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Reiki Through the Back Door

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master for Rain Shadow Reiki

Reiki Ideas for Reiki Healing Students 

I’ve had a series of clients lately who consciously come to me and want help but subconsciously have blocks up to protect themselves.  You can often tell these people when they are on your table.  Often they leave their eyes open the entire time where other clients close their eyes soon after getting on the table.  Or they will close their eyes but you can tell that these clients do not go to a deep level of relaxation at all and maybe try to keep you in conversation with them much of the time.   Or you can just tell they are not relaxed and having a hard time even closing their eyes and staying on the table.  I can FEEL the tension in them.  Often it feels like they want to jump off of the table and run out the door.  Sometimes it feels like they are trying so hard to hold on to what they truly want to release and this causes tension in them.  Change is stressful for most of us, asking for change can be even more stressful.

If you feel lost at anytime, as your Reiki guides for help.
If you feel lost at anytime, ask your Reiki guides for help.

This usually indicates a high level of a need to control their environment for fear or trust reasons.  It is ok.  Reiki can help with that.  It will just take a little more time and sometimes different techniques than you learn in Reiki I or II.  This is the kind of technique you usually learn from your guides with lots of practical experience.  That is who I have learned it from and I’m going to give you some tips here as to what they have told me to do.

Chances are, if you read this, you’ll get a chance to practice it on a client very soon.


Reiki will help any condition, I believe, if given proper time.  The healing journey is a journey, it takes time for most people.  Some people take many years, many lifetimes building up these fears and trust issues, it will take some time to break them down in a safe and trusting manner as well.  If this client has come to you for help, at least they know they need and want help.  That is the first step.  The second step is making sure they feel safe enough to come back.  If we do anything to invade their protective space during the healing session then they may not come back and that is not what we want.  Sometimes we need to back off with this type of client and give them space to heal themselves with the Reiki leading the way.  This quite often has worked well with my clients.  But, at the same time, if they do not feel better, feel some kind of results, they may not come back.  It is critical to not be afraid of any of these outcomes and just TRUST in the Reiki and that it will do exactly what it is supposed to do to help this person TODAY.  Trust in the Reiki and trust in your guides to help you and show you or tell you what needs to be done to help them.

Heart Chakra Case

I recently had a client whose heart chakra was dangerously shut down to a point where I could not feel any movement at all.  I could FEEL the tight constriction in his chest so tight that it was making ME feel ill and I couldn’t handle the discomfort.  I raised my hands off of his chest and up above but that still wasn’t enough.  I knew that if his chakra stayed this way too long he would be in danger of physical illness, such as; heart attack, cutting off his ability to love or be loved.  Our heart chakra is of utmost importance because it is the go-between of all the major chakras.  It is the interface between our upper and lower chakras and if it is clogged up it’s difficult to get any of the others healthy and balanced.  So, I knew I needed something to help him and fast.  In this session I just felt I needed to get his chakra open a bit and moving.  I asked my guides for their help and they gave me a visual to follow.  Here is what they had me do.  Plus, here are other ideas that my guides have given me when I’ve been in a tough spot.  Ask your guides for help and check with what feels right for your client.BackDoorSpiralStaircase

Reiki Back Doors

Go in the back door.  There are multiple ways to do this.  Try them in this order but it is always best to follow your intuition.  If the first one does not work then try the next one and so on.  Please ask your Reiki guides to help you with this process for each individual client:

  1. Back off psychically. Turn off the psychic information and just let the Reiki do its work.  You may even need to turn off your conscious mind, go deep in trance and just let the Reiki flow without your ego or left brain involved.  Practice this.
  2. Talk to your client very gently, explaining what is going on and letting them know that their help would be great at this point. Have them set the intention in their minds that their chakra open and they allow the Reiki energy in to heal them.  The client came to you for a reason, get them involved in their healing.  Quite often this is enough.
  3. Ask Divine Source to send help – in the Highest and most Sacred Order of Reiki guides, healing guides and angels to help this person so you don’t have to work so hard.  Remember, it is not about you, it is about them and doing the highest good for them.  Get your ego out of the way and refocus on the Reiki healing that is taking place, it is all in Divine order.
  4. Run Reiki on their subconscious mind with the intention that the greatest healing the client needs will take place here.  Run it for a while until you FEEL that the client trusts you and you can move back to their heart chakra.  (Or whatever chakra it is that is blocked.)  If you are a Reiki II use the Long Distance symbol and the Mental/Emotional healing symbol to aid this subconscious work.  Then move back to the chakra you were working on.
  5. If you are a Reiki Master/Teacher work with your Master symbol (R) to separate the client from the situation and/or the NGZ symbol to break up blockages.  One or both of these symbols may help the client’s subconscious mind to take a back seat and allow the Reiki in.
  6. Give them space, move back away from them physically and either do long distance Reiki on them or just run gentle Reiki on their aura.  Quite often this will allow them to feel it is on their terms, their choice and then they will open up to the healing being offered.
  7. Go in the back door.  This is what my guides showed me to do for this heart chakra client.  Literally lay under the massage table and run the Reiki into the back side of their heart chakra to get their heat chakra moving again.  This worked for my particular client really well.  Sometimes going in the back allows the Reiki to flow in easier and without the subconscious blockages that the client has on their front side.  Remember every client is different.  Ask your guides what will work best for yours.  In very important situations like this one, this can work well.  Not a first line though.  Check with your guides so that you are not invading or disrespecting your client’s personal space.

    Confused?  Stuck?  ASK YOUR REIKI GUIDES FOR HELP!!

