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Q & A – Doing Reiki While Stressed?

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Thank you Josslyn for sending daily Reiki to my sick dogs.  I am attuned to Reiki but I haven’t been using it to send healing to my dogs because I’m so stressed about them being sick. Will the energy be enough if am under stress. I know that I need to heal myself first before I send healing to others, but I am not confident if I am worried like this, that they are getting what they need.

Kindest regards,
J.S. from the Philippines

Mandy receiving Reiki from Joss, calming to everyone involved.
Mandy receiving Reiki from Joss, calming to everyone involved. Please link if used.  Photo taken by Streett Family


Dear J.S.
Our Divine Creator understands we humans are stressed much of the time, this is one of the reasons we have been gifted with Reiki at this time to help us deal with the high stress levels we are under while in human form and help us learn how to lower it naturally and spiritually with the help of Reiki.
If we all waited until we were not stressed or completely healed before doing Reiki on others, we would literally never be able to do Reiki.  None of us are perfect and yet doing Reiki will help us get closer to spiritual enlightenment.  One Reiki healing at a time.
The Reiki is Divine energy, we are just the channel.  The Reiki is intelligent in its own right and knows exactly what is needed in each situation.  Therefore, all we need to do is ask and be the channel, then allow the Reiki to do the healing.  All healing comes from our Divine Source, not us.  Therefore, Doing Reiki while stressed is better than not doing it at all.  Right!?!
By doing Reiki on your sick dogs, the Reiki will heal your dogs in the way they need most, and the Reiki will flow through you, helping you to feel less stressed, thus healing you too.  Reiki is a win/win situation.  Everyone in the process receives exactly what they need.  If you were stressed when you started, I bet you feel much calmer by the time you are done.  Maybe you even have a ‘higher’ understanding of why your dogs and you are having to go through this period of dis-ease. But, just by knowing you are helping your dogs, you too will feel better.
Go ahead and do it, it will be exactly what your pets need and will most likely de-stress you in the process too.
P.S. If this was a Reiki Practitioner working on a client for money, the answer may be quiet different.  This person was working on her own pets, not a paying client. or 360-460-7829 for private sessions with Josslyn over the phone or Skype

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Reiki is a Choice! Congratulations to my Reiki Mens Class!!

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

First of all, I’d like to say a BIG HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our All Mens Reiki class!!  These men put aside all fears and reservations about what Reiki MIGHT be and went for it.  And, boy, did they go for it!

My Reiki men, truly a courageous group of men.  Reiki on!!
My Reiki men, truly a courageous group of men. Reiki on!!

A couple of months ago, two of my Reiki students informed me that their husbands, and one father would like to take a Reiki class.  “Ok”, I said, “lets manifest that.”  I knew if it was meant to be, it would happen, and it did. I opened the class up to all men who would like to take the class and asked my students (who are mostly women) to talk to their partners about the class.  Four brave men showed up, plus my husband to add moral support.

Brand Spankin’ New

These men knew very little about Reiki, other than it had helped the women in their lives.  The first thing we did in class was make sure that no single man in the room had been hog tied and brought against his own free will.  Nope, everyone came on their own.  Every man who heard about the class had the choice to come or not.  These men showed up.  Not only did they show up, they gave it everything they had.  This group of men, who were unsure of themselves in a spiritual setting and unsure of Reiki, asked more questions than most of my other classes AND they even asked questions about Reiki that I didn’t know.  They are the first class to GIVE ME HOMEWORK!!  Cuddos to them.

Never Give Up, Never Surrender

All done, feeling pretty good!!
All done, feeling pretty good!! Congratulations Dan, Robert, Noel, Joe and Jacob!!  Truly open-hearted courageous men in my book!

After learning about Reiki a bit, being attuned and practicing Reiki on themselves with success all on their first day, the men started really opening up not just their curiosity but their hearts as well. By day two, they were totally into it, taking it in and even enjoying it–although, still somewhat perplexed and confused at times.

They did not give up.  They continued on fully present, fully committed and fully prepared to truly work at making this Reiki healing part of their lives.  I was so proud of them, so amazed at their commitment and desire to learn and open up and so honored to be learning as much from them as they were learning from me.  Even when parts of the class, like meeting their spirit guides, got emotional and touched their hearts in ways they didn’t expect, these men grasped the experience and allowed it, they didn’t fight it, they just accepted.  It was truly beautiful to be a part of.

Normal, Everyday Guys

These men had very little exposure to spiritual classes or events before this class.  This truly was their first experience into energy and what is possible with it.  They opened up their heart and their minds, and their crown chakras (literally) and totally went for it.  That takes a great deal of courage.

