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Reiki What You Read, See, Watch and Hear

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

I was reading an author recently who I have followed for many years and have a great deal of respect for her work.  She is a world-famous psychic, been on T.V., written many books on the psychic topic and has proven over and over again just how amazing she is.  I have most of her books and read and reread them.

Bring your Reiki in to empower and protect you before you start reading any books, ANY BOOKS!!
Bring your Reiki in to empower and protect you before you start reading any books, ANY BOOKS!!

Humans make mistakes, period!

However, on this day, I had just a few minutes to kill, so I picked up one of her books I had not read, turned to just one chapter at the end of the book and started reading it.  As I read, she talked about a topic I know a lot about energy healing.  What she said, completely disagreed with what I have come to believe in my personal experience with healing work.  This made me stop and go WHAO!  What the heck?  I was astounded.  I was a bit in shock that our views on a subject would vier so opposite.

For a moment, it made me question my own beliefs.  It made me question my own experiences.  It definitely made me reflect at a deeper level.

Calm & Centered

But, then I stopped myself and sat with it.  I removed the emotional component and I calmed my mind and body as I went to my inner compass, my higher self and discussed this from a higher place within me.  I came to the conclusion that my own intuition and personal experience is what I have to go with, what I trust, what I feel to be true.  My feelings and my inner compass have not steered me wrong, but authors who I do not know personally, and who are also human and make mistakes, cannot be my first ‘go to’ authority.  My higher self knows best for me and I stick with that.  Yes, I decided, it is highly possible, even probably, this author, as great as I feel she is, could simply be wrong on this particular subject.

Recycle the Trash

Then I remembered other books I had read where most of what I had read I agreed with.  But, then I’d reach a chapter that just didn’t sit right, didn’t feel right, didn’t feel like it came from a place of Love and Light, so I put it in my proverbial trash can and didn’t take it in.  This happens a lot with information I’ve noticed, a little lower vibrational energy, thoughts and words sneak in where much of the book was of Love and Light.  After a while of practicing this, it gets easier and easier to trust your own intuition and not the authors. This can be applied to ALL books, magazines, reading materials.


The Golden Rule

When you watch television you automatically enter into an alpha state and transfer into your right brain. The result is the internal release of the body's own opiates, encephalons and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. In other words, your mind feels good, and you want to come back for more. From
When you watch television you automatically enter into an alpha state and transfer into your right brain. The result is the internal release of the body’s own opiates, encephalons and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. In other words, your mind feels good, and you want to come back for more. From

“I tell my students at the beginning of all my classes and sessions to NOT take in anything I or anyone else says unless it feels right to them.  If  an ‘expert’ of any kind says something that doesn’t feel right, don’t take it into your personal space and your mind just because they are a ‘so called’ expert.  What they are saying may simply not be right for you, it may not be right for you at this time or it simply may not be right, period.”  Josslyn

It is most important, especially at this time of the new age of enlightenment, to find our own inner compass and learn to listen to it.  The best way to do this is by practicing, starting NOW.  Your own intuition is always your best guidance.


Guard Yourself From Too Much Input!

When we are reading a book, watching television, movies or on the computer we are taking in millions of bits of new input; emotional, visual, mental, spiritual, all levels are being inundated with new input from these forms of media and it affects us on all levels.  It is energy and it affects us more than we know.

Mostly Hypnotized

T.V. is especially prone to hypnotizing us and getting their messages directly into our minds.
T.V. is especially prone to hypnotizing us and getting their messages directly into our minds.

Do we really want to be taking in ALL of what we read or see?  Do we completely trust the source of these books, programs, movies and commercials so well that we will just automatically take it all in?  Typically we don’t take in all of it, our filters of our conscious mind is often up and working and ready to filter out what we don’t want.  However, the people who make commercials and movies and Facebook posts are trained to SHOCK you, quickly get you to drop your filters and allow in their visual forms of information, without processing it.  Or, even more sneaky, they appeal to our bleeding hearts with sad pictures that activate our overly emotional sense of empathy and we take it in due to being emotionally too open.  This can happen all too easily because with the modern life, we are already in such a state of hypnosis much of the time, that we are highly suggestible much of the time. Being highly suggestible makes us take in more of what we see, hear and experience around us without the same and ‘normal’ filters we would have up if we were grounded.

This happens more often than we realize.  Unless we have filters built-in or put up before hand, you are taking much of this information into your being and accepting much of it as your truth.  Reiki can help to make sure this does not happen.  Sometimes this information just gets stuck in your energy field, but sometimes it actually gets taken in as a mental truth and it is much harder of a process to get it out afterwards.  Either way, this energy then has to be removed from our energy field,  and that takes more healing than most of us know to do.

Sensitives Take Caution

For spiritual or sensitive people this is even more of an issue.  I personally do not watch the news and have not for many years because I’m sensitive to taking in these visuals and having difficulty ridding them from my psyche after the fact. I also don’t watch scary movies or shows that I feel will be too much for me to handle. The more sensitive a person is the more important it is to keep this visual, emotional and auditory energy from getting in, in the first place.  Here is HOW to do it.  It is quite simple and just takes a conscious intention to do it and regular practice.

The Simple Reiki HOW to protect yourself from what you hear, see, and read:Hypnotized by Ads

  1. Get your Reiki started and if you are a Reiki II or above, chant the symbols that you feel will be needed here.  (I would use all three Reiki II symbols because they cover different aspects that are usually involved including the long distance symbol in case this is a past and very old issue. If you are above Reiki II, bring in UDKM the Reiki Master Symbol to help since this is a powerful spiritual issue.)
  2. Hold the intention that you are filled and surrounded by Reiki Power, Protection and Support the whole time you are reading, on the computer or watching T.V.
  3. If something comes up at any time that you are not sure about or questioning, then imagine yourself holding the questions out side of your boundary field; think about it, listen to your heart and your soul and decide if you believe it or not.  If you can make a decision right away then do so and be done.  Either take it in or send it to Mother Earth for recycling.
  4. If you are not sure and need more information on this topic before you bring it in or dispose of it, then hold the intention that this question stays out side your boundaries until you can gather the information or personal experience you need in order to make a decision.  (I sometimes hold questions out for many years before I settle on an answer.  When I do get it, it’s a big ‘A Ha’ moment for me and a great feeling of accomplishment.  These are what I call, “The Big Questions.”)
  5. Practice the process as often as possible.  Pretty soon it will become a very positive habit and you will be loving it.  You will feel lighter and more in control of what you take in or leave out.  Your energy field will not be as full of psychic smog and you’ll be able to make decisions easier, quicker and with more confidence.

This process also helps you to feel much more confident in your intuition, your decision-making and your ability to read or watch shows with a discerning mind.  It just feels better too, to not be taken by surprise.

I also highly recommend, especially if you are a beautifully sensitive person, to practice this quick 5 minute visualization for your boundaries and not taking other people’s stuff in.  I have written multiple blogs about this process as it has helped me a great deal.  Here is a link to one of the blogs called ‘Don’t Get Dumped On.’


