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First Post – Huge Accomplishment for me!

Few of you may know what a HUGE accomplishment this blog/website is for me.  I do not consider myself a great writer, but most of all I’m not great with computers or any electronics for that matter.  They just don’t seem to like my energy.  (I haven’t worn a watch for years because I just blow the batteries out.)


A few months ago, not only did Divine tell me to get a website going, I was told to DO IT MYSELF!  LOL!  Are you kidding?  I can do email and word and that’s about it.  My close friends know my computer challenges, so they will understand what a big deal this is for me.


But, I decided, it’s 2012 (or almost was) things are changing and I have to change with them or be left behind.  I have a tendency to wait until the Universe forces me to change sometimes, ok, much of the time, it drags me along kicking and screaming until I finally do change.  THIS, I decided, would not be one of those times.  So, I stopped thinking too much and choose to go with the flow  and simply GO FOR IT!


The snowman Sawyer and his friends made for me.

I started researching other Reiki websites and found out that many people use the blog format.  We’d done a blog and a website for our journey around the country but Robert had done all the posting and designing.  My husband is my polar opposite, so he is of course an expert at all things electronic.  But, I checked out Word Press and decided that was the way to go.  It was all happening quite fast now.   I spent most of the month of January teaching myself the language of Word Press simply by trying things and making mistakes.  Isn’t that how it’s done anyway.  I bought a book but it hadn’t come so I just kept going.  Thanks to God, we got a huge snowstorm the second week in January.   No one was driving so I had only a few phone clients that whole week and the kids were busy playing in the snow.  I became submerged in making a blog/website.  Don’t tell anyone, but I really enjoyed it, a lot!


Now here I am, barely in February and have much of it done.  (I do tend to get a little obsessed with my projects)  I’m so proud of myself and astounded at the same time you have no idea.  Since I’ve been making lots of mistakes along the way I accidentally published it right away and decided to just keep it that way.  Let people read it as I go, my work in progress.  So, here it is.  Guided by God.  My website/blog for all to see and read.  I’ll be adding pages and/or blogs as Divine guides me to.  If you have any ideas for pages you’d like to see please send me a loving comment.  I’d like to hear what interests people.  It is still a work in progress.  I haven’t figured out how to do links yet and I have yet to write the “my story” section.  But I’ll get there eventually.  Thanks for reading this far and it is my desire that you find something interesting to you on many of the other pages.

Please email me at if you’d like to be on my email list.  (That section is still in the works too)

Love and Light to all who read this,