Deep Issues

Many of these issues are deep because the client has pushed them down in denial for a very long time and past life issues that have stuck around because they never dealt with them.  The client will not remember them or even be aware of them.  The Reiki will help to bring them to the surface when the client is ready, heal them and move them out.  This process again takes time and it may take this client multiple sessions before they really start relaxing on the table.  It is critical that YOU as the Reiki Practitioner has total Trust and Faith that the Reiki will do it’s job, and it will.  

Your trust and faith in the Reiki’s abilities will translate energetically to the client’s energy and they will be much more likely to stick with the sessions and believe they can help them.  If we truly believe, they will too.  It’s all energy, it all translates in understanding.

In Love and Light of our Divine Source,

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher or 360-460-7829

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By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA


Yesterday I taught another wonderful Reiki II class with six inquisitive and lively ladies.  Yes, we went over our time a bit, but we had a great day, learned a whole lot, meditated with and connected to each other and the first three Reiki Symbols and they received their Reiki II Attunement.  I think I speak for all of them, when I say it was worth it.  Congratulations ladies, you are now, officially, Reiki Practitioners!  As Reiki Practitioners they are able to charge money for their services if they so chose.

Congratulations Ann, Emily, Joanie, Gloria, Melissa, and Amber!!
Congratulations Ann, Emily, Joanie, Gloria, Melissa, and Amber!!

And now, PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND MORE PRACTICE!!  That is truly the way to learn Reiki.

Many Blessings, Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Why Take a Reiki Class?

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Interested in taking a Reiki I class?

Maybe you don’t even know you are!  Reiki is not just for healing, or for being a healer, IT’S FOR MAKING YOUR WHOLE LIFE BETTER!

Reiki is a way to work with the healing energy in our every day lives to make our lives happier and more spiritual in every way.  During my classes I teach how to manifest the life you want with the help of Reiki energy.

I also teach how to make your food and drink healthier for you, how to help cleanse your house, car, computer or identity for protection and more loving energy, how to use Reiki to help solve disputes with your children, other family members, friends or animals, how to work with the Reiki to be more successful at your job and how to use the Reiki energy to manifest anything you need in your life from a better career, more peace in your life, a new home, a lost item or to find your path in life and much more.

Practice session during a Reiki I class.  Photo by Joss Streett, please link if used.
Practice session during a Reiki I class. Photo by Joss Streett, please link if used.

 Reiki is not just for healing, it’s a whole new way of LIVING!

I’m so excited at the changes I see in my students and clients and ME, that each time I teach a class I get that much more into it.


This class will be broken up into two really fun and full days:

  •  Day 1   Saturday, March 8th from 9:45 am to 6 pm
  • Day 2   Sunday, March 9th from 9:45 am to 6 pm  

deposit of $25 and a commitment are required to me prior to the class so I can have all the binders printed up for the students I know are serious about the class.  (Full price of the class is $150)

Any other questions please call or email me!




P.S. Once you have taken a class from me and paid in full for it, then you can repeat that class at any time for free!

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Reiki Quick Tip – Reiki Your Feet!

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA


A reminder that our feet need Reiki too and HOW to do it!

FeetReikiThis topic keeps coming up at the Reiki circles each month.  At the circles we have other people working on us and our feet get lots of Reiki.  Typically we have three to five people surrounding us at Reiki circle all practicing Reiki at the same time.  It is inevitable that someone will be at the feet each time.  My husband is a foot person so he loves to be entrusted with that area during circle.  I prefer the head or the body.  We do our best to move around during circle so each person gets to experience a different side and perspective, but we still tend to have our most comfortable areas.

Poor Ignored Feet

I admit it, I am not a foot person.  I don’t like to have people massage my feet, tickle my feet or even touch my feet.  Just not into it.  So, I also admit, I’m the first to skip my feet when I’m doing a Reiki Self Healing.  There, I admitted it…I skip my feet!  I get down to my knees and then think “Ok, that’s good, I did my self-treatment.”

7200 Nerve Endings In Our Feet

It is good.   Better than not doing it at all, but our feet work very hard for us, every single day.   They deserve more attention that I’m giving them, and maybe your feet do too.

Another reminder – Our feet are also critical to our whole bodies’ health.  Every nerve line in the body ends in the feet. According to the RAA, each foot has 7,200 nerve endings in it.

Reflexology points on the feet
Reflexology points on the feet

And while reflexology practitioners sometimes talk about manipulating “energy,” the basic theory seems to rest with these nerve endings, which would love to be massaged, energized and activated with Reiki also.  Reiki is always gentle and safe.

As well, we have a nice sized chakra in our feet which very importantly brings up Mother Earth energy for grounding.  No surprise with the way I have ignored my feet that this is a continual issue for me.  No judgment, we all have our issues.  So, you can see, as a reminder to myself and all of you, our feet need more attention than we are giving them.  Reiki is the perfect, gentle way to give your feet that attention whether you love to have your feet touched, or not.  Thank goodness, with Reiki you can do it either way, touch or no touch.


Traditionally taught method of doing a self-treatment on your feet.  My son modeled for us on the fly.  Photo by Joss Streett please link if used.
Traditionally taught method of doing a self-treatment on your feet. My son modeled for us on the fly. Photo by Joss Streett please link if used.

Our feet are probably the most uncomfortable to get to.  It’s an awkward position to lift our feet up and do Reiki on them on our lap.  I have many clients who physically cannot do this due to age or physical issues.  Then others like me who get so far and then finish or fall asleep before the feet get Reiki.


We talk about this in Reiki I beginning class.  I’m thinking most teachers probably cover this.  But, since this topic keeps coming up at circles,  I figure a little reminder doesn’t hurt.

