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Online Workshops for April 2020- read about them

From Josslyn Streett, Ellen Hammer, Amber McCarter, Bren Owens and Agent S (Susan) of Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center in Sequim, WA

NOTE: To get on our email list for workshops and classes, email us at or call 360-460-7829. (This is different from our blog email list)

Rain Shadow Reiki healers and readers will be working at home until the quarantine is over.  This has just put a little slower pace on our workshops coming up.  But we are focused on being able to support our energy healing clients and students online from here on out, as well as other new friends who find us and want energy support.  We have the first three workshops explained below and we will be doing more, so read on and stay tuned.  We are of course continuing to do Reiki, Reiki Psychic Healing (Intuitive Reiki that gets to the source of your issue to heal it) and readings over the phone or FaceTime.
We are switching to the Zoom platform for our online events as our other technology we used in the past couldn’t handle enough people at the same time.  Thank you for your patience, technology is not my best thing.
We have written and are planning to roll out workshops online this month….
These workshops will be ALL IN ONE.  Meaning, they will be healing youteaching you to tap into your intuitive abilities, teaching you HOW to psychically heal yourself and be in community with like minded people. 
When I’m working on these events, I FEEL from Divine, these workshops will be AMAZING!!
Anyone can benefit from them and do them!
NOTE: for Psychic Circle Class: I will not be teaching a Psychic class right now because I’m rolling it all into these workshops.  The best way to learn to be psychic is to DO IT.  In these workshops we will be DOING it every time in a non-confrontational way that feels safe to everyone.  So, If you had wanted to sign up for my Psychic Circle Class, take as many of these new workshops as possible.  Then take them again and again. Your intuition will grow and improve and you’ll be trusting it much more.
In these workshops we will be running Reiki, doing Reiki Psychic Healing, ThetaHealing and more.  Reiki is not a requirement to get the benefits from these workshops.  But Reiki makes any healing opportunity better, deeper, safer, more connected to your Creator, more powerful and always respects your soul’s free will and soul contracts.  Everyone taking this workshop who does have Reiki will be running their Reiki so that everyone who does not have Reiki will also be able to receive it and ‘piggy back’ on it IF THEY SO CHOOSE.
IF these workshops sound interesting to you, please email us at or call 360-460-7829 to get yourself signed up with Zoom and on our email list for classes and workshops, the software we use for online meetings. Read on for descriptions of what the workshops will include, we are very excited about these FUNSHOPS!!
Josslyn, Ellen, Amber, Bren & Susan (Agent S)
The first workshops will be:
Empowerment 1– $36  –Focused on staying healthy and calm at this particular time.  
In this workshop we will be psychically pulling from your physical and energetic bodies, plus your subconscious, the fear and other lower vibrating emotions and beliefs that keep us vulnerable to the fear of the virus, and pulling the actual energetic virus. (We will be pulling four viruses: Coronavirus, Sars, Epstein Barr and Influenza). Then we will be downloading positive beliefs and emotions to support your subconscious in order to attract healthier situations in life. This workshop will be different every time and we recommend, during the virus outbreak, taking this workshop once a month.  These workshops will be interactive – you will contribute the fears and other emotions that have been predominant for you at this time.  Also, we will be exploring hexes that get stuck in your subconscious from media, social media, medical personnel, movies, books, and TV.  You will be leading us on which ones have been the most hurtful to you, and we will pull them psychically and send them to Creator. (Blog about this workshop-www./
Empowerment 2 – $36  –Focused on how YOUR INTUITION will keep you calm and safe!
This class will be focused on working with and opening up your intuition to keep yourself healthy every day.  The best way to remain calm in times of chaos is to trust the information coming from Divine Source through you.  To do that, we must be calm.  To be calm in times of chaos, we must have calming techniques.  There are a few energy techniques we will teach you that are vitally important to be able to do this.  We will work with our Divine helpers of Love and Light, teach you the importance of being in your Light and how to get there, clean and clear your chakras, look at which psychic chakras to work with and how, grounding, boundaries, and more.
Empowerment 3 – $36 + $44 material cost –Focused on how to resonate with technology so it is healing to you, not harmful.
This workshop is focused on using a healing tool from Twisted Sage, combined with Divine Love or Reiki, to help you be in vibrational resonance with EMFs, 5G, Wi-Fi, cell phones, and any modern day technology that many of us Highly Sensitive People and empaths find draining.  Some people are boosted by modern technology, and some feel very drained and even in dis-ease by it.  Much of this has to do with who you are, your soul gifts and contracts, as well as your beliefs about technology.  This tool gives you energetic ways to create safe and sacred space with technology and ghosts for long term, as well as being able to put safe and sacred space around cell towers, 5G towers, water towers, and whatever else you can think of to raise the vibration of.  We work with this energy for ourselves, our pets, our homes, cars, water in the home, schools, hospitals and much much more.  THIS is a tool we can really help our whole community with while also respecting the free will of everyone.  This is a powerful workshop that you can take with you, and continue healing for anyone in your life who chooses it.  Reiki is not necessary to take this workshop.
Rain Shadow Reiki Healers- L-R- Ellen, Agent S (Susan), Bren, Amber and Josslyn
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The beautiful Rio Grande, one of the most beautiful rivers on earth.