We all have choices in our lives, sometimes we don’t feel we do, but we do.  Many men had the choice to come to this class and didn’t.  The men who showed up could have come, but closed off to something totally strange and new to them, but they didn’t.  They chose to come and they chose to jump in with both feet first into the deep end and totally go for it.  Because of that, they each had their own true spiritual experience that made the class unique to them and will most likely stand out in their minds as a very important day in their spiritual growth.  Having the spiritual experience is what most of us are seeking without knowing it, if you chose to open up to it as these men did, you will get it.  Maybe not at first, maybe not what you expect, but you will get it.

Now what they do with Reiki from here on out is truly their choice.

I’m available for help after class to answer questions, hold Reiki Circles and Round Tables, but it is up to each student to DO for themselves, to ‘show up’ for themselves each and every day and actually practice their Reiki on themselves. Reiki is like anything else in this world, we have to actually DO IT in order to feel any difference in our lives.  That is a little trick Divine plays on us, we must do a certain amount for ourselves, then we’ll be met part way by miracles.  Are you ready for your Reiki miracles?

Have you done your Reiki today?

The DOING comes first, the mini miracles come later…

Much Love and Light to all of you, I’m so incredibly grateful for my Reiki community.  I am truly powered daily by Reiki and your Love!!  Thank you for your loving comments, I’m so grateful for them as well.

Blessings to you all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829



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Reiki Stories – Reiki Heals Torn Calf Muscle/Behcet’s Diesease

Reprinted from the Reiki News Magazine Winter 2014 issue

If you have taken a Reiki class or thinking about it and are not yet familiar with the Reiki News Magazine, I am here to say, this is a wonderful resource not to be missed out on.  I have stacks and stacks of these magazines that I keep through the years and reread. Plus I have them available for check out in the Rain Shadow Reiki lending library.

The articles give me inspiration, ideas and motivation by hearing other Reiki stories from other Reiki Practitioners.  The magazine comes quarterly so you don’t get overwhelmed, but you are excited by the time the new one comes.  I highly recommend getting a subscription at any level of Reiki you are at.

Here is a story of physical healing that happened quite over night from the Winter 2014 issue.  Short and sweet, but powerful.  I pray it gives you some ideas about what is possible with Reiki.

Blessings, Josslyn

Most of the stories in this section of Reiki News Magazine have been documented by before and after medical tests and the observations of licensed health care providers.  Please note that while Reiki can cause miraculous healing, it does not always do so.  However most patients receive some level of healing with the minimum benefit being relaxation and stress reduction.  If you have medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that you use Reiki in conjunction with the help of a licensed health care provider.

Reiki Heals Torn Calf Muscle

My husband tore his calf muscle playing soccer.  The bleeding under the skin was visible immediately, and he couldn’t bear weight on his leg.  The chiropractor told him that he would be on the sidelines for six weeks.  He was devastated.  That night I gave Reiki to his calf muscle by simply cupping the injured calf muscle in my hands.  I held it for about 20 minutes in that one spot.  After 10 – 15 minutes my husband and I started to feel a massaging sensation under the skin.  My husband asked, “What is that?”  I replied that I didn’t know and suggested that we just go with it.  The massaging sensation was like a series of waves flowing back and forth.  I held the position until the movement stopped.  the next day my husband was walking, in no pain and with no limp.  the chiropractor declared him fit to play the following Saturday and was scratching his head as to how my husband could have healed so quickly!  –Alex Midwife

Story #2 lets us know what healing is possible with a Reiki Attunement

Behcet’s Disease Healed with Reiki

I had an incurable and devastating illness called Behcet’s Disease.  My symptoms were painful and life shattering including losing my eyesight.  Always intuitive, I knew there was a reason for my experiencing this ‘whole’ body illness.  I intuitively knew that I would be able to heal myself.  I became an ordained minister through the study of the Teleios Technique with Dr. Jim Cox.  Then I began certification in Reiki.  The night of the Reiki I attunement I had a dream about a white light that surrounded my body and entered through the top of my head (crown chakra).  This white light renewed and restored every cell in my body.  That was November 15, 1996.  I have not had a symptom of Behcet’s since that day.  In fact, I am now 60 but I look younger than I did in 1996.  By the way, Behcet’s Disease is described as “No Hope- No Cure.”  —Billie Watkins, M. Div., Minister



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Reiki Quick Tip – Reiki Your Email

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Joss’ Dramatic Email Story to Draw You In

Years ago, before I knew Reiki, my husband and I were in the process of buying a franchise business.  It was an enrichment activity place for children and would help children to learn how to feel, understand and relate their emotions more powerfully and spiritually.  It was amazing.  However, after months of planning, preparation and training, we had severe ethical differences with the owner and ended up severing ties with her and the whole business idea.  It was the death of a dream for us.

Emails can carry the good or 'bad' energy of the person who is sending them.
Emails can carry the good or ‘bad’ energy of the person who is sending them.