This ‘golden rule’ of not taking anything in that doesn’t feel right to you does not apply when you are acting out of fear.  My husband brought this to my attention recently when he didn’t want to do something my guides recommended with his business.  I knew it was something totally new for him and would be hard, but I also felt it was important or they (my guides) wouldn’t have told me and made a big deal about it if it wasn’t important.  They don’t waste our time.  He didn’t want to do the recommendation and threw my words back in my face, “But you always say, if it doesn’t feel right don’t do it.”  LOL, I smiled.  Thank you Divine for our mirrors and lessons, so grateful even from our closest family members.  I reminded him that this doesn’t count if the reason you don’t FEEL like you want to do it is from fear or lack of self-worth or some other lower vibrating emotion.  Allowing fear to stop us from moving forward on our path is only hindering us, not helping us.  So, just stop and check in with your higher self.  Be grounded and centered and listen to this emotion keeping you from moving forward.  Is it valid or something you would be best working on with your Reiki to heal it.  Be totally honest with yourself (Or a family member will be).  Then move forward.

I pray this helps some of you.  Please let me know if you try it and it helps you.  I’m always grateful for your loving comments.

Reiki Blessings,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829 for private sessions

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Reiki Quick Tip – Brighten Your Light

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

I wrote a blog a while back about a Reiki Pick Me Up, about working with Reiki in each chakra to energize yourself and get through the day when you feel tired.

But, this technique can be used in other ways as well, energizing yourself is just one of them.  This same technique is used as a quick way to strengthen and grow your energy and that of your auric field, in other words, Strengthen Your Divine Light Within.

diagram of the aura, large and healthy.
diagram of the aura, large and healthy.

I have learned this technique from multiple Reiki Masters, first in my Reiki Master/Teacher class from my teacher, Catherine Morris, as we use it to brighten our energy field and bring in more Divine Light into our field before doing attunements.

Then I learned another use for it during my Reiki Drumming class from my teacher, Michael Baird.  He used the phrase “Strengthen Your Light.”  It strengthens and expands the Divine Light in our energy field and helps us to feel the Divine Energy more strongly before working with Reiki or doing other spiritual activities.

I also like the term Brighten Your Light, because I also brighten my energy field by singing the song “This Little Light of Mine” and it reminds me of that song and ability to brighten our own lights with our intention and attitude.  Whatever you call it, find a way that works for you to enlarge your Divine Light within.

The more you practice this, the more healthy your energy field will be on an ongoing basis.  Do this each and every day to feel happier, healthier and more content with life in general.  These are all benefits of a healthy and happy energy body.

Here is one way to do this:


For Reiki I…

  1. Sit in your Gassho, center and ground yourself and call in your Reiki guides of the highest order.
  2. Hold the intention that you want the Reiki energy to give you a boost in energy to get you through the day or whatever intention you feel is best for you for the greatest good.
  3. Starting with your root chakra run Reiki energy in your chakras from bottom to top for as long as you feel necessary or for about thirty seconds to one minute each. (If top to bottom feels better to you, then do that. It’s all good and there is no wrong.)
  4. After running Reiki on your crown chakra run Reiki all throughout your aura with the intention of energizing you.
  5. Closing Gassho and go!

For Reiki II and above…ChakrasLabeled

  1. Sit in your Gassho, center and ground yourself, and call in your Reiki guides of the highest order.
  2. Activate your symbols in your hands.  I do this by drawing each symbol in each hand and saying their name three times, one symbol at a time.  This helps me to feel the energy on my palm, knowing it is flowing.  (Tip: The more you draw the symbols out, the more powerful the energy to come and more quickly.)
  3. Starting with your root chakra draw the Power Symbol (CKR) and in each of your chakras from bottom to top draw the power symbol with the intention of MORE DIVINE POWER. (If top to bottom feels better to you, then do that. It’s all good and there is no wrong.)
  4. After drawing the Power Symbol, CKR, in your last chakra, draw a large CKR in front of you activating it and bringing it into your body and aura.
  5. As you bring the large full-sized Power Symbol into your aura and body intend MORE DIVINE POWER and your aura and personal space DIVINELY PROTECTED!
  6. Do your closing Gassho and go!

I Pray many of you give this a try when you are needing that pick me up and that it helps.  Let me know how it works for you.

Love, Light and Blessings to all of you,


A BIG THANK YOU to my teacher, Catherine Morris, for teaching me this technique as part of our attunement process.  So grateful for ALL you have taught me!!

A BIG THANK YOU to my Reiki Drumming teacher, Michael Baird for helping me to see more uses for this technique. or  360-460-7829

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Playing Spiritual Games Safely and for Fun!

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Rain Shadow Reiki’s New Spiritual Community Activity!!  GNO!!

I’ve talked in the past about how my guides are telling me that now, at this time, it is vitally important to the healing of our people and our earth that we gather in local spiritual groups.  If people are not part of a church, then forming or finding a spiritual group is essential to our spiritual evolution.

The group of ladies in the family room who played Enchanted Spellboard, being photo bombed by my son.  LOL
The group of ladies in the family room who played Enchanted Spellboard, being photo bombed by my son in the background. LOL

We evolve faster and more easily when working closely with other spiritual people of like mind.  I have experienced this first hand in my own Reiki community and can see the direct effects in my own progression.  So, once again, especially if you’ve been getting your own messages to find other spiritual people close to you, JUST DO IT!!  It is not always easy meeting new people and working closely with others, but it is highly worthwhile.

Our Reiki Communities New Group — Meet Our Mystic Sisters!

My guides encouraged me to start a Ladies Night Out group to bring more fun to our small Reiki community.  GNO was my guides idea, but I liked it and got it going with our first group activity, GAME NIGHT!!

After playing some ‘get-to-know-you’ games and filling our tummies with delicious healthy food, we voted on a name for the group and Mystic Sisters won by a slim margin.  My guides gave me this name first so it doesn’t surprise me at all that it won the vote.  So our group is called the Mystic Sisters.  The sisterhood theme was a big one as 5 out of the 7 possible names we voted on, had sisters in it.

Playing Spiritual Games in a Safe Way

The group in the living room learning how to play the Psychic Circle game.  It helps to have one person taking notes and reading the book.  You can take turns doing this.
The group in the living room learning how to play the Psychic Circle game. It helps to have one person taking notes and reading the book. You can take turns doing this.

The spiritual part of our evening this month was to learn how to play spiritual divining games in a safe and accurate manner.  As a child, I had a higher knowing (not that I knew what a higher knowing was at that time) that Ouija Boards and other such games could be unsafe and possibly bring in darkness.  I still have this feeling and have not ever wanted to even touch one, let alone play with one.

However, I do not feel that all spiritual games are this way.  I feel the people who create the game and HOW it is played and instructed to be played makes a big difference.  I feel some games themselves are not safe and I feel it’s possible that the misguided usage of some of these games by people who didn’t know any better or possibly used them for dark needs have over time left an imprint of lower energy that isn’t what I want to be playing with.  Just my opinion/feeling.

