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Reiki Stories – Reiki Heals Torn Calf Muscle/Behcet’s Diesease

Reprinted from the Reiki News Magazine Winter 2014 issue

If you have taken a Reiki class or thinking about it and are not yet familiar with the Reiki News Magazine, I am here to say, this is a wonderful resource not to be missed out on.  I have stacks and stacks of these magazines that I keep through the years and reread. Plus I have them available for check out in the Rain Shadow Reiki lending library.

The articles give me inspiration, ideas and motivation by hearing other Reiki stories from other Reiki Practitioners.  The magazine comes quarterly so you don’t get overwhelmed, but you are excited by the time the new one comes.  I highly recommend getting a subscription at any level of Reiki you are at.

Here is a story of physical healing that happened quite over night from the Winter 2014 issue.  Short and sweet, but powerful.  I pray it gives you some ideas about what is possible with Reiki.

Blessings, Josslyn

Most of the stories in this section of Reiki News Magazine have been documented by before and after medical tests and the observations of licensed health care providers.  Please note that while Reiki can cause miraculous healing, it does not always do so.  However most patients receive some level of healing with the minimum benefit being relaxation and stress reduction.  If you have medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that you use Reiki in conjunction with the help of a licensed health care provider.

Reiki Heals Torn Calf Muscle

My husband tore his calf muscle playing soccer.  The bleeding under the skin was visible immediately, and he couldn’t bear weight on his leg.  The chiropractor told him that he would be on the sidelines for six weeks.  He was devastated.  That night I gave Reiki to his calf muscle by simply cupping the injured calf muscle in my hands.  I held it for about 20 minutes in that one spot.  After 10 – 15 minutes my husband and I started to feel a massaging sensation under the skin.  My husband asked, “What is that?”  I replied that I didn’t know and suggested that we just go with it.  The massaging sensation was like a series of waves flowing back and forth.  I held the position until the movement stopped.  the next day my husband was walking, in no pain and with no limp.  the chiropractor declared him fit to play the following Saturday and was scratching his head as to how my husband could have healed so quickly!  –Alex Midwife

Story #2 lets us know what healing is possible with a Reiki Attunement

Behcet’s Disease Healed with Reiki

I had an incurable and devastating illness called Behcet’s Disease.  My symptoms were painful and life shattering including losing my eyesight.  Always intuitive, I knew there was a reason for my experiencing this ‘whole’ body illness.  I intuitively knew that I would be able to heal myself.  I became an ordained minister through the study of the Teleios Technique with Dr. Jim Cox.  Then I began certification in Reiki.  The night of the Reiki I attunement I had a dream about a white light that surrounded my body and entered through the top of my head (crown chakra).  This white light renewed and restored every cell in my body.  That was November 15, 1996.  I have not had a symptom of Behcet’s since that day.  In fact, I am now 60 but I look younger than I did in 1996.  By the way, Behcet’s Disease is described as “No Hope- No Cure.”  —Billie Watkins, M. Div., Minister



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Past Life Healing – The Elephant Man

Do you have to believe in past lives for past life healing to work?

No, not all of my clients believe in reincarnation.  However, if you can open your mind a bit more to believe that the past life stories that Josslyn receives could be a metaphor, symbolic or your mind during a free association of both, to help you deal with what is going on in a life right NOW that may be too painful to deal in any other way, then it makes the experience of past life healing more fun.  But, what truly matters is that healing takes place, and it does!  Whether you believe or not, healing takes place.

Here is the newest addition to my Past Life Healing Notes section of my website.  For more healings to read about go to that section.  There are many great ‘stories’ there.

The Elephant Man

Hope came in for a session experiencing acute back pain.  She said she hadn’t had back pain most of her life until about a year and a half ago when her and her boyfriend Craig started dating.  I did a healing on Hope for an hour and a half.  Here is what I got.

I placed my hands all over her her back.  She saw visions as I saw them, some the same and some different.  Hope has experience in meditation and practicing visualizations so I wasn’t surprised that she was getting visions too.  Here is what we both got.