HOW to Reiki Your Feet

  • Traditional method – put one foot at a time up on your lab and do hands on Reiki on your foot.  Two hands on one foot at a time.  One on top and one on bottom works nicely. (see photo above)

    My son beaming Reiki at his feet.  Photo by Joss St, please link if used.
    My young son beaming Reiki at both of his feet at the same time. This is much easier on the body for people with physical limitations.  Hold your hands where most comfortable.  Photo by Joss St, please link if used.
  • Beaming method – Simply put your feet up on a cushion, ottoman,on the bed or even keep them on the floor, and beam the Reiki from your hands to your feet.  One at a time would be best but to beam Reiki at your feet at all, at this point, is all good.
  • Eye beam – beam the Reiki through your eyes, with intention, to your feet one at a time or at the same time.  This may take practice if you have not done it before, but what better way to practice this than by doing Reiki on the hard to reach feet?!  Simply hold the intention in your mind, body and spirit that you are beaming Reiki through your eyes to your feet and then look at your feet.  Imagine this is working and ask Divine to send your Reiki guides to add help for you.  They will give you insight as to how to do this.


Please remember, the comfort of your body is important.  You do not want to injure yourself in any way while doing Reiki.  Do what feels good to your body first and foremost and the Reiki energy will flow more abundantly and with ease.

Reiki Symbols

Yes, definitely work with your Reiki symbols with your feet.  I bet your feet will soak up the extra love and attention.  Using grounding symbols at this point would be fabulous since your feet are one area where you may bring up Mother Earth energy for grounding.  The Power Symbol (CKR), or the two Master Symbols (UDKM or TDKM) would work beautifully.  And, of course, since with Reiki there is no wrong, work with any other symbol that your intuition advises for your feet.  It’s all good!

I pray this little reminder will get some of your feet feeling the love very soon.  I know my feet are much happier.  Thank you to all of you who participate in the circles and help to bring so many blog ideas to share with others.

Blessings to you all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Reiki in the Walls – New or Add On Construction

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

Thank you so much for your Reiki questions via comments and emails.  A recent email question gave me the idea for this blog.  A new Reiki Master was building a new home and wanted to know if they could put Reiki into the walls before the drywall went up and if so HOW?  The HOW is my thing. I love writing about the HOW because it helps to open up people’s boxes about what to use your Reiki for and how easy it is.


Put Reiki into all aspects of construction when adding on a room to your home, especially if the room will be used for spiritual work or sleep.
Put Reiki into all aspects of construction when adding on a room to your home, especially if the room will be used for spiritual work or sleep.

The answer is YES!  Definitely put Reiki in all aspects of the construction process of your home, add-on, office, what ever you are building where you will live, work or spend time.  Whether it’s one room you are adding on or a whole house.  Put as much Reiki in the construction of your home as possible from the cement, wood, walls, insulation, electrical, appliances, plumbing, etc.  Building a new home, what a fabulous opportunity to fill and surround your home with Love and Light.

Yes, I Have Done This For My Home

I did this when we added on the Reiki room to our house a few years ago.  It was only one room so it was pretty easy.  But, each day after the workmen would leave, I’d go out there with my ‘Reiki hands’ and do this process to the whole space and construction materials.  I do believe everyone who comes into the room to this day can FEEL the effects of the Reiki in the room.  I get comments on the energy in that room ALL THE TIME.  And, I can feel it myself every time I work in there.

Intention is EVERYTHING!!

Put Reiki into bricks and mortar walls too.
Put Reiki into bricks and mortar walls too.

Intention before and during the process is MOST IMPORTANT!!  Hold a positive loving intention for your space.  Be centered and grounded so you are not bringing stress in from other events in your life.  This will bring stress into the space and invite in not so loving energies.  This would be the opposite of what you want.  Be in a very loving place in your heart before you start the process.  Breath and be calm and with Divine.  ( I talk more about intention below, but, safe and sacred, calm and loving, grounded and centered, loving family space, are all positive intentions you can start with.)

HOW to Reiki Construction On Your Home Under Construction
Put Reiki into the walls and windows.  Seal Doors and windows with the Power Symbol with the intention of protecting the home and occupants.
Put Reiki into the walls and windows. Seal Doors and windows with the Power Symbol with the intention of protecting the home and occupants.

Remember, with Reiki, there is no wrong way.  This is one way I have come up with that works for me.  If it does not feel right then tweak it or change it to feel right for you and your situation.  This process is intended for people with Reiki symbols but I have put added ways to do this if you do not have symbols.  Having Reiki symbols with this particular process will make it faster and easier and you can typically run more energy with a Reiki II attunement, but it is not required.  Anyone can do this with a Reiki I and some time and intention.