The Enchanted Spellboard group, a lively group with more questions than time.
The Enchanted Spellboard group, a lively group with more questions than time.

So I searched for similar games that I could feel good about.  I quickly found a series of games made by a husband and wife psychic team who had the same idea as me; wanting beautiful spiritual divining games that were of Love and Light with very detailed instructions as to how to work with these kinds of games safely.  I found Psychic Circle, Enchanted Spellboard and the Truth Fairy games all by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber.  I tried them out ahead of time with some friends and had lots of fun and felt the whole time surrounded and protected by Divine Love and Light.

Intention & Prayer is Everything in Energy

Of course, prior to starting the game, we brought in our Reiki (Gassho prayer of intention), sent Reiki to the games themselves, blessing them with the Power Symbol, cleansing them with the Mental/Emotional Symbol, and energizing them with Divine Energy with the Power Symbol again (CKR Sandwich).  We cleaned and energized ourselves the same way prior to this and then said a prayer of intention calling in the Highest and Most Sacred Order of Reiki Guides of Love and Light to be with us and guide us.

Setting Space

An arial view of the Psychic Circle game. And again, my 11 year old photo bombing us.
An aerial view of the Psychic Circle game. And again, my 11-year-old photo bombing us.

As the host and Reiki Master in the group, I also set space prior to everyone coming over.  This means I blessed, cleansed and energized the entire home before the event.  I do this before every  event at my home.  For each event I have a different intention depending upon what the purpose of the event is.  For game night, it was Fun, Joy and Sisterly Spiritual Love!  The ‘vibe’ in the room was definitely joyful!  I teach ways to do this, but that’s another blog.  (To be continued.)

Got Reiki?  NO

If you do not have Reiki you can still pray with all of these intentions, state them out loud for emphasis and KNOW and BELIEVE that you are surrounded by Divine and working with only guides and spirits who walk in the White Light of God, and you’ll be good to go.  Put your heart, some visualization, words and intention into this process.  Don’t rush through it, it’s important, take your time and FEEL the difference it makes.

Rebel Danger

What happens if you don’t do this?  Well, sometimes nothing.  But, sometimes, if your intentions are not strong and clear, or you forget to do them at all, lower vibrational spirits who do not have your best intentions in mind can bring in wrong or misleading information, silly or joking information or even dark information.  This is not only a waste of time and confusing, it can be dangerous as these spirits could attach to you and stick around.  Believe me, you do not want this.  They can wreak havoc with your life, your health, your sleep and attract more darkness into it.  (If you feel this has happened to you, I know a trusted healer who can help.  Call or email me for information.)

It is just too easy to say a prayer of intention and NOT end up with this kind of energy around you by being in a state of Love and Light and holding Divine close to your heart at all times.  Especially if you are playing these games with others, you owe it to them and yourself to do it safely.  O.k., lecture over.

It’s All In the Question

Arial view of the Enchanted Spellboard.
Ariel view of the Enchanted Spellboard.

With practice we found out that how you phrase your question is very important as well as having excitement and curious energy helps to bring in movement to the board faster and easier.  The more fun we had, the better it worked.  It was so much fun, some of the sisters wanted to play these games again next month.  Yep, it was cool!  At one point I asked if it would be in my highest good to go to Sedona this summer for my girlfriend’s birthday celebration.  The Psychic Circle board first went to GO and then landed on FIRE.  I laughed and said, “Ok, I can go, but it’s going to be very hot.”  When I told my friend this, she said that she’s a Leo and Leo is a FIRE sign.  Ok, two possible meanings.  Either way, Sedona is a good idea for me anytime.  No, I didn’t need the game to tell me that, my intuition is pretty darn good, but it was a very fun way to get an answer.

WARNING: Please do not do any kind of spiritual work while partaking in drugs or alcohol.

Mystic Sister is new and just getting started but my guides give me great ideas all the time.  I can’t wait to see where we go with this.

If you are interested in Reiki, please read my website and/or feel free to contact me with any pertinent questions via email or phone.  If you live on the Olympic Peninsula and are interested in learning more about Mystic Sisters, please give me a call.  I’d love to hear from you.

Now go out and find a new way to bring fun and joy into your spiritual path!!

Reiki Blessings,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Reiki Quick Tip – Reiki Welcome Mat

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

To make your guests feel more welcome and keep your home clean of ‘outside’ energies at the same time, REIKI YOUR WELCOME MAT!

This is particularly important for me since I work much of the time, out of my home.  My kids live here, my pets live here, I LIVE HERE!  I want to keep the yucky stuff OUT of my house.  This process helps.


Make sure your welcome mat has good energy and message to begin with.  This one reflects the work I do.
Make sure your welcome mat has good energy and a nice message to begin with. This one reflects the work I do.

Before a class or workshop, I put Reiki II symbols into my welcome mat on the front porch to bless each person coming in (CKR), cleanse off the old energy guests might bring in (SHK) and to help them to calm their mind and leave their stress and emotional issues outside (also SHK).  It helps everyone inside to have a better time, whether it’s a party, a Reiki circle or class, or friends coming over for a play date.  The energy is all calmer, happier and feels better if Reiki helps them leave their issues at the door.


This one is fun and reflects that I love cats, also, beware if you are allergic.
This one is fun and reflects that I love cats, also, beware if you are allergic.

Then I put Reiki II symbols in the welcome mat on the inside of the door for energizing energies (CKR) coming into the home for excitement of a Diving kind.  This helps to raise the vibration of the energy coming into the room.  I put the Mental/Emotional Symbol (SHK) on the mat for a calming and loving feel in the room.  If the person’s Higher Self doesn’t want the Reiki on the mats they don’t have to take it, so we are not infringing on their boundaries.  It’s all in the intention when we place the symbols in the mats and we are putting Reiki into the mat, not into the person.  Either way, the space around each person is still clean and clear, safe and sacred from the Reiki, helping to lift the vibration in the space which helps to lift the moods of everyone who comes into the space.  It’s a win/win and you all know I like those win/win situations.

Noticing a Difference

Now that you can leave your stress behind you, you can breath easy.
Now that you can leave your stress behind you, you can breath easy.

I’ve started this as a regular part of setting space before a class or circle and people say they have noticed a difference.  In one class I had one of the students comment that she was really stressed before she came.   But as soon as she got into my house, she felt much better and had a great time in class.  She was worried before she came that she wouldn’t be able to leave her ‘stuff’ outside.  When I told her what I do with the welcome mat, she really felt the Reiki Welcome Mat helped with this.  I did too.

Another fun new technique to try, Namaste

In Love and LIght,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829


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Q & A : How Can I Run More Reiki Energy?

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

Benefits-of-ReikiQuestion: One of the questions I get a lot is,  “How can I run more energy?” or “How can I be a better channel for the Reiki energy?”

The Quick Answer:  Practice, practice and more practice.  Daily Self Reiki is the key.  Plus, eating and living a healthy and spiritual life, meditating, looking in the mirror, practicing what we preach, and honing our skills as a channel for the Reiki energy.

