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Sabotage to our Healing Path


The Universe has a great sense of humor.  Most every morning I pull a Tarot card from my electronic app on my phone, Goddess Tarot.  Love it.  It has been totally scary accurate about 90% of the time and the 10% is when I don’t put much intention into it.  This is what I got today when I asked for a message for my highest and greatest good.
“Five of Cups represents the disillusionment that sometimes occurs in a relationship after the excitement of attraction wanes.  This disappointment is part of the cycle of intimacy: as we get closer to another, we sometimes see more than we’d like.  Sometimes it’s easier to concentrate on problems instead of assets.  This card may also symbolize creative blockage or depression.”

I ‘knew’ right away it was talking about the healing process I’ve been going through this year not a personal relationship.  I knew because, yes, I and others have been getting disillusioned.  I hear it in your sessions, emails and texts and I can personally relate.  This 9 year (2+0+1+6=9) has brought us a great deal of healing opportunities right in our face.  HELLOWWW!!!

 For some of you who have been on the healing path for a few months or more, you may be noticing some of these natural processes but maybe not seeing them for what they are, or getting discouraged and easily frustrated and judging it or fighting it.  It’s ok, I do the same thing until I realize what’s happening.
This is INTEGRATION.  True healing.  When true healing occurs it changes our body; physically, emotionally and mentally, even spiritually.   Healing can occur fast and furious or slow and calm-er, specially when we are healing with Reiki which heals at all levels at the same time.  Our brain and nervous system healing are taking place and causing physical sensations, feelings, and a whole new way of being in our bodies that can be uncomfortable and frustrating.  Change is change, good or bad, whatever it’s labeled, it’s still change and that can be hard.  New.  Uncomfortable.  For children, they can’t always verbalize this and it is hard to deal with.  For adults, we don’t understand what is happening and can also be difficult.  But, this is the core healing we’ve been asking for, praying for and intending. 
We must surrender to the process or we might SABOTAGE!!
This is also a natural part of the healing process when change is occurring:
Regression– backtracking in progress. Actually getting worse, before things get better.
Sabotage– doing things to not help your healing path even though you know they aren’t good for you.  Eating bad food you know will upset your body, not intending each day your healing, not doing your healthy daily routines, etc.
Resistance– fighting it, getting angry, going against the healing possibilities even just in your mind by not only not holding intention but doing the opposite, close to sabotage.
Plateau – I hate this one the worse.  ‘When am I going to notice a difference?”  “Nothing is happening!”  It seems like everything is just staying the same.  UGH.
All of us will have different parts of this process that are harder or easier.  Obviously moving forward and making progress is what we all want and like.  But, the healing journey is not a straight shot to feeling better, it is a scenic route riddled with learning opportunities along the way.
Fun right!?  LOL, not always.  In fact most of the time it can be quite challenging.
All I know is what I do:
*REIKI YOURSELF with intention DAILY
*Recognize it for what it is, understanding our process can really help
*Talk to yourself like your own best friend, talk yourself off the cliff so to speak.  “This too shall pass and sooner than you might think!” That’s one of my favs.”Creator never gives us anything we can’t handle,” another good one.
*Breathe, take a walk, go to nature, ask the trees or the beach to help you
*Pray to your Higher Power or talk to Reiki- Reiki is from our Higher Power, it’s always with us.  I talk to God all the time, I yell at my guides, I tell them my frustrations and then I apologize and thank them for understanding my heart.
*Know/understand that this too shall pass and another phase of the healing journey will come along and at least be different
*Do something different, totally different, shake things up, kick start your healing with something positive, do something good for you; start yoga, meditation, an new exercise ritual, come for Reiki sessions in person, start eating more greens every day, start taking those detox baths, (they have turned into my healing sanctuary) etc.
*Talk to a friend who understands the healing process
*Make an appointment with your Naturopath or Homeopath to make sure there is not something physical/medical going on.  Rule that out first, then continue with the Reiki.  Reiki is never in place of medical help, it’s complimentary to.
*Email me for a private session.  Nothing like a private one on one Reiki Psychic Healing Session to jump start you to a new phase of the healing process.  Serious progression forward, but more change too.
THE GOOD PART TO US IS- if many of us are feeling this way HEALING IS HAPPENING!!  CHANGE IS OCCURRING!  THAT is what we signed up for right?!!  So lets do our best to embrace it and do something different.  We either do it now or later, so lets do it now, lets do it thoroughly and lets do it with LOVE from our Divine.  It’s a beautiful path, even when we’re struggling through it.  BE GRATEFUL FOR IT, REIKI IT AND DIVINE WILL GUIDE US GRACEFULLY. Hopefully.  LOL
My prescription, MORE REIKI!!!
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Reiki without permission? To Do or Not to Do…

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

*More links to other blogs on this topic at the bottom of the blog



This Reiki Master believes it is always ok to send Reiki. Read up her reasons and see how it compares to the others' opinions, reasons and also your higher self.
This Reiki Master believes it is always ok to send Reiki. Read up her reasons and see how it compares to the others’ opinions, reasons and also your higher self.

I teach in my Reiki I classes that in order to do Reiki on others, you must have their permission first.  Yes, this is how I was taught by my teacher, and this is what I hear from many other Reiki teachers as well.  But I’m a bit of a rebel and believe in questioning what I read, learn and hear.  However, I’m also very careful and respectful of people’s boundaries and free will.  So, I’ve been contemplating this particular question for years until I’ve come to a conclusion that feels right to me.  It’s up to you to find what feels right for you.  I pray this blog will help you with that looking at some different points of view.  I have also included at the end of this blog, links to other blogs on this same topic with other points of view.  If this is an important topic to you and you want more information to help you formulate what feels right for you, then please read more.  But, then, sit with your higher self and formulate what truly feels right for you.  That is always what counts most.

Yes, I ask permission and only do Reiki when I have permission.  But, read on, because it’s just not that simple.

Even though at the professional level of Healing Intuitive that I am, I am able to talk to people’s higher selves and get permission that way, I still rarely do this.  I truly feel this is for the most extreme situations only, such as: coma, someone trapped in a mine or somewhere we cannot communicate with them or other severely extreme situations like those.  Only then do I sit in trance and talk to their higher self to get a yes or a no.  Then I also say a special prayer before hand such as: “I am sending this Reiki with love.  This person may take as much, as little or none, it is up to them.  I respect their soul’s wishes completely and I fully and completely let go of the outcome.”  I rarely find a need to do it and I much prefer verbal buy in.

I also always get verbal permission from children, animals and most especially family members. This is a picture of my son receiving Reiki. We are most likely to have deep emotional connections when working on family members which are much harder to release effectively and therefore permission is of utmost importance. I fully respect my family's ability to work through their own issues and to sometimes say NO to me doing Reiki on them. It's all good and ok in the big picture.
I also always get verbal permission from children, animals and most especially family members. This is a picture of my son receiving Reiki from me a few years ago. We are most likely to have deep emotional connections when working on family members which are much harder to release effectively and therefore permission is of utmost importance. I fully respect my family’s ability to work through their own issues and to sometimes say NO to me doing Reiki on them. It’s all good and ok in the big picture. Photo the rights of Josslyn Streett and Rain Shadow Reiki, please tag my blog if you must use my photo.

 Here is my reasoning and then you can contemplate this question for yourself.

My main reason is for respecting each individual person’s free will and also to make sure you as the channel for the Reiki, are not putting your own intentions on anyone else’s’ healing path.  This is a very important step.  If we feel like we want to do Reiki on someone without their permission it is good to step back and ask yourself,  ‘why?’  Be honest.  No one else is in on this discussion except you and your Reiki guides.  If the answer is that you simply feel for what they are going through, then you may pray for them or send Reiki Blessings without permission. (Reiki has multiple symbols to send Reiki Blessings, The Power Symbol is one of them.)  If the answer is more like, “They aren’t doing the steps to grief.” or “They aren’t changing and it’s hurting our relationship.” Then you might need to step back, take a good look in the mirror and do Reiki on YOURSELF.  Most issues in YOUR life are YOUR issues.  Reiki YOU first and foremost.

