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New Gassho Experiential Workshop REVIEWS!!

Because I’m getting ready to spend quality time with my son for the holidays and wrapping up my ‘work’, I’ll let my students speak for themselves about how they liked the Gassho workshop.

I will be teaching another of these workshops soon, in person as well as online. Email us if you’d like to be a part of this workshop. It’s FABULOUS if I do say so myself. I was deeply moved by the experience and had a great deal of fun as well. Thank you to my students for letting me know how the workshop effected them so honestly.

Downloading, writing, visioning and teaching new workshops is one of my new favorite things to do. We will have a lot more experiential workshops coming in 2019 because EXPERIENCING REIKI IS THE BEST WAY TO LEARN REIKI!!

Blessings, Josslyn

“What a wonderful practice to learn.  I didn’t get this practice with my Reiki I teaching and really am looking for a more spiritual practice and way of incorporating Reiki in my everyday life.  Thank you Josslyn. Heart.”  Molly M. from PA, December 2018

“This workshop allowed me to deepen my awareness of my connection to my Gassho practice.  Josslyn divided the Gassho into individual components- this made it easier for me experience the Gassho in a much more introspective and personal way.  I value and will continue to use this new practice!!!” Michele R. from PA, December 2018

“Josslyn is an amazing teacher who understands students and their needs.  She is patient, knowledgeable, compassionate and has an awesome sense of humor.   I would highly recommend any classes Josslyn teachers!!! Especially Reiki! Heart” M. Heins from Sequim, December 2018

“This workshop was actually quite deep.  We worked on much more than a simple prayer.  I especially liked the meditations at the end- on different elements of the Gassho.  The insights I gained were very deep and I feel very motivated to explore further with this.  Bottom line- Gassho Workshop is really about a lot more than just the Gassho!” Margaret F. from Sequim, December 2018

“I feel so much better about doing my Gassho and intention, I will NO LONGER second guess myself; wondering if I’m doing it right.  This class has given me relief in performing Gassho and empowerment in my Reiki!  Heart -Smily Face” B. Owens from Sequim, December 2018

“Yes, I feel this workshop will deepen my connection to divine source and enhance my personal healing and those of the people I work on.”    J. H. from Sequim, WA, December 2018

Having a blast with the Gassho!!

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Sabotage to our Healing Path


The Universe has a great sense of humor.  Most every morning I pull a Tarot card from my electronic app on my phone, Goddess Tarot.  Love it.  It has been totally scary accurate about 90% of the time and the 10% is when I don’t put much intention into it.  This is what I got today when I asked for a message for my highest and greatest good.
“Five of Cups represents the disillusionment that sometimes occurs in a relationship after the excitement of attraction wanes.  This disappointment is part of the cycle of intimacy: as we get closer to another, we sometimes see more than we’d like.  Sometimes it’s easier to concentrate on problems instead of assets.  This card may also symbolize creative blockage or depression.”

I ‘knew’ right away it was talking about the healing process I’ve been going through this year not a personal relationship.  I knew because, yes, I and others have been getting disillusioned.  I hear it in your sessions, emails and texts and I can personally relate.  This 9 year (2+0+1+6=9) has brought us a great deal of healing opportunities right in our face.  HELLOWWW!!!

 For some of you who have been on the healing path for a few months or more, you may be noticing some of these natural processes but maybe not seeing them for what they are, or getting discouraged and easily frustrated and judging it or fighting it.  It’s ok, I do the same thing until I realize what’s happening.
This is INTEGRATION.  True healing.  When true healing occurs it changes our body; physically, emotionally and mentally, even spiritually.   Healing can occur fast and furious or slow and calm-er, specially when we are healing with Reiki which heals at all levels at the same time.  Our brain and nervous system healing are taking place and causing physical sensations, feelings, and a whole new way of being in our bodies that can be uncomfortable and frustrating.  Change is change, good or bad, whatever it’s labeled, it’s still change and that can be hard.  New.  Uncomfortable.  For children, they can’t always verbalize this and it is hard to deal with.  For adults, we don’t understand what is happening and can also be difficult.  But, this is the core healing we’ve been asking for, praying for and intending. 
We must surrender to the process or we might SABOTAGE!!
This is also a natural part of the healing process when change is occurring:
Regression– backtracking in progress. Actually getting worse, before things get better.
Sabotage– doing things to not help your healing path even though you know they aren’t good for you.  Eating bad food you know will upset your body, not intending each day your healing, not doing your healthy daily routines, etc.
Resistance– fighting it, getting angry, going against the healing possibilities even just in your mind by not only not holding intention but doing the opposite, close to sabotage.
Plateau – I hate this one the worse.  ‘When am I going to notice a difference?”  “Nothing is happening!”  It seems like everything is just staying the same.  UGH.
All of us will have different parts of this process that are harder or easier.  Obviously moving forward and making progress is what we all want and like.  But, the healing journey is not a straight shot to feeling better, it is a scenic route riddled with learning opportunities along the way.
Fun right!?  LOL, not always.  In fact most of the time it can be quite challenging.
All I know is what I do:
*REIKI YOURSELF with intention DAILY
*Recognize it for what it is, understanding our process can really help
*Talk to yourself like your own best friend, talk yourself off the cliff so to speak.  “This too shall pass and sooner than you might think!” That’s one of my favs.”Creator never gives us anything we can’t handle,” another good one.
*Breathe, take a walk, go to nature, ask the trees or the beach to help you
*Pray to your Higher Power or talk to Reiki- Reiki is from our Higher Power, it’s always with us.  I talk to God all the time, I yell at my guides, I tell them my frustrations and then I apologize and thank them for understanding my heart.
*Know/understand that this too shall pass and another phase of the healing journey will come along and at least be different
*Do something different, totally different, shake things up, kick start your healing with something positive, do something good for you; start yoga, meditation, an new exercise ritual, come for Reiki sessions in person, start eating more greens every day, start taking those detox baths, (they have turned into my healing sanctuary) etc.
*Talk to a friend who understands the healing process
*Make an appointment with your Naturopath or Homeopath to make sure there is not something physical/medical going on.  Rule that out first, then continue with the Reiki.  Reiki is never in place of medical help, it’s complimentary to.
*Email me for a private session.  Nothing like a private one on one Reiki Psychic Healing Session to jump start you to a new phase of the healing process.  Serious progression forward, but more change too.
THE GOOD PART TO US IS- if many of us are feeling this way HEALING IS HAPPENING!!  CHANGE IS OCCURRING!  THAT is what we signed up for right?!!  So lets do our best to embrace it and do something different.  We either do it now or later, so lets do it now, lets do it thoroughly and lets do it with LOVE from our Divine.  It’s a beautiful path, even when we’re struggling through it.  BE GRATEFUL FOR IT, REIKI IT AND DIVINE WILL GUIDE US GRACEFULLY. Hopefully.  LOL
My prescription, MORE REIKI!!!