The Longer But More Thorough Answer

Some people have expressed to me that because Reiki is Divine energy it should be easy for everyone to run it the same.  Maybe, but all of our bodies are different with different abilities.  We can’t all sing the same, or do gymnastics the same, why would we expect to all run Reiki the same.  Hmmm…something to ponder.Potters

Yes, the Reiki is from Divine and once attuned, always attuned.  But, our bodies are still human and we channel Reiki through our human bodies.  Some people have physical bodies that are naturally tuned to channeling Reiki and others will need to practice at it a bit more.  It is like this with pretty much any skill, some are naturally good at pottery the first time they take a class, (not me) others will have to practice more.   For many of my Reiki I students, channeling Reiki is their first time channeling anything energetically through their physical body at all.  Many don’t meditate until after my class or do energy work.  So, this is something that is all new to their bodies.  All new, at any new skill, takes practice, even with Reiki.

Example: Singing Gift vs Reiki Gift

I truly believe that we come into this life with the God-given gifts that we require to be successful in our specific life goal.  I believe with Divine’s help, we chose these gifts carefully beforehand.  Some of us chose determination, some chose patience, forgiveness, calmness, motivation, or courage.  I believe we also chose abilities for our human body such as, some of us need to be amazing scientists, writers, dancers, artists, and others need to be excellent channelers of Divine Energy. No matter what, we have the gifts that we need in order to be successful in this life.  It is up to us to break through our fears and hone these gifts like a professional singer does.  Practice, practice and more practice.  Then be grateful for the gifts we have and we will be showered with even more abundance in this area of our lives.

The Harlem Gospel Singers
The Harlem Gospel Singers

I compare the ability to channel Reiki to singing, another gift from Divine.  Again, I believe people who need a particular singing voice will choose biologically a family combination that will allow them to have this musical talent.  Some people have beautiful singing voices from childhood.  However, they still practice and practice to hone their skill if singing is important to them.  Some people are naturals at it, others take more practice but can still be great, others have great singing voices for themselves or their shower, but don’t necessarily want to sing to the world.  It’s all good.  It is all Divine and perfect for us and our needs. But, if someone wants to improve their singing voice, they will need to practice and possibly work with a coach.

Reiki Practice

This is the same with Reiki.  If you want to do Reiki to heal yourself only, you still need to practice on yourself, daily.  YES, DAILY.  (If you actually want results)  If you want to do Reiki on others, you’ll need to practice on others and for the Highest Good, study with a Reiki Master to get help along the way or establish a very strong Love and Light connection with your Reiki Guides.  Preferably both.  If someone wants to be a Reiki Master/Teacher, this in turn will take more practice, more time, more help, more honing, more experience, etc.

Divinely Reiki

Just because Reiki comes from a Divine source it doesn’t mean we still don’t have lessons to learn about channeling Reiki energy through our human bodies.  Most of us do.  Most of us are working with the Reiki in the first place to help us with these issues.  So, sorry if you don’t want to hear it, but… “PRACTICE MAKES BETTER.”  Yes, even in Reiki, practice makes better.  You’ll feel better, be able to run more energy better, be able to FEEL the energy in your hands and body better, be able to manifest the things and life you want better.  All of the above.  JUST DO IT!

It’s worth it!

In Love and Light,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

A BIG HUGE CONGRATULATION TO MY REIKI II CLASS THIS WEEKEND!!!  Karen, Jayne, Stevie, Jeanne and Rena all showed up and blew me away with their open hearts, their dedication to daily self practice and they desire to learn more, more, more, about Reiki and healing.

Reiki II EditBarb3-15,1This is a class of ladies who really know the benefits of practicing their Reiki on themselves, their loved ones and their pets.  In a few short months of having Reiki in their hands, they have done a whole lot of practice and seen the benefits to it also.  When you DO the Reiki, you will FEEL, SEE, and EXPERIENCE the magic in your life.


Here are some testimonials from them and their Reiki recipients:

“Hi Josslyn,    I was working in the yard for three hours.  Usually, I can resolve my lower back pain with walking, but this time that did not help.  What did help was Karen (his wife and my Reiki student) running the Reiki to my lower back.  It felt like a hot pad was applied, and after about 30 minutes, all the pain was gone. I was amazed by the outcome.  I am looking forward to your Reiki I men’s class coming up soon.  I am grateful for your teaching, devotion, and compassion of Reiki.   Thanks, Dan M. from Sequim, WA”

Reiki II EditBarb3-15,2
My classes are such animal loves, Mandy LOVES it and gets a ton of Reiki and attention from all the ladies. She often steals the show, as in this picture.

“Thanks Josslyn.  It shows how great a teacher you are.  You always said to us that we need to work on it (practicing at Reiki).  Also, doing meditation daily is addictive for me and I feel it certainly helps the Reiki to flow in daily.  Now, having the symbols will make it even flow in better.

I do recommend you (as a Reiki teacher) because of your natural empathy and steadfast dedication to Reiki.  It is not for people who just dabble in this and that.  Reiki is life changing and I feel is something that brings out our spirituality even more.  It definitely resonates with me.   It is definitely helping my husband and me to ascend and I am seeing it in others who you have taught who are using it to help them ascend.

I also want to tell you that yesterday was the 5th year anniversary of my mom’s death and it was the easiest one for me to get through.  I have to thank you for helping to release her energy from me for her to move on.  I did not understand it at the time, but I certainly do now.  Reiki has also helped me with that.  Your classes have also helped me tremendously.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, JOSSLYN!”  Karen, Reiki II student in Sequim, WA

Reiki II EditBarb3-15,3
My classes are such animal loves, Mandy LOVES it and gets a ton of Reiki and attention from all the ladies. She often steals the show, as in this picture.

“Good Eve to you Josslyn,  I spent some quality time with the horses today (running Reiki for them).  Hercules’ back is so much less painful.  It has relaxed a little more.  (Hercules had been badly injured by a bad shoeing) They both seem soft and gentle.  Princess often shows the whites of her eyes but she was cuddly with no anxiety tonight.  They both soaked up Reiki.  Herc didn’t stand off at all (The first time we worked with him with the Reiki he stood away from us, but took it in for a long time).  They stayed close to each other in the pasture today, more than usual.  I think they have had a shift in their herd behavior.  I didn’t see the usual  “you’re in my space so I have to pin my ears”.  Post-energywork horsie bliss.   I remember you saying the Reiki can settle in over a number of days.  Seems that they are still improving.  Namaste.”  R. Raymond, Reiki I student from Port Angeles, WA

These testimonials are just from a few months of working with Reiki in their lives.  My point, REIKI WORKS, IF YOU HAVE IT USE IT!

Reiki Blessings to all my students, all my clients and all my blog readers.  I’m so incredibly grateful for ALL of you!

Josslyn Streett, incredibly grateful to be a Reiki Teacher

360-460-7829 or

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Questions For the Healer – Pee Much?

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher of Rain Shadow Reiki

Gotta keep it light!!

STOP TO PEE!  He's just to o cute not to share.
STOP TO PEE! He’s just too cute not to share.