As healing facilitators, we are trusted with a very big responsibility.  In my opinion, it is not to be taken lightly.  But, it is also not to be controlled or boxed in by other people’s beliefs, because we all must make our own mistakes and successes – that free will thing again.  As a ‘healer’ we are in people’s energy fields, messing around with higher bigger stuff then we truly understand, I don’t believe any human brain can fully comprehend all levels of healing that are taking place all at the same time when we do a Reiki session.  If we are doing this without permission, we are invading people’s boundaries, inflicting on their free will and therefore creating karma for ourselves to balance out again later.  Maybe soon later, maybe much later.  But, creating karma is not what we want to be doing as healers.  This creates unbalanced karma for you mostly but can also alter their healing path and neither one is what we want.  As healer we want to help, not make the process longer and more drawn out by creating karma.


Don’t.  Just don’t do it.

But, You Can Do These:

  • Reiki the relationship

    This is my energy healing space and I clear it with Reiki regularly. I set intentions for grounded, clean and clear, safe and sacred space each time, plus I add intentions for each individual client or event. I have had clients tell me that being in the Reiki in this space is the only time they have ever felt safe. THAT is a HUGE compliment to the extra work I do to keep the space sacred. It's worth it and it works.
    This is the Rain Shadow Reiki energy healing space and I clear it with Reiki regularly. I set intentions for grounded, clean and clear, safe and sacred space each time, plus I add intentions for each individual client or event. I have had a client who suffered from extreme childhood and adult abuse, tell me that being in the Reiki in this space is the only time they have ever felt safe. THAT is a HUGE compliment to the extra work I do to keep the space sacred. It’s worth it and it works.
  • Reiki the situation
  • Reiki the Karmic situation
  • Reiki the space, the physical space meaning a room or the space in between you and the person you are having an issue with.  Your own universe space.
  • Send Reiki Blessings with any of the blessing symbols, the power symbol (The Power Symbol Reiki II), the Master Symbols (UDKM, TDKM, Reiki III & Master/Teacher)
  • Pray for them

**None of these will inflict upon anyone’s free will and create positive karma for both parties.  A Reiki win/win situation.

By doing these, it also helps us heal our own karma towards the situation AND help us feel like we are doing something.  Many of us need to feel we are helping, this is a way to help but without actually interfering.


Let’s say you are a teacher.  You want to Reiki your students but know that you can’t because you’d need their permission and if they are children, their parents permission too.  Too much complication.  How can you work with Reiki, stay in your place of authenticity and make the classroom better without doing Reiki on individual people?  Easy, Reiki the space.  You can do this in person or long distance from your home if you have Reiki II symbols.

Clean and Clear Space

Learn to find that safe and sacred space within yourself and you may not any longer feel the need to 'save' others.  You will more easily be able to disconnect that need and allow the Reiki to flow.  Trust and Faith both come easily from this space.
Learn to find that safe and sacred space within yourself and you may not any longer feel the need to ‘save’ others. You will more easily be able to disconnect that need and allow the Reiki to flow. Trust and Faith both come easily from this space.

By cleansing the space with Reiki with a positive intention such as; clean and clear, safe and sacred (one of my favorites) the energy in the room will be fresh, calm, feeling safe & clean of all ‘old’ energies; old arguments that happened the day, week or years before.  Reiki will help the space to feel clean of anxieties from test taking or sitting too long.  With all these old energies transmuted to the Light with Reiki, the room and the people in it will FEEL AND BE CALMER!  Without them even knowing that anything is different.  They will feel it, you will feel it.  Reiki the room again any time you feel it needs it or do it every Sunday night before you go to work.  I like to go with the flow and listen to my intuition but sometimes it works best for me to be on a schedule.  Do what feels right for you.

Another Reiki Win/Win Situation

Also, another win/win, if some of the souls in the room choose to take the Reiki that is ‘hanging out’ they may take it.  This is not involving you, you are just offering the Reiki in the room and each individual person may choose on their own, to take it or not.  No boundaries have been invaded, no karma created.  So, they may get a healing anyway, but it is between them and their Higher Power, not you.  You as the Reiki channel are just the channel.  Reiki does the real work.

This can be done in ANY environment safely and ethically.

But, this also involves you as the channel to let go of ego.  To release any outcome you might have to the Reiki being in the room.  You have to work at not being connected to whether someone takes the Reiki or not.   This is challenging for most people depending upon the situation and takes doing MORE REIKI ON YOURSELF.  The prescription is usually, Reiki yourself more.

Example: Maybe the little boy’s (his higher self chooses) who is giving you the most troubles with his behavior chooses not to take the Reiki that has been offered in the classroom because his behavior is linked to a bigger life lesson he and maybe even you are supposed to learn.  We don’t know these spiritual ins and outs, but we must have faith that behind the scenes, Reiki really is doing all it can to help and support us in a way that will not change our life plan.  It’s pretty important stuff if you think about it.

Safe and Sacred

Safe and sacred intention helps people in the room feel safe and protected, again without knowing why.  This works great for children’s class rooms, group therapy meetings, doctor’s offices, psychic reading rooms, work spaces with a lot of people and of course Reiki rooms – any place where people may have some stress or anxiety about being there.  ANY SPACE ACTUALLY.  By the space feeling safe, the people in the space will be more grounded, more focused and more able to let go of old issues if this is needed.  And they can do so in a calm and loving environment.

REMEMBER, Reiki is Divine Healing Energy.  Therefore, it is intelligent and knows exactly what is needed at any given time, for any person in the space, even for you.  As humans, we need to get out of the way and allow Reiki to do its thing.

I like to start my beginning Reiki prayer with – FOR THE GREATEST GOOD FOR ALL INVOLVED, PLEASE SEND DOWN MY REIKI….

and I know in my heart that what is for the greatest good for all of us, will happen.

I’d LOVE to hear your views on this topic or how this blog helped you in some way.  All loving comments written with respect are appreciated.



There are many blogs out there to read on this topic.  These three will get you started and are truly worth the time to read them. Otherwise I wouldn’t put them here on my own blog.  Blessings…

**A blog by Reiki & Shamanic Practitioner, Jonathan Weekes who tells some true and truly beautiful stories about how we heal THROUGH our illness and difficulties to be the beautiful butterflies that we are today.  Worth the read.  Click on his name for the link.

**Another blog on this topic by James Deacon with quite an extreme story about free will.  Worth reading. Thank you James for your dedication to Reiki with ethics.

**A blog by Frans and Bronwen Stiene from the International House of Reiki with what seems like a very different perspective.  But, read all the way to the end, Frans and Bronwen and giving each of their students a great deal of credit for being able to detach from the situation and I respect them for that.  However, their advice at the very end is…well… you’ll have to read for yourself.  Click on their names for the link. or 360-460-7829




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My Husband’s Reiki Miracle

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

At our Reiki events and during private sessions it seems that many people are afraid to bring up the topic of miracles but want to.  They want to know how long it will take them to heal.  They want some concrete time frame as to how long this ‘Reiki stuff” will take to heal them especially if they have physical illness.  Many people simply want a healing miracle.  I totally understand.  If there was a magic pill, believe me,  I’D TAKE IT FIRST!!  I live and deal with five chronic ‘invisible’ illnesses every day – you can bet, I’d be first in line getting that pill.

Bubble Bursting – Warning

I hate to burst your bubble, but sometimes a dose of reality is what we need. Sometimes believing in a magic pill keeps us in denial longer than good and real information that can help us move on.   Ok, here is the bubble bursting but you have to read the whole thing to truly understand.  If you don’t want to do that, then bail out now and stay in blissful denial.  If you’d like to know more, it’s a good story, read on.

Reiki Works In Mysterious Ways

Here is a photo of us about six months before his rib went out.
Here is a photo of us about six months before his rib went out.

