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Reiki Quick Tip – Brighten Your Light

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki

I wrote a blog a while back about a Reiki Pick Me Up, about working with Reiki in each chakra to energize yourself and get through the day when you feel tired.

But, this technique can be used in other ways as well, energizing yourself is just one of them.  This same technique is used as a quick way to strengthen and grow your energy and that of your auric field, in other words, Strengthen Your Divine Light Within.

diagram of the aura, large and healthy.
diagram of the aura, large and healthy.

I have learned this technique from multiple Reiki Masters, first in my Reiki Master/Teacher class from my teacher, Catherine Morris, as we use it to brighten our energy field and bring in more Divine Light into our field before doing attunements.

Then I learned another use for it during my Reiki Drumming class from my teacher, Michael Baird.  He used the phrase “Strengthen Your Light.”  It strengthens and expands the Divine Light in our energy field and helps us to feel the Divine Energy more strongly before working with Reiki or doing other spiritual activities.

I also like the term Brighten Your Light, because I also brighten my energy field by singing the song “This Little Light of Mine” and it reminds me of that song and ability to brighten our own lights with our intention and attitude.  Whatever you call it, find a way that works for you to enlarge your Divine Light within.

The more you practice this, the more healthy your energy field will be on an ongoing basis.  Do this each and every day to feel happier, healthier and more content with life in general.  These are all benefits of a healthy and happy energy body.

Here is one way to do this:


For Reiki I…

  1. Sit in your Gassho, center and ground yourself and call in your Reiki guides of the highest order.
  2. Hold the intention that you want the Reiki energy to give you a boost in energy to get you through the day or whatever intention you feel is best for you for the greatest good.
  3. Starting with your root chakra run Reiki energy in your chakras from bottom to top for as long as you feel necessary or for about thirty seconds to one minute each. (If top to bottom feels better to you, then do that. It’s all good and there is no wrong.)
  4. After running Reiki on your crown chakra run Reiki all throughout your aura with the intention of energizing you.
  5. Closing Gassho and go!

For Reiki II and above…ChakrasLabeled

  1. Sit in your Gassho, center and ground yourself, and call in your Reiki guides of the highest order.
  2. Activate your symbols in your hands.  I do this by drawing each symbol in each hand and saying their name three times, one symbol at a time.  This helps me to feel the energy on my palm, knowing it is flowing.  (Tip: The more you draw the symbols out, the more powerful the energy to come and more quickly.)
  3. Starting with your root chakra draw the Power Symbol (CKR) and in each of your chakras from bottom to top draw the power symbol with the intention of MORE DIVINE POWER. (If top to bottom feels better to you, then do that. It’s all good and there is no wrong.)
  4. After drawing the Power Symbol, CKR, in your last chakra, draw a large CKR in front of you activating it and bringing it into your body and aura.
  5. As you bring the large full-sized Power Symbol into your aura and body intend MORE DIVINE POWER and your aura and personal space DIVINELY PROTECTED!
  6. Do your closing Gassho and go!

I Pray many of you give this a try when you are needing that pick me up and that it helps.  Let me know how it works for you.

Love, Light and Blessings to all of you,


A BIG THANK YOU to my teacher, Catherine Morris, for teaching me this technique as part of our attunement process.  So grateful for ALL you have taught me!!

A BIG THANK YOU to my Reiki Drumming teacher, Michael Baird for helping me to see more uses for this technique. or  360-460-7829