April 22nd is Earth Day, a day to celebrate and show LOVE to our beloved planet. This year the theme is ‘PROTECT OUR SPECIES.’ Many of our Reiki people have shown a great interest in participating in Reiki Healing on the Earth and it is important to us as well.

In this experiential workshop we will be talking about and DOING healings on the Earth and it’s species and how we can best serve our planet. It is really US, the humans, who need the healing, but by focusing all our attention as a group on healing specific parts of the earth or specific species, we in turn heal ourselves and others who choose it as well. The snowball effect for these community healings is HUGE and has a great effect on all of us. It helps us to be more in tune with our planet and the animals as well as get intuitions of how we can help more in our daily lives.

The whales need healing now more than ever.

We will bring in our Reiki Healing Energy, meditate so we are all on the same level of resonance, and do two healings on the Earth and its species. We can choose what we want to heal and usually Mother Earth provides something timely for us to focus our attention on. Then we will also do a healing specifically on a species that is dear to our hearts and speaks to us for the second healing. The group energy will make this event extremely powerful for us and Mother Earth.

Get ready, it’s going to be EXCELLENT!! All Reiki levels are welcome. 3 hours, $50 April 22nd, 5:30pm to 8:30pm Follow this link to sign up for this awesome workshop!

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New Reiki Healing Room Added-It’s AMAZING!!

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

We now have two healing rooms ready, willing and able to hold space for your healing process. We have three Reiki Master/Teachers, one teaching room, four Reiki Master healers on staff plus a couple more who come when needed for specialty work like; Human Design, Astrology readings, QRI laser healing, Color Puncture and more.

At Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center we’ve been painting, swatching, shopping (Lots of shopping!!) and much more to get our new healing room ready for …………well…………HEALING!!


This has been a team effort and it has turned out more beautiful than we could have imagined. It started with Feng Shui. I know a tad bit about Feng Shui, just enough to be dangerous. I knew this room was in our FAME center in the Baqua of the building so I googled FAME CENTER colors and it came up with; orange, red, purple, hot pink, bright yellow, brown and wood for the element. The Fame Center is all about our good name in the community and we want a good name.

OMG, HOW AM I GOING TO TURN THOSE COLORS INTO A CALM HEALING SPACE? Well, we did. I had a vision and we did it. I’m not a decorator or even good with this kind of stuff, but I know what I like, and I have a lot of help.


Some of my students came to paint the room while I was on vacation so it was ready to surprise me when I got home. THAT WAS AWESOME! Just like Reiki works, every time we needed something, there was someone there who knew how to do it and volunteered. Much of the time this person was our new office manager, Bren. She’s an amazing DIY’er. Grateful for that and her!!


Along with our vision came with a desire to have a really great painting to showcase the room. We called another one of our clients’ and asked if her husband would be willing to talk to us about the commission. He did and long story short, the painting is beautiful, more beautiful than we could have imagined it to be. He captured our idea and went further with it. We told him that our vision for this room was women all stepping into their light together and raising each other up with that process. Walking side by side in that process and sharing their light. Dwayne sat with Divine and received a vision of his own, then painted it. I have always been very in awe of people who can do that. Art is not my creative talent. But, it is his. Thank you Dwayne Northup.


Blessings and Gratitude,


P.S. Call or email us at 360-460-7829 or IF you would like a spirit guide reading, past life reading, Reiki Psychic healing for any issue or process, Reiki Healing, PEMF machine sound healing and much much more. See our website for all we offer.

Curtains by Sequim Pondicherri and Bren
Chairs and dresser by The Warehouse in Port Angeles