Reiki will never go against our free will.  Which means, if our soul has chosen illness as a spiritual tool for growth, then we must learn what we have come here to learn from this tool, BEFORE we can be healed.  The earth plane is unique from other healing/learning planes of existence because it is the most dense.  Therefore, there are lessons we can only learn while we are here; lessons such as addiction and physical illness.  We can learn them in other planes of existence as well, but not to the same dense level that we can while in physical form here.  Therefore, these lessons are critical to our soul’s development and we comprehend that at a soul level. But, we don’t remember it at a human level. That is the importance, but the reality is, there are no short cuts to learning these lessons.  It takes years, lifetimes to learn many of these lessons we have signed up for, which means that the Reiki will help us, guide us and even heal us if that is what is for our highest good, but it will not ‘cure’ us, unless that is what our soul signed up for.

Lesson of Patience

Reiki will also not heal us any faster than our subconscious mind is ready for.  If it did, our belief systems would send up a HIGH ALERT and sabotage the process we were making anyway.  Reiki heals us at the exact pace our unique personality is ready to heal at, no faster and no slower.  JUST RIGHT.  This may not be as fast as your CONSCIOUS MIND wants to go, believe me, I totally understand this one first hand.  But, this spiritual and healing work cannot be rushed.  Sometimes the true beauty is in the process, the journey, the full experiences along the way.  Sometimes we can’t see the true beauty until we are through it, but it’s even more impressive on that side.

Sometimes Miracles Happen

And then sometimes, miracles happen.  Sometimes miracles are supposed to happen to help us along our path, to help us with our faith when we need it.  I believe we also sign up for these miracles before we come here knowing we may need some extra support, some extra push in the right direction.  My husband experienced such a healing miracle that helped him to believe in Reiki and me, many years ago when I was a new Reiki healer.

My Husband’s Reiki MiracleKeepCalmBelieveInMiracles

My husband Robert is very open-minded, he has to be, to be married to me for over 18 years.  But, he’s also a thinker, a cynic and a natural-born inquisitor of new things.  When I started taking Reiki classes he was first in line for me to practice on him but didn’t like to ask me too often because I was busy with kids, Mommy/kid activities, household stuff and also practicing healings as much as possible in my ‘free’ time in between.  He didn’t want to put more on me.  I respectfully wait until he asks me to practice Reiki on him, still do.  So it was a few months before he asked.

At this time in our lives, Robert would get a rib out regularly.  If you’ve ever had a rib out, you know, it hurts pretty horribly and would put my strong and independent husband ‘on his knees’ so to speak.  He searched high and low for a Chiropractor who could help him.  We finally found one who could put him back in place and it would last 5 to 6 weeks.  This was the best he’d found so far and he was thrilled.  So, every 5 to 6 weeks he would journey up to the highlands about forty minutes away to have his body adjusted and then the rib would not go out.  This worked well.  Until it didn’t.

Enter – Student Healer Wife

Robert and I on the beach in CA before we moved to Sequim, WA.
Robert and I on the beach in CA before we moved to Sequim, WA.  He’s always been my biggest & most faithful supporter.

After I’d taken my Reiki II class and had been practicing for a few months Robert’s ribs went out again.  Unfortunately or fortunately for him, our Chiropractor was out-of-town.  He was in such pain and feeling there was little hope for relief, he asked me if I would do a Reiki healing on him.  I don’t know if he believed it would do anything, but when we have no other options, we often open up to new things we never would consider otherwise.  Thank God for that.  I didn’t even have a table back then so he laid on the end of the bed after the kids had gone to sleep and I did two hours of Reiki.  Afterwards, I rolled him over and he fell asleep.

He woke up the next morning and not only were his ribs back in place, but there was no pain.  Not only that, but his ribs didn’t go out again for almost EIGHT YEARS!!  Eight years later, they went out again, I practiced Reiki on him again, put him to bed and now it’s been another two years.  His body was helping him work on this issue again but in a lesser way.

Why Did Robert Get a Miracle?

I have contemplated this healing miracle my husband experienced and ‘discussed’ it with my guides over time.  I believe Robert got a healing miracle because he needed it, because he signed up for it before he came here in order to fully believe in Reiki and me.  Yes, it’s all about me, it’s my blog.  LOL.  I’m sure he has his own healing reasons as well, but combined with the fact that in order for me to have my business, which is run quite a bit out of our home and often interrupts family time and takes a great deal of dedication from our whole family – I believe he needed to, mind, body and soul,  believe in what I do to help other people.  Otherwise, he may not have been nearly as committed to my Reiki practice as he’s been, which is a great deal.

A Miracle is a Miracle

I don’t believe we always have to have a reason for a miracle, I believe we can’t possibly know how that all works.  I like to believe that sometimes our Divine Source likes to surprise us and keep us on our toes with a nice surprise.  And, I don’t believe we are truly meant to know how it all works.  This is the faith part.

But, in some cases, like ours, I believe there was a reason and it worked wholeheartedly.

I see what I call ‘mini miracles’ in my life daily.  To me, every time I feel the Reiki in my hands or receive intuitive information that connects to a client in an important way, that feels like a miracle to me – every time.  It helps me have faith, hope and spiritual power by knowing each and every day that I am watched over, guided and protected by Divine Love.  It keeps me going every day through the hard stuff and it gives me hope for our future on this planet that we can turn things around and save not only our planet but each other as well.  These are all miracles, big or little.  A miracle is a miracle no matter what you call it.  If you just believe.  If it gives you faith.

My family at about the time when I learned Reiki for the first time. My family has supported me in so many ways for me to be able to practice Reiki at home, at odd hours and on many weekends when we could have otherwise been together. They fully believe in me and what I do. So grateful for them.
My family at about the time when I learned Reiki for the first time. My family has supported me in so many ways for me to be able to practice Reiki at home, at odd hours and on many weekends when we could have otherwise been together. They fully believe in me and what I do. So grateful for them.

I pray our little story helps you to understand a bit more about how Reiki heals, that miracles really do happen in our lives in big and little ways and we just need to be aware, be in the flow and be grateful.  And, that patience is sometimes one of the biggest lessons we can learn, I know it is for me – because I still don’t have that magic pill.


Many Reiki Blessings to you all, may you receive the miracle you requested this year!!

Love and Light,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829 for private sessions or readings with Josslyn

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Reiki at the End of Life – Honoring My Dad

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

It is my goal with this blog, to give you ideas of ways to work with your Reiki, that maybe you haven’t thought of.  I pray this blog helps anyone who will go through the grieving process.  Blessings to you all…

Where to begin…

My father was diagnosed with Leukemia this past June.  It is now late September.  The doctors said one to five years and we thought THAT was too fast.  Three months later, with our heads still spinning, my dad passed a few days ago.

At this exact moment, I write as a way of getting all the words out of my head so I can stay calm, to honor him and to honor Reiki and all it does for me and my family.

Papa Joe with his loyal lab, Sparty
Papa Joe with his loyal lab, Sparty.  A navy man and a Michigan State fan to the end, actually, I have no doubt he will now have the best seat in the house every time for the games.

Sitting here at this moment, all the work I have done with Reiki, being able to work with Reiki on my father in his last day of life has been the most important and fulfilling Reiki moment of my life.

The Call

Reiki was with us from the moment I spoke with my mom and she being a woman who would never ever ‘cry wolf’ said “If you want to say good-bye to your father, you’d better all come.

My husband checked the flights and shouted through the house to the family, “You have twenty minutes to pack.  We were off, kids, adults, dog, we were packed and leaving the house in a half an hour to catch a flight that we might not be able to make.  I prayed and made phone calls during the two-hour fifteen minutes to the airport. I brought my Reiki with me to help us be calm and not drive too fast but to get us there in time, to help me be strong in the moments I need to be and to help me be able to process and let go at the moments I need to do that.

