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2012 in review- The Countries and Blogs that Were Tops!!

By Josslyn Streett of Rain Shadow Reiki

I’m having fun reading over the review of 2012 stats that the WordPress people put out for me.  My top two favorites are the countries where my views came from and the top five blogs.  The internet still astounds me.  If it weren’t for me watching “The IT Crowd” (which is hilarious by the way)  I might think the internet is a real little black box sitting in Apples’ offices somewhere on some big wigs desk.  Luckily, I’m learning quickly about technology and marketing on the web and here I am today writing my own blogs, but still amazed that people from all over the world are finding my blog and maybe even reading a word or two.  Wow!  Sorry, but that sill blows me away and next year when I write the review it will still probably blow me away.

And, THANK YOU to everyone who visited my blog, especially if you wanted to learn about Reiki, or you stayed long enough to do so.  

So, without further ado, the Top Five Blogs from MY Website in the Year 2012

Top Five Blogs of 2012

  1. Past Life Healing – The Elephant Man(Now I do realize this is probably tops because people are searching the web for information about the movie, that was well worth watching by the way.   But it is a great blog too about the past life healing that I do with my clients.  If you haven’t read it, it’s worth a few minutes for sure.)
  2. Give a Reiki Hug (Now who doesn’t want to give a better and more loving hug.  If you don’t want to, you are on the wrong site.  Get off.  I’m cheeky today aren’t I!?)
  3. Reiki Quick Tip – Find Lost Items (This little blog surprised me, not only is it top five read, but it has some of the most comments too.  Apparently my readers are absent-minded and can’t seem to find anything they need.  That’s ok, I’m the same way, that’s why I wrote it!)
  4. God’s Desk Lamp (This was a quick little story about my beautiful younger son and his spiritual quote. He and the quote are lovely.)
  5. Frog Totem (I have to say, this is one of my favorite blogs. Not only did I meet a dear friend because of it but I just love frogs.  I’ll be writing more about animal totems in the future.)

The Countries That Have Viewed my Rain Shadow Reiki Site On Purpose Or By Accident

(I’m sorry if I missed some, some countries are very small and they did this by scrolling over a map)

  • America  4,790
  • Canada  293
  • United Kingdom    269
  • India   258
  • Australia   216
  • Pakistan        72
  • Ireland        45
  • New Zealand    41
  • France         40
  • Germany      38
  • Spain         38
  • Brazil       33
  • Italy         32
  • Argentina   26
  • Finland       24
  • Chili             21
  • Sweden      20
  • Indonesia    20
  • Turkey         18
  • Portugal       17
  • South Africa   16
  • Philippines       16
  • Peru       15
  • Mexico    15
  • Hungary    11
  • Ukraine      10
  • Austria     10
  • Greece      9
  • Switzerland    9
  • Saudi Arabia     9
  • Norway        9
  • Japan     8
  • Russia     8
  • Lithuania    7
  • Poland        7
  • Egypt        6
  • Israel        6
  • Czech Republic  5
  • Slovakia   5
  • Estonia    4
  • Bolivia     4
  • Thailand     4
  • Venezuela    3
  • Jordan     2
  • Syria         2
  • Vietnam    2
  • Latvia      2
  • Colombia    2
  • Kenya      1
  • Iceland     1
  • Guyana     1
  • Tanzania    1
  • Nigeria      1
  • Belarus    1   (The only country I haven’t heard of before.  Thank you for visiting Belarus!!)

If you’d like proof of all this, the actual report is below.  Click on the link to read it.  Thank you for reading.

In Love and Light,

Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 7,400 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 12 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

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Reiki Quick Tip – Find “Lost” Items

When you lose something you love it’s frustrating and can often be quite expensive if you feel you need to replace it.  It can also be frustrating and time-consuming if it’s something like your car keys and you are late for an appointment.  Sometimes we no longer needed the item and it was time to say goodbye anyway.  However, that can be a challenge of its own, letting go.  Maybe WE don’t feel it was time to say goodbye to that item.  Maybe WE still wanted that item.

“No, I Wanted That!”

