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Reiki For Hair Growth

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher/Intuitive Healer for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA 

REMEMBER – Reiki works safely alongside any other healing modality or medical intervention. But, it is NOT a substitute for medical help. Please, if you have serious hair loss, please consult your doctor and get blood work or other testing done to get answers. AND add Reiki to that!!


When my dad was young his Aunt and Uncle raised him.  He said he learned everything good from his Uncle Karl.  He had so much respect for Uncle Karl and his word was my dad’s law in life.  

One thing Uncle Karl taught him was to massage his scalp every morning.  He told him, IF he massages his scalp rather vigorously every day, he would not go bald.  He really did not want to go bald.  But, what kid actually does as a young teen, way before the chance of going bald?  My dad as a kid, that’s who.

Well, whether it was the massaging of the scalp or the true belief in Uncle Karl’s words, it worked.  My dad did not go bald, but his younger brothers did; and at a somewhat early age.  My dad was always very proud of his hair because he had dedicated and worked at it.  When he died at 84 he had a full head of blond hair, a little less full then when he was young, but a full head of hair none the less.

Reiki always knows what you are doing so you don’t have to, anyone can do Reiki. But, holding positive intentions does make the healing stronger.


My dad usually did this ritual early in the morning before his showers.  I only know this because when we would go camping in the summer. Every single morning my dad would shake the camper for about 5 – 10 minutes while he leaned way over so he was upside down in front of him and very vigorously massaged his scalp.  This action would shake our trailer- A LOT.  He’d shake the trailer so much it would wake us all up so I couldn’t go back to sleep again, even on vacation. (That was probably also his secret secondary plan.) But, this was so important to him, that he keep his morning absolution every single day, he didn’t mind the wrath of two teen girls screaming at him for waking them up too early on their summer break. I wonder what our fellow campers thought was going on in our camper as they walked by us to their morning shower?  Hmmmmmm, I bet they had absolutely no idea my father had discovered the free miracle cure to baldness.

My dad dedicated himself to this goal and did it every single day and it worked, for all we know.  I believe intention and action almost always work.  Add Reiki and Yes, it always helps.


When I started losing my hair from age and hormone issues I thought about this as I was shampooing my hair. I decided to apply Reiki and (not quite so vigorously) massage my scalp while I shampoo and just let Reiki do, what Reiki does; heal!!


(We just don’t always know how it helps.)

Your crown chakra will be so HAPPY!!

Scientifically I can’t tell you my hair is growing back because of the Reiki although I apply this most days; there’s no money to create that study.  But, my hair seems thicker and healthier to me and that’s all that matters. It helps me to know I’m doing something positive about it.

Sometimes, we just need to Reiki something every day for many years and it will help.  Intention meets attention + Reiki!  A powerful combination.


*** There is no wrong way to do Reiki. Just do it!!  

*** Reiki is Divinely Guided and is always for your best and highest good.  IF you are meant to have a full head of hair and DO this process, it will work, most of the time.  Life happens. 


Edgar Cayce would from time to time get letters from his clients (His readings were all done through snail mail at the time) who had received a healing/reading from him and it didn’t work.  In most of these cases Edgar Cayce would write back and tell them to NOT GIVE UP or DO IT LONGER, MUCH LONGER!!  YEARS LONGER!  Most people give up before results.  


Reiki is Divinely Sourced and Guided, therefore, it hears your thoughts and you can direct Reiki with your thoughts.  

Ask Reiki to:

* Shoot Reiki out through your fingertips to thicken your hair growth

* Remind you -to do this every time you shampoo.

* Run Reiki every time you shampoo even if you forget to ask

There are other therapies that help heal many parts our bodies from the scape; Indian Scalp Massage, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Energy Psychology and holding Neurovascular points which I learned from Donna Eden. Always beneficial to run Reiki on your head.

* Ask Reiki to heal your scalp, hair follicles, acupressure points on your scalp 

* Ask Reiki to open your crown chakra or others near the area

* And any other healing intention that comes to you

So, think about yourself and your healing practices.  What would benefit from you doing it more and longer and WITH REIKI?!!!

That is a question for you to answer yourself, but please do share with us IF you feel so called to do so; especially if this helps you in any way.  We love to hear from you.

Love and Light,

Josslyn and 360-460-7829

Acupressure areas on the head.

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