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My Proof of God

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

 Just telling a bit of my story on how I FELT DIVINE’s presence for the first time and HOW you too can have your own personal EXPERIENCE with your own personal Divine Creator if you so chose.  If that sounds interesting to you, please read on…

Life On Earth is Tough

AngelHugWhen life gets tough for me the only way I get though it is my faith.  I was not raised with faith or religion of any kind.  I had to search for it, study, read, experiment and find what felt right for me.  What made sense in my heart.  I’m extremely grateful for this path.  I feel like I had the blessing of a clean slate to start with and I was able to pick and choose what felt right with few other prejudices interfering.  But, it also meant that I lived much of my life so far, without a strong faith in a higher power.  There was a part of me that always seemed to know and believe there was something bigger than me that I called ‘God’, like people around me, like I saw on T.V., but I didn’t KNOW until later in my life.

No PROOF of God, until there was.

Let’s face it, science does not claim any proof of a Higher Power.  They say there is not proof what so ever, even when there is tons of it all around us.  Faith is supposedly trusting and believing in a Higher Power without proof.  But, what I hear from my clients and students is that they want to FEEL the presence of God with them, not just in the things they see around them, like flowers, trees and babies.  People want to FEEL GOD themselves!  And, simply, I do too.

Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience.”—Deepak Chopra

The memory of one time EXPERIENCING God for myself was all I needed to sustain me though the really difficult times.  I believed in a Divine presence before I felt his/her energy, but after, I’ve been more committed to my spiritual journey and more active in my healing path because I truly didn’t feel alone any more.

But, that isn’t enough for our Divine Creator.  He/She lets me know (s)he’s there quite often when I need to feel that I’m not alone.  I hear stories of this over and over from other people of faith.  I know I am not the only one who feels our Divine Source’s  presence but I also know from my students and clients, there are still many who have not.  I guess I’m writing this for those people.  To let them know, don’t give up.  Keep looking, keep searching, keep asking and one day, when you least expect it, when you need it most, you will FEEL the presence of your Divine Creator and you will know too.  This will be when YOUR soul chooses and not before.

I have come to realize through my students how important FEELING this Divine presence is to people.  I pray this helps some people to feel their proof.

My Proof of God Before Reiki

Our pets are angels on earth.
Our pets are angels on earth.

My first and most profound spiritual experience was, no surprise, when I was at the lowest point of depression.  I had been there before but not with my new faith and spiritual beliefs.  In the past I had very much depended upon my pets to give me the love and support that I needed when the depression got to be too much for me to handle alone.  I truly believe that our pets have chosen to be here to love us unconditionally and show us that proof of God, that unconditional love, when we  don’t have that belief system ourselves.  They were always there for me at those times and I’m so grateful for them.  But, I digress.

My Proof of God, After Reiki

At one point the depression got so bad and I felt so helpless that I was feeling totally alone.  I felt no one could understand what I was going through.

I imagine it looking something like this when it happens to me.
I imagine it looking something like this when it happens to me.

I couldn’t calm myself enough to meditate to calm my mind so finally I activated my Reiki in my hands, ran Reiki on parts of my body and prayed and prayed and prayed.  I asked Divine to let me feel him/her around me.  I said I needed to know I was not alone in this.  Immediately I felt a very loving female presence surround me in a huge hug of Love and Light that felt so radiant, so perfect and so immense that there was no doubt in my heart that this was the proof of unconditional love that I had asked for.  The feeling was so incredibly tangible and unlike anything, anything I had ever felt before.  This was bigger than me, to be able to feel this physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually all at the same time, I was blown away.  I knew I was truly not alone in this and that they (God/Goddess and my Spirit Guides) felt so much love for me that I would be able to get through even the most difficult times on Earth with them on my side.  They truly wanted me to know they were with me always and I just knew they were by my side even when I didn’t feel them in this way.  I felt one with their energy always after that.


After this hug from my Divine I was more easily able to be in a place of gratitude.  The energy completely shifted from pain to gratitude and I was able to be calm enough to meditate and be in a better place.  The next day I was up and about being with my family again with a whole new view on life.  AngelsKeepCalmCallOnAngels

Ask And You Shall Receive

I have called on this feeling many times since, when I needed it and often times Divine and my guides are right there ready for me to FEEL unconditional love again.  But, quite often, just the memory of this event has been enough to remind me in the dark times that I’m not alone and that with Divine and my Reiki Guides, I’ll get through even the most difficult trials.  The memory gave me a faith that has not been shaken.  I’m incredibly grateful for that gift from God, my Proof of God.

The How

I have had many more ‘Proof of God’ experiences since then, thanks to my constant work with Reiki.  Since I work with Reiki every day I am in a constant flow of Divine energy and have many experiences where I feel the presence of God.  I want so much for others who chose to, to be able to FEEL God too!!  Another reason I’m so passionate about teaching Reiki to others, to bring them closer to their own Higher Power and their ability to FEEL this powerful loving energy.


Of all the different methods I tried over the years to be close to a divine presence, Reiki has taken me the farthest.  It has supported me, guided me and protected me through my spiritual awakening.  Reiki has raised my vibration daily, bringing me to the ability to feel, see and hear divine energies.  Reiki has brought me many guides of Love and Light to assist me in my daily spiritual search for my path, my way in this life.  Reiki is my centering and grounding source each and every day of  life in this class room here on earth.  Every single time I practice Reiki on myself or on someone else, I have my proof of God.  I feel a little closer to Heaven each time.  THAT IS WHY I DO REIKI!!  I LOVE IT!!

I pray for you to have your own experience of our Divine Source so that you too may find your PERSONAL Proof of God.

In Love and Light of our Divine Creator,

Josslyn Streett

My favorite angel song, ANGEL by Sarah McLachlan or 360-460-7829

2 thoughts on “My Proof of God

  1. Hey Josslyn- Beautifully expressed. I too am searching and find strength through those who already have. ~Susie from Austin, TX

  2. Thanks Susie for commenting and sharing your soul a little bit with me. I believe sharing and understanding each other is what helps us to be stronger and to keep moving forward on our healing path. It is not easy for me to share my soul to people on the internet, It is quite new for me. But, it’s readers like you, who take the time to let me know I’ve reached them in some way, that keeps me moving forward, sharing and opening up. Thank you so much, you are a big part of this process for me and I’m grateful to you! Joss

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