Our Reiki Guides were with us on the drive to the Airport making sure we didn’t get pulled over, caught in traffic or anything worse.  I asked my Reiki guides to clear traffic on the freeway so we could get there safely.  Our guides provided us with a very nice semi truck driver who went a very good consistently fast speed but not too fast, so we were able to get there in time with a divine escort in front of us.  Reiki Blessings to the truck drivers out there.

When we got on the plane for our two and a half hour flight I prayed most of the way, instructing Reiki how I wanted things to go, manifesting what I felt I needed and wanted most for the situation: to be able to see my dad and him see us, to be able to say “I love you, no matter what happened with us in the past, I love you,” and for him to know we were there for my mom and would take care of her, she would not go through this alone.  These were the things that mattered to me. They were HUGE undertakings at this moment.  We didn’t know if we’d get there in time.  Just that morning my dad was with my mom at the dog park, talking with people, socializing with the other dog parents, planning a trip to Sacramento to see an alternative healer who might have a cure… and tonight, he was……… knocking at Heaven’s door.

Papa Joe, Nana and my boys, Robby and Sawyer at the Dungeness Spit in Sequim, WA a few years ago.
Papa Joe, Nana and my boys, Robby and Sawyer at the Dungeness Spit in Sequim, WA a few years ago.

Divine has granted us with so many healing gifts these last few months.  A huge one is that we made it.  And, I truly felt we were able to make a difference at his hospital bedside.  My dad was coherent when we arrived.  He saw all of us.  He knew we were there for him.  I told him I love him.  I looked in his eyes and let him know I love him.  He saw my husband and his grandsons there for him, his legacy.  We had closure  in that arena and I am eternally grateful for that.  I felt lifetimes of healing happening right there, in that moment.

But then the even bigger gift happened.

Reiki Steps Up to the Plate (my dad was a huge baseball fan, had to throw that in there)

When we arrived, my dad seemed very agitated.  He had a very large tube in his nose for oxygen and he had difficulty breathing and talking with it.  We could make out a few words here and there but it seemed so difficult for him to talk and get the words out we didn’t want him to strain.  We didn’t feel we needed words at that moment, but he did.  He seemed to want to say so much to us that he wasn’t able to say.  I understood but at the same time didn’t want him to be in such pain and frustration.

My boys doing Reiki on my dad in the hospital from across the room. Four hours of Reiki can tire the body, take turns and sit.
My boys doing Reiki on my dad in the hospital from across the room. Four hours of Reiki can be a lot.  Make sure you are grounded, connected to Divine and of the mindset that the Reiki is channeling through you, not using your personal energy.  This way, you will not tire the body.  In this picture they are holding up their hands towards my dad, you can also just place your hands face up on your lap and intend that the energy is getting to the person who has requested it.  This will be less tiring for your physical body for long sessions like this.

His frustration at the tube, lack of ability to communicate and the end of his life too soon, it all was compounding his agitation and he was getting more and more upset.  I instinctively put my hand on his heart and one on his crown and prayed for my Reiki to ease his discomfort.  My family, my husband and my two boys, took my cue and all started running Reiki on my dad from where they were around the bed (my husband is a Reiki III and my teen boys are both Reiki I trained).  My father instantly, I mean instantly, calmed.  He closed his eyes and stopped trying so hard to communicate.  We took turns doing Reiki on him two at a time for the next four hours, keeping him calm, talking to him in the energy of love and spirit through the Reiki.

Communicating Through the Reiki

By communicating that my thoughts, words and intentions were getting to my dad at a higher level of consciousness by riding on the waves of the Reiki that was flowing to him, I let him know in so many ways that I love him, no matter what has challenged us in the past (a great deal, but it doesn’t matter any more).  I let him know I’d be able to communicate with him after he passed.  (My deceased father in law is at our house all the time, what’s one more paternal energy hanging around, right!)  I prayed for my Reiki Guides and his highest and most Loving Guides of God’s to be with my dad as well as any loved ones he would recognize from the other side and for him to go with them at the right time, including his many black labs that he has loved so much.  I assured him he’d see us all again soon.  I assured him that mom would be in Heaven with him too some day soon.  (Heaven time is not the same as here, we will all be there in a blink of an eye).  Since my father did not have a very strong spiritual connection, I felt that reassuring him we’d all be together again in love, was a very important part of him being ok with passing on.  Reiki delivered the messages to him.

Of This I know in my Heart, spiritually…

  • The Reiki helped him to know that there is a Heaven and he will be there.
  • The Reiki let him know that we will all be together very soon.
  • The Reiki let him know we all loved him dearly and he made a difference in this life in many ways.
  • The Reiki let him know there is so much more mystery to life then he knew consciously in this life and that he has more adventures to come.
  • The Reiki let him know it was okay for us if he passed so he wouldn’t be in pain any longer.
  • The Reiki spoke for us, because the Reiki is of God and us and him too.

Reiki Also…

  • Calmed my dad physically and emotionally
  • Calmed me, my mom and my whole family
  • Gave peace to all of us that we were able to do something to help in a situation that seemed uncontrollable
  • Brought my whole extended family closer together in a feeling of unity that we had not had for many years

Reiki Planted Seeds

  • My dad’s amazing doctor was aware of energy work and we had good talks about how it helps
  • The nurses saw us doing Reiki and witnessed how it helped calm my dad
  • My sister who knows very little about Reiki has now seen it work
  • And, spirit is motivating me to write about this so soon after, to share my experience with those of you who need to read about it

Reiki Continues to support us by

  • I do Reiki on myself multiple times a day to stay grounded, strong, and centered
  • Reiki on myself to heal and release the bigger, deeper issues at the perfect time
  • Reiki on myself to help me have the best calming, healing words for whoever needs them at the time, including myself
  • I’m doing Reiki on my niece who has never even heard of Reiki, because she has a sinus infection
  • I’m doing Reiki on any other family members who want it and need it, we all need it, but I’m respectful of each person’s process which may not want Reiki at that moment
  • Reiki on my dad’s dog, Sparty, who misses him terribly and is clinging to my mom
  • On Saturday, I will do Reiki at the location of the Celebration of Life to set space for a positive remembrance of my dad’s life

The ways in which Reiki can support me and my family at this moment is a very long one.

We have a long way to go in the grieving process, it’s been four days.  This week we are supporting my mom and preparing a celebration of life.  Next week, who knows.  One day at a time, but THANK GOD, seriously, that I have Reiki and I know I can turn to this amazing gift from Divine to support me and my family along the way.

I’m so grateful right now, so full of love and light and so confident that with God as my partner through my use of Reiki, I’ll make it through this process with deep healing and more joy in my heart.

Please feel free to share stories of your parents, grieving, Reiki or anything else that is healing to you or others who will be reading.

Reiki Blessings to you all,


For a Reiki session or a reading with Josslyn, or 360-460-7829


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Reiki What You Read, See, Watch and Hear

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

I was reading an author recently who I have followed for many years and have a great deal of respect for her work.  She is a world-famous psychic, been on T.V., written many books on the psychic topic and has proven over and over again just how amazing she is.  I have most of her books and read and reread them.

Bring your Reiki in to empower and protect you before you start reading any books, ANY BOOKS!!
Bring your Reiki in to empower and protect you before you start reading any books, ANY BOOKS!!

Humans make mistakes, period!

However, on this day, I had just a few minutes to kill, so I picked up one of her books I had not read, turned to just one chapter at the end of the book and started reading it.  As I read, she talked about a topic I know a lot about energy healing.  What she said, completely disagreed with what I have come to believe in my personal experience with healing work.  This made me stop and go WHAO!  What the heck?  I was astounded.  I was a bit in shock that our views on a subject would vier so opposite.

For a moment, it made me question my own beliefs.  It made me question my own experiences.  It definitely made me reflect at a deeper level.