Unfortunately, it was the death of much more than that too.   Our beloved dog Marley died at exactly the same time in an accident.  It was an accident, however, I still felt at fault and felt a great deal of guilt over the situation.   I was grieving our family member and our business dream at the same time.  We didn’t know where to take our dreams from there, it was just too painful to move on.  It was a very hard time especially since I didn’t have nearly as many coping skills as I have now with Reiki.


NO, don't open that!!

At the same time of us feeling defeated, depressed and in limbo, the franchise owner’s friend sent me a scathing email about the situation.  She, of course believed her friend to be ethical and didn’t believe us.  The email was extremely unkind but even worse, she powerfully put ALL of her emotions into the email as she wrote it and transferred them to me when I opened it.  As soon as I clicked to open the email, I felt fully every hurtful emotion she was feeling towards us come through the email before I even read it.   It got into my auric field and brought me down like a ton of bricks.  I was still grieving and working through my own fears and issues with leaving the business behind and feeling responsible for our family member’s death, so her email and the emotional energy that came though with it, easily got into my unprotected auric field and exacerbated any difficult emotions I was already feeling ten fold.  I got physically sick on top of the depression and had trouble functioning for weeks afterward.  I didn’t fully realize at that time that an email could carry energy like that and affect me to such a degree.  I finally realized what was happening and started meditating and doing some healing work that I knew at the time to help me remove this energy from my body, mind and spirit.  Over time I got better and was able to put it behind me.  This is obviously an extreme situation, but it is the extreme that sticks with us and teaches us some of our biggest lessons.  And I learned an important one, REIKI YOUR EMAILS, COMING IN AND GOING OUT!!


When we Reiki the emails we can neutralize any less than loving feelings we may be having at the time we write the email, so the other person doesn’t receive them energetically.  We can also neutralize any of those same feelings that may be coming IN on an email from someone else BEFORE it gets to us.  We all have stressed or negative feelings from time to time,  but we don’t need to be sending them out to the world or to our friends via emails and pm’s.

BONUS: When we Reiki emails going out, the Reiki will help to heal any less than loving feelings we are having at the time too.  It’s a win/win.

We do not need anyone’s permission to do this because we are not sending Reiki TO the person, we are sending it to the email, surrounding and protecting the energy of the email.   We are sending Reiki to the email so it is full of positive love energy.  If the person on the receiving end chooses to take some Reiki that comes with the email, that is between them and their Higher Power.



As always, this is my way.  Feel free to use this one or trust your higher self, your Reiki Guides and you own personal knowledge to come up with a way that feels right for you.

Reiki incoming as well as outgoing emails with this process:(also snail mail, Facebook, etc.)

  1.  Gassho- Hold your hands in the prayer position at your heart and ask Divine to send down the Reiki.  Hold your hands in prayer position at your third eye and ask Divine to send down your Reiki Guides of the Highest and most Sacred Order of Love and Light. (If you are in a hurry you don’t always need to do the Gassho, as long as you do it much of the time. Or you can do this in your mind, silently without the movements if you are at work.)
  2. While I have the email or message that I’m sending pulled up on the computer screen, I simply hold up my left hand flowing with Reiki towards the screen with intentions that it’s getting to the email, every letter, word, paragraph and space. I imagine the email and the Reiki flowing to it. (If around other people, simply do this with your eyes.)
  3. Let the Reiki flow with intention.  You can visualize the Reiki flowing into the email, dancing around the letters.  Flowing through the message or just melding with its essence.  Intention: Clean and clear, safe and sacred.
  4. If you have Reiki symbols – I like to use the CKR sandwich;            1.  Start with a blessing symbol like the Power Symbol (CKR) or a master blessing symbol (UDKM or TDKM) for the intention of sending blessings to the email and anyone who reads it.  (We can send a blessings symbol without permission.)                                            2. Then I send in the Mental/Emotional Symbol (SHK) and chant in my head the mantra with my intention, ‘clean and clear,’ three times each.  This will clean the email of any stress or emotion that you are feeling when you write it.You can chant the Reiki symbols in your head with the intention that they are flowing out your hands and into each individual email you are sending out.                                                    3. End the sandwich with the Power Symbol (CKR) for energizing the email to the perfect balance for you and the person receiving it.
  5. Reiki your email until you feel it is enough.

You can use this process for letters, pm’s or other forms of communication.

Thank the Reiki and your guides!  Send the email with Love & Light!

I hope these blogs are helping you to open up your idea box about what to use your Reiki for in your daily life.  Every time you work with Reiki, your life becomes more spiritual and in a lot of ways, easier.  Go with the flow baby!!

