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Reiki Didn’t Work For Me

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

*****If you believe Reiki didn’t work for you, may I suggest you read on…..

**2nd in a series on being successful with your Reiki practice when it doesn’t come easy to you.  Here is a link to the first blog, Signs that your Reiki Really is ON.

In my classes, like my teacher before me,  I tell people to look back after one year of being attuned to Reiki and they will see how their lives have changed a great deal.  IF AND ONLY IF they are actually working with their Reiki regularly.  DAILY IS BEST.
I encourage you to work with your Reiki each and every day in your life, make it a part of your daily living and you will see major changes for good happening right away.
 However, what if Reiki doesn’t come easy to you?  What do you do then?
Easy………. like any other new thing in your life, stick to it, make it a priority, and then DO IT!! DO IT ANYWAY!!
With Reiki, I’m a very go with the flow teacher.  I believe the more we attempt to control our spiritual practice, the more Divine gives us lessons for control.
But, for this one thing, starting a new and very important habit that can literally change your life for the better — This One Time, Don’t Go With The Flow.  

In the beginning doing Reiki will be new and therefore different. Anything different to us can often be construed as STRESS!! ………..Oh no, not that!
If your mind translates the Reiki as stress then you will probably protect yourself from the stress by NOT doing it. Sabotage will occur, you stop doing it and then you end up seeing no benefits and it’s easy to say “Reiki didn’t work for me.”  When this is really not the truth at all.
We must work at the habit of the Reiki.
The daily work, the consistency to learn it, feel it and want it, is the hard part, the Reiki itself is the easy part.
Joss’ Story
“Doing Reiki for others came very easy to me, I’m a giver and always have been.  Receiving was totally new to me.  Therefore, doing Reiki on myself daily did not happen for quite a long time after taking my Reiki classes.  I knew I had these mental belief blocks to doing Reiki on myself, and I knew I needed to heal them, so I decided to do a lot of Reiki on others and INTEND to heal these blockages in my belief system during these healings on others.  Since our client and ourselves both receive Reiki, this was my indirect way of healing myself, the scenic route to healing an issue.  Longer, but also effective. This takes a little longer, but for me it worked – until it didn’t.  I reached a point where my intuition was giving me signs that this was no longer what I needed, I needed to do hands on Reiki daily.  I needed a new plan.  
So, I decided the old fashioned way was best for me.  It was close to the end of the year, so I decided that on New Years Day, I would make ONE New Years Resolution.  For that entire year, I would do Reiki on myself every single day, no matter what.  This was the only new major commitment I made that year and I stuck to it, because I knew I needed to and because I made the commitment to myself.  There were only two days where I had the stomach flu and did not accomplish my daily Reiki, every other day I did.  And what is more important, now doing Reiki on myself became MY NEW NORMAL.  Now, if I don’t do daily Reiki, I don’t feel normal and my body, mind and spirit remind me of this at the end of the day.  It’s a win/win.”
 Other Help – ME!
IF after a month of doing daily Reiki, you still have blockages that you can’t seem to budge, call me for a private session.  That is when we need other healers to help us.  Divine wants us to work together as a community.  He wants us to work as a team, to trust others.  If you have truly done all you feel you can do, that is when you ask for other help.   And if you are truly ready, mind, body and spirit, Reiki and myself will help remove the blockages that are holding you back.  Helping people move forward on their spiritual path is one of my specialties and one of my most favorite paths to help with.  I feel there is no other path that is more worthwhile than working on our connection to our Higher Selves.  I’m happy to help with this process.
 I pray this motivates some of you to take some action in your lives and practice your Reiki.  It’s all good.  It’s all part of YOUR personal journey.  Ask yourself, do I want my journey to start NOW?
 In Love and Light of our Divine Source,
 Josslyn or 360-460-7828

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