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Reiki Quick Tip – Feeling the Reiki Energy in the Beginning

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center in Sequim, WA

I know it’s sometimes hard to feel the Reiki energy when working on ourselves, especially in the beginning when we are new to Reiki and our hands and bodies are not as sensitive to the energy yet.

This will change with more practice, it will.  Your hands will get more sensitive to the subtle energy and your mind will learn to be still and be able to tap into the feelings that the subtle energy creates.  Don’t be so hard on yourself, machines and science cannot detect this energy, but humans can FEEL it.

However, feeling the energy is what makes it so magical, so mystical and helps us feel so connected to our Higher Power.  Feeling the sensations of the energy is what most of my students tell me they want, but don’t feel, when working on themselves- at first.

I always feel the Byoseen (subtle energy feelings) much stronger when working on others, so in the beginning, I just worked on other people a whole lot, every chance I got.

**But knowing that daily Reiki on ourselves is the most important thing we can do for our own healing, how do we motivate ourselves to work ON ourselves when we can’t FEEL the Reiki running?

Quick Tip to Feeling the Reiki in the Beginning

**When doing a Reiki treatment on yourself, hold your hands an inch or two above your body.  We can often feel the play of energy off the body better if we are not touching it directly.  This works great for self treatment or treatment on others.  Give it a try and see if you feel a difference or not.  Once we can feel the energy more, we are more motivated to actually DO our daily self treatment.  Some people feel the energy more on the body, try both ways and see what works for you.  Pretty soon, you’ll be feeling it no matter how you DO IT.

Hope this helps.  Have fun with your Reiki.  Try new things and listen to your Divine Reiki Guides, they will give you ideas like this too.

Reiki Blessings,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

private email, phone or Skype sessions available

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