Psychic Demonstration Night

This event is different from the Psychic Circle Class.  If you are interested in taking a class to develop your intuition, psychic abilities, then email . All classes are now being taught on Zoom.



$45 per person

Happy Fairy Dad by Joanie Schmoll, inspired by a Fairy Guide reading done by Josslyn at the Psychic Circle Demo Night in March 2016.

What this event is:

Each person attending is a mirror for the others in each session.  If someone gets a reading or a healing, then each person attending also gets a reading or a healing, if they so choose.  Because it’s no mistake that the people who attend that night are there.  They are there for a reason and need to hear the messages that are coming through.  If you’ve heard it before, you needed to hear it again.

Typically (But there really is no typical for this event), at this event Josslyn will start by leading us in a prayer or meditation or by doing some energy healing on the whole crowd first to prepare our body physically and energetically for taking in the energy more easily.  Then she’ll choose a name out of the bowl.  Each person has an opportunity to have their name in the bowl one time at each event.  Josslyn will psychically feel what healing work is for their highest good and then do either: Reiki Psychic Healing  or a psychic reading, usually a little of both.  If you have a specific questions, you may ask that as well. Josslyn does 5-10 mini readings at this event.

This could look like taking past life implements out of the person’s energy field, cutting cords and/or releasing old energies, adjusting someone’s spine or activating their chakras, or their psychic abilities.  Or, it could look like a card reading, a spirit guide reading, a past life reading/healing, playing the crystal singing bowls or a combination of them all just depending upon what is needed most at that time.

“Hey Joss,
Psychic demo night was awesome!  I’m feeling better since you worked on me.  A little sore on my left shoulder blade.  That was close to where you pulled out the knife.  The rest of me feels great!
It’s always good to get more information about past lives.  It helps to understand what’s going on in this life.  I do know that it’s all tied in.  Take good care and enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!  Love and Blessings – Renee”

Josslyn’s goal is all about teaching, healing and helping her clients feel closer to their individual Higher Power; helping people get ‘unstuck’ and move forward in their light and on their highest possible spiritual path.  This event will aid people in that goal.

 R.S.V.P. required for all Zoom events to receive the link.  After payment a zoom link will be emailed to you about an hour before. If you have not done Zoom with us before you may email Bren at and set up a test run before the event. Arrive 10 to 30 minutes early, we start on time. 

The goals for this Group Healing Event are: 

  • Teaching tool for my Reiki and Psychic Circle students to learn by observing, DOING and experiencing.

    Garden Fairy by Joanie Schmoll was inspired by a Fairy Guide reading at the Psychic Circle Demo Night in March.
  • Opportunity for Josslyn’s students & clients to see what is possible in healing work by experiencing 1st hand.
  • Opportunity for an uplifting spiritual evening out with other spiritually like-minded people in a safe and loving environment.
  • Opportunity for us all to heal our fears about psychic abilities, what they are and how they can be worked with to help others when done ethically, compassionately and with Love and Light.
  • Opportunity for inexpensive readings/healings for those who wouldn’t normally be able to afford a full session with Josslyn (A reading is not guaranteed to everyone in attendance but most readings have a message for each person in attendance.  We all heal by bring present.)
  • Everyone can get a healing even if their name is not chosen from the bowl.  Just by tapping into the Reiki in the session, what Josslyn is doing to heal the persons who are called, each person attending can receive the healing as well IF it is for their Highest and Greatest good.  And, IF they intend it.  Everyone leaves feeling uplifted in some way. If Josslyn is working on someone’s spine, everyone’s spine gets an adjustment. Win/win. Reiki can do no harm, everything done through Reiki is done for our Highest and Greatest Good and Free Will.

Demonstration agreements/guidelines for those who attend:

  • All guests must be approved by Josslyn and have a separate email invite.
  • Payment is per person, not per Zoom window.
  • Everything at this event is confidential.  We must all feel comfortable discussing personal situations that come up in the readings knowing that others will not ever discuss it with our names attached.  You may say “It was a powerful evening” or “She did some past life healing and removed a past life weapon from someone’s back.” But no personal information please.
  • Divine chooses who gets a reading, NO ONE IS GUARANTEED A READING/HEALING just by coming.
  • Josslyn and her healers have the right to turn anyone away at any time if she chooses, it is her event.  The most respectful behavior for all involved is anticipated for all my guests.
  • No one has to have a reading, you may come and just listen if you like.  There is much to be learned from watching and listening.  If you do not want a reading, tell Bren to not place your name in the bowl.
  • No cell phones.  Turn the phone or ringer OFF or leave them in your car when we are in person.