  1. Stand in the space quietly, connecting with the space that is your home or going to be your home.  Honor your home and ask it for its permission to bring Love and Light into it with Reiki.  This is showing respect for your home, the space, the land and the spirit guides who watch over your space.
  2. If you were taught the Gassho, prayer position, put your hands in prayer position and ground yourself to Divine Source and to Mother Earth both.  Make sure you are nicely grounded and feel very focused and centered in your heart.  Very  present in the NOW.
  3. While in Gassho, ask Divine to send down the Reiki with the intention of filling the structure with Love and Light, Power, Protection and Support.  Safe and Sacred Space is another one.
  4. Move your prayer position up to your third eye and ask Divine to send down the Highest Spiritual Form of Reiki Guides and Angels to help you and guide you through this process.  Thank them before and after the session.
  5. Prayer position back to your heart  – chant the symbols starting with your Master symbol/s until you feel the Reiki flowing.  If you do not have symbols yet, this process will still work, just get your Reiki running with the positive intention and let it flow.
  6. If you have a Reiki II training or above, then draw CKR, the power symbol, in front of each of your chakras starting with the root and ending with the crown and motion it into your chakras.  Draw once, say or chant name three times and motion in to the chakra.  After the crown put a very large CKR towards your whole body.  This is energizing your whole system and helps you to run more Reiki and stronger and faster for this process.  I do this before attunements and setting space and any time I feel tired.  REIKI I LEVEL – If you have a Reiki level I then run energy on all your chakras for at least thirty seconds each, with the intention of energizing your chakras for running lots of Reiki through you.
  7. REIKI II LEVELDraw in the air one at a time each symbol, starting with the highest symbol you have DKM (Master Symbol) or HSZSN (Long Distance Symbol) and going down to the SHK (Mental/Emotional Symbol) for cleansing and calm and sacred, then to  CKR (Power Symbol for sealing and protecting.  Draw each one in the air one time, chant the name three times and visualize it floating in the air.  Then do the next and the next symbol until all symbols are floating in the air.  INTEND for them to float through the air for a couple of days at least supporting you in this process.  You can even ask them to follow you from room to room as you move through the house.  REIKI I LEVELImagine flowing the Reiki out of your palms and into the room you’ll be working in, filling the room with Reiki for help and guidance throughout the process.  Intend; blissful space, sacred space, calm and clean space, safe and protected space.
  8. Start in the room that is most important to you spiritually.  Imagine your Reiki flowing out of your hands like paint from a paint gun, thick and full and filling all spaces easily.  Imagine beautiful calm and sacred colors flowing out of your hand chakras towards the walls, ceilings, floors and all the space you are in.  I usually start with one wall, then move to another until all four are done.  Then I do the ceiling, floor and the inner space.  Do windows and doors, imagining the Reiki surrounding them with protection.  All Love and Light may come in but lower energies cannot.
  9. If you are attuned to Reiki III,  start with Usui DKM (Master Symbol) for blessing the space or CKR (Power Symbol) if Reiki II also for blessing the space, then SHK (Mental/Emotional Symbol) for cleansing and emotional healing, then CKR (Power Symbol) again for sealing with power, protection and support.  That is how I do it.  (Then I run all my Reiki symbols through the walls and space the same way.  It is up to you how much time you have and how many symbols you put it.  The more the merrier I say but depending upon how much time alone you have in the space, do what feels right.  Getting the three in the walls first is important.  This paint process is fast and beautiful and feels so nice.  You can do a room with a lot of intention in about 15 to 20 minutes each.  Faster if you are in a hurry.  Take more time in the rooms where you will sleep and meditate.
  10. Permanent Symbols – Some of you may want to put drawings or pictures of the Reiki symbols in the walls.  I feel this is fine.  I actually sat in meditation and talked to my guides about this and they thought it was a great idea.  You can spray paint them in the walls before the insulation goes up, pin-up pictures of the symbols on the walls beforehand and any other spiritual symbols that you feel adds Love and Light to the space permanently: Om, Reiki Guides, Usui Sensei, hearts, spiral, sun, etc.  Whatever relates to you and adds positive energy is great.  You may cover them with paper or some kind of covering if you are concerned about other people seeing. That is a personal preference.  Most people who will be in the house working on it won’t know what the symbols are and they won’t really even register with them if they see them.  But, do what feels right to you.  The symbols are sacred to us who work with Reiki, but they are no longer a secret.  They can be seen many places but rarely do people recognize them unless they have knowledge of Reiki and/or the symbols are part of their subconscious mind.  It’s all good.  Go with your intuition on this one.  I trust you and Reiki trusts you.
  11. Hold the intention that this Reiki is permanent Love and Light that is now vibrating through your home, land and space forever!
  12. Thank your, home, your guides and your Reiki.
Reiki a garden wall as it is being constructed for a peaceful and spiritual garden space.
Reiki a garden wall as it is being constructed for a peaceful and spiritual garden space.

QUICK TIP – Don’t try to do the whole house in one day unless you are truly in a time crunch.  Put more time into the spiritual rooms if you have to do this.  Otherwise, do the three symbols in all the rooms and go back to the most important rooms if you end up having more time.

Anything you do is better than nothing so no worries.
You can also do it after the drywall if you run out of time.  Just imagine the Reiki flowing through the walls and filling every space inside, like filling the cells of your body, but filling wall, boards, electrical, plumbing and insulation instead.
I don’t know what you have been taught by your teacher so hopefully some of this you already know.  I figure more is better and you can adjust it from here.
I would love to hear from you if you try this on your new or add-on construction, please comment here as to how it felt for you and how the process worked.
Love and Light to you,
Josslyn or 360-460-7829
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Reiki Quick Tip: Reiki Your Luggage

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher  for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, Washington

LuggageSantaThe Holiday season is here and many of us will be traveling to be with people we love.  Nothing can spoil a visit with loved ones like lost luggage.  The busier we are and the more people who are traveling, the more likely an accident with your luggage will happen.  One year traveling on the train to come visit us, my sister had her entire suitcase of Christmas presents stolen.  It didn’t ruin our holiday but it certainly put a damper on it.

The Archangel of Travel Lends a Hand

I had a healing/reading recently with a client who was going to be traveling out of the country with her two sisters.  This was going to be their first trip together as fully grown women to their ancestral homeland.  My guides alerted me to the fact that another woman was going and was possibly going to have luggage problems that would disrupt her mood the entire trip and therefore make the vacation for all of them not as spiritual as they had hoped.  My client then confirmed that her sister-in-law would be going on this trip too.  My guides told me that her sister-in-law is not grounded because she is going through a lot and this may cause energy imbalances in her own ‘universe’ that could lead to the luggage getting lost.  My client agreed that her sister-in-law had a whole lot going on in her life right now and even more big events right before they take their trip.  She agreed that this could very well be the case.  Since my client wasn’t sure if her sister-in-law would be open to Reiki and grounding techniques, my guides recommended that she Reiki the luggage before the trip for her instead.