I giggled when my client asked me this question and then quickly answered it for her when I realized she was serious.  But when it came up again in Reiki II class the other day, I thought, “Hmmm, I bet other new practitioners may be wondering about this too.”  I mean, what do you do with the client’s energy if it is a long distance session, while you are gone taking care of business?


Yes, I do have to use the restroom sometimes while in the middle of a healing.  It doesn’t happen very often, I’m pretty good about going right before a session but it is not always possible to regulate your liquids in such a way that you never have to go during a session.  And, if your bladder is bothering you during a session, the Reiki may not flow as easily, or it may flow better.  LOL, everyone is different.  But it is possible to come ungrounded or uncentered because you are focused more on your bladder than your Reiki and client.  So, it’s good to know, you can excuse yourself respectfully and take care of business.

The Reiki and tears may flow from clients on the table, but some things are best taken care of out of the Reiki room.  This post I just thought was a little too weird not to include it.
The Reiki and tears may flow from clients on the table, but some things are best taken care of out of the Reiki room. This post I just thought was a little too weird not to include it.  Don’t try to hold it.

Here is what I do if I do have to use the restroom during a session, in person or over the phone.  Just in case you wanted to know.

My HOW:  I’m sure there are many ways to do this and now that you’ve had your attention drawn to it, you’ll probably get to practice it.  Here is my way of doing this.

  1. Tell the client that you need to use the restroom and ask if they too want to get up and use the facilities.  Quite often they need to go also. (Please don’t try to sneak off, this is disrespectful to your client and does not build trust.)
  2. Ask Divine Source and your Reiki guides to surround and protect the space, the client’s energy and  yours, while you exit the healing space.  Visualize clear bubbles of love and light surrounding both of you.
  3. Long Distance Sessions – If the client is long distance and I am holding their life force energy in my hands, I find a safe place to put their energy such as on a pillow or on the couch next to me, I call on Divine Source or my Reiki guides to hold their energy in a small ball of Light for me while I go to the bathroom.  Just like if the energy were being held in my own hands.
  4. Wash your hands really well after you use the bathroom.  Do not be in such a hurry that you forget this important step.  Wash with intention, repeating a positive intention, such as “clean and clear.”  Feel that mantra while cleaning your hands.  Reiki guides can help you with this if you ask them.
  5. When you come back, take a moment to readjust to their energy field so you can feel it again just as strongly as you did before.  Take a moment to run some Reiki on their energy or chant silently the Power Symbol (CKR) or just the intention of ‘more power’ and you will very quickly be right back where you left off.
thank you FUNNYASDUCK.NET for this funny photo


It’s pretty simple and I’m sure many of you would have figured this out with the help of your Reiki guides.  But, lets see how many of you after reading this, all of a sudden get a chance to practice this now that it is in your conscious mind.  So, now you can happily excuse yourself to go pee and feel good about it too.



I love answering questions from my readers, clients and students.  Please feel free to ask here on the comment section or email me.  I will not use your name or can just use your initials, but many people can learn from YOUR questions.  I look forward to any questions of Love and Light about Reiki or spiritual work.  If I don’t know the answer I will ask some of my other healer/psychic friends or, my guides, or just tell you that I don’t know.  Often times I can go into meditation and ask my guides.  Please don’t ask me who killed J.F.K.  That’s been done.

Blessings to you all, thank you for reading,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Reiki Quick Tip – Reiki Your Email

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Joss’ Dramatic Email Story to Draw You In

Years ago, before I knew Reiki, my husband and I were in the process of buying a franchise business.  It was an enrichment activity place for children and would help children to learn how to feel, understand and relate their emotions more powerfully and spiritually.  It was amazing.  However, after months of planning, preparation and training, we had severe ethical differences with the owner and ended up severing ties with her and the whole business idea.  It was the death of a dream for us.

Emails can carry the good or 'bad' energy of the person who is sending them.
Emails can carry the good or ‘bad’ energy of the person who is sending them.

Unfortunately, it was the death of much more than that too.   Our beloved dog Marley died at exactly the same time in an accident.  It was an accident, however, I still felt at fault and felt a great deal of guilt over the situation.   I was grieving our family member and our business dream at the same time.  We didn’t know where to take our dreams from there, it was just too painful to move on.  It was a very hard time especially since I didn’t have nearly as many coping skills as I have now with Reiki.


NO, don't open that!!

At the same time of us feeling defeated, depressed and in limbo, the franchise owner’s friend sent me a scathing email about the situation.  She, of course believed her friend to be ethical and didn’t believe us.  The email was extremely unkind but even worse, she powerfully put ALL of her emotions into the email as she wrote it and transferred them to me when I opened it.  As soon as I clicked to open the email, I felt fully every hurtful emotion she was feeling towards us come through the email before I even read it.   It got into my auric field and brought me down like a ton of bricks.  I was still grieving and working through my own fears and issues with leaving the business behind and feeling responsible for our family member’s death, so her email and the emotional energy that came though with it, easily got into my unprotected auric field and exacerbated any difficult emotions I was already feeling ten fold.  I got physically sick on top of the depression and had trouble functioning for weeks afterward.  I didn’t fully realize at that time that an email could carry energy like that and affect me to such a degree.  I finally realized what was happening and started meditating and doing some healing work that I knew at the time to help me remove this energy from my body, mind and spirit.  Over time I got better and was able to put it behind me.  This is obviously an extreme situation, but it is the extreme that sticks with us and teaches us some of our biggest lessons.  And I learned an important one, REIKI YOUR EMAILS, COMING IN AND GOING OUT!!


When we Reiki the emails we can neutralize any less than loving feelings we may be having at the time we write the email, so the other person doesn’t receive them energetically.  We can also neutralize any of those same feelings that may be coming IN on an email from someone else BEFORE it gets to us.  We all have stressed or negative feelings from time to time,  but we don’t need to be sending them out to the world or to our friends via emails and pm’s.

BONUS: When we Reiki emails going out, the Reiki will help to heal any less than loving feelings we are having at the time too.  It’s a win/win.

We do not need anyone’s permission to do this because we are not sending Reiki TO the person, we are sending it to the email, surrounding and protecting the energy of the email.   We are sending Reiki to the email so it is full of positive love energy.  If the person on the receiving end chooses to take some Reiki that comes with the email, that is between them and their Higher Power.



As always, this is my way.  Feel free to use this one or trust your higher self, your Reiki Guides and you own personal knowledge to come up with a way that feels right for you.

Reiki incoming as well as outgoing emails with this process:(also snail mail, Facebook, etc.)