I had this happen years ago with a ring that my husband had given to me BEFORE I had Reiki in my life.  Luckily it was not an expensive ring but it was dear to me and I wanted to keep it.  For about a year I’d been having difficulty wearing it.  My skin had suddenly started  peeling and flaking under the gold band.  I would take it off at night and do all sorts of lotions and oils to help but it just continued.  My body had created an allergy to the fillers in the gold is what I was told.      But I didn’t want to stop wearing the ring my husband had given me.  So I kept wearing it.  One day, I took the ring off to put lotion on.  When I came back to the room, it was gone and has been gone ever since.   I searched and searched and searched.  I never found the ring.  We checked the plumbing, no where.  Now, looking back, I see the signs.  The ring was no longer vibrating with who I was but I didn’t listen.

“Really, Another Life Lesson? When Will They STOP!?”

In most situations in life, even losing our keys, there is a lesson we need to learn.   Maybe we need to learn to detach from material things.  Maybe we need to learn to listen to our bodies as to what is no longer good for us.  Maybe we need to allow ourselves to let go of a person, relationship or situation!?  Maybe we need to slow down, take more care in our daily activities and not try to do too much at once (Uh huh, lost your keys lately? LOL) .  Maybe we are out of balance with our environment and we need to listen to it.  Listening is the first step to finding a lost item that has importance to you.

Steps to Finding a Lost Item

Quite often, if we calm down, listen and learn from a lost item, it is our best chance to be brought back to it. Here are the steps I take with Reiki help, if I want to find a lost item that has meaning to me.

Sometimes this is a quick process and other times it will take more effort.  It’s up to you to decide which is needed depending upon what you are trying to find.

  1. First, calm down.  Do some deep breathing if need be.  Your mind must be calm in order to receive Highest Guidance.
  2. Listen to the situation.  Any Reiki level can do this.  Do your gassho, sit in meditation or for a quickie,  hold intention while you are showering that you will receive information about the situation with your lost item to help you understand what is going on.  I do some of my best intuitive work in the shower with the water flowing over my crown chakra.  (Always ask Divine Source to be with you when you do any spiritual work.)
  3. Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror, so to speak, and face the issue you are dealing with.  (For instance, for me and my ring, I was not listening to what was best for my body AND I was not willing to detach from a material object emotionally or physically.)
  4. Take action.  When you get an insight as to what the issue is with the lost item, take action to change the situation before the universe does it for you.  The universe will always find a way to balance itself, even if you won’t.
  5. Then you can start looking for the item you have lost.
  6. Sit in Gassho, prayer position, to connect to the Reiki and set intentions.  Bring in your Reiki guides of the Highest Order.
  7. Use the long distance Reiki II symbol (HSZSN) OR if you are Reiki I, the intention of finding the lost object.  If you feel there is an emotional component to the item add the Mental/Emotional Symbol (SHK) as well.    Hold the intention that the Reiki is finding the lost object AND healing your issue at the same time.
  8. Trust in Divine Source to find it for you when you least expect it or to give you a mental message or image as to where to look for it.
  9. Give it time to be found or for you to get a message.  Repeat in a few days to repeat your intention to Divine if you do not find it when you want to.
  10. If you do not find it, it was no longer yours.  Harsh, but true.

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Give a Reiki Hug!

People who hug more are happier!

I feel that hugs are forgotten all too often in our busy modern world and taken advantage of.  For sure by me, so, of course it must be true for many others.  Right?

It’s a very good thing my husband is such a good hugger and hand-holder, he literally keeps the good vibes flowing around here and reminds me to do so too! I more easily than him, get caught up in the “to do’s” of the modern world.  He quite often stops me, gives me a hug to help me breath deeper, calmer and to reconnect,  then we go on about our day again.  It helps so much.

So, here is a quick and easy reminder as to WHY hugs are so important and HOW to improve the hugs you give to your loved ones.

Free hugs and quote taken from article on


It’s like an emotional Heimlich (maneuver).  Someone puts their arms around you and they give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety come shooting out of your mouth in a big wet wad and you can breathe again.” Chuck Charles, Pushing Daisies

WHY Hugs are so Important:

Lets change the image of a tree hugger, ANYONE and EVERYONE can benefit from hugging trees.
Marilyn Monroe photographed by Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1961

Do you know that hugs?……….

  • Reduce stress
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Boost our moods in positive ways with mood boosting bonding chemicals in our body, oxytocin and serotonin
  • Help couples be happier in their relationships with just a simple four hugs a day (at least six seconds each)
  • Babies who are hugged show more physical and brain power development
  • Hugging trees multiplies our natural cancer-killer cells, improves mood, promotes well-being, reduces anger and provides a natural healing effect.  (OMG, did you read that and actually TAKE IT IN?  Hugging trees FIGHTS CANCER!)
(Read the full article here at
Children who GET hugs, GIVE hugs!              Josslyn Streett said that!