Nothing can ruin a vacation like lost luggage.
Nothing can ruin a vacation like lost luggage.

I also recommended that she ask Divine to send for an angel of the Highest and most Sacred Order to help with travel.  The only angel that has come for me when I ask for travel help is Archangel Raphael.  Ask Divine and receive, Archangel Raphael would go with them and the luggage to ensure safe arrival for all.  It worked beautifully.  They recently got home and all went well.   They had a spectacularly spiritual trip and a wonderful time being together.  Of course, there is no way to know if the luggage would have gotten lost, but why take the chance when it’s so easy to take an angel with you and Reiki your luggage.  It only takes a few minutes to do some preventative Reiki work. 

How To Reiki Your Luggage

As always, there is no wrong way to do this, other than not doing it.  Even that is not wrong because if you know about Reiki, read this and still choose not to Reiki your luggage and it gets lost, then it was a wonderful learning experience.  Nothing is ever wasted, we learn from every experience if we are open to it.  But, wouldn’t it be easier to just spend a few minutes surrounding you and your family’s luggage with Reiki before you head out for an adventure?  Yes, it would be.  By doing this, you ensure you are in the flow with the Universal energies and they will be with you through your whole trip helping and guiding a long the way. If your luggage still gets lost, then it was a learning experience you couldn’t avoid.


  • Before you leave the house is probably the easiest time to Reiki your luggage.  While it’s all together sitting by the door, before you load it into your car, sit with it for a few minutes and run your Reiki through and around all of it.
  • If a big group of people are going and you won’t all be together before getting to the airport or even on the plane, use your Long Distance Symbol (HSZSN) and run Reiki from your home anytime before the trip with the intention of sending Reiki to all person’s luggage.

    At the airport you'll be a little more stressed and pressed for time, just activate your Reiki symbols if you have them and let the Reiki do the rest.
    At the airport you’ll be a little more stressed and pressed for time, just activate your Reiki symbols if you have them and let the Reiki do the rest.
  • At the airport, if you forgot to do it earlier and are now a little rushed for time, simply draw the symbols of the Mental/Emotional (SHK) and the Power Symbol (CKR) over the luggage and send them with Reiki blessings.
  • Don’t forget to Reiki your car, your train, boat or airplane to assure a safe and secure travel experience.
  • And, always Reiki YOU!


  1. I hold up my hands or imagine the luggage in my mind’s eye and the Reiki flowing to it.
  2. Close my eyes and mentally/intentionally invoke the Reiki as if I were in the prayer position or the Gassho.  Next, ask Divine to send down my Reiki guides to help me.  I never do any spiritual work without my Reiki guides.
  3. Let the Reiki flow with intention.  You can visualize the Reiki flowing into the luggage, send Reiki symbols into the bags through your hands or through your eyes.  You can chant the Reiki symbols in your head with the intention that they are flowing out your hands and into each individual bag.  Set an intention of the safest and most joyous trip for the luggage possible.  Use an intention that works for you and your travelers.
  4. Reiki your luggage until you feel it is enough.
  5. Thank the Reiki and your guides!  Enjoy your trip!!


  • Ask Reiki Source/God of your heart to send down the Highest and Most Sacred, the Best of the Best of travel guides to go with you and your family for a safe and
    Archangel Raphael has been one of my healing guides from the beginning.  He is the only guide I know of specifically meant to help with travel.  Call on him for any travel needs.  He'll lead the way the entire trip.  His name means "It is God who has healed" or "God heals." archangel_raphael2.jpg
    Archangel Raphael has been one of my healing guides from the beginning. He is the only guide I know of specifically meant to help with travel. Call on him for any travel needs. He’ll lead the way the entire trip.

    joyful trip.  Put any positive intention to how you want your trip to go: calm, blissful, serene, prosperous, positive relationships, etc.

  • You can Reiki the plane, your hotel you’ll be staying in, the rental car, your journey, anything and everything having to do with a safe and wonderful journey!

Many Blessings to you all at this magical time of year!

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Daily Meditation to Take Care of YOU Energetically!


By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki, please use daily and share with your friends.

Taking Care of YOU!

I am reposting this process with some changes, because it is the one blog I recommend to people the most.  Especially those people who tell me they have read my “Are You Emotionally Psychic?” page and feel they are Clairsentient.  I use this technique or parts of it, every single day and sometimes multiple times a day to take care of my energy system.

Being healers and caregivers we often do not take care of ourselves because we are too busy taking care of others.  However, that is a catch 22.  If we are not well, we cannot care for others. By not taking care of ourselves first and foremost, we are doing ourselves and the people or pets that we care for a disservice. We are also not modeling healthy behavior to those we care for if we are not taking care of US first.

Energy Body

We take care of our physical body every minute of every day.  We bathe, eat, wash our faces, brush our hair, use the restroom, drink water, think positive thoughts, etc. all day long.  But, quite often we don’t think about taking care of our energy bodies.  These need daily care as well but we were not taught this growing up in most modern societies.  Here is a simple beginning technique to get you started caring for your energy system daily.  Do this every day.  In the beginning I would do this two to three times a day until you really feel it’s staying with you all day long.  If you like this and want to learn more about taking care of your energy bodies I recommend doing research on Donna Eden and her healing work.  She has many videos on You Tube to watch and wonderful healing books on Amazon.  Find what works for you and have fun with it.

Daily 5-minute meditation to keep YOU clear and centered and protected.