I saw many lives where she was deformed, I saw hump back lives, scoliosis lives, limping lives, but the one that stuck out the most was the elephant man life.  “The Elephant Man” is a movie that came out in 1980.  I remember it had a very strong effect on me because the man was treated so inhumanely.  Being as sensitive as I am, that deeply affected me as many were by the movies’ content.  Little did I know it would come up so many years later to help me relate to this client’s past life.

Heart renching movie, but totally worth it, with Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt and Anne Bancroft.

The move “The Elephant Man” kept showing up in my head so I told her I believe she had had that disease.  At first I saw her as a man with this disease where the head is oversized.  He was living in a basement type place.  It felt damp and dark and cold and not healthy at all.

As I looked deeper in the life I saw a mother and father having a baby with all the hopes and dreams of a young family having a baby for the first time.  The baby came out deformed.  The mother rejected him completely.  She did not have the strength that was needed to love and accept him.  She was vain and cold and wanted a perfect baby.  The father rejected the baby as well but had some guilt about doing it.

The mother and father allowed the housekeeper to raise the baby, named Charles, in the kitchen.  The housekeeper, Nellie,  mothered the boy best she could and with love.  She gave him chores to do as he got older so he could feel useful and helpful to her.  He somehow knew the other couple in the house were his parents but accepted the love that was available to him.  He was kept out of sight as much as possible but the doctor who came to see him was not a kind man and he gossiped about the deformed boy.  People in the town knew and it got back to Charles and made him ashamed of his body and himself.  He was actually a very kind and gentle boy with a great deal of inner strength to go on with life the way he did.  He was able to revel in the little love he did have.  But at the same time he knew he was different and felt being that his body was deformed, was something to be debased, unloved and rejected by others and by himself.

At age 11 the mother and father sent him away to live at a “school.”  Nellie the housekeeper was very upset by this and didn’t understand why the boy had to go.   She didn’t live long after that, a few years.  Died before mid 50’s truly from sadness from not being able to protect Charles.

While at the “school” he was treated even worse.  The people who ran the school only wanted him if he could work.  He was basically a slave to them and they got paid by his parents to keep him there too.  For his parents it kept him out of sight, out of mind.  Yet, if people in town asked about Charles, his parents could say proudly, “He’s at a special school.” He never went home to visit.  He cleaned the stalls, swept, worked on the tractor, anything and everything he was able to do for them.

The movie "Mask" was another amazing true life story of a boy with the "elephant man" disease. His mom, played by Cher, was a loving light in his life like Nellie and the little girl were to Hope in her past life. Movie also with Eric Stoltz and Sam Elliot.

The one shining light in his life was the owners little girl.  She was a bright light from God and loved him as a brother despite his deformity.  She snuck out to see him in the barn whenever she could just to talk.  They were friends.  Their little visits together kept him going,  gave him hope that things would get better.

Things didn’t get any better in that life.  Charles died at age 18 at that “school”.  I saw that Nellie was there in Heaven to receive him.

We learn from the same soul mates over and over again –

Charles’ father in that life is Hope’s bofriend in this life, Craig.  Her mother in that life is her sister in this life.  The little girl of love and light was Craig’s son and Nellie was Hope’s aunt.  All the personalities and issues Hope has with the people in the past life story match up to their personalities now, she confirmed.

The skeleton of Joseph Merrick, the true life "elephant man" curtesy of the Royal London Hospital Archives.

When she got up off of my table, she said her back was straight again.  She said before we started it felt twisted and curved.  The pain was gone.  She was able to walk and sit just like normal with no pain.

And, she said she connected with all the information that we had gotten.  She had seen the hunchback and deformed lives too.  She felt from things Craig has said to her lately that he’d been rejecting her and pushing her aside, just like he did when he was father to Charles.  They are playing it all out again in this life, in a smaller way, until they learn what they need to learn from it.  She felt she had learned a lot and was ready to move to the next level of talking to her boyfriend about it and learning to love her body as Divine Source made her.