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Reiki Every Day -Part 1 Home

Reiki is an amazing healing modality.  I literally feel like I have magic in my hands.
But, when I teach a class, I teach not only how to heal yourself and others with Reiki, but how to incorporate Reiki into every aspect of your life.  Reiki is not just for healing or for healers.  Reiki can be translated as “spiritually guided life force energy.”   It says nothing about being only for healing.  Reiki responds to the intention that the user puts forth for it in their mind.  Reiki can do no harm so no one can use Reiki with ill intentions. Because Reiki is Divinely guided, the energy simply would never respond to such an intention.  So, this allows  for Reiki users to be creative and think of new and original ways to use Reiki in their every day life to make their life more fulfilled, more spiritual and more fun!  FUN, FUN, FUN!  Divine wants us to have more FUN!

There are so many ways to work with the Reiki energy within your daily life.  Please read the ideas I give and send me comments of your own ways of working with Reiki energy.  Since there are so many ways, I’ll be making this post a three parter to get them all in.  I’ll list them for the ideas and give the intention or the “how” for those of you who already have Reiki in your hands and want to try them.  If you have Reiki II and above, you may add the Reiki symbols to the intention depending upon the desired outcome.  You will recognize the CKR as the power symbol, SHK as the mental/emotional symbol and HSZSN as the long distance symbol.


Work with the Reiki energy in your home to raise the vibration and make it more peaceful, protected and inviting.

Use Reiki on EVERYTHING:

  1. The walls, ceilings, floors, air, windows and doors, inside cabinets and closets.  First use the SHK or the intention to clean or cleanse your homes energy, rooms etc.  Then use the symbol CKR to seal and protect the space.  I also visualize a huge dome of Love and Light surrounding my home and neighborhood every night before bed to make us invisible vibrationally to lower energies, people who have lower intentions on their mind.
  2. New items coming into the home.  I Reiki everything that comes into my home with a quick cleansing intention (SHK) before incorporating it into the rooms.  Then I do a (CKR) or an intention for blessings and to energize the item.
  3. House hold appliances, plumbing, air conditioner, heater, etc.  Our house is a part of us.  It reacts to our emotions too, like our body.  Sometimes when you are very emotional or going through hard times, your home will react.  Such as, your plumbing may go haywire and water is everywhere.  Water is a symbol of big emotions out of control.  Using Reiki on these areas of your home will heal you and your house together.
  4. Electronics- T.V.’s, computers, printers, stereos, I-pods, cell phones, car engines, etc.  (helps them work better, longer and with less electro magnetic pollution to you.
  5. Batteries – Do you know you can Reiki batteries to get longer life?  I have done this on multiple occasions.  Once my camera batteries ran out right when my son was about to receive his end of the season soccer trophy.  I ran Reiki with the power symbol on the battery for 5 minutes and was able to take photos of the whole team receiving their trophies!  Try it, it’s a great way to amaze non believers and kids love it.
  6. Food, drink, vitamins, prescription medication– Brings out all the good, gets rid of the bad- makes them healthier, less toxic and less side effects.  Cleanse with the intention of clearing away anything that is unhealthy (symbol SHK) and then use the intention of energizing the nutrition with the best possible nutrient value possible with (CKR).
  7. Find missing things– I always use this one when I lose something around the house.  I do my Gassho to conect to the Reiki.  I use the intention of finding the lost object (HSZSN) and then leave it up to Divine.  If you are meant to have that object again, you will.
  8. People– I work with the Reiki on my kids when they are fighting to calm the energy down around them and take away the charge.  They often stop fighting and are soon laughing.  It’s pretty amazing.  Use Reiki on a photo of you and your partner to improve your relationship. (with their permission of course!)   You may use Reiki and the CKR on anyone as a blessing with no intention.  This you can do anytime you want to heal a situation that has worsened or exploded.  Or you can send Reiki to the relationship itself, not the actual person, a little each day and watch things smooth out.  People who you never thought would apologize, will.
  9. Pets and plants– All living things LOVE Reiki.  Reiki your house plants, your pets, if you don’t like spiders then Reiki your home with the intention that spiders will like other places better and go there instead.
  10. Identity theft– This is a big one lately in our new electronic environment.  Work with Reiki with the intention of first cleansing (SHK) and then protecting (CKR) your bank statements or the screen on your computer as a symbol of your accounts, Reiki your investments, college funds, stocks and bonds, all insurance, drivers license, passport or birth certificate as a symbol of your overall identity and anything else you have that represents YOU and your families electronic selves.  Do this regularly, whenever you feel the need.  At least once a month would be recommended.
  11. Websites, blogs, Facebook pages,emails, etc.-  These too need to be cleansed and protected from fraud happening.  I also hold the intention that all who read the words I write or put out to the Universe are blessed by the process.  I Reiki each and every page, word, down to the letter of my website and emails that I send with the intention that they are filled and surrounded with Reiki with the greatest good for all who read them.  (use all three Reiki II symbols)
  12. Spiritual Items & tools– Spiritual items; pictures, statues, art, crystals, shells, candles, pendulums, oracle cards, healing wands, etc. All spiritual items of the Light carry a higher vibration and lift the energy of your home.  Keep them of the highest vibration possible by blessing them (CKR), cleansing them (SHK), surrounding them with protection and energizing them with (CKR) as often as you think about it.  I also like to use incense and other forms to clean them as well.  But, that’s a whole other blog.
  13. Boogie men and bad dreams-  Many children have bad dreams, night terrors or see monsters in their closet.  Ban the boogie man by allowing your child to help you banish them with beautiful all loving Reiki energy.  Let them know that as long as the Reiki energy is filling their closet and their bed room, no monsters can come even close to them or their room.  For bad dreams you can also help the child fall asleep while you run Reiki and place your hands on the part of the child that feels physically affected by the fear, head, heart, abdomen, etc.  Ask them where it’s bothering them.  Do your Gassho, ask for Guides of the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL ORDER DIRECTLY FROM GOD, and use the intent to clear and protect the room, closet, or dream.  Allowing your child to help empowers them to know they can do this too and have the spiritual power they need to vanquish their fears.
  14. Cooking– And last but not least, use Reiki in your cooking and preparing of food.  Reiki is Divine Love, what better way to make your food more nutritious, more delectable, and filled with love than with Reiki.  Fill your kitchen, ingredients and hands with Reiki before beginning.  Use all the symbols with all intentions during the cooking process and just allow the Reiki to flow freely while you cook.  You can even use the distance symbol to send blessings to the dining room later when you’ll be eating for the best possible atmosphere while dining.

The possibilities of how you can improve your personal life at home are endless when you work with Reiki.  Can you think of any I forgot?

Next time I’ll touch on Reiki for work and manifesting.  Get on my email list on the right side of the website if you’d like to receive updated information about my new posts.


Love and Light to you all

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