In the beginning you may need to do this multiple times a day especially in stressful situations where you will be around a lot of people or in work situations where you help people, such as; therapists, healers, message therapists, social workers, etc.  Sometimes healers do this after each and every client to make sure they are clear and clean and protected.  Taking care of YOU is the most important.  If you are not healthy, grounded and centered you cannot help others.  The more helpful you are, the more sensitive you are to picking up other’s emotions; you’ll need to do this more in the beginning and at least once a day after that.  Whenever I’m going to be in a crowd of people I do this again, even if I did it in the morning before I left the house.  I do this before I leave the house or in the car before I get out, PARKED OF COURSE!  (Do not do any meditations while driving.)  In the winter up here in the Pacific North West it’s cold.  So, while my car is warming up, I do this visualization to get me started and warmed up too.  Give it a try, it becomes easier the more you do it.


  1. Call on Divine first to surround yourself with Love and Light.  (With Reiki you’d do this during your Gassho.)  Ask Divine to send down the Highest Order of guides to help you and be with you all day.  Give them your intention for the day to help you and guide you towards it.
  2. Visualize this Love and Light as a beautiful protective and loving color.  I imagine the Love and Light or (Reiki) energy flowing from my body or coming down from Divine and surrounding me with beautiful loving energy.  Any color you love will work.  White is often recommended but I find white can often times be too powerful or more than you need for every day use.  I usually like a soft off-white, pretty pink, yellow or blue to surround myself with.  I love color!  You can get creative and think of this color as an invisibility cloak or some other creative covering that works for you.  Opal or rainbows work great for this too.  Have fun with visualizations.   Make them your own, personal to you.  Trust YOUR intuition as to what color you need that day.  FEEL emotion about what is surrounding you and how much you love the feel of it.  Our guides respond to emotion and will work with you more often if they feel your love.
  3. Ground yourself to the Earth.  There are infinite ways to do this; be the tree growing into the earth, a cord with an anchor, a beam of light, etc.  Lately I’ve been connecting to the rocks, crystals and lava within the earth to help me be one with our Earth and therefore grounded and flexible.  (The more intention, the more visualization you put into this the more powerful the connection will be.)
  4. Create a place to send the energy that you do not want.  Creating the intention of a recycling source for the energy that others send to you and for any energy of your own that you want to be recycled will help you to NOT take on the energy into your personal field.  We do not need to be ‘weighed down’ with other’s energies, do we?!  (Good visualizations for this could be a shower drain, toilet, mushrooms, hole to the earth, crystal cave, trash can maybe with Oscar the Grouch, or any other plant or physical manifestation of something that will take the energy away to the earth to be healed. The intention of the energy being healed is important.  All energy is good energy, some of it just needs to be recycled back into higher vibrational energy.)
  5. Reaffirm the THREE parts to this whenever you meet up with someone who is trying to dump on you.  (Receive them with love and remember they are not consciously doing this, they just need relief.  Divine, ground and recycle and their energy gets healed, your energy doesn’t take on crap you don’t need and every one is happy.  They feel better, you still feel good and you have helped them without taking on their stuff.  WIN/WIN. I do this every time I leave the house and then reaffirm the shower drain or the mushrooms all around my feet, kind of like a moat of cleansing and recycling all around me as needed.)
  6. Last and very important is to REFILL yourself and others with beautiful Love and Light of the Divine after the ‘old’ energy has gone.  This will help you to feel lighter, happier and more confident the more you do it.  With this you can imagine a Divine ball of Love and Light or Reiki above the other person’s head flowing into their crown and all through their body filling them up.  Again, be creative and intuitive and do what feels right for you or them.



Mushrooms work as a great visualization for recycling energy, from other people or from you.  Imagine beautiful red mushrooms surrounding you all around your feet at the bottom of your aura, inside and out.  All energy that is no longer helping us needs healing for whatever reason you choose.  Imagine it flowing down to the mushrooms.  They will, along with Mother Earth, cleanse, heal and return the energy completely recycled.  Again, you can do this for yourself or others.  When people are ‘dumping’ their problems on you by complaining, wining or arguing, you can imagine the energy flowing down to the mushrooms instead of at you.  Try it!  It works!

Give this a try.  If you are sensitive to energy like me or tend to be a ‘helper’ or healer you will need this energy work daily.  I tell my clients, we take our trash out daily, why not our ‘trashy’ energy too!!

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Reiki Quick Tip – Reiki Your Grocery Cart

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

I was in the grocery store with my son, waiting in a larger than usual line and I thought, “Wow, I could just Reiki all my groceries right here, right now and it’s done!”  Brainstorm!  Why didn’t I think of this before?  It’s very simple, where else do you have all your groceries all in one place and a little extra time to work on them? (My kids are older, this may be more difficult for those of you with young active children.  Get them involved and have them HELP you Reiki your groceries.  Never too young to start doing Reiki.)

Grocery cart, bag, whatever your groceries are in, Reiki them.
Grocery cart, bag, whatever your groceries are in, Reiki them.


You might say “Why Josslyn, would I want to Reiki my groceries?”  Good question.  Reiki makes your food healthier and more energized with Life Force Energy!  That’s why!

How do I know this you ask?  I have tested food with muscle testing and divining rods with my Reiki Kids group and got very specific results.  When we did Reiki on food that was not organic, the energy field of the food doubled in almost every case and in many cases equaled the organic food.  We had the same results when we prayed over the food.  When we did Reiki on the organic food, the energy field stayed the same or changed too slightly to tell.  It was already strong and healthy and full of life force energy.  When we did Reiki on McDonald’s food it helped the energy field a small amount.  But, the McDonald’s food started with NO energy at all.  It was totally unreadable with divining rods at all.  So starting with nothing, Reiki improved it some to at least make it have some life force energy.  Not worth eating though so we threw it away.  But, in some cases fast food may be the only choice available.  Hopefully not very often, but even I partake every now and then.  It’s good to know Reiki will help even this food a little bit.


