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Questions For the Healer – Pee Much?

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher of Rain Shadow Reiki

Gotta keep it light!!

STOP TO PEE!  He's just to o cute not to share.
STOP TO PEE! He’s just too cute not to share.

I giggled when my client asked me this question and then quickly answered it for her when I realized she was serious.  But when it came up again in Reiki II class the other day, I thought, “Hmmm, I bet other new practitioners may be wondering about this too.”  I mean, what do you do with the client’s energy if it is a long distance session, while you are gone taking care of business?


Yes, I do have to use the restroom sometimes while in the middle of a healing.  It doesn’t happen very often, I’m pretty good about going right before a session but it is not always possible to regulate your liquids in such a way that you never have to go during a session.  And, if your bladder is bothering you during a session, the Reiki may not flow as easily, or it may flow better.  LOL, everyone is different.  But it is possible to come ungrounded or uncentered because you are focused more on your bladder than your Reiki and client.  So, it’s good to know, you can excuse yourself respectfully and take care of business.

The Reiki and tears may flow from clients on the table, but some things are best taken care of out of the Reiki room.  This post I just thought was a little too weird not to include it.
The Reiki and tears may flow from clients on the table, but some things are best taken care of out of the Reiki room. This post I just thought was a little too weird not to include it.  Don’t try to hold it.

Here is what I do if I do have to use the restroom during a session, in person or over the phone.  Just in case you wanted to know.

My HOW:  I’m sure there are many ways to do this and now that you’ve had your attention drawn to it, you’ll probably get to practice it.  Here is my way of doing this.

  1. Tell the client that you need to use the restroom and ask if they too want to get up and use the facilities.  Quite often they need to go also. (Please don’t try to sneak off, this is disrespectful to your client and does not build trust.)
  2. Ask Divine Source and your Reiki guides to surround and protect the space, the client’s energy and  yours, while you exit the healing space.  Visualize clear bubbles of love and light surrounding both of you.
  3. Long Distance Sessions – If the client is long distance and I am holding their life force energy in my hands, I find a safe place to put their energy such as on a pillow or on the couch next to me, I call on Divine Source or my Reiki guides to hold their energy in a small ball of Light for me while I go to the bathroom.  Just like if the energy were being held in my own hands.
  4. Wash your hands really well after you use the bathroom.  Do not be in such a hurry that you forget this important step.  Wash with intention, repeating a positive intention, such as “clean and clear.”  Feel that mantra while cleaning your hands.  Reiki guides can help you with this if you ask them.
  5. When you come back, take a moment to readjust to their energy field so you can feel it again just as strongly as you did before.  Take a moment to run some Reiki on their energy or chant silently the Power Symbol (CKR) or just the intention of ‘more power’ and you will very quickly be right back where you left off.
thank you FUNNYASDUCK.NET for this funny photo


It’s pretty simple and I’m sure many of you would have figured this out with the help of your Reiki guides.  But, lets see how many of you after reading this, all of a sudden get a chance to practice this now that it is in your conscious mind.  So, now you can happily excuse yourself to go pee and feel good about it too.



I love answering questions from my readers, clients and students.  Please feel free to ask here on the comment section or email me.  I will not use your name or can just use your initials, but many people can learn from YOUR questions.  I look forward to any questions of Love and Light about Reiki or spiritual work.  If I don’t know the answer I will ask some of my other healer/psychic friends or, my guides, or just tell you that I don’t know.  Often times I can go into meditation and ask my guides.  Please don’t ask me who killed J.F.K.  That’s been done.

Blessings to you all, thank you for reading,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829

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