In Love and Light,

Josslyn Streett

360-460-7829 or

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Q & A – Reiki Starting BEFORE the Session Starts

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA


Hi Joss,

I was wondering if you start to feel things (Reiki) working  when someone asks for sessions with you.  I am finding that as soon as someone asks me about having a Reiki session, things start working. I feel their energy allowing the Reiki from me to start some of the work.

Love and Blessings,

Sharon from Battleground, WA


Josslyn’s email back to Sharon

Hi Sharon, yes, this can happen.  Once a person decides to have a Reiki session and chooses a practitioner, the Reiki can start flowing right away.  This depends upon the client’s higher self (soul self) and what they need and want.  If they need the Reiki right away to start preparing them for the session, or because they really need immediate healing, then they can start drawing it right away.  It is up to you, of course, to allow this or not.  We all have free will.  Make sure it is within your boundaries to allow this or not.   Is it comfortable for you?  Are you accepting of this happening?  If you are not ready for this step yet, simply tell your Reiki Guides your intentions and ask them to help you find a solution that works for both you and your client.
Building Up the Ability to Run Reiki A lot
For some new to Reiki,their physical bodies may not be used to the amount of energy flowing through it yet.   Running Reiki all the time or when not expected to be doing it (check your boundaries), could sometimes tire them out.  Our bodies will gain the ability to run more energy and more often as we practice more often in our Reiki sessions, both on ourselves and on others.  This will get better in time as we practice more and our bodies gets more used to it.  Some new practitioners to Reiki may already be on the spiritual path prior to taking a Reiki class, doing yoga, meditation, eating healthy, doing other energy work, etc. so their bodies may be set up and ready to run Reiki more than others.  Some people may have physical bodies that are just made for this and have no issues at all with running the Reiki even all the time.

Practicing your Reiki Gassho Meditation daily will help your body adjust to running Reiki energy and help you to be able to run more Reiki, more often.
Practicing your Reiki Gassho Meditation daily will help your body adjust to running Reiki energy and help you to be able to run more Reiki, more often.

Everyone is different and we must not compare ourselves to anyone else.  Reiki is perfect for all of us at exactly the right time, teaching us as we go, as we practice.  For me, due to some chronic illness, I had to build up to this ability and it took some time and practice.  But, I got there.  I worked on my grounding, my boundaries and I really focused on being grateful for simply having the Reiki and being able to channel it.  Being grateful for where we are on our path at that time, no matter where it is, is very important to the Reiki path and being able to run more Reiki.  It was for me anyway.

Possible Solution
You might want to get a Reiki box or some designated box/bowl to put people’s names in and allow the box to act as the channel.  That way your body is not channeling to others all the time.

I purchase my Reiki Boxes from Mary Riposo at ........ for about $10 each.  They make wonderful gifts for people who work with Reiki.  That is how I got mine, a gift from a dear friend.
I purchase my Reiki Boxes from Mary Riposo at Integrated Energy Healing for about $10 each. They make wonderful gifts for people who work with Reiki. That is how I got mine, a gift from a dear friend.

I use a Reiki Box that has been charged with Reiki and Reiki Symbols and can thus channel the Reiki all the time, even when I’m not putting my hands on it and running Reiki.  I keep the box next to my bed and do Reiki on it almost every night before bed. It’s become a beautiful spiritual ritual of helping others and I feel good about doing it.  This seems to help me.  That way I can ask if people want to be receiving Reiki before during and after a session and you can put them in the box.

Please let me know if this did not answer your question,


Thank you Joss,
That is so helpful! I love the idea of a Reiki box. The Reiki was very strong with a new client the other day. The strongest I had experienced. She wants to work with me more and I’ll discuss this with her.  I’m excited to be working with a new client that I don’t know. Somehow it helps me in receiving the confirmation from a person I don’t know. I am amazed daily by the way Reiki works in my life and makes it so much more…I don’t even have a word for it. I ‘Reikied’ my office space at work. I can feel the entire office sighing in relief.
I miss you so much!


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New Years Reiki Circle 2015

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Happy New Year!!

No better way to start the new year than with some Reiki and some wonderful Reiki people.

For some reason, the first circle of the year always seems to be especially charged with fabulous energy.  A lot of positive vibrations I guess.  Last nights Reiki Circle was no different, it was truly magical.  Thank you to all who participated, each one of you added your unique spirits to the evening proving you are truly spiritually powerful beings.  I feel so grateful to have such an amazing community.

Me on the table surrounded by my Reiki Healers.  Awesome!
Me on the table surrounded by my Reiki Healers. Awesome!

We had two tables of healers but at the end, since the table I was at was running later than the other table, and because it was my birthday week, everyone worked on me all at the same time.  It was amazing and filled with such love.  I got choked up and so emotional I couldn’t say the closing blessing.  All so wonderful.