Anyway, in every case, the Reiki improved the energy field of the food significantly.  Big time scientific?  NO, but good enough for me and the kids to understand that Reiki helps our food to be healthier for us and more energized.

Put Love and Intention In the Food You Make

I often Reiki the food I’m making for my family knowing that this is adding to the nutritional value of the food for the people I love the most.  But, lets face it, life is busy and sometimes we forget.  I usually catch this with prayers at the dinner table.  If we eat out I quietly put my hands over my food and while others are talking and distracted I Reiki my food before I eat or I’ll say a quiet prayer beforehand.  But, still sometimes a meal will slip through the cracks of modern active life.  If we remember to do Reiki on our groceries while waiting in line, then we know it’s done and even if we forget at the dinner table or while preparing a meal, we know the food has Reiki energy flowing through it.  For me, it’s like a Reiki insurance policy.

Reiki the food in your cupboards, your refrigerator, on your table for a big meal, etc.  You get the idea. Reiki ALL your food!!


This is how I Reiki my groceries.  As always, this is just one way, not the only way. Get creative and find what works and feels right for you.  Since this is a public place and many of us prefer to be incognito, I do the Gassho in my head.  Reiki is all about intention, intend for the Reiki to go to your groceries and it will.

  1. I lean on my cart with my forearms and my hands hanging over the groceries.
  2. Close my eyes and mentally/intentionally invoke the Reiki as if I were in the prayer position or the Gassho.  Next, ask Divine to send down my Reiki guides to help me.  I never do any spiritual work without my Reiki guides to help.
  3. Let the Reiki flow with intention.  You can visualize the Reiki flowing into the groceries, send Reiki symbols into the groceries through your hands or through your eyes.  You can chant the Reiki symbols in your head with the intention that they are flowing out your hands and into your groceries.  Set an intention of the healthiest food possible, delicious and nutritious, or whatever positive intention works for your family.
  4. Reiki your food until it’s your turn to load the groceries onto the belt or give them to the cashier.
  5. Thank the Reiki and your guides!


Taste a locally grown Nash's Organic Produce carrot and I believe you will be moving to the Olympic Peninsula just to eat their produce all the time.  We did.  My kids tell me while we are eating dinner "This is a Nash's carrot, isn't it!? I can tell!"  They taste alive and amazing.
Taste a locally grown Nash’s Organic Produce carrot and I believe you will be moving to the Olympic Peninsula just to eat their produce all the time. We did. My kids tell me while we are eating dinner “This is a Nash’s carrot, isn’t it!? I can tell!” They taste alive and amazing.  Like no other carrot I’ve ever eaten before.

Now, I am fortunate enough to live in an area that has an abundance of local organic produce and meats.  I now know how real food tastes.  I do believe the Reiki helps the food to taste better too.   But I have to say, buying local and organic is truly the way to get the best tasting and healthiest food ever. Yes, totally MY opinion.

But, life is as it is, our food has been tainted in many ways, even the air it grows in is not organic, so nothing is 100% clean, thus the Reiki Food Insurance Policy.  Reiki your food!!  Do it for a month and see how you feel about your food afterwards.  Feel if your relationship with food has changed, your calmness at meal times or your desire for healthier foods.  I’ll be interested in hearing how that experiment goes.  At the least you add more spiritual practice to your life and your eating and that is always a good thing.

Blessings to all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Reiki Quick Tip -Reiki Pick Me Up

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

We all have those days or times of the day when we don’t feel at our best.  Many people use coffee or other pick me ups to get them through.  My body doesn’t tolerate many of them, especially caffeine so I have had to come up with alternatives.  Apples give a great boost, just like having a cup of coffee.  I have an apple a day, usually for lunch.  But at about that 3pm mark, I still get the sluggish tired feeling.  Reiki is a great pick me up and I’ve already written how it can be like having three cups of coffee in one of my blogs which you can click and read.

But, this blog is about a simple and quick technique to do when you don’t have time to do a full healing or even a fifteen minute healing.  When you are stuck for time, here is a quick, less than five-minute Reiki Pick Me Up that anyone can use who is attuned to Reiki to give them that extra boost of energy when they are feeling down.  I use this technique often.


For Reiki I

  1. Sit in your Gassho, center and ground yourself and call in your Reiki guides of the highest order.
  2. Hold the intention that you want the Reiki energy to give you a boost in energy to get you through the day or whatever intention you feel is best for you for the greatest good.
  3. Starting with your root chakra run Reiki energy in your chakras from bottom to top for as long as you feel necessary or for about thirty seconds. (If top to bottom feels better to you, then do that. It’s all good and there is no wrong.)
  4. After running Reiki on your crown chakra run Reiki all throughout your aura with the intention of energizing you.
  5. Closing Gassho and go!

For Reiki IIChakrasLabeled

  1. Sit in your Gassho, center and ground yourself, and call in your Reiki guides of the highest order.
  2. Activate your symbols in whatever way works best for you until you feel the energy in your hands.
  3. Starting with your root chakra draw the CKR Power Symbol,  in your chakras from bottom to top. (If top to bottom feels better to you, then do that. It’s all good and there is no wrong.)
  4. After drawing CKR in your last chakra, draw a large CKR in front of you activating it and bringing it into your body and aura.
  5. Do your closing Gassho and go!

I Pray many of you give this a try when you are needing that pick me up and that it helps.  Let me know how it works for you.

