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The beautiful Rio Grande, one of the most beautiful rivers on earth.

April 22nd is Earth Day, a day to celebrate and show LOVE to our beloved planet. This year the theme is ‘PROTECT OUR SPECIES.’ Many of our Reiki people have shown a great interest in participating in Reiki Healing on the Earth and it is important to us as well.

In this experiential workshop we will be talking about and DOING healings on the Earth and it’s species and how we can best serve our planet. It is really US, the humans, who need the healing, but by focusing all our attention as a group on healing specific parts of the earth or specific species, we in turn heal ourselves and others who choose it as well. The snowball effect for these community healings is HUGE and has a great effect on all of us. It helps us to be more in tune with our planet and the animals as well as get intuitions of how we can help more in our daily lives.

The whales need healing now more than ever.

We will bring in our Reiki Healing Energy, meditate so we are all on the same level of resonance, and do two healings on the Earth and its species. We can choose what we want to heal and usually Mother Earth provides something timely for us to focus our attention on. Then we will also do a healing specifically on a species that is dear to our hearts and speaks to us for the second healing. The group energy will make this event extremely powerful for us and Mother Earth.

Get ready, it’s going to be EXCELLENT!! All Reiki levels are welcome. 3 hours, $50 April 22nd, 5:30pm to 8:30pm Follow this link to sign up for this awesome workshop!