  1.  Gassho- Hold your hands in the prayer position at your heart and ask Divine to send down the Reiki.  Hold your hands in prayer position at your third eye and ask Divine to send down your Reiki Guides of the Highest and most Sacred Order of Love and Light. (If you are in a hurry you don’t always need to do the Gassho, as long as you do it much of the time. Or you can do this in your mind, silently without the movements if you are at work.)
  2. While I have the email or message that I’m sending pulled up on the computer screen, I simply hold up my left hand flowing with Reiki towards the screen with intentions that it’s getting to the email, every letter, word, paragraph and space. I imagine the email and the Reiki flowing to it. (If around other people, simply do this with your eyes.)
  3. Let the Reiki flow with intention.  You can visualize the Reiki flowing into the email, dancing around the letters.  Flowing through the message or just melding with its essence.  Intention: Clean and clear, safe and sacred.
  4. If you have Reiki symbols – I like to use the CKR sandwich;            1.  Start with a blessing symbol like the Power Symbol (CKR) or a master blessing symbol (UDKM or TDKM) for the intention of sending blessings to the email and anyone who reads it.  (We can send a blessings symbol without permission.)                                            2. Then I send in the Mental/Emotional Symbol (SHK) and chant in my head the mantra with my intention, ‘clean and clear,’ three times each.  This will clean the email of any stress or emotion that you are feeling when you write it.You can chant the Reiki symbols in your head with the intention that they are flowing out your hands and into each individual email you are sending out.                                                    3. End the sandwich with the Power Symbol (CKR) for energizing the email to the perfect balance for you and the person receiving it.
  5. Reiki your email until you feel it is enough.

You can use this process for letters, pm’s or other forms of communication.

Thank the Reiki and your guides!  Send the email with Love & Light!

I hope these blogs are helping you to open up your idea box about what to use your Reiki for in your daily life.  Every time you work with Reiki, your life becomes more spiritual and in a lot of ways, easier.  Go with the flow baby!!

In Love and Light,

Josslyn Streett

360-460-7829 or

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Reiki Every Day – Reiki Your Hotel Room

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

(Scroll down for the HOW to skip the story of WHY)

I’ve been sensitive my whole life but never so much as when I ‘woke up’ and started working with energy healing modalities on myself daily.  When the fog of the old is cleared away it’s easier to see the horizon but also easier to be seen.  I suddenly found myself even more sensitive than before because the protection I thought I had of the old ‘foggy stuff’ around me wasn’t there any more.   The defenses I had developed no longer ‘protected’ me in the ways I was used to.  A lot of changes happen when we ‘wake up’ from our old reality and chose to step into a new one, some call this place the new paradigm.  I call it like my Reiki teacher before me does, stepping into the Land Of Oz.

The Land of Oz is more colorful, more beautiful and full of song!
The Land of Oz is more colorful, more beautiful and full of song!

A New World

When we wake up, we learn about a magical side to our ‘old’ world, a more expansive, more vivid place with magical creatures and healing with our minds.  I equate this to stepping into the land of Oz as Dorothy did so many years ago.  As the land of Oz is more colorful, more beautiful and more fun to be in, we are also now more sensitive and susceptible to flying monkeys when we never even knew they existed before.  Oftentimes the heavy energy of the old ‘Kansas’ is still effecting us in the new Oz.  It takes some time and a lot of energy work before we are fully moved over into the land of Oz full time.  Being clean and clear as we are now that we’ve woken up and started taking care of ourselves energetically, the flying monkeys seem to come at us faster and more furious sometimes.

Hotel Hell

For me this was very evident any time I’d try to stay the night in a hotel room.  It took me a long time to figure out that I needed to clean the energy of the hotel room before I could sleep in it. I spent years trying to travel but only to spend entire weeks without sleep.  Finally, I was considering giving up travel all together when I decided to look at the problem in a new way, an energetic way.  Once I figured this out, that sleeping in a room that literally thousands of people had left their energy behind in and it had never been cleaned, I began working with my Reiki when I would first arrive.

Even when hotel rooms look clean, they are energetically dirty. Yuck!
Even when hotel rooms look clean, they are energetically dirty. Yuck!

Before, I’d find myself in that half awake half sleep state all night, never really getting a restful night’s sleep.  I’d toss and turn and be awake throughout the night, my soul never feeling safe enough to fall into a deep night’s sleep.  For a long time I just thought this was part of getting older, not being able to sleep in other people’s space or beds.  When I finally put two and two together to figure out that hotel rooms of all rooms are probably some of the energetically dirtiest rooms there are, next to hospital rooms, I realized that I had the tools I needed to assure myself a peaceful night’s sleep.

Imprints, Energy Left Behind

Rooms may get cleaned physically but rarely does anyone in our society clean the rooms energetically.  Hospitals, hotels, retirement homes, etc. have a lot of emotional energy happening and being left behind in them.  If someone doesn’t clean them out with prayer, incense, Reiki, salt, candles or some other powerful spiritual technique, it just stays to fester and cling to you until it disturbs you too.  One of my Reiki mentors,  Margaret McCormick, calls this “energy imprints”.  Here is her definition of imprints and how they do affect us.

Imprint Definition

“Anger, pain and suffering and other negative emotions leave what we call imprints behind. This is like a segment of energy caught in that time and space that is encapsulated; an imprint of that moment in time. It is caused by intense emotions.  These imprints will last through time and space for many, many years. Cleansing can erase imprints. There is nothing there to send to the light, but it can be what we describe as erased by cleansing. An imprint is vibrating at a negative rate and is, therefore, a negative energy.  You might view these imprints as a “thing”. They are not a soul, they do not have a consciousness, they are like a picture snapped at a certain time and place, capturing that energy of pain, violence, or anger in that moment. ”

Energetic House Cleaning By Margaret!

This intense emotional energy stays behind and affects everyone but mostly those of us who are uniquely sensitive.  Margaret had a wonderful service of cleaning out these imprints plus souls who are hanging around, hexes, curses and more from any building.  I have had this done by her, long distance for all of my homes and places where we frequent.  However, even though at $50 per address this is an incredible value, I’m not going to spend $50 to have Margaret clean every hotel I stay at.  That would be great karma for me for cleaning our public environments, but more expensive than I have funds at the moment and not a realistic solution for the average person.

Solution to Energy Dirty Hotels/Locations


I’m a Reiki Master/Teacher, what’d you think I would say?!!


NOTE: There is no wrong or right way to work with Reiki.  These are suggestions for how I cleanse my hotel room.  Read it through and listen to your intuition.  Change what doesn’t feel right or add to it.  We are all different so our techniques will be different too.  It’s all good.

I have two basic ways of doing this.  I’ll start with the method I started with, which any person with Reiki can do, Reiki I on up.