Calm & Centered

But, then I stopped myself and sat with it.  I removed the emotional component and I calmed my mind and body as I went to my inner compass, my higher self and discussed this from a higher place within me.  I came to the conclusion that my own intuition and personal experience is what I have to go with, what I trust, what I feel to be true.  My feelings and my inner compass have not steered me wrong, but authors who I do not know personally, and who are also human and make mistakes, cannot be my first ‘go to’ authority.  My higher self knows best for me and I stick with that.  Yes, I decided, it is highly possible, even probably, this author, as great as I feel she is, could simply be wrong on this particular subject.

Recycle the Trash

Then I remembered other books I had read where most of what I had read I agreed with.  But, then I’d reach a chapter that just didn’t sit right, didn’t feel right, didn’t feel like it came from a place of Love and Light, so I put it in my proverbial trash can and didn’t take it in.  This happens a lot with information I’ve noticed, a little lower vibrational energy, thoughts and words sneak in where much of the book was of Love and Light.  After a while of practicing this, it gets easier and easier to trust your own intuition and not the authors. This can be applied to ALL books, magazines, reading materials.


The Golden Rule

When you watch television you automatically enter into an alpha state and transfer into your right brain. The result is the internal release of the body's own opiates, encephalons and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. In other words, your mind feels good, and you want to come back for more. From
When you watch television you automatically enter into an alpha state and transfer into your right brain. The result is the internal release of the body’s own opiates, encephalons and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. In other words, your mind feels good, and you want to come back for more. From

“I tell my students at the beginning of all my classes and sessions to NOT take in anything I or anyone else says unless it feels right to them.  If  an ‘expert’ of any kind says something that doesn’t feel right, don’t take it into your personal space and your mind just because they are a ‘so called’ expert.  What they are saying may simply not be right for you, it may not be right for you at this time or it simply may not be right, period.”  Josslyn

It is most important, especially at this time of the new age of enlightenment, to find our own inner compass and learn to listen to it.  The best way to do this is by practicing, starting NOW.  Your own intuition is always your best guidance.


Guard Yourself From Too Much Input!

When we are reading a book, watching television, movies or on the computer we are taking in millions of bits of new input; emotional, visual, mental, spiritual, all levels are being inundated with new input from these forms of media and it affects us on all levels.  It is energy and it affects us more than we know.

Mostly Hypnotized

T.V. is especially prone to hypnotizing us and getting their messages directly into our minds.
T.V. is especially prone to hypnotizing us and getting their messages directly into our minds.

Do we really want to be taking in ALL of what we read or see?  Do we completely trust the source of these books, programs, movies and commercials so well that we will just automatically take it all in?  Typically we don’t take in all of it, our filters of our conscious mind is often up and working and ready to filter out what we don’t want.  However, the people who make commercials and movies and Facebook posts are trained to SHOCK you, quickly get you to drop your filters and allow in their visual forms of information, without processing it.  Or, even more sneaky, they appeal to our bleeding hearts with sad pictures that activate our overly emotional sense of empathy and we take it in due to being emotionally too open.  This can happen all too easily because with the modern life, we are already in such a state of hypnosis much of the time, that we are highly suggestible much of the time. Being highly suggestible makes us take in more of what we see, hear and experience around us without the same and ‘normal’ filters we would have up if we were grounded.

This happens more often than we realize.  Unless we have filters built-in or put up before hand, you are taking much of this information into your being and accepting much of it as your truth.  Reiki can help to make sure this does not happen.  Sometimes this information just gets stuck in your energy field, but sometimes it actually gets taken in as a mental truth and it is much harder of a process to get it out afterwards.  Either way, this energy then has to be removed from our energy field,  and that takes more healing than most of us know to do.

Sensitives Take Caution

For spiritual or sensitive people this is even more of an issue.  I personally do not watch the news and have not for many years because I’m sensitive to taking in these visuals and having difficulty ridding them from my psyche after the fact. I also don’t watch scary movies or shows that I feel will be too much for me to handle. The more sensitive a person is the more important it is to keep this visual, emotional and auditory energy from getting in, in the first place.  Here is HOW to do it.  It is quite simple and just takes a conscious intention to do it and regular practice.

The Simple Reiki HOW to protect yourself from what you hear, see, and read:Hypnotized by Ads

  1. Get your Reiki started and if you are a Reiki II or above, chant the symbols that you feel will be needed here.  (I would use all three Reiki II symbols because they cover different aspects that are usually involved including the long distance symbol in case this is a past and very old issue. If you are above Reiki II, bring in UDKM the Reiki Master Symbol to help since this is a powerful spiritual issue.)
  2. Hold the intention that you are filled and surrounded by Reiki Power, Protection and Support the whole time you are reading, on the computer or watching T.V.
  3. If something comes up at any time that you are not sure about or questioning, then imagine yourself holding the questions out side of your boundary field; think about it, listen to your heart and your soul and decide if you believe it or not.  If you can make a decision right away then do so and be done.  Either take it in or send it to Mother Earth for recycling.
  4. If you are not sure and need more information on this topic before you bring it in or dispose of it, then hold the intention that this question stays out side your boundaries until you can gather the information or personal experience you need in order to make a decision.  (I sometimes hold questions out for many years before I settle on an answer.  When I do get it, it’s a big ‘A Ha’ moment for me and a great feeling of accomplishment.  These are what I call, “The Big Questions.”)
  5. Practice the process as often as possible.  Pretty soon it will become a very positive habit and you will be loving it.  You will feel lighter and more in control of what you take in or leave out.  Your energy field will not be as full of psychic smog and you’ll be able to make decisions easier, quicker and with more confidence.

This process also helps you to feel much more confident in your intuition, your decision-making and your ability to read or watch shows with a discerning mind.  It just feels better too, to not be taken by surprise.

I also highly recommend, especially if you are a beautifully sensitive person, to practice this quick 5 minute visualization for your boundaries and not taking other people’s stuff in.  I have written multiple blogs about this process as it has helped me a great deal.  Here is a link to one of the blogs called ‘Don’t Get Dumped On.’


This ‘golden rule’ of not taking anything in that doesn’t feel right to you does not apply when you are acting out of fear.  My husband brought this to my attention recently when he didn’t want to do something my guides recommended with his business.  I knew it was something totally new for him and would be hard, but I also felt it was important or they (my guides) wouldn’t have told me and made a big deal about it if it wasn’t important.  They don’t waste our time.  He didn’t want to do the recommendation and threw my words back in my face, “But you always say, if it doesn’t feel right don’t do it.”  LOL, I smiled.  Thank you Divine for our mirrors and lessons, so grateful even from our closest family members.  I reminded him that this doesn’t count if the reason you don’t FEEL like you want to do it is from fear or lack of self-worth or some other lower vibrating emotion.  Allowing fear to stop us from moving forward on our path is only hindering us, not helping us.  So, just stop and check in with your higher self.  Be grounded and centered and listen to this emotion keeping you from moving forward.  Is it valid or something you would be best working on with your Reiki to heal it.  Be totally honest with yourself (Or a family member will be).  Then move forward.

I pray this helps some of you.  Please let me know if you try it and it helps you.  I’m always grateful for your loving comments.

Reiki Blessings,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829 for private sessions

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Teaching Kids Reiki and them Teaching Me!

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

All photos property of Rain Shadow Reiki or the families in them.  Please do not use them for your own purposes.

My living room filled to the brim with kids, parents, Reiki Teachers and Reiki pets.  Perfect chaos.  LOL
My living room filled to the brim with kids, parents, Reiki Teachers and Reiki pets. Perfect chaos. LOL

Reiki Kids Class

About once a year I teach a Reiki Kids Class, usually close to summer break.  This is guided by the children themselves and Divine, of course.  When they are ready, they appear and tell me or their Reiki parent and I book a class.  This class, this year, was my youngest group yet.  The program I have is written for  6 and up and I have taught teen classes as well.  This class was mostly 8 and under all the way to age 2.  It was total joyful chaos and I loved it.  I believe they did too.

Sharing Love

Beautiful Isabel, pure love!
Beautiful Isabel, pure love!

