. I felt it too, I felt it take me through the Universe as if to say, the Universe IS the witness to your life and I am part of the Universe, as are you. DUH. Of course, we are all one, we are all connected, but this tree had to remind me of that and help me FEEL it in my core, in every molecule. It had to help me feel it so substantially that I wouldn’t forget it.

I went to the bathroom, rejoined the group and couldn’t share. It was too deep, too personal, made me too vulnerable at the moment. I wasn’t ready. I usually share quite willingly what the trees tell me, even if it’s hard, even if it’s sensitive, but that day I couldn’t. It took me quite a long time to even share the experience with Ellen, but I did. And, now I share with you. Hoping and praying that this, as always is my path, helps someone else to know/feel, that even when we are/feel alone the trees witness us. Even when we are in the pit of depression, the Universe witnesses us. And, even when we feel there is no hope, Reiki witnesses us.

This is when I conceived this process and have used it ever since with my Reiki when I need it. I need it often. I feel it working, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get off my couch to write this. It lifted me up enough to take one more step into my life. One more step onto my path. One more step into healing.

Reiki as Witness Process:

  1. Bring in my Reiki with intention (Gassho Prayer Position)
  2. Ask God/Reiki to WITNESS my pain, suffering, grief
  3. Ask God/Reiki to FEEL my pain, suffering, grief
  4. Ask God/Reiki to FILL ME UP, fill all my cracks with Reiki
  5. Ask God/Reiki to TAKE THE PAIN AWAY: Whatever is not mine. Whatever is no longer serving me for learning. Whatever is not for my highest and best good and in the highest and best way- Take it all to Divine or to Mother Earth and leave the Reiki in it’s place.
  6. Reiki yourself hands on or just with intention in your heart.
  7. Do this a million more times until I feel better, feel like moving off the couch.
  8. Say THANK YOU.

God Bless you for reading, healing, sending love,


P.S. – One of my favorite songs, gets me every time I hear it, hauntingly beautiful and profound for this blog topic, The Story, by Brandi Carlile. Hope the link works, if not, it’s worth hearing to go to You Tube and listen to it.

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New Gassho Experiential Workshop REVIEWS!!

Because I’m getting ready to spend quality time with my son for the holidays and wrapping up my ‘work’, I’ll let my students speak for themselves about how they liked the Gassho workshop.

I will be teaching another of these workshops soon, in person as well as online. Email us if you’d like to be a part of this workshop. It’s FABULOUS if I do say so myself. I was deeply moved by the experience and had a great deal of fun as well. Thank you to my students for letting me know how the workshop effected them so honestly.

Downloading, writing, visioning and teaching new workshops is one of my new favorite things to do. We will have a lot more experiential workshops coming in 2019 because EXPERIENCING REIKI IS THE BEST WAY TO LEARN REIKI!!

Blessings, Josslyn

“What a wonderful practice to learn.  I didn’t get this practice with my Reiki I teaching and really am looking for a more spiritual practice and way of incorporating Reiki in my everyday life.  Thank you Josslyn. Heart.”  Molly M. from PA, December 2018

“This workshop allowed me to deepen my awareness of my connection to my Gassho practice.  Josslyn divided the Gassho into individual components- this made it easier for me experience the Gassho in a much more introspective and personal way.  I value and will continue to use this new practice!!!” Michele R. from PA, December 2018

“Josslyn is an amazing teacher who understands students and their needs.  She is patient, knowledgeable, compassionate and has an awesome sense of humor.   I would highly recommend any classes Josslyn teachers!!! Especially Reiki! Heart” M. Heins from Sequim, December 2018

“This workshop was actually quite deep.  We worked on much more than a simple prayer.  I especially liked the meditations at the end- on different elements of the Gassho.  The insights I gained were very deep and I feel very motivated to explore further with this.  Bottom line- Gassho Workshop is really about a lot more than just the Gassho!” Margaret F. from Sequim, December 2018

“I feel so much better about doing my Gassho and intention, I will NO LONGER second guess myself; wondering if I’m doing it right.  This class has given me relief in performing Gassho and empowerment in my Reiki!  Heart -Smily Face” B. Owens from Sequim, December 2018

“Yes, I feel this workshop will deepen my connection to divine source and enhance my personal healing and those of the people I work on.”    J. H. from Sequim, WA, December 2018

Having a blast with the Gassho!!

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Wounded Healer=Healer

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Understand your darkness and it will vanish; then you will know what light is.  Understand your nightmare for what it is and it will stop; then you will wake up to reality.  Understand your false beliefs and they will drop; then you will know the taste of happiness.”

Father Anthony De Mello

My star chart calls me a ‘wounded healer.’


Since I read that for the first time, it made sense to me.  It resonated to me, at the time, but it won’t always.

It described the route my soul choose in order to get where I am; abuse, chronic illness, trauma, depression.  Not always fun, not easy, but rarely boring and quite literally, expansive.  It has facilitated me in learning the lessons I needed to learn to be the stronger, more intuitive and more interesting person I am today.

My chart also says that through healing myself, I also help others to facilitate their own healing.  This is a gift for sure.  Heal one, heal many.  That has been the theme of this year for me.

This has been my personal process for my whole life, and, for that, I am grateful.

Sharing what I have learned with others, watching others go through the expanding of their own healing process is renewal of spirit and incredibly rewarding.  And for that too, I am grateful.

Since my father passed away last September I’ve been thrown into a whirl-wind of healing opportunities.

Blogging, unfortunately, has not been a part of it.  I’ve been deep in healing myself, which all healers need to be conscious of and DO consistently more than any healing for others.  The beauty of Reiki is that when you heal yourself or anyone else, everyone benefits.  It’s divine.

When a large change happens, like the death of a parent, we need to take time for ourselves to heal, process and expand.  I’ve been doing just that and I’m getting there.  Patience is a big part of this process.  I’m grateful for yours, and I’m practicing mine a great deal.

I know I’ll have plenty to share when I’m ready, but I’m still not at the point where blogging feels helpful or needed.  I have yet to be motivated by spirit to do it.

So, Thank You For Your Patience, as I don’t yet feel blogging and writing about my path this past year is for my highest good.  Yes.  I’m grateful to those of you have have noticed and spoken to me about it.  That means some of you are reading and noticing.  For that, again, I am grateful.  Thank you for reading, thank you for your patience and hopefully when I come back to it, you’ll be ready to read because it’s been quite a year and I’d like to share what I’ve learned with those who want to hear about it.

When spirit moves me, I’ll be back talking about Reiki and other healing modalities that I am learning through this process.  The wait, I believe, will be worth it.

It has been a year of miracles for me.  I believed in miracles for my clients, for other people, this year I finally believed for myself.  Ask and you shall receive.  I asked for a healing miracle and I received a healing miracle.  I’ll write about it to share with you all soon.  In the meantime, I’m taking what I’ve learned and helping others as much as I possibly can.

ALL HEALING COMES FROM GOD, DIVINE, GREAT SPIRIT, UNIVERSE, whatever you call your Higher Power of Love and Light.  Ask and you shall receive…

Blessings to you all,