Method 1- in person 

  1. Feel – Arrive at the hotel room, get settled in, feel the energy of the room a bit.  Which areas feel the most congested, which areas feel the best, which bed or room will suit you the best?
  2. Reiki Gassho– Stand in your Gassho, with your hands in front of your heart, asking Divine to bring in the Reiki.  Hands at your third eye, asking Divine to bring in the Highest and Most Sacred form of Reiki Guides to help you clean the space.  Ground and center yourself and wait until you feel your Reiki flow.  I DO NOT cleanse space without the support of Reiki and my Reiki Guides.
  3. Hold an Intention – Intention is key when cleansing space.  While I’m spraying the room with Reiki, I also intend “Clean and clear, safe and sacred space” when I cleanse a room.  Then you can add something to that basic grounded intention such as; calm and safe stay, restful sleep and joyful vacation, etc.  Go with what feels right to you and your stay.  Every visit is different.  You can say your intention out loud or in your mind, whatever feels best to you.
  4. Chimes – Get out my tingshas (Tibetan chimes) that I always travel with for this purpose, chime starting down and up in the corners and in the center of the room and any place that I feel needs it.  I do the bathroom and closets too and intend that the space in between the walls gets clean as well.  The vibrations from the chimes will dissipate the heavier energy making it easier for you to work with the Reiki in the room.  It also feels and sounds nice, setting space in your heart and mind for beauty and light to enter.
  5. Cleanse with Reiki – Now intend that the Reiki is flowing from your hand chakras like paint out of a paint sprayer, fast and fully filling the room with Reiki spray everywhere.  Spray the walls, the floor, ceiling, in between the walls, the space in the rooms, the beds, everything.  Holding and repeating your intention.
  6. Fill each room with Reiki – Cleanse the bathroom and any other rooms that are included in your hotel stay.  This will ensure that anything, souls ,imprints, etc that may disturb your sleep or a calm and restful vacation will be annexed to a neutral part of the hotel or sent to Divine for further evolution into Love and Light.  You may also say a prayer for all souls living in the hotel to be filled with Divine Love and Light and guided to the light for the Greatest Good of All Involved.  Thanks to the Reiki they will not be in your room, but by praying for their greatest good, they may chose to go to the ‘Light.”
  7. Time Intention – Intend for the energy in the room to stay clean and clear, safe and sacred for your entire stay.  Touch it up half way through if you feel the need and are not sleeping as good.  Every three days is a good amount of time to re-set the space.
  8. Sleep Tight – See if this process doesn’t help you sleep better in any location.
  9. Physical Aids – I’ve also found that some physical things help me sleep better in hotels, such as; ear plugs, my own pillow if we drove, my own blanket, eye mask, teddy bear, etc.  Whatever helps the strange place feel like home will help you feel safer and help you sleep better.  And the earplugs help to drown out any sounds that are unusual to you and might remind you that you are not sleeping at home.

Reiki II and above Technique

NOTE: There is no wrong or right way to work with Reiki.  These are suggestions for how I cleanse my hotel room.  Read it through and listen to your intuition.  Change what doesn’t feel right or add to it.  We are all different so our techniques will be different too.  It’s all good.

If you have Reiki symbols from taking Reiki II class, than this is my preferred

With Reiki you can feel confident that your hotel room is CLEAN!
With Reiki you can feel confident that your hotel room is CLEAN!

technique.  This process is much faster, easier and can be done anytime, anywhere, even PRIOR to your departure.  This is much better since after a long day of travel, the last thing I really want to do is spend 30 to 45 minutes cleansing a hotel room.  If you have Reiki symbols then you can do either way, try them both and see which feels best to you.  Or, if you get busy and forget to cleanse the room before you go, you can always Reiki the room when you get there as a back-up plan.

Method 2 – long distance

  1. Prior to your travel departure – Sit in a quiet space in your own home, in an area that you know to be clean and clear, safe and sacred already or Reiki the space first.
  2. Reiki Gassho– Sit with your hands in Gassho, with your hands in front of your heart, asking Divine to bring in the Reiki to help you cleanse your hotel room.  Hands at your third eye, asking Divine to bring in the Highest and Most Sacred form of Reiki Guides to help you clean the space.  Ground and center yourself and wait to feel your Reiki flow.  I DO NOT cleanse space without the support of Reiki and my Reiki Guides.
  3. Chant all the Reiki II Symbols and any other Reiki Symbols you have that feel right at this time, either in your head or out loud if you are alone.  This activates the Reiki in a powerful way and helps you to feel the Reiki power flowing through you before you start.
  4. Intention – Hold the intention while speaking to Divine Source, that you are intending to bring to you through the Reiki bridge (Long Distance Symbol) the hotel room that you will be staying in for your trip.  If there is more than one then bring all of them together at the same time and clean them all at once or one at a time, whatever feels best to you.  (Don’t put limitations on Reiki, all rooms can be done at once if you believe it.)  If you know the exact address then say that, if you know the name of the hotel and city, state it’s in, then say that.  Whatever details you can hold in your mind’s intention will help you to feel more connected.  But, Divine knows where you will be staying, so no worries.  This process, with Reiki’s help,  WILL CLEAN YOUR ROOM.
  5. Activate the Long distance Symbol by chanting out loud or saying it in your head.  I repeat it three times, then say the address, then three times again.  Such as: HSZSN, HSZSN, HSZSN, 53 Angel Way in L.A., C.A., HSZSN, HSZSN, HSZSN.  Then I FEEL the energy of the space/s in my hands.
  6. Imagine – Feel or imagine the hotel room very small in your hands, you can do the whole hotel if you want just by imagining it small in your hands, like a tiny model.  It can fit, because you make it any size you chose with your intentions.  Do Reiki on the room at first to get a feel for it.
  7. Cleanse the space with Reiki Symbols Then I chant, usually in my head, the Mental/Emotional Reiki Symbol (SHK) over and over again with my intentions in mind, until I feel the space is thoroughly clean  At the same time chanting in between my intention of “Clean and Clear, clean and clear, clean and clear, SHK, SHK, SHK” for as long as it takes.  Sandwich the intention and the symbol together and chant them.  Each space will take a different amount of time, but I often will spend 30 minutes with the entire process from beginning to end, at least 15 if I’m in a hurry.
  8. Bless & Energize the space with Reiki Symbols – When I feel the space is thoroughly clean, then I will chant the Power Symbol (CKR) over and over with the intention of “Safe and Sacred, safe and sacred, safe and sacred, CKR, CKR, CKR” over and over until I feel the space is as I want it to be to feel protected in it.  The amount of time you spend will be different for everyone and every space, so go with your gut.  The Power Symbol will both bless the space and bring in Divine Guides to watch over it the whole time you are there, but it will also energize the positive energy in the room to a level that vibrates best with you and your family members.  Powerful stuff!!
  9. Chant any other Reiki Symbols that feel right – If you have other Master Symbols or Karuna Symbols, then feel free to chant those and fill the room with the beautiful healing and blessing energy of those symbols too.  Trust your intuition and fill the room with whatever positive energy feels right to you.  This is your stay, your home away from home, make sure it feels that way.
  10. Chant the Long Distance Symbol – INTEND to send back the now, clean and clear, safe and sacred energy of the hotel room, to its physical location by chanting HSZSN, THREE TIMES and feeling the energy leave your hands and go over the Reiki bridge through the Universe and back to its place.
  11. Final Intention – Intend for it to stay clean until you are able to get there and for your entire stay. (Touch up every three days or as you feel it needs it.)
  12. Done!  Room clean and ready for your arrival.  When you get there, you can get comfortable right away.
  13. Physical Aids – I’ve also found that some physical things help me sleep better in hotels, such as; ear plugs, my own pillow if we drove, my own blanket, etc.  Whatever helps the strange place feel like home will help you feel safer and help you sleep better.  And the earplugs help to drown out any sounds that are unusual to you and might remind you that you are not sleeping at home.  Just a tip.

