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Product Review- Portable Infrared Sauna’s to Help You Be Healthier

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki Energy Healing Center in Sequim, WA

Links to articles below-

Please, and I’m serious about this, talk to your doctor and make sure you are healthy enough to use an infrared sauna before using it.  This is for healthy people to stay healthy.

I’m not an expert, please do your own research, this is just a product review for a product that I have personally been using and LOVE LOVE LOVE!!  AND for everything I’m reading, THESE KILL BACTERIA AND VIRUS IN THE BODY!!! TIMELY RIGHT!?!!

I have a history of chronic illness and have been a seeker for most of my life to find ways to be healthier in my body, naturally.  A friend of mine who also has Lyme Disease got one of these infrared saunas and loved it and recommended it to me.  I was hesitant at first but then thought, it’s not much money so what do I have to lose.

I’m so glad I took the plunge because I’ve been using it for four months and LOVE IT!! Singing that I love it so much!

I got the Harmony Infrared Sauna on Amazon, about $250 or a little more with tax and what not and it’s AMAZING! Singing again.

Not only does it feel so good to be hot in the winter time, but everything I read, and don’t take my word for it I’m not a doctor at all, but common sense and everything I read says that HEAT like in your body or in sauna’s, kill virus and bacteria.   Your body gets a fever so it kills the overgrowth of bad stuff in your body, right!?! In the sauna, I’ve built up slowly to thirty minutes at 151 degrees.  151 Degrees!!!! That must be killing a lot of stuff I don’t want in my body for sure. The Coronavirus is a very vulnerable virus, it’s easily killed at 133 degrees F or above.  Just breath the hot air from the sauna for five minutes straight and then again in a hour.  Do this each day until well.  (Please note: My son has been sick for almost four months straight with flu and virus’, I have a compromised immune system, I’m around kids, adults, elderly all the time AND I have not gotten anything, at all.)

But, for killing viruses it’s more complicated.  But there is also evidence that with the detoxification process of sweating it also boosts the immune system.  Plus the sauna helps with endorphins and allows the body to send out more white blood cells which combat the stuff in the body we do not want.  Lots of good going on with these infrared saunas.  

BONUS- your head sticks out and there are holes for your hands, so you can read, watch TV, play games on the phone or just meditate without your head being too hot or getting claustrophobic.  It’s amazing.  Did I say that already?!!

Do your own research.   But, know, I love mine and use it every two to three days and sometimes more.  And, in this climate with the virus outbreak, it’s very good to have products like this at home where we can use them regularly for our health.  Many people are off school and work anyways, lots of sauna time!

Here is a LINK to the one I bought


*Bring in your Reiki to support you in ANYTHING you do for healing.  Reiki brings 1. deeper spiritual healing on all levels 2.  spiritual power   3.  safe and sacred space energetically   4.  spiritual intuition and guidance.

*Drink lots of water before and after your sauna to hydrate

*Digest food for about one hour before doing the sauna (heat slows down digestion and could cause some issues)

*But, as well, don’t do the sauna on a totally hungry tummy either

*Start slow with low temp and low time and build up at a healthy pace for you.  If you feel dizzy, extra tired or any other symptoms that you feel are not normal, then reduce time or heat temp and go slower.

*Wear a towel and I put a towel on the chair and also folded up on the back of the chair to support my lumbar as well

*Clean with vinegar or natural products after because you will sweat A LOT!!


We will be here, helping in anyway we can energetically, as long as we are able.  Holding space for us to rise above and heal from ALL the issues that are being shown to us to heal at this time.  This is ONE BIG HEALING OPPORTUNITY!! WOW

Blessings to you all,

Josslyn Streett



Infrared Sauna for the Common Cold



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