Shameless Sales Pitch for Reiki Circles

If you have an opportunity to go to a Reiki circle near you (Search engine- your town + Reiki Circle), get to know the people and be a part of a spiritual circle like this, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.  Love, support, compassion, practice, reinforcement of your Reiki channel, guidance from a Master, gratitude, connection to community, connection to Divine Source, full healing for cheap and more, are why I would and do give up one night a month to drop everything else and participate in group healing.

If you aren’t, and you have the possibility to do so, ask yourself, truly, what is holding you back from such a spiritually rewarding activity.   Again, this is a question for yourself, not for me.  You might be surprised at your answer.  If you need help clearing any of those blockages that are getting in your way, feel free to call for a session.  When you are ready, it will happen easily.

Reiki Blessings to you all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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Happy New Year! Hello 2015!

From my family to yours, many Reiki Blessings for a new year full of possibilities!

Streett Family on the Washington State Ferries going to Whidbey Island, Thanksgiving 2014
Josslyn and her family on the Washington State Ferries going to Whidbey Island, Thanksgiving 2014

I pray for you all every single night and send Reiki to those of you who ask.  I’m grateful for so much in my life, but I’m most grateful for Reiki and people who are opening up and finding Reiki at this time.  Together we bring more Divine Light to the planet and that is how we will heal ourselves and each other.  Blessings to you all for being the Light of Divine and not being afraid to let it shine!!

Reiki Love and Light to you all,

Josslyn Streett and family

For the greatest good of all, bring on the adventure that is life on earth in 2015!!

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Adding Reiki Successfully to other Healing Careers

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA


Congratulations to my new Reiki Practitioners!!
Congratulations to my new Reiki Practitioners!!

They may now call themselves Reiki Practitioners and charge money for their Reiki services if they so chose.  Most people chose to practice a bit before they start charging or charge by donation.  But, sometimes you get students who are already working in the healing field, as I had in this class.

This is a very talented group of women, most of them already working as healers in some way.  We had a massage therapist, a Donna Eden Energy Medicine Healer, a Social Worker who advocates for women in dire situations, a professional Psychic and two students new to healing but with natural abilities and wanting to take their Reiki farther –  all in this one class.

I absolutely love to teach current healers how to incorporate Reiki into what they are already doing.  Reiki easily adapts to anyone and any career you already have.

However, not everyone successfully adds Reiki on to their current career.

Adding Reiki to other Healing Careers

I have seen this many times, a massage therapist, cranial-sacral or some other type of body worker who works full-time at their field, takes a Reiki class and then doesn’t use it.   I talk to many of them after the fact, it goes something like this, “Yeah, I took the Reiki class but haven’t done much with it.  I feel it turn on sometimes while I’m working on someone, but most of the time I forget it’s there.”

Reiki as the Perfect Compliment to ANY Other Healing Modality

I probably see the most massage therapists of any career taking my Reiki classes.  Reiki is the perfect complement to this form of bodywork but also a group I see having difficulty adding Reiki to their practice.  A few simple additions to their Reiki practice could help them to be more successful at both massage and Reiki both.
I probably see the most massage therapists of any career taking my Reiki classes. Reiki is the perfect complement to this form of bodywork but also a group I see having difficulty adding Reiki to their practice. A few simple additions to their Reiki practice could help them to be more successful at both massage and Reiki both.

It makes me sad to hear comments like this one, because I know deep down in my core how great Reiki is and how it can be the perfect compliment to any healing modality.  Sometimes people tend to box Reiki up in a nice little package of “healing physically” or “healing stress” without really understanding within them what that means.

Others get so wrapped up in the information they receive in Reiki I but don’t successfully create a daily practice to bring Reiki into their lives.  the process of Reiki is incredibly simple, but the discipline is hard.  Reiki brings Divine miracles into our lives, but only if we practice it.

Reiki Power, Protection & Support

I talked in last week’s blog about how Reiki brings you Divine Power, Protection and Support to your every day life in a spiritual/non-religious way, but also to healing situations in particular.  Here is a link to that blog to refresh yourself on what power, protection and support mean to you during a healing.

Here is HOW you can practice a few important steps to incorporate Reiki into your healing path.

 TIPS To Successfully Incorporate Reiki Into Your Healing Practice!

  • Make the Choice to Invite Reiki into your life as the spiritual base that helps, guides, and supports you through all your healing work, personal and professional.  Because Reiki is from YOUR personal Divine Source, it would benefit healers of all kinds to bring in the Reiki first, before they do ANY spiritual work, before they do
    Any career where you are in close proximity to clients and their personal chatter can cause transference of energy from them to you, or them taking yours. This can cause exhaustion and early burn out.
    Any career where you are in close proximity to clients and their personal chatter can cause transference of energy from them to you, or them taking yours. This can cause exhaustion and early burn out.