There you go.  Please comment or email me if you do this technique and find that it does indeed help you travel better.  It has been a literal God-send to me.  Once you do it a few times it becomes easier and easier and just part of your travel routine.

Remind me to tell you the story of the time I tried to burn incense in a hotel room.  LOL, Not recommended.

Reiki Blessings to you all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829




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Adding Reiki Successfully to other Healing Careers

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA


Congratulations to my new Reiki Practitioners!!
Congratulations to my new Reiki Practitioners!!

They may now call themselves Reiki Practitioners and charge money for their Reiki services if they so chose.  Most people chose to practice a bit before they start charging or charge by donation.  But, sometimes you get students who are already working in the healing field, as I had in this class.

This is a very talented group of women, most of them already working as healers in some way.  We had a massage therapist, a Donna Eden Energy Medicine Healer, a Social Worker who advocates for women in dire situations, a professional Psychic and two students new to healing but with natural abilities and wanting to take their Reiki farther –  all in this one class.

I absolutely love to teach current healers how to incorporate Reiki into what they are already doing.  Reiki easily adapts to anyone and any career you already have.

However, not everyone successfully adds Reiki on to their current career.

Adding Reiki to other Healing Careers

I have seen this many times, a massage therapist, cranial-sacral or some other type of body worker who works full-time at their field, takes a Reiki class and then doesn’t use it.   I talk to many of them after the fact, it goes something like this, “Yeah, I took the Reiki class but haven’t done much with it.  I feel it turn on sometimes while I’m working on someone, but most of the time I forget it’s there.”

Reiki as the Perfect Compliment to ANY Other Healing Modality

I probably see the most massage therapists of any career taking my Reiki classes.  Reiki is the perfect complement to this form of bodywork but also a group I see having difficulty adding Reiki to their practice.  A few simple additions to their Reiki practice could help them to be more successful at both massage and Reiki both.
I probably see the most massage therapists of any career taking my Reiki classes. Reiki is the perfect complement to this form of bodywork but also a group I see having difficulty adding Reiki to their practice. A few simple additions to their Reiki practice could help them to be more successful at both massage and Reiki both.

It makes me sad to hear comments like this one, because I know deep down in my core how great Reiki is and how it can be the perfect compliment to any healing modality.  Sometimes people tend to box Reiki up in a nice little package of “healing physically” or “healing stress” without really understanding within them what that means.

Others get so wrapped up in the information they receive in Reiki I but don’t successfully create a daily practice to bring Reiki into their lives.  the process of Reiki is incredibly simple, but the discipline is hard.  Reiki brings Divine miracles into our lives, but only if we practice it.

Reiki Power, Protection & Support

I talked in last week’s blog about how Reiki brings you Divine Power, Protection and Support to your every day life in a spiritual/non-religious way, but also to healing situations in particular.  Here is a link to that blog to refresh yourself on what power, protection and support mean to you during a healing.

Here is HOW you can practice a few important steps to incorporate Reiki into your healing path.

 TIPS To Successfully Incorporate Reiki Into Your Healing Practice!

  • Make the Choice to Invite Reiki into your life as the spiritual base that helps, guides, and supports you through all your healing work, personal and professional.  Because Reiki is from YOUR personal Divine Source, it would benefit healers of all kinds to bring in the Reiki first, before they do ANY spiritual work, before they do
    Any career where you are in close proximity to clients and their personal chatter can cause transference of energy from them to you, or them taking yours. This can cause exhaustion and early burn out.
    Any career where you are in close proximity to clients and their personal chatter can cause transference of energy from them to you, or them taking yours. This can cause exhaustion and early burn out.

    ANY client work.  Being a caregiver/bodyworker/healer is a challenge and to do it for years can be very difficult on your physical, emotional and mental bodies.  Reiki helps to ground you and cushion you from taking on the issues and energies of the client. Whether you are a healer, a manicurist, a hairdresser, a tattoo artist, a nurse, any kind of career where you have direct interaction with clients can cause this kind of energy interaction and wear you out over time. Burn out in these ‘helping’ careers is quite common.  This is less apt to happen when Reiki is with you every day.  This will help you to have more energy at the end of the day, end of the week and be able to continue your healing work without getting burn out.  Plus it helps you to have a more positive outlook every single day. Again, a win/win.

  • Practice with only the Reiki – I believe when adding a new healing modality it’s important to work ONLY with that modality to get a strong connection to it.  I don’t mean stop working, I mean in your time off from work, practice some sessions on people JUST with Reiki.  This is the only way to truly feel the Reiki energy and what it brings to your practice and client all by itself.  Tell your practice clients that you are new and ask them for feedback.  This will give you confirmation of how the Reiki is helping them.
  • Do self Reiki every day – Reiki is so simple, some people just don’t get it. When you make Reiki a daily practice you will very
    I, Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher practice Reiki on myself every single day!! I personally know the miracles that happen daily due to my constant connection to my Creator through Reiki practice.
    I, Josslyn Streett, practice Reiki on myself every single day!! I personally know the miracles that happen daily due to my constant connection to my Creator through Reiki practice!

    quickly and easily feel the effects that Reiki can have in your life.  You will be connected 24/7 to that Divine flow of spiritual power, protection and information support I was talking about in the other blog.  It makes daily life less stressful, go more smoothly, and easier with fewer worries.  But, it also heals you and connects you to Reiki in a powerful way, one that you won’t be able to dismiss.

  • Build a relationship with ReikiReiki is a direct connection to YOUR Higher Power. We are not working with out own life force energy here, we are working with Divine and Intelligent healing energy.  The more we work with our Reiki ability, the more we have that direct connection to our Higher Power, even when we aren’t working.  The more I feel connected to my God, the more hope I have for human life and the ability to be successful at it.  This then translates into my work life, helping me to have more energy to get through a day, helping me to be more patient in working with clients, helping me to have strong grounding and boundaries so I don’t take on other people’s old energies and make me sick.  This relationship with Reiki can support us in all of these ways, but most of all, it helps me to KNOW I am doing deep and important spiritual work for me and my client both.  To me, it doesn’t get more important than that.
  • Review any ethical issues with your Reiki teacher about adding Reiki to your career and HOW to do this without disrespecting your client’s wishes and boundaries.  We need to have our client’s permission to do Reiki.  If you are in a career where asking for this permission is not possible, then how can you still work with your Reiki to enhance your experience?  I will write a whole blog on this issue and refer the link back to this one when it’s done so you can read that too.  Meanwhile, talk to your teacher, ask your Reiki guides for help or think outside the box as to how to do this with the highest ethical standards.

If you are working to incorporate Reiki into your healing career, I pray this has helped you to get some ideas.  If you have ideas that have worked for you, please share them with us in the comment section.  I am thankful for all of us working together to help each other be successful at whatever healing modality we are working with.  They all have the same goal in my opinion, healing on a higher level, ultimately.

Reiki Blessings to you all for reading and sharing your love,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829