Children who get a sustained form of touching, such as one hug every day are smarter.” Jay Gordon, M.D., co-author of “Brighter Baby”


I will not play at tug o’ war
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs….”
~Shel Silverstein

HOW to improve the hugs you give to your loved ones

Step 1. Find someone to hug!


It is so easy to improve the Love that comes from your hugs. Put some INTENTION into your hugs!  Here are a couple of tips on how to give a Reiki hug.

  1. Find someone to hug (Ok, now what?)
  2. Ask them for a hug and GIVE the hug
  3. Sustain the hug slightly longer than usual
  4. While hugging, hold the intention that the Reiki Blessings flow out your hand chakras AND your heart chakra and into the person you are hugging. (As a beginner to Reiki hugging it may be best to start with one person at a time, then move up to more later, it’s your call.  It is always ok to send Reiki Blessings.)
  5. It may help to visualize a loving color, such as pink or green for the heart chakra.
  6.  Or visualize a shape or an item, like a heart shape, a red box of chocolates or a fuzzy kitten to help lighten your energy, mood and feelings towards the person you are hugging.  (This helps if this is a person who maybe you’ve had an argument with or difficulties of some sort.  Yes, hug our enemies too, especially our enemies.)
  7. or Chant a phrase that helps such as, “Loving blessings, love is flowing out my hands, love, love.”  

    Being social creatures is in our DNA, we NEED each other.
  8. Continue running the Blessing Reiki energy as long as the hug continues.
  9. Practice giving Reiki hugs as often as you can and see if you and your relationships become more loving.  See if your friends and family want to be around you more often.  See if your kids do not hug you more easily and for longer.  It has worked with my kids, it can work with yours too.
Hug your pets!

Now you may want some ideas as to WHO to give Reiki hugs to.  I say everyone!! But here are some ideas and WHY.

  • Obviously your family would be the best place to start, significant other, children, grandparents.  Children don’t want lectures, they want hugs.  I have found this out the hard way.  (How wonderful for your children to SEE you and your spouse hugging regularly.  What a wonderful mirror of a loving relationship for your family!)
  • Pets, our pet friends soak up much of our emotions in them trying to help us be happier and more balanced people on earth.  Lets take some of that burden off of them with a Reiki hug.
  • Friends
  • Anyone who is in pain, emotional, physical or other. This can lift their spirits and help them cope with the pain better, especially with Reiki blessings.  (Please do not use other symbols unless you have their permission first)
  • Trees and plants  – Lets be Tree Huggers!! They fight cancer for you AND it just FEELS good to hug a tree.  (How do I know? I DO IT REGULARLY!! I am an admitted Tree Hugger!)
  • Other Reiki friends, lets spread the Love and Light through Reiki hugs.  What better way to practice and perfect your Reiki hug than to practice on other Reiki community members.  Come to circle and lets practice our Reiki hugs!!
Hug the elderly, you will both be rewarded.
Photo credit: Milk Photo
  • The elderly, we sometimes forget how much touch heals, one can heal down to the soul with a good hug.  What a beautiful gift to give and receive.
  • Our enemies, or more like people you’ve had differences with.  They probably need a Reiki hug really badly.  (See if you can’t turn an enemy into a friend again with a Reiki hug, both must choose to hug, of course.)
  • Rocks and crystals – I know, I’m a little loopy when it comes to my healing stones, but I really do love them.  I regularly sit and hold my rocks and crystals to let them know how much I appreciate their healing gifts that they lend to me.  Then I give them a Reiki hug, a cleansing and an energizing too.  I have very happy rocks!
  • Anyone else you can think of to hug?  Please comment here on WHO YOU ARE GOING TO PRACTICE YOUR REIKI HUG ON!!  Watch out, it’s contagious!

Arm ourselves for war?  No!  All the arms we need are for hugging.” ~Author Unknown

A special Thank You to my Reiki and Stones and Crystals teacher, Jade Elizabeth for sharing this idea with me many years ago.  She gives GREAT Reiki hugs!!

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Reiki Every Day – Part 2 Work

In the last post, Reiki Every Day Part 1, I focused on how to play with the Reiki energy in order to help make your home life more spiritual and inviting to yourself as well as to others.