    ANY client work.  Being a caregiver/bodyworker/healer is a challenge and to do it for years can be very difficult on your physical, emotional and mental bodies.  Reiki helps to ground you and cushion you from taking on the issues and energies of the client. Whether you are a healer, a manicurist, a hairdresser, a tattoo artist, a nurse, any kind of career where you have direct interaction with clients can cause this kind of energy interaction and wear you out over time. Burn out in these ‘helping’ careers is quite common.  This is less apt to happen when Reiki is with you every day.  This will help you to have more energy at the end of the day, end of the week and be able to continue your healing work without getting burn out.  Plus it helps you to have a more positive outlook every single day. Again, a win/win.

  • Practice with only the Reiki – I believe when adding a new healing modality it’s important to work ONLY with that modality to get a strong connection to it.  I don’t mean stop working, I mean in your time off from work, practice some sessions on people JUST with Reiki.  This is the only way to truly feel the Reiki energy and what it brings to your practice and client all by itself.  Tell your practice clients that you are new and ask them for feedback.  This will give you confirmation of how the Reiki is helping them.
  • Do self Reiki every day – Reiki is so simple, some people just don’t get it. When you make Reiki a daily practice you will very
    I, Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher practice Reiki on myself every single day!! I personally know the miracles that happen daily due to my constant connection to my Creator through Reiki practice.
    I, Josslyn Streett, practice Reiki on myself every single day!! I personally know the miracles that happen daily due to my constant connection to my Creator through Reiki practice!

    quickly and easily feel the effects that Reiki can have in your life.  You will be connected 24/7 to that Divine flow of spiritual power, protection and information support I was talking about in the other blog.  It makes daily life less stressful, go more smoothly, and easier with fewer worries.  But, it also heals you and connects you to Reiki in a powerful way, one that you won’t be able to dismiss.

  • Build a relationship with ReikiReiki is a direct connection to YOUR Higher Power. We are not working with out own life force energy here, we are working with Divine and Intelligent healing energy.  The more we work with our Reiki ability, the more we have that direct connection to our Higher Power, even when we aren’t working.  The more I feel connected to my God, the more hope I have for human life and the ability to be successful at it.  This then translates into my work life, helping me to have more energy to get through a day, helping me to be more patient in working with clients, helping me to have strong grounding and boundaries so I don’t take on other people’s old energies and make me sick.  This relationship with Reiki can support us in all of these ways, but most of all, it helps me to KNOW I am doing deep and important spiritual work for me and my client both.  To me, it doesn’t get more important than that.
  • Review any ethical issues with your Reiki teacher about adding Reiki to your career and HOW to do this without disrespecting your client’s wishes and boundaries.  We need to have our client’s permission to do Reiki.  If you are in a career where asking for this permission is not possible, then how can you still work with your Reiki to enhance your experience?  I will write a whole blog on this issue and refer the link back to this one when it’s done so you can read that too.  Meanwhile, talk to your teacher, ask your Reiki guides for help or think outside the box as to how to do this with the highest ethical standards.

If you are working to incorporate Reiki into your healing career, I pray this has helped you to get some ideas.  If you have ideas that have worked for you, please share them with us in the comment section.  I am thankful for all of us working together to help each other be successful at whatever healing modality we are working with.  They all have the same goal in my opinion, healing on a higher level, ultimately.

Reiki Blessings to you all for reading and sharing your love,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829




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Reiki On A Harbor Seal

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Orcas Island is the turtle shaped island.  This is the view from our house in Sequim, WA.
Orcas Island is the turtle shaped island. This is the view from our house in Sequim, WA.

I recently went to the beautiful and mystical Orcas Island in the chain of the San Juan Islands in the Pacific North West where I live.  I went for a sound healing conference with the equally amazing sound healer, Tom Kenyon.  I’ll write a blog about him soon.  The conference didn’t start until 1pm so I had some time (sans children) to myself.  Each day I’d take a nice walk about the Rosario Resort and Spa grounds and just take in the fresh and alive island energy.  Even though I’ve lived on the Olympic Peninsula for six years now, and I look at the San Juan Island chain out my living room window every day, I had yet to go to the Islands, any of them.  This trip to Orcas Island was my first jaunt and totally worth the day trip with two ferry rides to get there.

Morning Walk on Orcas

Photo by Jim Maya
Photo by Jim Maya

On the last morning of the conference on a walk, I went the regular route I’d been taking with a few changes in course but the same basic scenic locales.  One of the great spots is a viewing spot near the main hotel but off to the side on an overlook and viewing one of the other islands, Shaw Island.  But, on this day, on the rocks just below the overlook about 50 feet from me and down on the rocks was a small harbor seal.  His body was positioned vertically from me with his head away looking at the other island.  When he felt me he looked up at me for a little while, then pretty much dismissed me as not needing his attention and went back to what he was doing, resting on the rock.  Me, thinking Reiki 24/7 , I thought, I’ll send him some Reiki to say Hi.