Young children have a natural affinity for Reiki.  They see it and feel it as part of their normal every day state of being. Of course, I’m teaching children who are being raised by Reiki moms and dads, so they tend to be sensitive to energy and already in many cases, doing healing work without being taught.  They just do it as their natural life process.  Sometimes it’s the children who motivate the parents to follow through and take a Reiki class as well.  It’s beautiful to watch and even more beautiful if this pretense to love is nurtured into their older years and kept as part of who they are as they grow up.

Allie practicing Reiki on one of our moms, Anna.
Allie practicing Reiki on one of our moms, Anna.

Many kids will forget that they saw angels and fairies as kids or that they used to lay their hands on their siblings or parents for healing.  But, if the children see their parents doing this throughout their childhood and young adult years, they are much more likely to keep these abilities and work with them in their adult life.  This is, I believe, what will change our world for the better.  Love and sharing it daily.  To me, and these kids, Reiki is Divine Love.  And love heals.

Attunements on Children

Amber, one of my Reiki Master/Teacher students and mom to some of the Reiki kids, helped with six of the attunements and I did six too.  Kaia and Allie get their Reiki I attunements first.
Amber, one of my Reiki Master/Teacher students and mom to some of the Reiki kids, helped with six of the attunements and I did six too. Kaia and Allie get their Reiki I attunements first while the other kids color and watch the process.

When attuning children to Reiki, it’s much to me like adults.  I show the kids what the attunement is like first.  I explain to them that this is a sacred ceremony to ‘hook’ them up to the special Reiki healing from our Higher Power.    (We talk about what Higher Power means at the beginning of class.  Most of the kids prefer the word LOVE.)  And, I always make sure it is the choice of the child to be attuned.  Even the two-year olds have been talking with their mom and dad and me prior to the class to make sure this is what they want.  (I do this with telepathy but there are many other ways. reading books about Reiki, Doing Reiki with them prior to the class so they are totally aware of what it is, body language and just simply

It may look busy but the room was actually amazingly quiet.  Performing attunements in this large group of families was quite rewarding.  Also, doing side by side attunements with my friend and co-teacher was something I'll not easily forget.  Blessings Amber.  Thank you for the support my friend.
It may look busy but the room was actually amazingly quiet. Performing attunements in this large group of families was quite rewarding. Also, doing side by side attunements with my friend and co-teacher was something I’ll not easily forget. Blessings Amber. Thank you for the support my friend.

listening to them and how they behave.)  If a child throws a tantrum or shows at the time of the attunement that they are not ready, listen to them.  The right time will appear for them or not, it’s all good.  Go with the flow.

With this class, after explaining the attunement and how it’s important to be very quiet and respectful to each person’s experience, they got it.  During the 12 attunements we did, which took almost an hour, the kids colored their coloring pages, but were quiet and respectful the whole entire time.  They watched and took it in and seemed to understand the full spiritual impact this ceremony had on each of us.  Watching the other children receive the attunements had a powerful impact on all of us in the room.

For some, the whole day was just too much activity.  Vaughn, who was my very first Reiki baby and attuned himself to Reiki at 8months old, got attuned again on this day by his own mom.  These are the precious stories of my life and I couldn't be more grateful to Reiki for what I get to do with my life.  TY God!
For some, the whole day was just too much activity. Vaughn, one of our two-year olds,  my very first Reiki baby and attuned himself to Reiki at 8 months old, got attuned again on this day by his own mom. These are the precious stories of my life and I couldn’t be more grateful to Reiki for what I get to do with my life. TY God!

The parents told me after, how impactful that was to them, to be able to witness this Divine ritual.  In my previous classes I had done the attunements in a separate room while the kids were involved in a spiritual art project.  I wasn’t sure they would enjoy watching each of the other children being attuned or that they would be able to stay quiet for the whole hour.  I had also visualized it in different rooms before the class and saw this as guidance for how it would be best to do the attunements.  It may have been right for those classes and that time.  But, this experience was so great, I’m going to ask the kids from now on, get their buy in to the ceremony and go from there.  The kids are quite amazing, they know what’s best for them.  It’s up to us to trust them.

Reiki Freeze Tag!!  A HUGE hit!
Reiki Freeze Tag!! A HUGE hit!

After sitting for an hour being attuned, the kids were ready for some out-door play, so we played a rambunctious few games of ‘Reiki Freeze Tag’ where the kids got to take turns being the freezer and the healer.  It was chaos again, but hilarious to watch.  The game got especially exciting when my 14-year-old son was the freezer and we had three different healers, one of which was spontaneous and top-secret because no one but he knew he was the healer.  LOL, gotta love kids.  So much fun.

Jose practicing Reiki on his mom, Stephanie.
Jose practicing Reiki on his mom, Stephanie.

I’ll tell the rest of the story with photos, because they really say so much.  (more photos below)  It is my goal to continue to attune and teach children Reiki, to inspire other Reiki Teachers to do the same and to encourage families to do Reiki together.  One small step in the right direction equals one big step towards saving our people and our planet.  Love will make the difference, it always has.

The kids were eager to practice Reiki on their Sensei (Teacher) Josslyn and she loved it.  The more Reiki the better is what I always say.  Loving kid Reiki is the best.
The kids were eager to practice Reiki on their Sensei (Teacher) Josslyn and she loved it. The more Reiki the better is what I always say. Loving kid Reiki is the best.  I think they’ve got me well covered.

We now follow-up the kids Reiki class with summertime Reiki fun.  We’ll meet as often as we can to reinforce the Reiki healing they have learned so they can have real hands on practice.  But, the daily practice with their Reiki parents is the most important.  Our kids do what we do.  They watch us.  If we do Reiki, they will.  If we speak lovingly, they will too.  It’s all up to us as parents to reinforce the positive ideals, or not.  Don’t worry, Reiki will guide you along the path.  You truly are not alone in this.

Reiki Blessings to you all,

Thanks as always for reading and for your loving comments,

I’m so grateful,


for private sessions email Josslyn at or 360-460-7829

Jose and Kaia practicing Reiki on each other.  So precious.
Jose and Kaia practicing Reiki on each other. So precious.


All photos property of Rain Shadow Reiki or the families in them.  Please do not use them for your own purposes.


REIKI KIDS ROCK!!!                                                          CONGRATULATIONS NEW REIKI KIDS!!!                          All photos property of Rain Shadow Reiki or the families in them.  Please do not use them for your own purposes.


Isabel and her mom Stephanie receiving her certificate.
Isabel and her mom Stephanie receiving her certificate.
All the kids received Reiki I certificates to represent their learning, practice and accomplishments.  Congratulations to ALL the children at the Reiki class.  Some who were there I cannot show out of respect for their parents choices but we had twelve amazing children attuned to Reiki on this day.  Twelve precious souls who can now call themselves Reiki Healers.
All the kids received Reiki I certificates to represent their learning, practice and accomplishments. Congratulations to ALL the children at the Reiki class. We had twelve amazing children attuned to Reiki on this day. Twelve precious souls who can now call themselves Reiki Healers.
Kaia helping Allie with a sore neck.  Reiki heals on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Kaia helping Allie with a sore neck. Reiki heals on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
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Charlie & the I Ching

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

I recently hosted an evening where a spiritual friend of mine who is well-practiced and acquainted with the I Ching (pronounced E Ching) , came over and taught a small spiritual group of people about the I Ching. Charlie Comstock was one of my first spiritual friends here on the peninsula when I moved here six and a half years ago.  He did an I Ching reading for me and I gave him a Reiki session.  I remember getting information from the reading that helped and made sense but I didn’t get the profound awakening to the I Ching until this evening with Charlie and our group a week ago.

We gathered around Charlie and the coffee table to throw our coins and tally our results.
We gathered around Charlie and the coffee table to throw our coins and tally our results.