But, if we are really going to make Reiki a part of our every day lives, it is equally important to know how to incorporate Reiki energy into our work lives as well.  One of the biggest questions I get from new Reiki students is “How can I use this to be more successful at work?”  Divine wants us to be successful in all ways, spiritually, financially, health wise and in our relationships.

This movie is available in my lending library.

If you have read or watched “The Secret” then you know a little about manifesting this in your life.  As much as I LOVED “The Secret” when it came out, I was always wondering afterward, “But, HOW do I actually DO that?”  With Reiki I figured out the HOW and have been able to DO it in my life, every day!  I pray these tips in this blog write-up will help many of you too.  But to really master it, I would first recommend taking a Reiki I class and then practice, practice and more practice.

As before, with each idea I’ll give the how with intention (Reiki I) and then I’ll give the corresponding symbol I would use.  Feel free to play around with using other Reiki symbols as well.   Have fun yourself and play with YOUR ideas.  Don’t try to do ALL the idea, pick the most important 1 or 2 ideas and work with those to get the best results and stick with it.  If you don’t do them, they won’t work.

LOVE learning with Reiki

Reiki Every Day at Work

  1. Learning new material.  Reiki is a great resource when you have to study any new material especially if you are having a difficult time taking in the material.  Maybe there is a block to the material itself or the author.  Either way, start by cleansing the learning materials with the intention of clearing away all blockages and lower energy that does not vibrate well with you (SHK). Then the intention of energizing them with (CKR).  Then put your hands to your head and intuitively run Reiki on the parts of your brain that you feel need it the most with the intention of helping you learn this new material.  Practicing and using your intuition, run Reiki on your heart chakra and any other chakras you feel need the help for this learning material.  Use the distance symbol if you want to get really fancy and tap into other lives where you already knew this info.
  2. Office Unity.  If you feel there is an issue at work with the other people in the office, too much gossip, backbiting, competitiveness, etc.  Start by cleansing and energizing the entire office.  You can do this from your office, workspace or from your home before or after work.  Imagine the workspace filling with Reiki with these intentions or symbols, (SHK) for cleansing and (CKR) for energizing and blessing the space.  Then you may send Reiki blessings to each co-worker (CKR) as often as you like.  You do not need permission to send them blessings.  Try this every day for a week and see if it helps the mood in the office.
  3. Office Equipment– Just like your computer and printer at home, you want to “Reiki” your office equipment at work as well to get the optimal results from it.  Use the intention first of cleansing it (SHK) and then energizing it (CKR).  The cleansing it is due to so many people having used it in the past but also for the electromagnetic field it puts out and pollutes the area with around you.  If you work on a computer every day, do this every day in the morning.
  4. Sales forms & potential clients.  If you work in sales, like my husband, Reiki your leads, sales paperwork, papers with client information in them and any paperwork with any kind of financial information on it.  First cleanse, then energize and bless and finally fun Reiki with the HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL INVOLVED.  That way you will receive the orders you are supposed to receive and not the others.  Some clients you just don’t want.  They end up being more work than they are worth.  Let the Universe weed those out for you.
  5. Goals.  Work goals or home goals, either way we want to succeed at them.  Write them on a computer file, piece of paper or 3 x 5 card.  Keep them close where you can “Reiki” them or see them every day.  Cleanse (SHK) and energize (CKR) them with Reiki every day and hold them in your hand sending Reiki to them with the intention, again, of the HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL INVOLVED.  If on paper, write the actual symbols on the paper as well.  If the goal is not for the highest good then it will not happen and you may need to rewrite it.  Some big goals you’ll need to give the Universe more time.  Be patient.  It took 3 years to deliver the perfect new career to my husband after we had moved her.  But we were patient and it came at the perfect time.
  6. Writing.  If you need to write for your job here is a process I personally use every time I write for work or even for important emails.  Do your Gassho if you are in private.  Otherwise, close your eyes and connect to Divine Source.  Ask Divine Source to send you the Highest Spiritual Order of Reiki guides to help you write.  Thank them for coming.  Then start writing.  They will help with any blocks you may have to the topic, person you are writing to or the act of writing itself.
  7. Helping yourself be more successful each day.  Before you go into work yourself or in the middle of the day when you may be feeling tired, run Reiki energy on your chakras.  If you have symbols then use the (CKR) or the intention to energize yourself and keep yourself going.  My husband does this in the mornings before he gets out of bed and says it works better than a cup of coffee.  (We do not drink coffee)  It will help keep you going, help your mind work more effectively and heal issues you have with your job.
  8. Put Reiki in your product.  If you have any type of job where you make a product; food, candles, essential oils, furniture, homes, books, art, jewelry, websites, etc.  ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING is better with Reiki.  Your product will ooze Reiki which is Pure Love from Divine.  It will sell better, taste better and be more fulfilling to you in the process.  WHAT COULD YOU MAKE BETTER WITH REIKI?
  9. Program your day.  If you have a busy day ahead this works great to make sure you stay on task, stay on time and do all things with Love and Light.  Sit quietly for a moment at home or in your car before you go into work.  Visualize your day in your mind while placing your hands on your body and head with the Reiki running. Imagine your day going smoothly.  Imagine everyone around you and yourself calm with smiles on your faces.  Visualize yourself being on time for all appointments.  Use (HSZSN) to help do this future manifestation work.  Use (SHK) to cleanse the day of any negative emotions or mental patters that are not helping you.  Work with (CKR) to help bless the day, the work space and everyone involved and to energize you as well.