Sending Reiki to a Seal

Happy seal smile
Happy seal smile

With my hands in the prayer position asking Divine Source for the Reiki to flow and my Reiki guides of the Highest Order to come and help, I also added “and please let the seal know, he may take as much, as little or none of the Reiki, it is totally up to him.”  Over the years of sending Reiki to animals, I have found this to be the most important guidance I received from Kathleen Prasad’s book, “Animal Reiki.”  Respect the animal by giving them the choice.   The animals respond in a much more favorable way if they are given a choice in the matter.  Then I sent the Reiki to him by beaming it from my eyes.  (I simply intend for the Reiki to flow from my eyes and it does.)  I started chanting in my head, all the Reiki symbols I have from Master/Teacher symbols down to Reiki II symbols and then my Karuna Reiki symbols too.  I’d chant each one three or five times depending upon how many I felt was needed, then would move on to the next symbol.

Checking Out The Reiki

At first the seal looked at my like “What is that?”  Seriously, that is the exact thought that came to me telepathically, from him.  Then I felt like he was feeling the Reiki and ‘checking it out.’ After a couple of minutes of not being sure, he all of a sudden got a very content and happy look on his face and looked at me to let me know he liked it.  He was away from me, so he had to swing his head around to do this.  He kept looking at me while I sent Reiki.  And, I would swear he had a smile on his face.  He particularly liked when I was chanting and sending the Mental/Emotional Reiki Symbol (SHK).  After feeling the energy of this symbol he’d get a little irritated when I’d switch to another symbol.

Why'd You Stop?
Why’d You Stop?             I did not have my camera with me that morning so these are not my little Reiki buddy but still just as sweet.

So, I went back to SHK.  Just to test it out, I left that symbol and went to chanting another.  Once again, he got annoyed and gave me a sharp look to let me know his preference.  I did this two or three times to check if what I was feeling with his emotions was correct and sure enough each time I’d switch away he’d look at me sharply and tell me to go back.  So, I listened and trusted and chanted only SHK until he told me otherwise.  At that point he started flipping his flippers up and down in joy, moving around like he was dancing and showing definite signs of happiness.  The smile was back.

Let Animals Guide the Reiki Session Themselves

Then he started moving around towards me more so he could see me and I could easily see his whole body.  He stretched out in front of me and started directing me to other parts of his body where he now wanted me to send Reiki.  He would let me know which symbol he liked in which area by his facial expressions, movements and his emotions that he was sending me telepathically.  This is exactly what cats and dogs do too!  I was enthralled.   I felt he wanted the Power Symbol (CKR) at his root chakra area so I chanted that and focused my eyes on that part of his body.  He seemed content for a while so I kept doing this until he gave me a different signal.


At that point, two other walkers from the hotel came and joined us and started oohing and awing over the sighting of the seal.  I’d been sending the seal Reiki for about ten to 15 minutes or so at this point.  He looked at them curiously but then went back to directing me to his Reiki needed spots.  I trusted my intuition that he was telling me where he wanted it and which symbol he wanted and continued for a little while.  After about another five minutes of enjoying the Reiki he turned his back to me, started looking at me in an annoyed fashion instead of the blissful, happy one he’d had earlier.  I suddenly felt like a space invader that was not wanted instead of the joy and gratitude I had felt earlier.   I took the hint that he was done, stopped the Reiki, thanked him for allowing me to send it and went on my way.  I looked back and he was slinking his way to the water and leaving.

HOW to Send Reiki to Wild Animals

First of all let me just say, with wild animals, first and foremost make sure you are in a safe place or a safe distance.  They are still wild and unpredictable.  Second, you might want to start by practicing on animals who are friendly with you, like pets.  Then just practice.  Get the trust and the knowing of practicing with pets first.

  • Give the animal the option of saying “No thank you” to the Reiki.
  • Send them Reiki with no intention of your own.
  • Have no time line, just go with the flow.
  • Be flexible, allow the animal to guide the session.
  • Say Thank you when they are done.
  • Move on and respect their privacy.

Seal Totem

Artwork by NaNa Quish
Artwork by NaNa Quish

I was so grateful to see and connect with my seal buddy.  Living here and walking the beaches for six years I’ve only seen a seal one other time, so I knew this event was important.  I went back to my condo and looked up seal in my “Animal Spirit Guide” book by Dr. Steven Farmer, my handy book that I take with me every where I go.  Here is what seal has to offer if you see one; in person, in a dream or in a meditation vision:  (Choose the ones that apply to you at that time.)