Maybe this evening was so profound because of the group energy, or the introduction and stories that Charlie told about his life and his path to find the I Ching, or just because the Universe was manifesting the perfect time and opportunity for those who were meant to be touched by it, to be truly touched by it. But, for whatever reason or all the reasons, on this magical night Charlie and the I Ching graced our souls with profound and deep insight into our questions about life. It was a truly beautiful evening where not only I felt touched by the Divine Wisdom but the entire group. (Read each persons praises of the I Ching below)


On this evening Charlie told us stories about his past and how his whole life had led him to the I Ching and how important aspects of his childhood, young adult years and beyond had been important in making the I Ching prominent in his life.  He was a fabulous storyteller and we were all completely enthralled with him and his presentation.

After we tallied our results Charlie took turns reading the results for each of us and we all weighed in intuitively what we felt the results were saying.  It was intriguing how often we were all feeling the same thing.
After we tallied our results Charlie took turns reading the results for each of us and we all weighed in intuitively what we felt the results were saying. It was intriguing how often we were all feeling the same thing.

Then he talked about the I Ching and how to pose a question to get a true answer, how to translate the answer and then he guided us through the process to truly amazing results.  It is really an amazingly simple process to receive such important wisdom from the Universe. I believe we were all quite in awe of the accuracy of the answers we got.  Not just because they were answers we expected but because they spoke to us in the depths of our souls with words we couldn’t say but when we read them, they resonated with us, each of us reading for ourselves or each other. We all understood them to be true.


The I Ching is an ancient Chinese text of divination also called the Book of Changes, over three thousand years old.

The I Ching uses a type of divination called cleromancy, which produces apparently random numbers (through the Law of Attraction).

This is the I Ching workbook Charlie prefers using.
This is the I Ching workbook Charlie prefers using.

One uses three coins of any kind to ‘throw’, then decipher from an I Ching workbooks which of 64 hexagrams to read. The interpretation of the readings found in the I Ching is a matter of centuries of debate, and many commentators have used the book symbolically, often to provide guidance for moral decision-making. The I Ching wisdom follows the natural rhythm and patterns of our natural world in order to bring us intuitive wisdom about our own natural rhythms and how they relate to our lives.

The I Ching is easy to learn and anyone can ‘play’ with it for answering questions about their daily life, much like divining cards, pendulum, divining games or other divining tools.


After you throw the coins and record the results six times, you use this chart and some help from Charlie to decipher the results and which hexigram you'll be reading.
After you focus on your question, throw the coins and record the results six times from bottom to top, you use this chart and some help from Charlie to decipher the results and which hexigrams you’ll be reading.

Like any divining tool, posing a good question is the key to getting a good answer.  Charlie gave us some tips to come up with questions that were important and significant in our lives, and not frivolous.  It is good to be emotionally involved but not attached to the outcome or we might influence the outcome by our desire.  This can happen if we are not grounded and careful.

He recommends starting the questions with statements that encourage an answer with flow rather than a yes or no answer, such as:

  • What are the benefits of …….?  
  • What are the effects of …………?
  • What are the dynamics of…….?
  • Why is ………….happening to me?  
  • What draws me to …………….?  

More detailed question examples:

  • What are the benefits of me taking this Reiki class in June?
  • What are the effects of me taking a break from work and focusing on my family and myself this summer?
  • What are the dynamics involved in me creating and posting my own website for my spiritual abilities?
  • Why do I have to start a new career at this time in my life?
  • What draws me to the South West part of the country to live?

    Then you look up the symbols you got from your throws and this chart tells you which hexigrams pertain to your throws.  It's easier than it sounds.  One time through and you get the hang of it.
    Then you look up the symbols you got from your throws and this chart tells you which hexigrams pertain to your throws. It’s easier than it sounds. One time through and you get the hang of it.  Then you read the pages that pertain to the numbers on the chart.

NOTE: Once you have a question you feel good about, you can get started. Don’t forget, for the best possible outcome to bring in your Reiki to help you with the process. When I forget this step (Yes I do forget now and then) I notice the answers I get are not as clear or maybe don’t relate to my question at all. Give it a try both ways and see what you feel.


You know me, I’m a Reiki Gal, everything I do, I combine it with Reiki and I feel and know I get more accurate results. The Reiki helps me to be more centered and grounded, in the here and now. That way I am devoted to my questions but not attached to the outcome. The Reiki helps me to bless the process with spiritual power, protection of the highest and most divine order as well as bringing in my Reiki Guides for spiritual information and intuition. This time when I asked for my Reiki Guides, I saw a new I Ching Guide come in to help too. This was a pleasant surprise.  I believe he came in to help the whole group.

THE HOW: Before you ask your I Ching question:

  1. Gassho – prayer position -(hands in prayer position in front of your heart) ask Divine to bring in your Reiki through you.
  2. Ask Divine for (hands in prayer position in front of your third eye) the Highest and most Sacred Order of Reiki Guides for the greatest good of all involved.
  3. Hold the coins you choose to use in the I Ching and bless them with intention or the Power Symbol.
  4. Still holding the coins, cleanse them with intention or the Mental/Emotional Symbol.
  5. Still holding the coins, energize the coins to the perfect vibration for you and your questions answer with intention or again, the Power Symbol.


Each person who attended this workshop felt very profound results.  Each one was happy to write down their thoughts about the evening with Charlie and the I Ching.  I hope you enjoy reading them.

Reiki Blessings to you all, thanks for reading,


“This I-Ching stuff was a lot more profound than I expected. Not that I doubted that the power of synchronicity could influence coins as well as it does anything else, but I didn’t expect it to be quite so relevant, eerily relevant. The words in the book were direct echoes of what my own Guides have been telling me. I suspect that Charlie might have had as much to do with that as the process itself? I will need to play with it myself and see what I get. But there was something about him that impressed me as much as “the results.” I’m glad I decided to come and have the opportunity to be introduced to both Charlie and I-Ching! Thank you!”  Amber

“Charlie is an excellent storyteller and I enjoyed hearing his life’s journeys that led him to the I Ching.  He has a great energy and is a good mix of East and West.  the readings were right on the money and made perfect sense.  By interpreting the changes and then reading the evolving answer was very cool.  I would like to do more and would enjoy hearing Charlie again.” Robert

“Charlie presented a fascinating story of his involvement with the I Ching and using it in his daily life. Having a chance to pose my own question, then casting my hexagram and having it read & interpreted was a profound experience. The descriptions of where I am at in my spirituality, mental & emotional state were ‘spot on’, and helped me understand the more complex nuances of the interpersonal relationships involved in answering my question. As a result of this evening workshop, I have already ordered my own copy of the I Ching Workbook.” Penny


Our group all working together LOVING Charlie and the I Ching!!
Our group all working together LOVING Charlie and the I Ching!!

“This (I Ching reading) changed what I thought I wanted to focus on (in life).  I now have a new passion to discover.”  Lisa

“The I Ching reading has been with me throughout this week. My static “just chill” and “just be “words echoed in my head and helped calm me. The I Ching experience was right on target!! Charlie was extremely interesting and I’d love to hear him talk again on any subject. He should do a day work shop. I always have fun at your house and get very energized.  Thanks again for all the blessings.  Hugs, Sharon”

“WOW, is all I can say.  Working with the I Ching in a group setting was extremely profound.  All six of us got answers that resonated with us on a deeper level than we had anticipated.  The ancient texts go into such detail about what is happening or going to happen, much deeper than any other divining took I’ve worked with.  Having Charlie to read the text to us helped me to be able to listen from a place of higher knowing and interpret how the text related to my specific situation intuitively.  I asked a question about a class I was considering taking and got a very obvious “NO” answer.  Not the right time.  With much detail as to what would happen if I choose to take the class anyway.  After the reading I got, all seven of us voted that I NOT TAKE THE CLASS at this time.  And, the answer from the I Ching was consistent with what my guides had been telling me.