Here are some examples of specific careers and how they could play with Reiki to make their days more successful.

Teacher– Cleanse and energize the classroom.  Bless each student silently and to yourself, with Reiki as they enter the class.

Builder– Place Reiki in the walls, ceilings and entire structure as you build.

Put love in your food with Reiki!

Caterer– Place Reiki in all food and drink as it’s made.  This can be done with your eyes or fingers or hands as you prepare the food.

Receptionist– Think Reiki blessings with each phone call answered, clear the energy in the office, bless all messages that come through you.

Real Estate Agent– Cleanse each and every property you are showing, home or business.  You will sell or rent more, believe me.  Plus, after the people move into the house, they will be happier or more successful for businesses and you will get even more business from referrals.

Are you getting the idea?  If you have specific questions for me about how to play with Reiki in your specific job, please comment or email me and I’ll be happy to help.  

If you can come up with great ways to improve YOUR OWN job and be more successful please let us know by commenting on this blog.  I would LOVE to hear your ideas.

In Love and Light, Joss

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Reiki Every Day -Part 1 Home

Reiki is an amazing healing modality.  I literally feel like I have magic in my hands.
But, when I teach a class, I teach not only how to heal yourself and others with Reiki, but how to incorporate Reiki into every aspect of your life.  Reiki is not just for healing or for healers.  Reiki can be translated as “spiritually guided life force energy.”   It says nothing about being only for healing.  Reiki responds to the intention that the user puts forth for it in their mind.  Reiki can do no harm so no one can use Reiki with ill intentions. Because Reiki is Divinely guided, the energy simply would never respond to such an intention.  So, this allows  for Reiki users to be creative and think of new and original ways to use Reiki in their every day life to make their life more fulfilled, more spiritual and more fun!  FUN, FUN, FUN!  Divine wants us to have more FUN!

There are so many ways to work with the Reiki energy within your daily life.  Please read the ideas I give and send me comments of your own ways of working with Reiki energy.  Since there are so many ways, I’ll be making this post a three parter to get them all in.  I’ll list them for the ideas and give the intention or the “how” for those of you who already have Reiki in your hands and want to try them.  If you have Reiki II and above, you may add the Reiki symbols to the intention depending upon the desired outcome.  You will recognize the CKR as the power symbol, SHK as the mental/emotional symbol and HSZSN as the long distance symbol.


Work with the Reiki energy in your home to raise the vibration and make it more peaceful, protected and inviting.

Use Reiki on EVERYTHING:

  1. The walls, ceilings, floors, air, windows and doors, inside cabinets and closets.  First use the SHK or the intention to clean or cleanse your homes energy, rooms etc.  Then use the symbol CKR to seal and protect the space.  I also visualize a huge dome of Love and Light surrounding my home and neighborhood every night before bed to make us invisible vibrationally to lower energies, people who have lower intentions on their mind.
  2. New items coming into the home.  I Reiki everything that comes into my home with a quick cleansing intention (SHK) before incorporating it into the rooms.  Then I do a (CKR) or an intention for blessings and to energize the item.
  3. House hold appliances, plumbing, air conditioner, heater, etc.  Our house is a part of us.  It reacts to our emotions too, like our body.  Sometimes when you are very emotional or going through hard times, your home will react.  Such as, your plumbing may go haywire and water is everywhere.  Water is a symbol of big emotions out of control.  Using Reiki on these areas of your home will heal you and your house together.
  4. Electronics- T.V.’s, computers, printers, stereos, I-pods, cell phones, car engines, etc.  (helps them work better, longer and with less electro magnetic pollution to you.
  5. Batteries – Do you know you can Reiki batteries to get longer life?  I have done this on multiple occasions.  Once my camera batteries ran out right when my son was about to receive his end of the season soccer trophy.  I ran Reiki with the power symbol on the battery for 5 minutes and was able to take photos of the whole team receiving their trophies!  Try it, it’s a great way to amaze non believers and kids love it.
  6. Food, drink, vitamins, prescription medication– Brings out all the good, gets rid of the bad- makes them healthier, less toxic and less side effects.  Cleanse with the intention of clearing away anything that is unhealthy (symbol SHK) and then use the intention of energizing the nutrition with the best possible nutrient value possible with (CKR).
  7. Find missing things– I always use this one when I lose something around the house.  I do my Gassho to conect to the Reiki.  I use the intention of finding the lost object (HSZSN) and then leave it up to Divine.  If you are meant to have that object again, you will.
  8. People– I work with the Reiki on my kids when they are fighting to calm the energy down around them and take away the charge.  They often stop fighting and are soon laughing.  It’s pretty amazing.  Use Reiki on a photo of you and your partner to improve your relationship. (with their permission of course!)   You may use Reiki and the CKR on anyone as a blessing with no intention.  This you can do anytime you want to heal a situation that has worsened or exploded.  Or you can send Reiki to the relationship itself, not the actual person, a little each day and watch things smooth out.  People who you never thought would apologize, will.
  9. Pets and plants– All living things LOVE Reiki.  Reiki your house plants, your pets, if you don’t like spiders then Reiki your home with the intention that spiders will like other places better and go there instead.
  10. Identity theft– This is a big one lately in our new electronic environment.  Work with Reiki with the intention of first cleansing (SHK) and then protecting (CKR) your bank statements or the screen on your computer as a symbol of your accounts, Reiki your investments, college funds, stocks and bonds, all insurance, drivers license, passport or birth certificate as a symbol of your overall identity and anything else you have that represents YOU and your families electronic selves.  Do this regularly, whenever you feel the need.  At least once a month would be recommended.
  11. Websites, blogs, Facebook pages,emails, etc.-  These too need to be cleansed and protected from fraud happening.  I also hold the intention that all who read the words I write or put out to the Universe are blessed by the process.  I Reiki each and every page, word, down to the letter of my website and emails that I send with the intention that they are filled and surrounded with Reiki with the greatest good for all who read them.  (use all three Reiki II symbols)
  12. Spiritual Items & tools– Spiritual items; pictures, statues, art, crystals, shells, candles, pendulums, oracle cards, healing wands, etc. All spiritual items of the Light carry a higher vibration and lift the energy of your home.  Keep them of the highest vibration possible by blessing them (CKR), cleansing them (SHK), surrounding them with protection and energizing them with (CKR) as often as you think about it.  I also like to use incense and other forms to clean them as well.  But, that’s a whole other blog.
  13. Boogie men and bad dreams-  Many children have bad dreams, night terrors or see monsters in their closet.  Ban the boogie man by allowing your child to help you banish them with beautiful all loving Reiki energy.  Let them know that as long as the Reiki energy is filling their closet and their bed room, no monsters can come even close to them or their room.  For bad dreams you can also help the child fall asleep while you run Reiki and place your hands on the part of the child that feels physically affected by the fear, head, heart, abdomen, etc.  Ask them where it’s bothering them.  Do your Gassho, ask for Guides of the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL ORDER DIRECTLY FROM GOD, and use the intent to clear and protect the room, closet, or dream.  Allowing your child to help empowers them to know they can do this too and have the spiritual power they need to vanquish their fears.
  14. Cooking– And last but not least, use Reiki in your cooking and preparing of food.  Reiki is Divine Love, what better way to make your food more nutritious, more delectable, and filled with love than with Reiki.  Fill your kitchen, ingredients and hands with Reiki before beginning.  Use all the symbols with all intentions during the cooking process and just allow the Reiki to flow freely while you cook.  You can even use the distance symbol to send blessings to the dining room later when you’ll be eating for the best possible atmosphere while dining.