  • Your creative imagination is active and fertile right now, so keep a journal nearby and write in it every day.
  • Your dreams will be very clear and vivid, so pay close attention to them for any messages from your subconscious.
  • The cycle of challenges and hardship is complete, and you’re now moving into a time of plenty and abundance.
  • Although it’s an emotional time for you, you’re quite comfortable experiencing these feelings while at the same time staying grounded.
  • This is a time to stay attuned to your natural rhythms, such as sleeping when you’re tired, eating only when you’re hungry, and exercising when you feel the urge to do so.

Two Seals in One Day

HarborSealWavingBecause I’m a natural cynic, and because I already knew I wanted to write a blog about this experience, I asked my Reiki Guides for some sort of SIGN that I was indeed sending Reiki to and communicating with this seal.  I got my clear sign later at the Tom Kenyon sound healing session.  Each day there would be three sessions with a thirty minute break in between.  During the breaks we were completely silent and recommended by Tom that we walk or sit on the earth and contemplate or write in our journals.  For the first time of the sessions, I chose to walk by the marina area instead of the beach or the grass area as I had in other sessions.  As I was walking, a harbor seal swam by, waved his fin at me, swam a bit more and then dove under and was gone.  Quick as can be.  I looked around me and only two other people were looking and pointing in the direction of the seal.  I knew this was my sign and thanked the seal and my guides.  Doesn’t get much clearer than that.

Why Communicate with Wild Animals?

We are at a critical time in our human existence where we need to make peace with our planet and the creatures that live with us on it.  We need to empathically feel our planet and the life on it as alive and equally as important as our human lives.  We are truly all connected and by telepathic communication we can emotionally connect to the animals and the planet in ways we haven’t done in this life before, or for many lifetimes.  I believe we all did at one time.  Reconnecting to the ability to talk to the animals, the rivers, the mountains, the rocks, valleys and even the moon and stars, is all vitally important now.  It allows us to truly FEEL CONNECTED to the whole.

Wake Up!

I am seeing more and more people ‘wake up’ to this possibility, this need.  I am feeling clients coming to me who are very psychic people, who have these abilities naturally already, they just need to know it and practice with it.  With a little bit of mentoring and practice they will soon be teaching others to talk to our planet too.  This is the snowball effect that will save our planet, our animals and thus save ourselves and our souls.  Yes, talking to animals again is vitally important to all of us.

Reiki Blessings to you all,

Josslyn Streett

360-460-7829 or

BookAnimalReikiThere are two books I recommend on this topic, “Animal Reiki” by Elizabeth Fulton and Kathleen Prasad and

“Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature” by Marta Williams.  Both books plus more are available in the Rain Shadow Reiki lending library or used on Amazon dot com.Book-Learning their language by Marta Williams





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Congratulations August 2014 Reiki I Class!!

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

I've gotta say, I think Lynn wins for best face making
I’ve gotta say,  Lynn wins for best face making!

YOU KNOW WE HAD FUN WITH THIS CLASS!!  You can tell by the photo what a an enthusiastic and energetic class this was.  Congratulations to Lynn, Dick, Sharon M., Sharon R., Ulia, Jerry and Milton!!

This class had wonderful questions, and questioning of technique and ideas so that I had to dig deep into my spiritual experience to answer many of them.  Lets just say, I believe I told ALL my stories during this class.  And, we only went over by half an hour.  Not bad.  We had so many questions on the parking lot that I’ll have to write four or five blogs to answer them.  Seriously, a fabulous group of people.

Have I said it lately, I LOVE LOVE LOVE TEACHING REIKI!!  I’ll post more photos on Facebook if you’d like to see them or share them, but here are my favorites.

ReikiI8-28-14,2It was Sharon M.’s idea to do some Reiki drumming to help Milton and Jerry connect with their spirit guides. She was listening to her intuition and she was right ON!  I always love when I get to mix it up and do something different for a class. This was powerful and helpful. Connection was made!  It was awesome, different from what I normally do in class during the spirit guide meditation but it worked beautifully.

Ok, here we are looking all nice and 'normal.'  We are happy and grateful for the class.
Ok, here we are looking all nice and ‘normal.’ We are happy and grateful for the class.

I’m so amped up from this class, I can’t go to sleep yet.  I feel so grateful for the path I am on.  I cannot think of anything else in this world I’d rather do than hang out with very cool spiritual people talking about Reiki, drumming, learning about chakras, spirit guides, helping and healing people, it’s all too good to be true.  But, it is true, it’s my life and I’m incredibly blessed.  THANK YOU TO ALL OF MY AMAZING AND LOVING REIKI STUDENTS!  I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Such love pouring out of this class today makes me full of love and wanting to share it.

Reiki Blessings to you all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829