The other questions I’ve asked in the week since the class have been just as profound and in-depth.  For example, I asked, what are the dynamics of me going to Sedona this July with my soul sister for her 40th Birthday celebration? and I got; Although your position has been less than ideal, you will finally meet with the right elements to help you achieve your aim.  Enthusiasm coupled with wise decisions lead to good fortune.  There was more, much more, but that was my favorite part.  The text gives you five or six paragraphs of information about your question, it’s very thorough and for us so far, quite accurate.” Josslyn

For sessions with Josslyn in person, on the phone, email or Skype contact me via phone or email or 360-460-7829


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Signs That Your Reiki Really Is ON!

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

I know, we all want to FEEL the Reiki flowing when we do our self Reiki.  Lets face it, the truth is, we often just don’t feel the Reiki sensations in our hands as strongly when we work on ourselves as when we work on other people.  I know, I had this issue in the beginning too.  But, over time and with a whole lot of practice on others and myself, my hands got much more sensitive as well as the rest of my body and now I feel the Reiki every single time I put my hands on my body to heal myself.  Truly I do.

Patience, practice, patience and more practice.

I know that’s not what we really want to hear, do more practice.  But, with Reiki and many things in life, this is the best answer.  The other option is not doing it at all and we know where that gets us –nowhere fast.

Other Signs Your Reiki Is Working – Yes it is!

So, in the meantime, while you are waiting and hoping that the sensations will just start by magic, why not DO IT ANYWAY!!  Get your Reiki I manual out, and sit down and do a self Reiki session.  Do all the hand positions, just like you did in class and ‘see’ if you can’t maybe feel some of these other signs that the Reiki is on and working.

Here is what to ‘look for’:

  • deep breaths/change in breathing pattern
  • yawning
  • tears/weeping
  • body twitching/stretching
  • eyes fluttering/blinking
  • sense of calm sweeps over you
  • sleepiness
  • feeling of release
  • lightness throughout your body/mind/spirit
  • throat clearing/coughing
  • nose running/stuffy/sneezing
  • tummy gurgles/farting
  • muscles relaxing
  • drooling
  • burping
  • laughter
  • sweating
  • seeing colors
  • full body tingles/swaying
  • itching

These are all signs the Reiki is working to help relax the body and relieve stress.

Another tip:

Watch for these same or similar signs on your pets when you are doing Reiki on them.
Watch for these same or similar signs on your pets when you are doing Reiki on them.

We can see many of these happening for our clients when they are receiving Reiki from us too.  It’s fun to watch for the signs and know that the Reiki is working.  But, it also helps us to KNOW the Reiki is working and helps to keep us motivated to keep doing it, keep moving forward until our hands do get more sensitive and we start feeling the really COOL sensations of the heat, tingling, throbbing and more.  I know, it’s natural to want to feel these sensations, I do too.  They help us to know we are connected to Divine Love.  Patience grasshopper, patience.

I’m so grateful for you reading and making loving comments letting me know you are out there and that what I’m writing is helping you in some way.

Thank you,

Reiki Blessings to you all,


Private email, phone or Skype sessions available or 360-460-7829

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The Spiritual Path to being a Reiki Master/Teacher -March 2015

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA


We like to have fun at our Reiki classes!
We like to have fun at our Reiki classes!  Congratulations Amber and Susan!

Loving comments are much appreciated for them too!!

These two beautiful souls have very different reasons for becoming Reiki Master/Teachers, but both have walked a journey to get here and I’m so proud of them for the intuition they have trusted, the determination and the ingenuity of them to get this far.

To get to the level of Reiki Master/Teacher one has practiced, experienced and asked a lot of good questions in order to complete this part of their journey.  It takes dedication to Reiki and to themselves and their spiritual path in order to truly feel ready to go the next step.  It is a journey worthy of our respect and celebration.

The Spiritual Path to Reiki Master/Teacher

Susan learning how to set space with great intention before Reiki classes, sessions and events.
Susan practicing what she learned on how to set space in a room with great intention, before Reiki classes, sessions and events.

None of us has a ‘normal’ path to get up to the level of Reiki Master/Teacher, it’s unique and special to each of us.  I don’t believe there is one right way or one right time frame for anyones path for this, it’s up to us and our Creator and that is all there is.  If we are not ready, no one needs to tell us that because Divine will put road blocks or speed bumps in the road to slow us down and help us learn our lessons. We will get there if we are meant to and when we are meant to, and not a moment sooner.  It’s all quite beautiful and quite frustrating and painful at the same time. But in the end, when we do get there, we can look back at our trials and tribulations and feel fulfilled about the work we have done, what we have let go and how far we have come as a human learning great lessons in small ways.

Amber giving her first real Reiki attunement to my son.  She caught on quickly, almost as if she was meant to do this.
Amber giving her first real Reiki attunement to my son. She caught on quickly, almost as if she was meant to do this.

I have watched this process with many students, other healers and myself as well.  I have learned to trust it, go with the flow and enjoy much of it.  Having the higher knowing that nothing we go through is wasted, everything has a purpose; helps a lot.  We may not know that purpose, but our Higher Power does and I’ve had enough evidence along the way to know that and it helps my faith.  There are many ways to learn this, Reiki is just one of them, but a truly beautiful one.  A way that connects us to our Higher Power and helps us to move forward on our spiritual path in a BIG WAY one.  A very worthwhile one.

Thank you for reading, praying for my amazing students and myself and for following along.  I so appreciate each and every comment I get and pray for all my readers as well each and every night.

Reiki Blessings to you all,


360-460-7829 or

“There are so many ways of learning and growing.  Reiki is just one of them, a very effective, safe and very beautiful one, but it is only one of the many developed by man with God’s help.” Walter Lubeck


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Reiki Quick Tip – Reiki Welcome Mat

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

To make your guests feel more welcome and keep your home clean of ‘outside’ energies at the same time, REIKI YOUR WELCOME MAT!

This is particularly important for me since I work much of the time, out of my home.  My kids live here, my pets live here, I LIVE HERE!  I want to keep the yucky stuff OUT of my house.  This process helps.


Make sure your welcome mat has good energy and message to begin with.  This one reflects the work I do.
Make sure your welcome mat has good energy and a nice message to begin with. This one reflects the work I do.

Before a class or workshop, I put Reiki II symbols into my welcome mat on the front porch to bless each person coming in (CKR), cleanse off the old energy guests might bring in (SHK) and to help them to calm their mind and leave their stress and emotional issues outside (also SHK).  It helps everyone inside to have a better time, whether it’s a party, a Reiki circle or class, or friends coming over for a play date.  The energy is all calmer, happier and feels better if Reiki helps them leave their issues at the door.


This one is fun and reflects that I love cats, also, beware if you are allergic.
This one is fun and reflects that I love cats, also, beware if you are allergic.

Then I put Reiki II symbols in the welcome mat on the inside of the door for energizing energies (CKR) coming into the home for excitement of a Diving kind.  This helps to raise the vibration of the energy coming into the room.  I put the Mental/Emotional Symbol (SHK) on the mat for a calming and loving feel in the room.  If the person’s Higher Self doesn’t want the Reiki on the mats they don’t have to take it, so we are not infringing on their boundaries.  It’s all in the intention when we place the symbols in the mats and we are putting Reiki into the mat, not into the person.  Either way, the space around each person is still clean and clear, safe and sacred from the Reiki, helping to lift the vibration in the space which helps to lift the moods of everyone who comes into the space.  It’s a win/win and you all know I like those win/win situations.

Noticing a Difference

Now that you can leave your stress behind you, you can breath easy.
Now that you can leave your stress behind you, you can breath easy.

I’ve started this as a regular part of setting space before a class or circle and people say they have noticed a difference.  In one class I had one of the students comment that she was really stressed before she came.   But as soon as she got into my house, she felt much better and had a great time in class.  She was worried before she came that she wouldn’t be able to leave her ‘stuff’ outside.  When I told her what I do with the welcome mat, she really felt the Reiki Welcome Mat helped with this.  I did too.

Another fun new technique to try, Namaste

In Love and LIght,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829