Love, Light and Blessings to all of you,


A BIG THANK YOU to my teacher, Catherine Morris, for teaching me this technique as part of our attunement process.  So grateful for ALL you have taught me!! or  360-460-7829

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Like Mother, Like Son-The Lessons We are Teaching As Reiki Parents

By Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki

I was driving home with my boys last night and they knew I wasn’t feeling well.  I have a little cold in my nose and sinuses and just wanted to get home, treat myself to some Reiki and the hot sock treatment and go to bed early.  I’ve had chronic sinus and sore throat issues from childhood and allergies and often deal with this is the fall and winter time.  My twelve-year-old son, from the back seat, says very matter of fact and maturely, “Mom, have you ever thought that maybe this sickness is from a past life?”

Mama Proud

My boys and I on the Dungeness Spit in Sequim our first visit.
My boys and I on the Dungeness Spit in Sequim our first visit.

I smiled and responded, “yes honey, yes I have.  And you are right, it is. I’ll do Reiki on it tonight before bed time.”  It made me proud that I’m teaching my kids to think on all levels.  I’m teaching them that there is much more to illness and disease in the body then just taking a pill for it.  That illness has spiritual roots, emotional, mental as well as physical roots.  Yes, sometimes a cold is just a cold and just on the physical level.  But, most of the time I have found it to be on more than just one or two body levels at a time.  For me it’s usually all four levels (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical) and this needs to be investigated each time I’m clearing a layer.  If I do not clear the energy from all four layers each time then the cold continues and often gets worse as if I’m not really listening to its message.

Reiki Mom, Reiki Kid

The night before my son said this I was doing Reiki on my him so he could fall asleep due to a tummy ache.  He’d been indulging in left over pizza for days on end and was now feeling the effects of it and having trouble moving the pizza through.  (This was not the usual gluten-free pizza they eat.)  I was grateful for Reiki that I was able to help him through it naturally, calm him down and get rid of the pain he was having so he could fall asleep.  Fall asleep he did, rather quickly too.  And, when he woke up he was quite chipper and told me right away that his tummy ache was gone and that the Reiki worked.  It makes me feel good because these, I know, are long-term lessons my boys are learning, lessons that will stay with them whatever career they go into, where ever they go in life.

Me doing Reiki on my oldest son in the Rain Shadow Reiki room.
Me doing Reiki on my oldest son in the Rain Shadow Reiki room.

Childhood Stays With Us – It’s All Good

My parents didn’t know about natural remedies when I was a kid and I had plenty of medicines since I was sick a lot and extremely sensitive as a child.  But my dad was a Psychologist and believed in NOT using medicine to solve all your issues.  He quite often questioned our medical professionals and did not take their advice.  Then he’d search for answers that felt right to him, right for our family.

At one time multiple doctors thought I had to have jaw surgery for my T.M.J. (Temporormandibular Joint) issue.  He said “No Way!”  The doctors said I wouldn’t be able to eat normal food and would be sucking through a straw by the time I was 30.  He still didn’t believe that surgery was the answer.  Well, I’m over 40 now and I’m still eating food.  My parents kept searching for other ways to heal my issue as it got very painful in my teen years.  My parents opened me up to other ways to heal.  Very advanced for their time back then, they found through friends an Osteopathic doctor who did Craniosacral therapy and basically solved my T.M.J. issues.  I still go now and then for Craniosacral therapy to get ‘tune ups.”  More often my Medical Intuitive, Candia Sanders works on my cranial bones energetically, long distance, and that does the trick.  I also do Reiki on my head to keep it in order in between healings.  If I can do it myself gently and naturally, why not do it?!!

But, I’m still chewing to this day with little or no pain.  That lesson has stayed with me my whole life and has molded who I am today and how I heal myself and my family for everything else in my life.  For that I am extremely grateful to my parents for teaching me these lessons.

Reiki is More Than Just For Healing

Many questions and sharing tonight at the Kids Reiki Circle.  We had nine boys and girls who just couldn't get enough time to share.  Learning about energy is never boring and always an adventure.
Many questions and sharing at the Kids Reiki Circle. We had nine boys and girls who just couldn’t get enough time to share. Learning about energy is never boring and always an adventure.

Reiki is not just a way to heal but also a way of life and a way to teach children about how to go about life in a spiritual manner including your Higher Power each and every minute of it.  Reiki also teaches how to heal your karma and prevent creating more karma by being aware of what it does to you and others around you.  My boys and other Reiki kids are learning that everything we do has an effect, good or bad, and that it can all be taken into consideration before we do something.  It also teaches naturally and gently that everything has consequences, even as simple as eating too much pizza.  But, that it is all good because he learned quickly and fairly painlessly that next time he eats pizza, he might want to NOT eat it, or go easy on it and eat a whole lot less of it.  These little lessons stay with us just as much as the big ones.  They stay with us certainly more than me lecturing to them about eating healthy food.

It is also important to teach our kids to question our medical professionals.  They may know more about medicine, but do they know more about YOUR body?  No, they do not.  YOU are always the best compass for your body and what will work best for you.  Question, research, and try new therapies always until you find what works for you.  This will teach your children to do the same.  This teaches us to think for ourselves and to use our own intuition, rather than just blindly following the ‘experts.’

For so many reasons, I’m more grateful than ever to be a Reiki Master, but even more grateful than that to be a Reiki Mom!

It’s Easy to Become a Reiki Mom

If YOU would like to be a Reiki mom, take a Reiki class.  Come to my Reiki circles and bring your children to my Kid’s Reiki circles.  If you do not live in the area then find a Reiki Master near you and encourage them to start a children’s program.  Feel free to refer them to me for help in starting a kids program.  I’m always happy to share my resources with other teachers who want to work with children.  It takes more time and effort but the rewards are HUGE and so worth it.

Thank you Divine Source for this blessing and gift you have given to me and so many,

In Love and Light, sending blessings your way too,


for mor information about Children’s Reiki classes clink on this LINK to Josslyn’s  Kid’s Reiki classes page!