The possibilities of how you can improve your personal life at home are endless when you work with Reiki.  Can you think of any I forgot?

Next time I’ll touch on Reiki for work and manifesting.  Get on my email list on the right side of the website if you’d like to receive updated information about my new posts.


Love and Light to you all

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Left brain or right brain? Does it matter?

Are you more a left brain thinker or a right brain thinker?

 Why should this matter in energy work?
I’ve found that in general, the people who “take to” energy healing, muscle testing and who do psychic work tend to be right brain thinkers.  If you think about this it makes sense because the right brain is for the more artistic/creative/visualization side and the left brain more for the logical/mental thinking processes.  The right brain thinkers have an easier time dropping their intention down into their heart to make decisions while the left brain thinkers tend to stay in their head.
We all need to be able to do both to be well-balanced.
Balanced is our goal!
Many times it’s our left brain logical side trying to “think too much” and get in the way of the intuitive information that is coming in through our creative right brain.  We get information about where to move our hands, which part of the body needs to be concentrated on, how long to stay in one place and much more.  If someone tends to be very left brained, if the information does not make sense to their left brain logical side, they will not follow the information they are receiving and they will not learn to listen to their intuition.
This does not mean that left brain thinkers cannot do Reiki, be psychics or good energy healers.  Some will take to it very easily, trusting their intuition, and with some it may take more effort, practice or need some help from a teacher.  My husband is a great example of a left brain person who is also a great healer.  Once he slips into the healing “zone” he’s a natural at it and lets his right brain lead.
Although some people may just say it is not for them and try something else and never do anything with the Reiki energy gift they have received.  It is all good and all part of the each individual persons journey.  However, with my belief that Reiki is a true gift from Divine and is literally for everyone, then I believe everyone can do it!  Sometimes the best things in life are worth the effort, and I believe that Reiki is totally worth the effort.
 I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.  For some reason it keeps coming up for me in different ways and different situations.  That is why I felt sharing this information may be helpful to some of you.
Reiki Symbols
One aspect of Reiki that may help people who tend to be more left brain thinkers are the Reiki symbols.
The Reiki II symbols appeal to the left and right brain persons both!  They can be thought of as visual, creative and artistic by the right brain person while at the same time being processed by the left brain depending upon how you use them and intend them.
The Reiki symbols also help to keep the left brain busy with something to do while the right brain is bringing in the intuitive information that we need when we are working on a client, friend or ourselves with Reiki energy.  I found this particularly helpful as I was learning to trust my intuition in the beginning.  I found that not only did the Reiki energy flow better, stronger and more abundantly but so did the intuitive information.  My “logic” got out-of-the-way and allowed the flow to just happen.  The Reiki responded positively to this process for me.
I am more right-brained thinking, however, I have a side of me that is very logical and mathematical as well.  I like equations and things that make sense  (That’s my brain balance).  To me the symbols filled this desire in me and my brain.
William Lee Rand says “Reiki symbols are like keys that open doors to higher levels of awareness and manifestation.  Or they can be thought of as buttons; whenever you ‘push’ one, you automatically get specific results.”  That appeals to my logical side, use a certain symbol and the Reiki works for a certain intension.
There are other ways, other than the symbols, to keep your left brain occupied, such as, talking.  I have found that talking out loud helps keep the left brain busy.  (You don’t want to do this if the client is with you specifically for relaxation or straight Reiki because it will disturb them.)  When I’m receiving intuitive information and I start to tell the client all of a sudden more information pours through.  Also it helps to chant, count, or visualize numbers in my head.  This can be done without the client hearing or knowing or disturbing them.  Many different  brain activities can keep the left brain busy while the right brain brings in the information.  Find which one works for you. You will find with practice you can do both at the same time.  Try this the next time you do a healing on someone else and see if it doesn’t help.  Chant OM or count and let me know how it works.
Once you get the hang of trusting and allowing the right brain to do its thing, the left brain will not need these “tricks” to keep it busy any more.  You’ll know when the time comes.
These thoughts come from the heart of me wanting to be able to help all people who want to do Reiki and learn to work with energy successfully in their life.  I pray you all take this with that intention in mind.
In Love and Light,