    FairyHummingbird -JoanieSchmoll3-18-16
    Hummingbird Fairy, by artist Joanie Schmoll, inspired by a spirit guide reading/healing at Psychic Circle Demo Night in March 2016.
  • No recording or video.  Josslyn records the event.  If you pay and attend you may request a copy of the audio, especially if you have a reading.
  • Please be quiet and respectful during readings/healings, it interrupts the flow of the psychic information coming through if Josslyn is hearing back talk too.
  • After each reading/healing we all have time to share any sensations or information we got as students and audience participants. It’s fun to hear impressions from each other and helps us to work with our own intuition and gain knowledge from each other.
  • Come with an open mind, ready for a very cool and uplifting experience but with NO EXPECTATIONS!

Class Cost: $45 per person prepaid via PayPal, Square or FB messenger to Josslyn Streett.

R.S.V.P. only – no one will be allowed in to the event who has not R.S.V.P.’d to Josslyn or her assistants prior to the event via email.  First come first serve.  A waiting list will be available for each event if needed.

Dates for this year:   Please see the calendar of events for dates every month for this fun event.

**Arrive early to check in and get audio and video working.

Participant Comments:

Taken from voice text —  “Tonight was amazing.  I’m so glad I was able to attend.  It feels really encouraging.  My heart feels full. I’m going to join as many as I can.  My energy feels lighter.  I took seven pages of notes.  I feel really confident to take practice time every day. It really gave me a lot of material.   It blew me away.  I’m so happy I joined.  I DID IT!!  It was incredible.  This will bring so much healing to my life.  Thank you, I’m so grateful.  Thank you.” April 2020, H.B. from Port Townsend, WA

“C.C. was very appreciative of his reading and we both think you were right on in all that you saw. It was fascinating to watch you work and you have inspired me to come to one of the psychic circles.  xoxo”- M.H. from P.A., W.A.

“Josslyn, I just want to thank you, with all my heart, for the last Group Healing Event. A week later and I’m still trying to process everything.  What an ‘awe’some afternoon it was!  Serendipity at its best.  I’ve felt so “stuck” for so long, and since meeting you and starting to attend your amazing events, I feel a true and beautiful change happening in my life.  thank you thank you thank you…” J. Snyder, from Sequim, WA

“Thank you for such an informative and incredible night!

I was blown away by my past life healing as it helps to explain my trust issues which have plagued me throughout my current life.  There is so much to learn about the unseen world!
With much gratitude,

“I found the evening very interesting.  I think I could relate to something in each of the readings, and may of even gotten some ideas to help with my problem visualizing things.  Thanks for doing what you do !”   Glenda C.

Josslyn,  I really enjoyed the session (at Demo Nt). Followed your suggestions & I have noticed a major change in the energies around here. I also picked up a nice chunk of Black Tourmaline with Mica & Quartz. Huge difference…my other stones & crystals have started talking to me ; they’ve also been singing & laughing. Didn’t know they’d do that , but its been interesting. Little buggers wanted out of their box. Yeah , I hear you; Shift happens. I’ve been laughing all day. Thank you muchly.    In Love, Light, Laughter, & Joy. Blessed Be, dear heart. B.

“I so enjoy spending the time with like-minded people.  Being at Josslyn’s is a safe-haven for opening up to who we truly are and what we truly believe and feel.  Sharing our feelings openly and honestly is so cathartic.  It’s also a time of learning and experiencing.  It’s that Ahh-Ha time that makes who we are compassionate and loving towards others (and to ourselves).” Joanie S

Strawberry Fairy by artist Joanie S. in Sequim was inspired by her reading/healing with her fairy guides during the first Psychic Circle Demo Night with Josslyn.